Abduction! (6 page)

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Authors: Peg Kehret

BOOK: Abduction!
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“We all make mistakes,” Mrs. Sholter said. “Marrying Denny Thurman was the biggest mistake of my life. The only happy result was Matt.”

“We’ll check him out. A high number of abducted children are taken by the noncustodial parent.”

“Not this time,” Mrs. Sholter said. “He doesn’t even know if I had a boy or a girl.”

“Do you know where he lives?”

“The last I knew, he was living in Reno, but that was six years ago. He always moved often, to get out of paying his gambling debts.”

“Would Matt recognize him, maybe from a picture?”


“Can you think of anyone at all who would want to take Matt? Is there someone Matt would know, someone he’d go with willingly?”

“He’d know lots of people—neighbors or friends or people from church—but he would not leave school with any of them unless I had told him it was okay.”

Bonnie said, “If the same person took Pookie, how did they get in? Matt doesn’t have a house key, and the one under the rock is still there.”

“I think he took Pookie first,” Officer Calvin said. “He might have used the dog to get Matt to go with him.”

“Then it

a crime of opportunity,” Mrs. Sholter said. “Matt didn’t happen along at the wrong time by accident. If whoever took Matt came here first and got Pookie, then that person set a trap specifically for Matt.”

“It’s one possibility,” Officer Calvin said.

Who would do that? Bonnie wondered. She couldn’t think of a single person who would commit such a crime.

“We’ll check the house for fingerprints,” Officer Calvin said, “and call the animal shelters.”

“Pookie is microchipped,” Bonnie said. “If he gets scanned, the scanner will show our number.”

Officer Calvin called the police station and gave
Pookie’s description. “Please call the humane society, PAWS, animal control, and the other shelters,” he said. “Have them notify us immediately if anyone brings in such a dog.”

Bonnie didn’t expect that to happen, though. Dogs brought to shelters by someone other than their owners are usually strays. Pookie had not wandered away accidentally; he had been stolen.

This, Bonnie thought, is worse than any bad dream I ever had.

She hugged herself, trying not to shiver.

att stared out the car window, fighting nausea. He always got carsick easily, and now his stomach rumbled from the chocolate he’d eaten. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

He knew he should stay alert. He should try to figure out where he was, so when he got a chance to call home, he could tell his mother how to find him.

Matt intended to call as soon as possible. This man couldn’t watch him every second. When Denny fell asleep or went to the bathroom, Matt would sneak to the telephone and call Mom.

He knew Denny had driven across the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, but Matt hadn’t recognized anything else. He didn’t go to Seattle very often; he knew
only major landmarks such as the Space Needle and Safeco Field.

He pressed his forehead against the cool window glass and kept his eyes shut until the car stopped.

They were at the end of a driveway next to a small office building. Denny opened the trunk and lifted out a cardboard box. Matt watched him stomp the box flat, then carry it to a Dumpster at the end of the driveway.

Denny got back in the car and drove off. This time Matt looked out the window, but he still didn’t recognize anything. Soon Denny drove into a large apartment complex. The car slowed, going over a series of speed bumps. Rows of buildings, each with adjoining carports, lined the driveway. The road turned several times, but the buildings they passed all looked the same.

The car clock said 4:48. Tears puddled in Matt’s eyes. Mom got off work at 4:30; she got home at 4:45.

I should be home now, Matt thought as he rubbed his itchy arms. I should be playing with Pookie or eating an apple. I should be telling Mom about the movie we saw at school today or throwing my ball at the garage.

Sometimes the three of them took Pookie for a walk before dinner or went out together to buy groceries or
run errands. Whatever Mom and Bonnie were doing, Matt wished he were doing it with them.

The car stopped in one of the carports. “Hop out,” Denny said. “We’re home.”

Matt followed the man up a flight of stairs and watched as he unlocked an apartment door. Inside, he saw dozens of new computer games and toys. A scooter leaned against the wall next to the door, and stuffed animals covered one end of the couch. A stack of unopened board games towered on an end table. Matt recognized Clue and Candyland. The living room looked like a toy store.

Matt looked around for a telephone but didn’t see one.

“Want to watch a movie?” Denny asked.

“No. I want to call my mom.” Matt expected Denny to refuse. He had decided Denny was lying; Mom didn’t know where Matt was. He figured he’d have to call when Denny didn’t know.

“Okay,” Denny said.

“I can call her?”

“Sure. She probably wants to talk to you, too, and I need to let her know you got here safely. What’s the number? Save me looking it up in my book.”

Surprised, Matt gave the phone number. Maybe
Denny hadn’t lied. If he had, he’d never let Matt talk to his mom.

Denny took a cell phone out of his pants pocket and punched all the numbers except the last one. Instead of seven, he hit “off.” He held the phone to his ear, turning his head so Matt could see his face as he talked.

“Hello,” he said. “Is Anita there?”

He paused, as if listening. Then he said, “What? Who is this?” He looked shocked. “What happened?” he asked. “When?”

After a few seconds, he said, “Oh, no!”

Matt pulled on his earlobe. Denny was hearing bad news.

“That’s terrible!” Denny said.

“Is that Bonnie?” Matt asked. “I want to talk to her.” He reached for the phone, but the man shook his head and motioned for Matt to be quiet.

“This is Denny Thurman,” the man said, “Matt’s father. I picked up Matt at school today because Anita wanted him to stay with me for a while. I called to let Matt talk to her.” He paused again. “Anita planned to send some of Matt’s clothes to me, and his allergy pills. Can you mail them?” He gave an address. “Thank you,” he said. “Yes, I’ll tell Matt.”

Denny put the phone back in his pocket, then turned to Matt.

“Your next-door neighbor answered the phone,” Denny said.

“Mrs. Watson?”

“Right. Mrs. Watson.”

“Why did she answer our phone? Where’s Mom?”

“I have some sad news,” Denny said. “Your mother and your sister died in a car wreck this afternoon.”

Horror crept up the back of Matt’s neck. “Mom’s dead?” he whispered. “Bonnie, too?”

“Afraid so.”

Matt sat down, his mind whirling like the Spinner ride at the county fair. Was Denny telling him the truth, or was this another trick, like when he said Pookie was hurt?

“What happened?” Matt asked.

“A little while ago, they headed for the grocery store,” Denny said. “Someone ran a stoplight and hit their car.”

Disbelief wedged in Matt’s throat like dry cracker crumbs. His voice cracked as he forced out the words, “Did anyone call nine-one-one? Did the ambulance come?”

“An ambulance came and the police came, but they were too late. They did CPR, but your mom and
Bonnie were already gone. Dead at the scene. The other driver died, too.”

Matt felt as if he’d been punched in the stomach and had the wind knocked out of him. Head bent, he hugged himself and rocked gently. I’ll never see Mom again, he thought. Or Bonnie. Mom will never again tuck me in at night or call me to get up in the morning. He took quick, shallow breaths, trying to wrap his mind around the unbelievable.

I’m a genius, Denny thought. What a flat-out brilliant idea! The kid had bought the story hook, line, and sinker. The one problem Denny had worried about—that Matt would call home when Denny wasn’t watching—was solved.

Matt said, “Did Mrs. Watson call Grandma and Grandpa?” They’ll come to get me, he thought, and take me to Arizona to live with them.

“Mrs. Watson hasn’t been able to reach your grandparents.”

“They’re on a trip.”

“Right. Mrs. Watson said she thought they were traveling.”

Grandma and Grandpa often traveled in their RV. They liked to visit new places and learn about the local history. Mom had told him they were leaving, but Matt couldn’t remember where they were headed this time.

“They have a phone in the RV,” Matt said. “I don’t know the number, but it’s probably in Mom’s directory.”

“Your neighbor is trying to find it.”

It’s all true, Matt thought. The accident really happened. Why else would Mrs. Watson be at his house, trying to call Grandma and Grandpa?

“Mrs. Watson says she’ll send your things as soon as she can.”

Matt nodded, too shocked to care about his clothes or his allergy pills or even his blankie.

“It’s a good thing you came with me today,” Denny said, “or you’d be dead, too.”

Matt shuddered. He wanted to cry, but his tears had dried up into a hard, little ball deep inside his head.

Matt had memorized his phone number long ago. Mom had drilled it into him when he was only three. “If you are ever in trouble,” she said, “call home, even if it’s the middle of the night.” Matt knew how to place a collect call, in case he was out of the local area and had no money.

None of that knowledge would help him now. He had no one to call. Why dial his own number if Mom and Bonnie would never be there again?

With Mom and Bonnie dead, Matt had no choice but to stay with Denny until he could talk to Grandma
and Grandpa. Matt was sure they would come for him as soon as Mrs. Watson told them what had happened, but when would that be?

Denny put soap on his hand and scrubbed off the temporary rose tattoo. Whistling cheerfully, he got out bread, mustard, and a jar of pickles. He took the bag of steak from his pocket and sliced it into thin strips. “I’m hungry,” he said. “Do you want a sandwich?”

Matt shook his head no.

“I have peanut butter, if you don’t want steak.”

Matt shook his head again. How could Denny think about food when Mom and Bonnie were dead? Matt had never known anyone who died, but he knew when it happened the person was gone forever and you never saw them again for the rest of your life.

Bonnie once told Matt, “The day my dad died was the worst day of my life. It was the worst day of Mom’s life, too.”

Matt had nodded, but he hadn’t really understood. Now he knew what she meant. This was the worst day of his life.

The phone rang. Matt went closer as Denny answered, hoping it was Grandma.

“Celia!” Denny said. “Glad to hear from you. I’m looking forward to coming over in the morning.” After a pause, Denny said, “Oh. Well, sure, next weekend will
work. I wouldn’t want to come when the boys are sick.”

Denny hung up, disappointed. He would have to wait a whole week to introduce Matt to Celia and Winston. For the first time ever, Denny wanted to see his nephews, and now the little brats had stomach flu.

He sighed and slathered steak sauce on his sandwich. The phone rang again. Denny said, “Hello.”

“It’s Bronco. You owe me five grand.”

Hearing the familiar sandpapery voice on the phone made Denny’s stomach knot up. How had Bronco gotten his new phone number?

“Hey, no problem, man,” Denny said, trying to sound calm. “I’ve got your money. I would have brought it to you today, but I had some personal business to take care of. I’ll bring it tomorrow.”

“I need it tonight.”

“Well, sure, I can get it to you tonight. It’ll take me a while to get there; I’ve moved.”

“I know. I’m parked in front of your new place right now.”

Denny swallowed. How had Bronco learned his new address so quickly? He wiped the perspiration from his upper lip. “I’ll be right down.”

“I’m waiting.”

Denny’s hand shook as he clicked the phone shut.
He took an ice-cream carton out of the freezer, removed the lid, and pulled out a thick wad of money. He’d won big on the horse races last week—big enough to pay Bronco off with some left over—but he shuddered to think what would have happened tonight if he had not had the cash. He knew a guy who had run out on Bronco once without paying what he owed. The guy’s house had burned down, and the cops never caught the arsonist.

As he counted out five thousand dollars, Denny saw Matt’s eyes get huge. The boy looked stunned.

He’s a cute kid, Denny thought, with those big brown eyes and thick blond hair. Winston and Celia would love him. Denny paused, looking at Matt, and a slow smile curved across his face.

Why hadn’t he thought of this at the start? From now on, the boy was his ticket to financial freedom.

After Winston and Celia met Matt, Denny would explain he urgently needed money because he was going to raise his son himself. He’d mention allergy pills and clothes. He’d say the kid needed braces on his teeth.

Denny’s grin spread. His money problems were solved! Winston and Celia were suckers for kids, and they had no other nephews or nieces. Once they met Matt, they’d be glad to help out.

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