Agent Garbo (45 page)

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Authors: Stephan Talty

BOOK: Agent Garbo
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Hoover, J. Edgar: Pujol meets,


Household, Geoffrey:
Rogue Male,

Howard, Leslie: death of,

I. G. Farben: works with Abwehr,

Ingersoll, Ralph: and Operation Fortitude,

ink, secret,




See also
deception operations; espionage

British manpower shortage in,

German recruitment in,

Hitler’s use of,

ineptness and ignorance in,

Pujol’s ignorance of,

types and personalities among agents,


Ismay, Sir Hastings: and Normandy invasion,

James, M. E. Clifton: impersonates Montgomery,


Japan: Hitler and,

Jaume, Andreu: and Harris,

Jebsen, Johann (“Artist”): as Abwehr agent,

and Canaris,
capture threatens Pujol,

endangers double-agent system,
friendship with Popov,


imprisoned at Sachsenhausen,


and MI5,

SD and,

Selzer executes,

Jodl, Alfred: and Abwehr,

and Normandy invasion,


Karsthoff, Ludovico von,


Keitel, Wilhelm: on Operation Fortitude,

Kenyon-Jones, William (“Cheese”),

KLM steward (fake agent),

Knappe-Ratey, Friedrich (“Federico”),


in hiding,
Pujol dupes,

as Pujol’s handler,








Kreisler, Edward: Araceli marries,

Kreisler, Tamara,

Krummacher, Friedrich Adolf: and Normandy invasion,

Kühlenthal, Karl-Erich (“Don Pablo”),



as Canaris’s protégé,

Harris on,
in hiding,

and Pujol’s “cake job,”
on Pujol’s worth,


Ladd, Mickey,

Lazar, Hans: controls Spanish press,

Le Portel (France): destroyed in Operation Cockade,


prepares for Normandy invasion,


Leissner, Wilhelm,

Liddell, Guy,


marital problems of,
and Operation Fortitude,


and Operation Vendetta,
and Pujol’s marital problems,



Lisbon: Abwehr operations in,

as center for espionage,


flights to London,

MI6 operations in,
OSS operations in,

Pujol undercover in,



London: Calvo spies in,

flights to Lisbon,

attacks on,

wartime life in,


in Operation Fortitude,

Lufthansa: works with Abwehr,


attacks Lisbon–London flights,

reacts to

targets English trains,


Lumby, Fritz: and deception operations,


Maclean, Donald: spies for Soviets,

Macleod, Roderick: and Operation Fortitude,

Madrid: Abwehr operations in,







Pujol in,



Pujol returns to,


Mallorca: Harris retires to,


Malta: importance to Allies,


Mason-Macfarlane, Sir Noel,


Masterman, John Cecil,

and deception operations,

on German intelligence,
heads Twenty (“XX”) Committee,
and Operation Fortitude,
An Oxford Tragedy,
on Pujol’s success,

Metz, Lothar,






analyzes Abwehr’s thinking,


Araceli and,
Araceli threatens,

Camp 020,


considers using Pujol against Soviet Union,

Jebsen and,

manages double-agent system,

and officers’ marital problems,

and Operation Fortitude,
and Pujol’s fake intelligence,


Abwehr attempts to infiltrate,
begins researching Pujol,
Bristow in,

codebreakers and,

and defecting Abwehr agents,
and Mussolini,
operations in Lisbon,
Philby in,

in St. Albans,

Section D,
Section V,

and V-

Middle East: as possible invasion site,

Mills, Cyril,


and double-agent system,

Milne, Tim,


Mix, Tom,

Montagu, Ewen: and Pujol’s fake intelligence,

Montgomery, Bernard: and FUSAG,

James impersonates,

and Normandy invasion,
and Operation Vendetta,


Morgan, Frederick: in charge of Operation Cockade,



plans Normandy invasion,

Muñoz, Leonardo,


Mussolini, Benito,

MI6 and,

Nacht und Nebel
directive: Hitler issues,

Nazism: Pujol and,


Netherlands: Germany invades,

as possible invasion site,

Normandy invasion (1944): Abwehr and preparations for,


Ambrose on,
“Atlantic Wall,”
Brooke and,
Churchill and,
concealment by deception of,
deception operations in,



See also
Operation Bodyguard; Operation Fortitude)
delay of,
as diversionary feint,



Eisenhower and,


enhanced security in,

Funkhouser in,

Germany prepares for,
Harris and Pujol celebrate,

Hitler and,




importance of follow-up to,
Ismay and,

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