After The Moon Sets 2 (Werewolf Paranormal Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: After The Moon Sets 2 (Werewolf Paranormal Romance)
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Chapter 3


Hurrying to the security guards nearby archiving station, I was able to quickly pull up
Lumar’s files. Thank goodness the security guard did not follow protocol by signing out once he had left his station.

Within two minutes the
alarms began to sound off. While the students above would pass it off as a fire alarm, I knew that the alarm was meant for me, a breech in security. Inserting the flash drive, I downloaded as much information as I could before the system shut down. I had to get out of there quickly before Julian’s minions caught up with me and destroyed my flash drive.

Sneaking back up
to the exit, I pulled up my hoodie and proceeded to blend in with the rest of the group. I needed to pull the information off my flash drive, but I knew that I couldn’t return home. Now that I had breached security, I was officially a wanted woman. Returning to the Agency would make it grounds for immediate arrest. I needed to find a secure computer.

As I walked into the street to hail a taxi, my cellphone began to ring. It was Julian; he was mostly likely going to try to coax me into turning myself in, something that was never going to happen, not until I’ve gotten my vengeance. Julian can do whatever he wanted with me after that.

“Whatever you are going to say Julian, it’s not going to work,” I warned him.

“You are making a big mistake
Hanah,” he pleaded with me, “please come back to the agency so that we can at least talk. This is bigger than you think, ple-” I hung up the phone. Giving him more than sixty seconds would give him my approximate location. Tossing the phone in a nearby trash can, I walked the streets of Midtown cautiously, thinking of a way to pull the information without the Agency locating me.

Freezing in the cold Michigan weather, and out of options, I stopped in a local cyber café, making a small purchase in order to use one of the computer stations. My access would be limited to no more than five minutes now that I was on the Agency’s most wanted criminals, I would now have to live my life under the radar.

“You shouldn’t have gone through so much trouble to gather information on me, I would have given you whatever you wanted. All you had to do was ask dear,” Lumar’s voice echoed from the computer station across from me and he looked over with a wide warm smile. I gasped, my face filled with anger, wanting to attack him immediately.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I grumbled quietly. I couldn’t alarm the humans that a Vampire was sitting causally in the ca
fé, it would spark pandemonium. My fingers ran over the pen knife in my pocket, but it would have done nothing against this powerful vampire.

“You know why I’m here
Hanah. I’m here for you.” He answered. I slowly stepped away from the computer station, luring Lumar outside of the café to speak privately with him. Obviously, he had no care or interest in the rules, which explained why he ignored the human law against Vampires casually roaming the streets.

“I have nothing to say to you,” I warned him.

“Take as much time as you need Hanah, eternity is a very long time and I’m a very patient man.”

“You aren’t a man, you’re a monster.” I reminded
him. Lumar smiled and pulled off his coat, holding it out to me.

“It’s very cold out, you will catch a cold. You are still human after all.
For now.” I took a step away from him, holding up my hand cautiously to decline his offer.

“No thank you.” I said to him. Lumar sighed and placed the coat over his arm. Vampires and Werewolves were not subjected to weather conditions.

“What do you want from me?” I asked him, “I certainly hope you don’t really believe that I would forgive you for killing my parents. You’re not that insane are you?” Lumar smiled again.

“I’ve been called many names, insane makes up about number two on my list.” He joked.

“This isn’t funny. You stole my life from me.”

“Your parents tried to take you from me. You have no clue what’s going
on here. You were promised to me Hanah.”

“Now, I’m going to
be the one making promise. And I promise I will kill you. You’d better get out of here before the hunters spot you. I want this glory all to myself,” I spoke with a threatening tone. Lumar did not seemed bothered by it at all. He smiled and bowed his head.

“See you soon,” He promised, vanishing so quickly that my eyes could not process the movements.

There was only one person that I knew I could turn to, but that would also put him in imminent danger. He was a dear friend of mine and I cherished him dearly, but I had nowhere else to turn.



His name is Connor, a private weapons designer for the Agency. He has no ties as a member of the Agency, he only provides freelance designs privately and exclusively in exchange for cash and anonymity. Connor has always held strong intimate feelings for me, but I’ve never shown any interest in him other than his expertise in designing some of the best weaponry I’ve ever seen.

Connor has a special gift, he knows how to make weapons that can kill anything paranormal a
nd he is well protected with the help of the Agency. They would never let anything happen to their most skilled weapons expert. There was no other as skilled as Connor, giving him the monopoly over the situation.

Connor could have a corporation of his own if he wanted, but he enjoys the normalcy of a human life, which is difficult to come by these days. If I were just a plain human girl, Connor is most likely the man I would have settled down with.  He’s a very average looking man, standing just a little over six feet with a medium build He has blonde hair and blue eyes, and very well groomed.

Connor’s lust proved to be more with weaponry than women. The majority of his time was spent in his lab, designing the next great weapon, or making improvements on something that was already in distribution. Connor loved his work, but he was also in love with me, the one woman he couldn’t have.

I would rip Connor to shreds if I bothered giving him a chance, but this was not something that I wanted.
I usually did my best to avoid him, leading him on was not something I wanted to do. I had no other place to go. No one knew of his feelings for me making this the one safe place that I could turn to. I would have to keep my visit limited until I could figure out my next step.

Connor lived in a lived in a high rise on Jefferson Street, just a half mile from the Belle Isle border. The view from his loft was absolutely stunning, surely a great place to live if you were going to reside in Downtown Detroit. I knew Connor would be home, simply because he’s always home. Knocking on the door, Connor quickly answered, he seemed very surprised to see me.

“Hanah?” His face remained surprised as he opened the door, welcoming me inside. Still shivering from the cold crisp air, Connor helped me pull off my hoodie and warm up my body.

“What have you gotten yourself into
Hanah? There are reports everywhere to turn you in if you are spotted.” I pulled away from him nervously and Connor began to light a fire at his fireplace.

Are you going to turn me in?” I asked him. Connor stared at me as if he couldn’t believe that I would ask him such a thing.

“Of course not, I’m only concerned.” Connor explained himself. “I just don’t understand, you are one of the best hunters in the Agency.”

“Not anymore. I breached security to obtain some classified information for a mission.” I confessed.

“How could you breach security if you are on a

“Because the mission is personal now. The Vampire I was assigned to kill is also the murderer of my parents. The problem is that I can’t kill him. He’s very old and very power. His name is Lumar, do you know anything about him?”

Connor gasped, clearly surprised by my admission. Quickly opening his laptop, Connor logged into the archives.

“I’ve been working on a new weapon particularly for this Vampire. He’s been impossible to kill for years.” Connor explained, “He is the one Vampire that seems to be able to withstand every weapon I create.”

“When did you gain access to the archives?” I asked him. Connor shrugged.

“The research has been helpful, but not enough to assist me with building a more powerful weapon.” He muttered. I pulled the laptop closer, looking into more information on the Vampire.

“This is the Vampire that killed your parents?” Connor questioned, “It doesn’t make any sense. The archives clearly explained that he murdered the parents of his future mate some years ago…..” Connor trailed off, putting together the pieces.

“You are this creature’s future mate?” Connor seemed as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“This can’t be right.” Connor looked at me cautiously. He took a step away from me as if he were suddenly frightened of me.

“Connor?” I called out to him. He was suddenly acting very strange around me, and I wasn’t sure if he was considering me as a sudden threat. I quickly shut his laptop, holding my hands up in surrender.

“I think you should go Hanah.” Connor’s tone was very final. I didn’t argue with him. Taking my leave, I looked back at him once more as I walked out of his loft. He went immediately for his phone, and I knew that he was dialing Julian.

“What the hell is going on?” I said aloud.

“You’re paired to him, but you are also paired to me.” Aiden’s familiar voice spoke out to me from the shadows. I gasped, turning to the dark alley in disbelief. Aiden confirmed himself, stepping out into my view.

“Are you insane? What are you doing here?” I complained.
Aiden pulled me into his arms and held me tightly in his arms. I could feel through is body language just how much he missed me and it only reactivated my suppressed feelings in return. It hurt me to leave him the way that I did, but I had no choice. I couldn’t just let Lumar get away with what he did to me.

“It’s dangerous for you to be outside the treaty line. Go back Aiden.” I warned him, but he declined with a kiss that swept me of my feet. I certainly hadn’t realized just how much I missed him. Aiden was so important to me, but now he has made the ultimate mistake. I had to get him back across treaty lines before he was discovered.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The hunters pulled up abruptly in their SUVs and drew their weapons. Where Aiden saw defeat, I saw something much more. There was a challenge standing before me
and Aiden is the only man I’ve ever surrendered to. I wasn’t going to surrender to anyone else ever again.

The hunters raised the rifles to take aim at Aiden, giving me just enough time to push
him into the darkened alley. As their fire was drawn to the alley, I picked one some of the large stones on the pavement and knocked out the streetlamps. Knowing that the hunters were probably on orders not to shoot me, the adopted daughter of Captain Julian, I made my way cautiously between parked cars. When I got close enough, I jumped out from the shadows and grabbed one of the hunters from behind, using him as a human shield.

“Now listen, and listen carefully. What’s your name buddy?”

The young hunter nervously stammered out his name: “Ja.. Jake.”

“Right, if you don’t want to see Jake’s neck broken in two, you’ll get back in your SUVs and drive as far as you can down that road.”

The hunters all looked hesitant, looking around at each other for a decision.

“NOW!” I screamed, this seemed to jolt them back to reality and they all jumped into their SUVs and drove off. I saw some of them already reaching for their radios for back-up.

I pushed Jake to the ground, “Lie flat on the ground and count back from 100, don’t skip any.”

I had to get Aiden
back behind the treaty line, human territory was a very dangerous place for him to be at this point. I ran over to the alley where I had left him and peered into the darkness.

Suddenly behind me a muscular arm reached around my waist and pulled my body into him.

“Wow, I never knew you could be so… dominating.”

“Aiden, this isn’t funny. You need to get out of here. They’ll shoot you on sight.”

With that, I began to run down the street, with Aiden following closely behind.

Chapter 5


Exhausted from all of the running, I had to pause in order to catch my breath. Aiden placed his hand over my back, rubbing soothing circles, hoping to help ease my pain.

“I have to get you back to the treaty line. This was a very stupid move you’ve made Aiden.” I complained. I couldn’t believe he would be so stupid to put himself in such danger. Once I was able to catch my breath, I grabbed him roughly, slamming him into the tall apartment building that we stood in front of.

“Have you gone mad Aiden? You could be killed for this.” As I said the words to him,
I began to wonder why I even bothered to care. Most of my life, I could care less of what happened to Werewolves, and here I was risking my own life to protect him.

This would not go unnoticed. I was certain that Julian was being briefed about my behavior as I stood beside Aiden. What was happening to me? I was beginning to feel like I never belonged here to begin with.

“Why did you do this?” I asked him. I demanded to know why he had gone so far as to put us both in danger. It wasn’t right and I certainly wasn’t going to agree on his behavior. It was unacceptable and intolerable.

“I had to see you.” He said. The fact that he had just
put his entire pack at risk did not seem of any importance to him. Aiden kept his eyes on me, watching me thoroughly, proving that the last thing he wanted was to lose me.

My feelings for him grew just as strong. I could not imagine something horrible happening to him and I also knew that protecting his pack meant everything to him. If he truly sees me as his mate then I had a serious problem.

A Werewolf never allows his mate to leave its den. Aiden had come back to return me back to his home. If I were to run again, he’d just come after me again. This was insane and stupid. Aiden pulled me into his arms and leaned in, inhaling my scent. It was a scent that he missed more than anything and I knew trying to fight him would only cause bigger problems. Besides, we would be safer in his den.

There was a bounty on both of our heads, but crossing over into Belle Isle was nothing more than a death wish. I did not want to return to the Island, even though I had been outcast by my own people, I would still be considered a hunter there. There was no way around this and I didn’t not see a resolution to the serious problem I had on my hands.

I placed my hand in my pockets from the cold air, realizing that I still had the flash drive. I would be able to retrieve the information I did have while I was on safer grounds, which was a very good thing.

It would also be easier to initiate contact with Lumar once I had enough information to kill him. It would have helped me a great deal if I had Connor’s help, but now, even he saw me as the enemy. I would have to find a better weapon to help me finish off this monster. Aiden walked out into the street and lifted his hand in the air. Immediately, a large SUV pulled in front of us and opened the passenger door.

“They are going to take us back, please do not fight this Hanah.” Aiden begged. I could have ran away at this point, but I didn’t. I did not see any other option. If I remained on human territory, I would always sleep with one eye open. At least I would have the peace I needed to research my target.

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