Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves) (13 page)

BOOK: Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves)
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“You had a half-sister.”

“I have a half-sister.” Theo stared at Abby. “Mother wanted father to hurt like she did. She tried killing the two females, but father protected them. He made sure the human female made into her true mate’s protection.”

“What about the daughter, your half-sister?”

“The wolf raised her as if she was his own child.”

“And your father?”
Abby heard her voice crack.

He was injured, and killed by a demon, but before he died, he gave as much of his power as he could to his two children.”

Abby stared at him, shaking her head.

Theo took a step toward her. “I have two regrets. I wish the human woman had been my mother too, and I wish I had met my sister sooner.”

Abby trembled. “You’re my brother. If my father wasn’t human, what was he?”

“He was a sky god, brother to the Sun God.”

“And the demon?”

“It was attracted to your power.”

“I don’t have powers.” Abby turned and walked over to a window.

“Power surrounds you. It attracts others to you.” Theo turned Abby to face him. “You have the power in you to make Skylar remember.”

“But Mother Bear said—”

“She lied to you.”

“She said I had to choose between letting Skylar live or die, and if I saved him, he would no longer recognize me.”

“She wanted you to suffer like she did.”

“Why did she give me a bear?”

Theo chuckled. “She wanted the wolves to turn against you, but just the opposite happened. They are more protective of you than ever before. Besides, when a bear picks a human, there is nothing mother can do to stop it.”

“I have a brother—an older brother. I am only half-human. What about my bear? Will she try to take her back?”

“She can’t take the bear back, and she can’t do anything to you that you don’t want her too. You may only be half sky god, but you are more powerful than you or anyone else realizes.”

“What about you?”

“I am jealous. You have everything I want, and
hopefully, one day will have. Abut you are my sister, and you are carrying my niece. I won’t let anyone harm her or you.” He took Abby’s arm and led her to the front door. “And now, you need to go get your mate.”


Chapter 14


The construction site was quiet. She
didn’t see anyone, not one worker. Abby slowly drove through the apartment complex until she came to the portable building that served as Skylar’s office.

His truck
was parked in front of the building.

Abby pulled in next to it and got out. Everything was quiet, except for strange growling noises coming from the trailer. She sniffed. The smell of sweet chocolate and rich coffee filled the air. Skylar was here, inside the building.

Our mates are angry.

Skylar and his bear are fighting.
Abby licked her dry lips.

We should not go inside
. It is not safe for us…not safe for our cub.

We have to go in and stop it. They may not even understand why they are fighting.

I do not like this.

I am not happy with this, but we have to do it.
It’s what we have to do.

Her bear let out a low rumble.
First bad sign, you let me out. I will protect us.

If I
think we’re in danger I will.

Her bear grunted and wrapped itself around the growing light inside them.

Abby walked up the steps. She reached for the doorknob.

Something crashed against the wall to her left, causing her to jump. She took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked inside.

The room was a mess. Furniture was overturned, and broken pieces were scattered around the room. Paper littered the floor. Skylar stood at the far end of the room with his back to her.

Abby closed the door.

Skylar spun around to face her.

Abby gasped, but she
didn’t move. Skylar was not exactly himself. He looked like he was frozen in the middle of a shift—not fully human and not fully bear. His mouth was twisted into a grotesque snout with large pointed teeth hanging out. His fingertips were nothing more than large, curved claws.

Skylar growled and took a couple of steps toward her.

“Skylar, it’s me, Abby.”

He growled, and sniffed the air.

“I’m Abby. I’m your mate.”

He growled again and took a couple more steps toward her.

“Skylar, look at me. I am your mate. You marked me.” Abby lifted her hand to pull her sweater off her shoulder so he could see his bit mark.

Growls filled the small office. Skylar lunged at Abby and pinned her against the door. One hand wrapped around her neck.

“Please don’t hurt me or your cub.” She felt the tips of the claws pressing into her skin. Abby put her hands over his. “It’s me, Abby. I love you so much. I can’t stand us being separated. You have to remember me.” She channeled all of her love through her hands and into Skylar. She hoped it would work. She didn’t know what else to do.

Skylar pressed his snout against her neck. He sniffed her neck.

Abby whimpered.

He pulled her sweater off her shoulder, ripping the material. He licked the scar on her shoulder as he pressed against her, keeping her pinned against the door. He sniffed her neck again.

Abby felt his hard cock pressing against her belly.

“Mine!” growled Skylar.

It was the only warning Abby got.

Skylar savagely bit down on her shoulder, on top of his mark.

Abby screamed. Pain laced through her shoulder. A raw, ferocious desire rushed through her and straight through her womb. Her muscles clinched as the biggest orgasm she had every had took control of her body. Abby moaned and whimpered.

“Mine!” Skylar let go of her shoulder. He looked at the blood seeping from the wound. Slowly and carefully, he licked it, until it stopped bleeding. A low rumble erupted from his chest.

Abby sagged against him. Tremors racked her body. Her panties were soaked. She knew she should be terrified of this Skylar, but she wasn’t. It had been four long months since she last touched him, and she desperately need him.

Skylar sniffed the air. “Mine!”

Abby felt her clothes being ripped from her body. She grabbed his shirt and tugged it open. She ran her hands up and down his abdomen and chest. “Mine!”

Skylar’s claws receded. He let go of her throat and ran his hand down her shoulder to her breasts, then to her stomach. He knelt down, until his nose was level with her stomach and sniffed. The rumble in his chest grew louder. Suddenly he stood and picked her up, bringing her face eye level with his.

“Skylar, it’s me. I’m your mate.”

Skylar blinked several times. His snout receded until his face was completely human. “Abby.”

Abby felt the tip of his cock rub against her pussy. She moaned.

didn’t give her any warning before he slammed into her pussy, burying himself deep inside her. He pulled out, and slammed inside her again.

Abby felt the orgasm grow. She
wasn’t going to last.

Skylar captured her lips with his. The kiss was hard and intense, just like his deep thrusts into her.

Abby wrapped her arms around him as she fell off the cliff. Her muscles gripped his cock. She felt Skylar tense in her arms.

He tore his lips from hers. He threw his head back and yelled her name as he found his release, sending his seed deep into her womb, marking her as his. Skylar rested his forehead against Abby’s forehead. Both were breathing hard.

After a few minutes, Skylar raised his head and stared into Abby’s eyes. The intensity of his stare frightened Abby.

She licked her lip. “Do you remember who I am?”

“My mate. You are Abby, my mate.”

Tears filled her eyes.

“Why are you crying?”

“You remember me,” she whispered. “You remember me.”

Skylar pulled her tight against him. “You are mine. No one is taking you away from me again.” He kissed her again.

Our mate knows us.

Yes, he does.

We take him home.

How about we tie him to our bed?

Her bear chuffed and nodded its head in agreement.

Abby chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” asked Skylar.

Abby looked up into his green eyes. “My bear and I have decided we are going to take you home and tie you to the bed so we can have our way with you.”

“Your bear?”

“You’ve missed a few things.”

Skylar shook his head. “I saw you, but something prevented me from remembering who you were or even saying your name.
That’s why my bear and I were fighting for control. He kept insisting you were his mate.” He put his head against Abby’s again. “Can you forgive me? It’s no excuse, but I honestly didn’t know you were mine.”

“It’s not your fault. It seems Mother Bear has issues with my biological father and because of that she was trying to punish me by making you forget about me.”

“How did you break through what she did?”

Abby put her hand against Skylar’s cheek. “We have a lot of things to talk about, but for now, will you take me home and love me?”

Skylar nuzzled her hand. “I hope you’re not planning on getting out of bed anytime soon.”

Abby smiled. “Are you?”

Skylar put her down. He pulled up his jeans and fastened them. He grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around Abby. “I’ve got a blanket in the truck.” He smiled at her. “But I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He picked her up.

“Just take me home and make love to me.”

Skylar grinned. “I can do that.”




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