Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance (5 page)

Read Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance Online

Authors: Ashley West

Tags: #Alien Paranormal Invasion Romance

BOOK: Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance
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The height difference pleased him, and he eased the rest of the garment off of her, leaving her standing there in nothing.

Aedian hadn’t expected her to be so attractive. Humans were all soft skin and curves, and they
weak compared to Calphesian’s, but Aedian found that, in this case, he didn’t mind. He didn’t mind because she was perfect for touching and kissing, and there were no sharp bits to get in the way that he’d have to look out for.

When he slid a large hand down her back to cup her bottom, she moaned softly and pushed into it, and when he dragged his claws over the supple curves, she shuddered.

“Do not put those in me,” she said, trying to sound stern, but Aedian imagined it was hard to do that when you were aroused.

He could smell her arousal in the air, and it made his mouth water.

“I wouldn’t,” he assured her and then lifted her up so he could carry her to the bedroom. She yelped and protested for a bit, but when he dumped her onto the bed, her legs fell open, revealing her sex and how it was already wet for him.

The delicious scent of her desire was more in here, and Aedian didn’t know if that was because the lights were low or because being in his bed made things better, but he didn’t care. He climbed on top of her and held her gaze for a moment before lowering his head and licking right at her core where that scent was the heaviest.

” Roxanne gasped, hips arching up.

Aedian licked again, slower this time, paying attention to that sensitive bundle of nerves that he’d heard about from the others of his kind who already had human wives or who slept with humans.

He lapped at it, her juices flooding his mouth, and when her hips arched up off the bed, it was clear that he hadn’t been led astray. Aedian used one hand to push her hips back down, forcing her to restrict her movements to just grinding, and he soaked up the little whimpers that were falling from her lips.

It was amazing how she had been so fierce and angry just less than an hour before, but now she was practically mewling for more.

He hadn’t liked her much, either, but like this, under him and clearly enjoying his touch, he found that he liked her very much.


By the time he was sitting up to open the front of his pants, Roxanne was sprawled across the bed, breathing hard. She was still soaking wet between her legs, and judging from the way she had writhed and cried out and then shoved his head away, he was guessing she had already found her release.

He didn’t know if she was going to find it again, but just the way she had moved and sounded and
had him hard in his pants, and he pulled out his cock, watching her eyes widen comically at the sight of it.

Aedian knew (and was smug about) the fact that he was much larger than most human males, considering that it was proportional to the size of the rest of him.

“Is that even going to fit?” she asked, but it seemed more like she relished the challenge more than she was afraid of it.

Honestly, that was more of a turn on than anything, and he growled lightly and rubbed the head of his cock against the sweet wetness between her legs, enjoying the silky feel of her heat. “Yes,” he assured her. “It will.”

He went slowly, though, not wanting to hurt her, watching her face for signs of distress so he could stop.

All he saw on her face was pleasure, though, and she spread her legs wider and arched her hips as he sunk in inch by inch, stretching and filling her until he was fully seated inside.

Aedian held himself above her on his forearms and they both panted for breath, holding still for long seconds. When Roxanne shuddered and tightened around him, Aedian had to move, and he set a steady pace, snapping his hips and burying himself in her again and again.

In this, at least, they could be united.



Chapter 4: Culture Clash

A week into her engagement (and she used that term lightly), and Roxanne was about ready to pull her hair out. She knew what was expected of her, and she knew that this was important, but honestly, Aedian was driving her crazy.

It didn’t help that the sex was fantastic. He was a thorough and skilled lover in bed, and Roxanne had been surprised that he wasn’t all about his own pleasure like she would have expected. That first night when he’d dipped his head between her legs and gone down on her, she’d come so hard that her eyes had rolled back into her head for a moment, and she’d had to remind herself that breathing was a thing she needed to do to survive.

It was amazing, and his size and stamina meant that it had been very late by the time they’d passed out in an exhausted heap on the bed. Roxanne recalled that her last thought before falling asleep had been that if they could just keep doing that, then things might be alright.

Of course, they
just have sex all the time, and it became evident the very next morning that things were not going to go smoothly.

As a future wife of one of the Calphesians, Roxanne was expected to pack her things up and move them to the compound so that she could live with her husband to be and learn about their culture.

She’d have to drive all the way back to her apartment and deal with that, and she wasn’t looking forward to it.

When she’d woken up that morning, sore and sated, it had taken a few minutes for her to reorient herself and remember where she was, and Aedian was nowhere to be found. So she’d gotten up and walked around his rooms naked, wondering what a girl had to do to get some breakfast.

Luckily, someone had brought her clothes and the things she’d brought with her from the day before to the room, so she’d dressed in those quickly, wanting a shower, but not wanting to try and figure out how the complicated button system in the bathroom worked.

She didn’t know if she was allowed to just get dressed and leave, so she hung around, waiting for Aedian to come back and getting more and more agitated by the minute.

When he finally came strolling in, over an hour later, sweat damp and shirtless, she’d scowled at him. “Is that all you people do? Work out and fight?”

“Just like all your people do is whine,” had been his retort, which set the tone for the exchange.

“Excuse me?”

“Are you lacking in hearing?” Aedian asked, tipping his head to one side as he looked down at her.

Roxanne had glared. “
Look, whatever, I honestly don’t care what you do on your own time, but I have places to go, so what’s the deal with coming and going in this place.”

He looked at her blankly. “Why would you need to go?”

“Because I need to go get my things? And because I have friends and family that I want to see? I’m not your prisoner,” she’d snapped, even though it sort of felt like she was. “And I won’t be kept caged here. It’s fine for you and your kind, but I still have a life outside of here.”

They held each other’s gaze for a moment, Roxanne hating the fact that she had to look up to meet his eyes. It gave her a crick in her neck and made her feel small. Especially when he was looking at her like she was some kind of insignificant vermin.

Finally he shrugged a shoulder. “Do as you please. I do not care.”

It should have been relieving to hear him say that, considering she didn’t want him telling her what to do or thinking he had some kind of control over her, but it just made her madder, and she glared harder.

“So pleased to have your permission.”

His eyes had flashed, and Roxanne was struck by just how eerie and silvery they were. When he leaned down into her personal space, she’d fought herself to keep from taking a step back, even though everything in her was screaming that he was a threat and she needed to back up. But she reasoned that if she acted like she was afraid of him, then he’d never treat her with respect. And she was determined not to be cowed.

“You’re whining right now,” Aedian said, leaning in so close that she thought he might kiss her. “If you want to go somewhere, then
I don’t have time to watch after you.”

“I’ll have you know that I’m an adult, and I don’t need anyone to watch after me.”

“So you say. But you people are all so weak. It’s a wonder you haven’t been killed off yet.”

Excuse me

“Something was unclear?”

“Yeah, your problem is unclear,” Roxy snapped. “I know your kind think we’re worse than ants, but you don’t have to be a muscle bound
to be worthy of respect.”

She’d half expected that she’d gone too far with that quip, but Aedian just looked bored. “I do not know what an ox is,” he said, and Roxy was done. She snarled under her breath, and grabbed up her things, unwilling to keep arguing with him.

“Fine. Whatever. I’ll be back when I’m back.”

Without looking back, she’d slammed the door behind her and stalked along the halls. Of course she had to stop and ask someone how to get out of the compound, and it was just a bit embarrassing to be escorted to where she’d parked her car and eyed like she was some kind of criminal.

“Don’t worry,” she’d said through clenched teeth. “I’m not planning on running away or anything.”

Her escort hadn’t looked convinced, which just put her in a worse mood.

And it had been like that all week. Arguing with Aedian and being insulted by him, while her own insults never seemed to faze him. She was sure if she called him weak or something then she’d strike a nerve, but she wasn’t stupid enough to piss him off in his own territory. Not when there were over a hundred of his kind in the compound who could come to his aid if he called.

She was angry, but not stupid.

Gradually she brought things over to the compound, taking her sweet time with the moving. It felt like once all of her things were moved over, then she’d truly be trapped there, and it was a scary thought.

Her mother called her every day to check in, and it was nice to know that her parents were concerned, but since there wasn’t anything either of them could do about her situation, she told them that they didn’t have to worry. She wasn’t being hurt, after all, just annoyed, and she wanted them to believe that she was safe so they didn’t have to suffer.

One week after the tournament, she went to meet Samantha for lunch. Her friend had been texting her all week, asking for details, and Roxy thought it would just be nice to get away from the compound and go into the city for a while. Surround herself with humans and not feel so trapped.

They met at a restaurant, and Roxy could see that Samantha was nearly bouncing out of her chair and bursting with questions.

She sighed and made her friend wait until they’d ordered their food before she spoke. “Go on, then. Ask whatever it is that you’re dying to ask.”

“How is it?” Sam said. “I mean, I know it’s probably awful for you, but how is it, really?”

Roxanne sighed. “It’s not
exactly,” she said truthfully. “Aedian’s a complete idiot, and he’s a jerk to boot, but for the most part they leave me alone. I can come and go as I please.”

“That’s good at least. I know you like your independence.”

“Yeah. What’s not good is the fact that I have to listen to my dear husband to be talk about how weak and idiotic humans are all the time. It’s like he doesn’t think we’re even worthy of respect just because we don’t walk around with massive horns and axes slung over our shoulders.”

Samantha giggled at that. “Cultures clashing, I guess. Neither of you are likely to give an inch.”

“Hey, I think I’ve done a lot of giving, thank you very much. I mean, I’m giving up my whole life to honor the stupid treaty. It’s his turn to do some giving.” And she definitely wasn’t pouting when she said it. Definitely not. Because that would just be pathetic.

“Speaking of
…” Samantha said, waggling her eyebrows at her. “Have you consummated the marriage yet?”

Roxy rolled her eyes. Leave it to Sam to get right to the point. Honestly, she was surprised that hadn’t been the first question out of her mouth. “We aren’t married yet,” she said, desperately not wanting to have this conversation anymore.

“You know exactly what I mean, Roxy Weaver. Don’t you beat around the bush with me.”

okay? Yes. We had sex.” Roxy just knew her face was bright red, and she was so glad for the interruption of the waitress who brought over their food. The last thing she wanted to do was go into detail about that night, but with the way Sam was looking at her over her burger and fries, she knew that she wasn’t going to get off that easily.

“And?” she asked as soon as they were alone again.

“And what?”

Samantha scowled at her. “I’m not playing this game with you.”

“Oh yeah, because you have the right to be upset that I’m not spilling all the details of my private life to you,” Roxanne muttered.

“I’m your best friend, Roxy. Spilling the details of your private life is practically mandatory. So get to spilling, sister.”

There really was nothing for her to do but to spill. Samantha was like a dog with a bone when it came to information she wanted, and Roxanne knew she wouldn’t leave it alone until she talked. “Fine,” she huffed. “ was good, okay?” She lowered her voice, not wanting to be overheard. So far no one had come up to her all ‘Hey aren’t you…’, but she didn’t want to take chances either way.

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