A Witch's Path (23 page)

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Authors: N. E. Conneely

BOOK: A Witch's Path
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After all of them had gotten their bearings there was a bit of conversation in a language I didn't recognize. A gargoyle with horns that emerged from his forehead and curled behind his head, with the points under his ears, walked over to us. It sat back on its haunches, arms crossed over its chest.

The gargoyle seemed to be waiting on us to make a move so I took a step forward, and introduced myself. "Greetings, I am Michelle Oaks, a witch. My apologies for leaving the message for you while you rested. I did not mean to alarm you."

"Greetings, Michelle. I am Horst, leader of this flock. Your message was polite, and well-intended. What do you wish to discuss?" Horst was very stern, even for a Gargoyle.

"I represent a nearby town. This town would like to offer you a home, or temporary residence. They are experiencing trouble with an evil, and desire the aid of those experienced in fighting that force." I didn't really think this group had that much experience fighting evil since so many of them were young, but fighting evil was in their blood. It's what they'd been doing for thousands of years.

"Many of us are young, and ill-suited to fighting."

"I would not ask that you risk the young. Your presence would help protect the citizens of the town, even if none of you fight."

"I must converse with the others. We would be honored to aid the town, but this flock may not be the one you need."

"Thank you, Horst. We respect your wishes."

Horst returned to the flock. Two smaller Gargoyles, and the five children, were sent to the other side of the clearing. The two adolescents watched the children play, and kept them from wandering away from the flock. The eight that remained chattered back and forth, but most of the conversation was between Horst and two others.

"What do you think they'll do?" Jones asked.

"I'm not sure. I didn't expect to find a flock with children. They don't reproduce often. However, it is their duty to fight evil and the gargoyles I've spoken to in the past took their duty very seriously. They told me it was difficult to find a place in the world when their reason for being had largely been removed when the demons were killed."

"These days they fight lesser evils, people who have gone down the wrong path."

We watched them debate as the sun finished sinking behind the trees.

Horst bounded over, coming to a halt close enough to have a comfortable conversation. He said, "We have terms."

"I am willing to hear them."

"We will only fight if necessary, and only after sending the young to safety and bringing in fighters. We need a place to roost, preferably a location similar to this one. We will want a shelter and a small stipend for the adults. If our terms are accepted, we will roost through the winter and renegotiate in the spring."

I didn't even need to consider. All the terms he'd named were very basic, and I knew that Gilmer County would consider it a fair trade. "Would you be willing to accept half of the stipend in food?"

"Yes, provided we pre-approve the food."

"Of course. There is a shelter in the park that can be adapted to your needs. If that is unacceptable they will find other accommodations. If any fighting is done by you, it will be on your terms."

"I find those terms acceptable."

We briefly haggled over the stipends, and finished on good terms. "Can I give you directions to the town?"

"Please. Could a green charm-flare be send up over the area we are to roost?"

"Yes." I provided flying directions and wished them pleasant travels.

As they were flying away Horst called out over his shoulder, "We will tell our cousins to go to your home. Evil is hunting you." Before I could reply he disappeared into the night sky.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know. My guess is the sorceress. Oh, well. A few gargoyles around the lodge would be a good thing. Let's head back. I need to call Westmoreland and tell him the terms."

In the car, I called Westmoreland and relayed the news. He thanked me so many times I had to remind him that they were paying me. It had been a job, though a pleasurable one at that.

Jones waited until I was finished with my call to ask, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

I blushed. "I've got a date."


"You heard me. A date."

"With whom?"


Jones paused. "Isn't he the old elf that lives next to you?"

"Yes," I mumbled. I didn't want to have this conversation.

"How old is he?"

"Does it matter?"

"It seems to matter to you," Jones said.

"He's over fifteen hundred years old. Can we drop it, now?" I demanded. Jones didn't say anything. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "What are you thinking?"

He glanced at me. "Since you asked so nicely, I think it's good for you to have a date. You're a grown witch. You can do what you want."

"Thank you."

Ignoring my thanks he continued, "If I'd known you were into older guys, I would've introduced you to my great uncle. He's been looking for a new wife. Compared to your elf he's a spring chicken."


"Mom, I can't talk right now. I need to get to dinner." Which was true, but I didn't want to talk to her anyway. Between Elron and Cage, I'd learned more about my family from strangers than I had from her, and I needed to sort out my feelings before I could attempt a rational conversation with her.

"Landa won't mind if you're late. I needed to hear your voice."

"I'm fine," I said.

"Did you look into the suicides?"

I'd been dreading this conversation since the first time she asked me about them. It was one of those times where the honest answer may not be the best answer. She was worried about me as it was. "Yes, I did."

"And?" She sighed, as if I was being difficult. Which I was.

"I agree with you. They were contaminated with negative energy."

"Who left that on them?" Her voice was sharp.

"I don't know. That's something the police need to investigate." It was true, as far as it went. I didn't know who killed them.

"Did the police hire you to investigate their deaths?"

"Not exactly. I examined the bodies this morning. There isn't anything else I can do at this point." I answered honesty.

"I hope they leave you out of it. I don't want you involved in something like that."

That was why I was less than honest with her. I would be involved with the case one way or another. "I'll keep that in mind. Mom, I need to go before I'm late."

"Why are you in such a rush?"

"Because I'm hungry and I don't want to be late."

"Fine, go eat. Be safe, and I love you."

I didn't return the sentiment. Until we hashed out the family history it was going to be hard to feel good saying the words. After getting off the phone, I went back to picking my outfit. Elron had been frustratingly vague on the details, like where we were going and how I should dress.

He told me to dress casually, but he hadn't said if that meant casual, but dressy, or plain old casual. Boys were confusing. I yanked a pair of jeans out of my closet and found a cute green shirt to go with them. After that, I pulled out socks and tugged on a pair of boots. A quick trip to the bathroom and my hair was slicked back into a pony tail.

There was a knock at the door. "Be right there," I yelled. I was running a few minutes behind, and Elron was the timely sort.

I grabbed my phone and purse, before rushing out the door. "I know, I know, I'm late."

Looking up, I lost my breath. Elron's jeans were worn thin in a few places, and snug enough to give a good view of his butt. The t-shirt left his arms bare, and there were more than a few muscles being shown off. His silver hair was pushed behind his ears, sharply contrasting with the ash gray of his shirt. I swallowed a few times, trying to regain the ability to talk.

"You look great," I said.

"Not nearly as good as you." His smile showed his dimples

"Thank you. Where are we going?"

"Out. I have a picnic in the car. It's a short ride, if you trust me to drive." He laughed, and I wasn't sure of the joke.

"Humm, no body damage. I'll risk it."

"Brave of you. I've only been driving for a year." He guided me out the front door and opened the passenger door for me.

"Really?" I stopped outside the car.

"Yes, but I haven't been in an accident yet." He batted his eyes.

I laughed. "Cute, but you've been my knight in shining armor lately. I don't think you'll let me get hurt."

Elron's eyebrow popped up. "Knight in shining armor is it? I'm not sure I like it. Most of those stories involve charging into battles brandishing a sword. That's a good way to end up dead." He closed my door and started around the car.

He had been different lately. We still bantered, but it was less cutting, friendlier. It was nice to see him, the honest thoughts and feelings. If I'd seen this when we met, we wouldn't have butted heads.

Elron slid into the driver's seat, and seconds later we were rolling down the driveway. He glanced at me a couple of times before saying. "It is unfair for me to know more about you than you know about me. Shall we even things up? It would be my pleasure to answer your questions."

I thought for a moment, I didn't want to start with a pushy question. "Where were you born?"

He smiled, "Starting with the basics are you? I was born in what would be North Carolina today."

"How'd you end up in Georgia?"

"I moved here with my wife."

"That's a concise answer." If he was going to answer every question like that this would be a long awkward date.

"I did not know it was customary to share the story."

"It isn't customary, but it's nice to have a longer explanation. Besides, I want to learn about you."

He thought for a moment, his eyes glued to the road. "I met the woman who became my wife at the spring equinox celebration. My parents had expressed a desire to be left alone to enjoy each other's company and visit periodically. When we were given permission to marry, I moved to North Georgia with her. Her parents were not in good health, and she wished to be with them in the end. We stayed here after they passed."

"What happened to your parents?" I knew better than to ask about his mate.

He stiffened. "Once my parents began traveling we lost touch. They were more teacher than they were parents."

"Sorry." I hadn't meant to spoil our evening.

"No, it's alright. I know your past. It's only fair for you to know mine," he was quick to reassure me.

"How long have you lived in Georgia?"

"You know, I haven't thought about it in a while. The better part of a thousand years, I guess."

"Then you were here when the first humans settled in this area?" I asked.

"Yes. I rarely interacted with them, preferring to stay with my own kind."

"I've heard other elves express similar sentiments." I would be lucky to live three hundred years. We had turned off the highway, and past a stone wall with shiny letters. "Are we on Kennesaw University's campus?"

"Yes, we are." Elron sounded smug.

"Alright, you've got a secret. Spit it out."

"You'll see soon enough. It's a surprise." He tossed a blindfold on to my lap. "Put that on."

"What?" I sputtered.

"It's part of the surprise."

"Because you asked so nicely." I slipped the blindfold over my head, blacking out my vision.

"No peeking. I'll know if you peeked."


"That's for me to know. We're almost there." It was nice to hear happiness and laughter in his voice.

I felt the car slow down, turn, and stop. Elron turned off the engine and told me to wait for him. I couldn't do much else since I wasn't supposed to take off the blindfold. I heard the back door open on his side of the car. He picked up the picnic basket and closed the door. A moment later my door opened.

"You can take off your seat belt," he said.

I mashed the button, and untangled myself from the strap. "I can get out on my own."

He waited for me to get out before speaking. "I know you want out of the blindfold. Two minutes and you can get rid of it."

"Are you sure?"

"Maybe three, but certainly not more."

"Okay. Give me your arm. I can't go anywhere without a guide," I said.

Elron settled my hand in the crook of his arm. "If you listen to me you won't trip."

"I'm doomed."

"Oh, stop that. We're coming up to a curb."

He slowed down as I started taking tiny steps, feeling in front of me as I set down my foot. On the third step I felt the curb, and carefully stepped up. "What's next?"

"Nothing. The pavement is fairly smooth, and we'll turn left in three feet." Elron guided me around a corner. "And stop. I need to open the door."

I felt Elron bend over as he placed the basket on the floor. There were a few beeps and a click. He picked up the basket, and guided me through a door that must've opened automatically. We walked down a hall that echoed a bit.

"Turning right in two feet." He guided me through the turn, and I heard a door slide open. A blast of warm air hit me.

"Now, can I take off the blindfold?"

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