A Winter's Date (51 page)

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Authors: Sasha Brümmer,Jess Epps

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #A Winter's Date

BOOK: A Winter's Date
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“I like everything I see, future Mrs. Ryan.”

Dang it, he’s too freaking sweet, and I love him to pieces.
I blow him a kiss and adjust my rear end in the saddle before making my horse turn.

“Why aren’t we going yet?” I say to nobody in particular when I notice Brannon has two men helping him up on a stubborn-looking palomino. I bust out laughing. “Awww, poor Brannon.”

“Draw attention to it, why don’t you, sassy toes?” Brannon spits back playfully as he finally gets up and takes hold of the reins. Our guide takes off, and Dani is the first to follow him.

“I love you, Brannon,” I shout and watch his horse fall in behind Dani. Then goes Dillen and Lana, who are followed by Coen. I’m fine being the last in line when Noah speaks.

“Get going, cowgirl. I won’t have you last.”

He nods in the direction of the line. I’m not sure if he’s just being protective, or if he wants to stare at my rear all day, but I move my horse regardless.

We’re about five minutes into the trail, and Coen has been groaning the entire way. “I doubt this is doing my balls any good. My dick is about to fucking fall off.”

I laugh hysterically, and my head falls back. I almost lose my hat in the process as it falls off and almost blows away before I grab it. “Oh shoot!”

“Dammit, Heather, quit horsing around.” I hear Noah behind me, and I turn around.

“Hey grumpy butt, what’s your deal?” I ask with a pout.

“My deal? Baby, I don’t need you getting hurt. Please be careful.”

I stop and think for a moment about how protective he is over me, and I love it. The riding is out of his control, and he’s exercising any amount he has. “Okay, I’ll be careful.” I turn and wiggle my butt at him before looking back over my shoulder.

His shoulders stiffen as he sits up taller. “Heather . . . so help me God.”

“You’ll what? Spank me?” I taunt.

“I’ll do more than that. Pay attention, Heather. I’m not joking around.”

I sigh and drop my head back again, making a disgusted sound like a scolded schoolgirl. “Yes, sir.” I mumble. I look ahead and hear the others chattering to each other happily. I take this moment to actually appreciate my surroundings: it’s exceptionally beautiful up here. The crisp mountain air is a tad chilly, but the bright morning sun makes it bearable. I can hear water trickling off in the distance and the birds chirping from nearby branches. This truly is an amazing vacation with my family. I can’t imagine a more perfect place—no wonder my parents loved it here.

“Heather!” Noah shouts my name, and I’m snapped from my daydream.

“Huh?” I blink, confused and look up. I gasp and quickly pull the reins to the left, nearly escaping my death as I’ve basically drifted to the edge of the trail.

“Baby, what is going on? Please pay attention,” he demands again, and the rest of the group grows quiet.

“All right, we’re done here,” I hear him say as I pull back on the reins and stop my horse. I’m actually shaken up, and I clutch my chest.

Okay, I really need to pay attention.

Moments later he is at my side. “Heather? Are you trying to give me fucking heart failure? Shit, woman.”

“It happened so fast. I’m sorry.”

He reaches for me and takes my hand. “Calm down; we’ll head back soon.”

I shake my head and take a deep breath as our horses snort and shift their footing. “No, I’m okay. I just got sidetracked by the view. I’ll pay attention. No more horsing around, I promise.” I flash him a reassuring smile while I give him his pun back.

He squeezes my hand gently. “I want you to enjoy this, sweetheart, but please be careful. You’re my world.”

“I will, I swear.”

He gives me his charming smile and nudges my chin gently. “Better catch up then, cowgirl; they’re waiting.” I look up and the group has stopped up ahead as they wait for us.

“Ride next to me?” I ask, and he nods.

We talk amongst ourselves about the scenery and our little group while we continue on our trip. We discuss how Dillen is actually being polite to Lana and how they seem to be getting to know one another. We jointly laugh at Coen and how he keeps complaining about his family jewels and how they’ll never properly work or feel normal again.

And we can’t help but laugh at Brannon, because his horse doesn’t seem to want to walk in a straight line and it won’t stop crapping every six minutes. Dani keeps complaining about the smell and the two of them are arguing back and forth, and it’s cracking us up.

“Well, I can’t really help it, Danielle,” he calls back over his shoulder. “How am I supposed to keep this damned donkey from shitting in your path?”

The whole group can’t help but lose themselves to laughter, and I almost pee myself because of it.

With Dani’s camera still in hand, I snap a few shots of the group. As we come to a rest area for the horses to take a break and drink, I take a wonderful picture of Lana and Coen smiling at each other and holding hands while sitting on their horses. “Awww,” I sigh out loud at the two of them. I look over and find Dill on her phone . . . again. I smile and take a picture, reminding myself to caption this one as
Talking to Joel—again

“Heather!” Dani calls out to me. I turn my head to look at her, and she’s making the signature ‘duck face’ you see most girls making in photos. I laugh at my sister and quickly take the photo.

“Perfect, Dani, just perfect.”

She points over at Brannon. “Quick, take his picture.” I look over and see him shouting at his stubborn horse while it decides to bend down and take a dip in the freezing cold water.

“Motherfucker!” he shouts and tries to pull on the reins. We all laugh, including our guide.

“Awww, poor Brannon. He’s having such a hard time.” I laugh and take a few more pictures as the guide gets off his horse and manually leads Brannon’s palomino out of the water and onto dry land.

We all decide to get off our horses and stretch our legs as this is a two-hour ride through the beautiful scenery.

“Ahhh shit, my balls,” Coen groans and walks bow-legged over to sit in the grass.

Moments go by while I admire our family. The only people who are missing are Joel, Henry, and, of course, Ellery. I’m sure she would want to sit side-saddle, though.

I wouldn’t have any of this if I hadn’t met Noah, or if he chose not to follow me—twice. I can’t believe how much he loves me. It takes me by surprise time and time again, when he truly shows it without holding back.

I look over and watch him from afar while he sits with Coen in the grass. They’re both laughing, giving each other hell, and it makes me smile. It makes me happy to see him finally have a full family—we both do. There’s no doubt in my mind that Coen will be his best man at our wedding. He’s been there for Noah through thick and thin. I snap a quick picture of the two of them and look around.

Dani jumps on my back and squeals excitedly, “I’m so happy for you, Heather. You’ve found your prince charming . . . I mean Greek god . . . in a golden-sash toga.”

I pull back and smile sweetly at her. “He’s everything I need. Thank you for giving him your blessing. I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me that you did. Dani, I know I’m not getting married for a while, but would you like to be my maid of honor?”

She stills and her eyes glass over. “Heather, of course I will. Oh sister, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I sniffle and hug her again. I lower my voice, so only she will hear me. “Do you think Brannon would like to be involved too?”

“I think he would love to be. He’s like your older brother, Heather. I think it’d be great if you let him walk you down the aisle. He’s always been so protective over you, for years now. That’s just my suggestion; you don’t have to do it unless you love the idea.”

I nod and squeeze her to me as she does the same. “Thank you. I love it.”

The guide gets back up onto his horse. “Saddle up, gang, let’s get going.”

The remainder of the tour is scenic and beautiful. I’m in love with this place. I know the resort that my parents honeymooned at once a year isn’t too far from here, and I’m suddenly overwhelmed with love and the knowledge that they died together. They died in the one place that they could never get enough of, and I know that they would have loved Noah. They would appreciate how much he holds me up, how much respect and loyalty he has for me. He’s offered me the world again when I thought it was gone, and it’s only now that I realize that that baby of ours must be safe in my mother’s arms. She’ll take care of it until I’m able to finally meet it. A tear slides down my cheek as we come to the end of the trail, the trees opening up onto a wide-open area where the stables are nestled.

Noah is at my side helping me down from my horse moments after we stop, ensuring that I’m still in one piece. I try to hide my clouded eyes, but he notices. He wipes his finger across my cheek before kissing where my tears ran. “I’m here, baby,” he says to me softly, and it’s about all I need for the tears to well up again.

I feel a hand on my back and look over my shoulder to find everyone standing behind us. Dani frowns at me when I turn around and lean against Noah. “Heather? What’s wrong?”

“It’s just . . . I think Mom and Dad would have loved Noah, and I know that they are showering that unborn baby of ours with unconditional love up in Heaven.”

All of them go soft at once. Lana moves closer to Coen as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his side. I’ve never seen him so happy and content before. Dani reaches for my hand while Brannon steps closer behind her, and Dillen starts to sob on her own.

“I love you all. Thank you for being here and making this trip unforgettable.”

I feel Noah kiss the back of my head and snake his arm around the front of my waist. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

I smile and half laugh at myself. “I’m sorry.” I quickly dash my tears away. “Should we head back and have drinks in front of the fireplace?”

“Yeah, and ice my nuts,” Coen pipes up.

The girls giggle while Noah and Brannon agree with him.

Dani grabs the camera and hands it to Noah. “Noah? Take a picture of all us girls?”

“Sure, no problem.” He holds the camera up as we pose in front of him while Coen whistles. “Fuck, we’re some lucky bastards.”

“Damn right we are,” I hear Noah say behind the camera. “Okay, now just the sisters,” he says, and we stand there giggling and hugging each other for the camera.

“I want these photographs, Dani,” Noah says proudly as he takes the picture. “So much so that I’m going to hold onto this damn thing because the last time I asked for pictures of Heather, well, I’m still waiting on them.”

I laugh, and she huffs. “Oh, give me a break, Noah. I’ve been busy!”

Brannon laughs and chimes in, “Busy riding my dick.”

“Oh shit, I think that fucking alcohol is needed,” Coen pipes in as Lana giggles.

“Heather, I need a Bellini, or something stronger, if this is where the conversation is headed,” Lana says shyly.

We all laugh and everyone is starting to walk to the cars. “Wait!” I shout and rush over to our guide. I ask if he’d take a picture of the whole group and the guys start groaning. “This is the last one, Heather. You’re getting camera-happy,” Brannon replies as we all crowd together.

The guide graciously takes our picture a few times before Noah thanks him, tips him, and takes the camera back. “Let’s get going. How would you ladies like to drive back?”

“Duh, Noah, girls in one car, hot guys in the other,” Dani says, patting his chest as she walks over to give Brannon a kiss.

“All right. Separate me from my fiancée all you want, trouble. She’s always going to be mine,” he jokes with my sister, and I love the relationship that is forming between the two of them.

“Fat chance, bud,” she replies back, and I give my Greek god a kiss.

“See you in a little bit, baby. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He smacks my rear as he opens the back door for me to get in and closes it behind me.

I roll down the window and yell at my sister, “Dani, quit making out with him already. I’m starving.”

She flips me off as she walks away from Brannon backwards, telling him that she loves him.

I blow Noah a kiss and turn to Dillen and Lana as Dani gets in. “Crap, you guys, my legs are actually sore. You’d think I’d be used to riding by now.”

Dani starts driving and the guys follow us out onto the two-lane highway. “Heather, you little whore,” Dillen says excitedly, “you ride that man too much.”

“Shut up, I do not. I’m a virgin, remember?” I grin, and Lana laughs her head off.

“Uh-huh . . . then what happened to your dress at the club that one night? It just fell to pieces because of poor workmanship?”


“Excuse me? What happened to your dress?” Dani asks curiously as she eyes me from the rearview mirror.

I can’t hide the blush that creeps up my cheeks. “Uhhh, well, see what happened was, there was an earthquake, and my clothes just kind of fell apart.”

Lana cackles, and Dill turns around in her seat to face me. “There was an earthquake that night?” she asks with sincere curiosity, and Dani’s mouth drops open.

“Holy shit, Dillen, you really are an idiot.”

“Danielle Torin Lane, you watch your mouth, young lady. And you know I was too busy with Joel’s mouth to notice a damn thing, little shit.”

I laugh hysterically at the two of them. “Was that it or the massive amount of alcohol you consumed that night?”

“There’s a slight possibility that it was both. Now shut your mouth, little shit. Don’t make me come back there.”

Lana yelps as a sudden downpour opens up over us. She pushes the button for the window to close repeatedly, but it refuses to close the entire way. “You have got to be kidding me,” she squeals and tries to close it again, but it doesn’t work.

I pull my flannel shirt off and move across the backseat to tie it up. We eventually get the open part of the window covered and I sit back. “Whew.”

“Thank you, Heather,” she says sweetly. “I’m wet, and Coen isn’t even in the same car, dammit.”

I freeze and look up front to gauge Dillen’s reaction to Lana’s comment. She seems to pause for a moment but then smiles, suddenly shouting, “Holy shit, Lana, we’re Eskimo sisters.”

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