After The Moon Sets 2 (Werewolf Paranormal Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: After The Moon Sets 2 (Werewolf Paranormal Romance)
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Chapter 6


When I climbed in the SUV, I knew that things would never be the same again. I had abandoned my own kind, but it was something that had to be done I was going to be successful in my quest to rid Lumar from the world.

Aiden held me close during the drive back to his Den, where Sarah stood waiting for me in the doorway. She bowed her head once I approached her and Aiden released me to her.

“Sarah is going to be your charge.” He explained to me before looking to Sarah. “I want her cleaned and changed in to more appropriate clothing. She’s scaring the pack.”

I knew what he meant. My attire gave away that I was looking for a hunt. His pack members remained on guard as Sarah pulled me through the foyer, worried that I may make a sudden move. I had no interest in hunting these wolves, I only had one target and that was Lumar.

There was a general factor that stung me, I was going to kill/harm anyone that stood in my way. That meant problems
for Aiden. He wasn’t going to allow me to leave this den again, now that he had established the fact that I was his mate. The problem with Werewolves was that once they found their mates, rejection was out of the question.

He wouldn’t even be able to comprehend it. Aiden was going to keep me here until he I got a fair understanding that
this was my home. Thank goodness I knew what to expect, but I felt bad for any unsuspecting men and women who fell victim to the mate call.

Werewolves were very particular about their mates, especially when their mate was human.
I had the skills needed to protect myself on the Island, but Aiden was also an Alpha wolf with a weakness—a weakness for me. His judgment was impaired now, and he would do anything to secure my safety. Little did he know that I was the one doing all of the protecting around here.

Sneaking in and out of the Den would be my best option. I would need Sarah’s help, but she wasn’t too particular with me right now. I would have to work on securing her trust in order to get assistance with getting out of here.

Trust, was something that always seemed to be a fine line with me. I did not want to break his trust with me, but I also wasn’t seeing any other option at this point. Things were beginning to look very bad on my end and I knew if I pushed Aiden, he would lock me away until I gave into him.

Sarah drew me a bath and helped remove my clothing. Once I was in the perfectly set bath water, Sarah began to gather my clothing. I knew she was going to discard them and I had to stop her before she threw out my only source of information on Lumar.

“Wait.” I said, nearly climbing out of the tub. Sarah stared at me strangely, but she complied, walking towards me.

“What’s the problem Luna? Is the water too hot?” I could sense the sarcastic tone in her voice. She may have intentionally set the water a tad too high for the average human, but I found the water very soothing, especially with my bruised muscles. I ignored her, not wanting to continue to push her further over the edge.
I reached in the pocket of my hoodie and pulled out the flash drive. Sarah tried to reach for it, but I snatched my hand away from her.

“What is that?” She asked me.

“It’s very important.” I said simply. Sarah tried reaching for it once more and I caught her hand, nearly pulling her into the tub with me.

“Enough Sarah.” I warned her. Sarah looked at me cautiously as I released her hand and took a step away from me.

“You cannot have these things without the Alpha’s permission.” She warned. “I must take this to Aiden. If he approves, he’ll return the drive back to you.” I shook my head. Aiden would destroy the drive once he took a look at the files on Lumar. He did not want me to pursue this, but I also needed to get his view point on where he stood.

We haven’t had the opportunity to discuss how he felt about this and when he tried, I stabbe
d him in the chest with a pen knife and ran away. Sarah tried to leave again, but I stopped her, pulling the pen knife out of my hoodie pocket.

“Sarah, stop.” Pointing the knife at her.

I promised that I would find a way to kill Lumar with this knife and I was going to keep good on my word, no matter what it took. Anxious for answers and a solution, I decided that I needed to talk with Aiden first before I tried to sneak away. Maybe he would be supportive, help me find a way to rid Lumar from the world and I was being stubborn, letting my temper get the best of me, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

“I’ll take it to him.” I assured Sarah. She was waiting for the flash drive. Realizing that I wasn’t going to comply with her orders, Sarah decided to let it go and she left the room. I quickly washed and dressed myself before she could return, sneaking out of the bathroom to meet with Aiden.
My hair still damp from bathing, I skipped as quickly as I could up the stairs to Aiden’s lair. Aiden was there, pacing his room with a few of his pack members. I ran inside, slamming the door behind me.

I knew Sarah was going to return with guards that would force me to turn
over the flash drive and pen knife, and I did not want to cause any rift between Aiden and his guards. I would protect myself if they were to attack me and this would definitely be very damaging to Aiden’s stand as a pack leader.

Being the Alpha male was a very important position amongst Werewolves. Leadership consisted of strength and power. Aiden would have to maintain both in order to remain the pack leader. Any sign of weakness or poor judgment would subject him to removal from the throne and another pack member could possibly take his place.

I did not want Aiden to lose his position, but my behavior was becoming very questionable. Soon, the pack members were going to question Aiden’s authority, but I wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter. Problems seemed to be hitting me left and right, and I could not find a better way get through this without compromising Aiden.

The pack members stood from their seats and bowed their heads to me. I nodded from them to rise while I hurried to Aiden’s side. Aiden rumpled my damp messy hair and frowned.

“If this is how Sarah delivers me to you, then she and I need to have a talk.” Aiden complained. The pack members laughed lightly as if they found enjoyment from his joke.

“I need to speak with you for a moment.” I said to him. I wanted to quickly present my side of things before Sarah exposed me. I knew that I had to be honest with him about the flash drive, but I did not want the other pack members to get word of this.

Chapter 7


“This is a very important matter Luna,” one of the pack members addressed me. They were already acknowledging me as their Alpha female. This was not a position I wanted, nor did I have any plans to accept, but for now, I had to play with the cards that I had been dealt. I stood quietly beside Aiden and listened to the pack members. Aiden played casually in my hair as we listened.

“Lumar has built an army that we cannot defeat. It grows in numbers as
we speak. We cannot defeat such a massive army alone.” He said. Lumar grabbed my hand and reached out to the Wolf that spoke to me.

Hanah, this is Marcus, my second in command. He controls the pack army and all duties of war.” He introduced. I reached out to shake his hand casually, surprised when he bowed. Aiden pushed my hand down to my side.

You are the Luna of this Den,” Aiden reminded. I had to remember that I wasn’t just a casual visitor anymore. I put my hand over my head, mentally exhausted from everything that was going on. Aiden lifted my face so that our eyes met.

“You haven’t slept.” He realized. Aiden looked to Marcus and the other members as he spoke.

“Let’s resume this tomorrow. My mate is tired and I want to insure that she gets rest.” He announced. Marcus and the others bowed his head, knowing that his request was final. When they left, I pulled Aiden over to the bed and sat him down, pulling the flash drive and pen knife out of my gown. I was just in time, Sarah had finally arrived with the guards. This was Sarah’s opportunity to prove to Aiden that I was dishonest, but it was too late, I was already handing him everything she was going to claim. Frustrated, Sarah pulled her pointed finger down to her side and frowned at me. Aiden stood up from the bed and approached Sarah.

“What are you doing up here with guards no less?” He complained.

“I’m sorry my lord, I misunderstood. I’ll go now.” She said, leaving with the guards, but not before giving me a glare. Aiden slammed the door and stormed over to me, snatching the flash drive from my hand.

“Is this what Sarah has come to alert me?” He asked, I stood with him and nodded.

“Yes, but please allow me to explain. This information is helpful.” I tried to assure him, but he did not listen. I followed Aiden to the fireplace and stopped him before he could try to throw the drive into the flames.

“No!” I said, grabbing his arm. I did not want to fight him, this was not the reason why I was here. The more time I spent with Aiden, the more my feelings were beginning to grow.
Despite our differences, I was falling madly in love with Aiden and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him over this.

Snatching the flash drive roughly out of his hands, I held the drive, wondering if this was worth hurting Aiden for. I was certainly going back on my word, and judging the way Aiden popped his wrist back into place, I knew that I was getting out of hand with thi
s. Aiden did not try to fight me anymore, knowing that he would be fighting a very skilled hunter, and a woman that he loved dearly.

“The files on here are irrelevant, especially if they are going to cost me my relationship
with you.” I said, tossing the drive in the flames. I threw myself in Aiden’s arms, kissing him passionately. Aiden welcomed me wholeheartedly, carrying me over to the bed and laying me down. He crawled on top of me and the kiss intensified. I felt my body, scream out for him to take me the way he did before and not to hold back.

“You’re tired. I should let you rest.” Aiden encouraged between our kisses, though he was
finding it hard to stop. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him and with each kiss, his hands began to explore my body further. Once my dress was ripped into shreds, I knew there was no changing my mind. Aiden devoured me and I wanted every moment of it.

This time it wasn’t so painful, the ecstasy I felt when he entered me, it felt like we were one. It was a passionate feeling, one that I found difficult to describe.
Aiden felt getting close to the edge and followed me, capturing my scream of pleasure with his mouth.

hapter 8


The passion between us lasted through nightfall into sunrise. When I opened my eyes, the sun was setting again and I found him in the chair across from the bed, watching me.

“I didn’t think you would ever wake up. You were sleeping so peacefully, I did not want to bother you.” He said.

I pulled myself out of bed and pulled on the gown he had laid out for me. I wasn’t one for dresses, but I knew that I would never be able to wear my combat clothing again. Aiden made certain that I was showered and fed before we opened up any discussion about my relationship with the Agency, and my quest to destroy Lumar.

Being here is so perfect Aiden, but it’s time for us to talk.”

I had
not given up on my quest for revenge, nothing Aiden said or did could stop me. It was time for me to make it clear to him that I was going get my revenge whether he agreed or not. I did not know what that meant for his pack, but this was a personal matter that I could not let go.

I’ve already risked everything during this quest.
I needed to talk to Julian, explain my betrayal, but I wasn’t even sure at this point. I was certain that he already knew of my determination, and he proved me right when he sat back in his seat to listen.

“Lumar has killed my parents, I’ve lost everything Aiden. I cannot allow him to get away with this.”
I reminded him.

“If you would have given me chance before, I would have had the opportunity to tell you that I will support you in your quest. However, there is a more demanding issue right now, and it involves Lumar.” He explained.

“What issue?” I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Aiden pulled out his cellphone and handed it to me, showing me the latest updates on Fox 2 News.

Appalled, I gasped in disbelief as I watched the breaking news even from his phone. Vampires
had invaded the city, attacking any human in site and their numbers were too great for the hunters. Lumar stood confidently in front of Detroit’s City Hall, broadcasting his message in front of a camera crew.

“We have been oppressed for thousands of years, k
ept in darkness from the world, a world that is just as rightfully our own. We have been ridiculed, diminished, and oppressed. Not anymore, humans. Tonight, we stand united, and I guarantee you that our message will be heard. We will not hide in the shadows any longer. We will not so mercy, we will not submit. This is a warning to all humans roaming the streets at nightfall. This is our city, our world, and we roam free when we please.” Lumar ended the video with a devilish grin.

I handed the phone back to Aiden, shocked by what I had just viewed. I had not only turned my back on the Agency, my rage and quest for revenge had destroyed the many lives of the innocent humans of the city.

Guilt washed over me. What if I could have done something to stop this? What if I am the blame for this? I put my face in my hands and sat down. I needed to get in touch with Julian and find out what I can do to help, if I could do anything at all. I wanted to run away, but this was the poor judgment that blinded my vision on my duty as a hunter. It was time for me to step up and own up to the protection I swore to give the humans.

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