Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance (6 page)

Read Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance Online

Authors: Ashley West

Tags: #Alien Paranormal Invasion Romance

BOOK: Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance
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“Just good?”

How she wished it had been
good. If it had been just good, then she could write this whole thing off and keep being angry about it. She could say that there was not one good thing about this union and be bitter and justified about it. Even Samantha, who was romanticizing this a ridiculous amount, would leave it alone and feel for her if she said that the sex was underwhelming in addition to everything else.

But that would just be such a lie, and Roxy tried to make it a habit not to lie to the people she cared about.

So she sighed and rubbed at her forehead before shoving an onion ring in her mouth. “No, not
good. It was. He’s amazing in bed, okay? Literally amazing. I came twice, but I was so worn out afterwards that I passed out and didn’t wake up until morning. He’s hung like a porn star and knows what to do with it. Is that what you want to hear?”

Samantha’s eyes were wide as she took that in. “That’s not what I was expecting to hear. I thought maybe their kind would be selfish in bed. You know, be focused on their own pleasure.”

“Nope,” Roxy said, popping the last part of the word. “Not even a little bit. The first thing he did when we got in bed was go down on me.”

“Holy crap.”


“Maybe he’s not such a jerk then?”

Roxy shook her head. “No, I don’t think he did it because he wanted to give me pleasure or anything like that. I think he just...wanted to do it.”

“Being selfish by going down on you,” Sam mused. “Well, I still don’t think that’s anything to complain about. At least there’s something you two can use to bridge the gap between you. Just bust out your wicked sex moves and make him respect you that way.”

Roxanne wanted to tell her friend that her idea was ridiculous and that sex certainly wouldn’t make Aedian stop looking at her like she was some kind of weak, useless thing, but she didn’t want to be hasty. Maybe there was something to that, after all. Calphesians were all about the physical, after all, and sex was one of the most physical things two people could do with each other.

She ate the rest of her food with a thoughtful expression on her face.


The thought was in her mind all the way back to the compound, and she parked her car and made her way back to Aedian’s rooms (
rooms, she had to keep reminding herself with distaste), arms full of the boxes she’d brought back with her. When she’d first started moving things, Calphesians had offered to help her carry things, but in that way that clearly said that they thought she was going to hurt herself without their assistance because she was weak, so she’d turned them all down. Now they didn’t offer, but watched her as if they were waiting for the moment when she dropped everything or collapsed in a heap.

She kept her head held high, refusing, absolutely
to show weakness in front of them. Somehow she knew that if she did, it would get back to Aedian, and he’d just use it to fuel his ‘humans are the worst thing since planet death’ rants.

When she got to the rooms, she had to juggle the boxes for a bit so she could press her hand to the sensor on the door that read her prints and let her in.

Of course, as soon as she entered, Aedian was there, looking bored as he watched something on the huge screen that took up most of the far wall in the main room. He glanced up as she walked in and then looked away. “More things.”

It wasn’t a question, and Roxanne bristled, sex thoughts on hold for the moment. “More things.” she confirmed. “What? You have a problem with me having things?”

Aedian shrugged like he couldn’t care less either way. “Humans have a lot of things.”

“Right,” Roxy snapped. “Because we came to your planet with all of our ships and tech and weapons. I forgot.”

He looked at her then, eyebrow arched. “We needed those things.”

need these things. If you don’t want to deal with them in your rooms, then give me my own.”

“That isn’t how things are done.”

“Then stop complaining.”

They looked at each other for a long moment and then Roxanne sighed, sagging slightly. If this was how things were always going to be between them, it was going to be exhausting. She didn’t know how the other two women were getting on with their alien husbands to be, but she was willing to bet that they weren’t fighting all the time like she and Aedian were. Remembering the conversation with Samantha, Roxanne made a decision.

She put the boxes down in the corner of the room to go through later and turned to face Aedian. His eyes had drifted back to the screen, but she could tell he wasn’t really watching whatever was on. So she walked forward and stood in front of him, blocking his view.

He didn’t say anything, just looked up at her (and he only had to crane his neck a small bit to look right in her eyes), as if he was waiting for her to say whatever it was she needed to say.

Well, lucky for him, she didn’t intend to

Slowly and deliberately, she sank down to her knees and scooted forward until she was kneeling between his spread legs.

She didn’t know if it was her in a submissive position or the fact that he could guess what was about to happen, but something had those silvery eyes darkening as he looked down at her, and he spread his legs a bit wider.

“Go on,” he murmured, voice husky.

“I was planning to.”

And honestly, it was ridiculous how easy this was. How as soon as sex came up, the bickering stopped and they focused on each other and nothing else.

She slid her hands up his thighs, feeling the hard muscles there and actually enjoying the way they tensed and flexed under her hands. Deft fingers found the fastenings of his pants, and she undid them quickly, smiling a bit when Aedian’s breathing quickened.

He was already getting hard, and Roxanne was amused to note that it seemed like Calphesians didn’t bother with underwear.

His cock was thick and long, curving towards his belly as it twitched and grew under her gaze. Roxy wrapped her hand around it, feeling the silky flesh and how warm it was. He was too tall to hold his gaze when she was on her knees, but that was fine. It gave her more cause to focus on his cock and making him feel good.

With slow strokes, she slid her hand up and down his shaft, watching as it thickened and hardened even more, growing in size. It was sort of amazing to remember that this thing had been inside of her, hitting deep and hard and dragging pleasure from her effortlessly. Just the girth alone had her writhing on the bed, and she was skeptical about her ability to fit most of it in her mouth, but she was certainly going to try.

When his breathing was hitching, and little growls and groans started falling from his lips, Roxy scooted forward more. She dipped her head and dragged the flat of her tongue up the shaft of him, circling the sensitive head when she got to it.

Aedian groaned, and clawed fingers fisted into her hair. Usually she would complain about something like that, but he didn’t try to force her down more, and the tight grip actually felt good, so she let it pass and instead focused on the task at hand.

Parting her lips she started small, suckling at the head of him, savoring the salty tang of his precome on her tongue as it leaked into her mouth.

Above her, Aedian swore in another language.

She smirked and worked her mouth down over more of it, going slow to pace herself, but making up for it with her hands and tongue, making sure that there was a steady stream of sensation.

When Aedian began lifting his hips, she knew she had him.

Her mouth was full of his cock, and at just over halfway down, she knew she couldn’t take anymore, so she made up for that with enthusiasm, bobbing her head and working her hand in time, sucking and swallowing like he was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted.

And honestly, it was so good. His hand in her hair, the growls and muted swearing that she could hear from him, the way he couldn’t seem to sit still. All of it had her wet in her panties, and she wanted to work a hand down the front of her pants and touch herself, but she kept her focus, determined that she was going to get him off.

For all their posturing about being strong and mighty, it seemed a Calphesian would fall apart just like anyone else when their cock was buried in a warm, wet mouth, and as Roxanne bobbed her head and twisted her hand around the base of his cock, she could feel his control fracturing. She could

His growls sounded more like whines, and he was bucking his hips, nearly choking her with his length until she found the rhythm. Her jaw ached, but she was determined, and she ignored it for the moment, knowing he was close.

“I’m-” was all he had time to get out before he was spilling his release, the salty burn of it filling her mouth as she pulled back.

Some of it splattered over her lips as she swallowed what she could and released his still spurting cock with a lewd pop. Before she could wipe it away, his hand was there, thumb rubbing over her lips as he wiped her mouth clean.

Suddenly feeling the need to keep this hazy, pleasure filled atmosphere going between them, she leaned in and licked his fingers, drawing his thumb in and sucking it, careful not to cut her tongue in his clawed fingernail.

His eyes were a dark grey with lust, and he looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time. Then he was surging to his feet in one motion, cock hanging out of his pants.

When he offered her a hand up, she took it, and it felt like progress.


Chapter 5: Warnings on the Horizon

Leaving his bed that morning was actually harder than he’d ever had it be before. Roxanne was curled up, smelling warm and like sex, and her head had nearly been resting on his chest. He’d never shared a bed with anyone before, as that sort of thing was strictly reserved for one’s life mate in his culture, and he’d spent long minutes staring at her, at the way her skin stood out against his sheets and the way her masses of curls spilled across his pillow.

Aedian was constantly having to change his opinion of her, and it unsettled him, but he’d never expected to
her, and he wasn’t sure what was happening.

Either way, he had a council meeting to attend, so he didn’t have time to dwell on it.

It was funny, before coming to Earth, actually before the tournament itself, he’d never been important enough to have to attend things like this. He was just a body and a weapon in the mass horde of their people, but once he’d proven himself to be one of the top three strongest, he was suddenly someone. Strength, for his people, was that important.

And the fact that he would be carrying on their kind wasn’t anything to ignore either. So he got dressed and made his way to the inner chambers of the compound, walking down the maze like corridors with the others who had been summoned.

“Does anyone know what this is for?” asked someone behind him, and Aedian turned to see Shiia striding along.

“No,” he replied. “At least, I don’t.” He slipped into the language of their people, the sharp, harsh sounds feeling natural on his tongue. Most beings from their quadrant had the gift of tongues, but speaking their own language felt right.

“Why would you?” called someone else. “You’ve been busy.”

“Have I?”

“Of course. With your human. I hear they’re insatiable.”

Aedian thought back to the night they’d spent together. Roxanne on her knees in front of him, her pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, and then her on the bed, spread out underneath him as he’d pumped into her.

Aedian remembered how surprised the humans had been to find out that they were organized and had something of a government. When they looked at the Calphesians, they saw mindless beasts, but just because they prized strength over all else didn’t mean they were stupid.

And being on another planet had meant they needed to reorganize.

Each collective of Calphesians was called a cluster and each cluster had a head. The heads of these clusters made up the Council, and they convened via holoscreen to discuss important matters.

Usually it was just the Council who met, and the head would relay the news to his cluster as needed, but since this meeting had been extended to the most important people in each cluster, it had to be something big.

When Aedian walked into the room, he could see that their head was at the head of the table, arms folded.

Prias had been the head for as long as Aedian could remember, the older Calphesian grizzled and muscular, his hair hanging in thick braids, tattoos visible, horns massive and sharp. He practically oozed power, and Aedian bowed slightly as he walked in, showing respect to the strongest warrior their cluster had.

There were screens on the walls, and on each screen was the face and upper body of a head of another cluster. With each cluster so scattered across this new planet, this was the only way that they could all speak.

Aedian took a seat, keeping his distance from Shiia and Demos who had come in later. Both of them looked happy and relaxed, and he wondered how things were going with their human women. Judging from the display at the ceremony, he was guessing things were fine.

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