Agent Garbo (46 page)

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Authors: Stephan Talty

BOOK: Agent Garbo
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Jodl and,

Krummacher and,
Le Portel prepares for,

Montgomery and,
Morgan plans,
Omaha Beach landing,

Patton and,
poor chance of success of,
preparations for,



Pujol announces,

Pujol’s immediate effect on,


Ribbentrop and,
Roenne and,

Rommel and,

Rundstedt and,

Schramm and,
security blunders in,

Twenty (“XX”) Committee and,
Wild and,


North Africa, invasion of (1942),



Patton and,
political motivation for,

Norway: German occupation of,

as possible invasion site,



Office of Strategic Services (OSS): operations in Lisbon,


Omaha Beach reunion: Pujol at,


Operation Bodyguard,

Bevan and,
Churchill and,

Hesketh and,
lack of confidence in,
Wheatley and,

Operation Cockade (1943): Casey on,

Churchill and,

Devers and,
as failure,

Germany identifies as fake,

Harris and,
Hitler and,
Le Portel destroyed in,

Morgan in charge of,


planning problems,

Pujol and,




Roenne on,
Rundstedt on,
U.S. Navy in,


Operation Fortitude,

Abwehr and,


Cramer duped in,

Eisenhower on importance of,


Garby-Czerniawski and,

Harmer and,
Harris and,
Hitler and,

Ingersoll and,
Keitel on,
Liddell and,


Macleod and,
Masterman and,
MI5 and,
pigeons in,
Popov and,

Pujol and,





Roenne and,

Royal Air Force in,
Schmidt and,
Strangeways and,

Sweden and,
“Swiss navy” in,

Wheatley and,

Whiteley and,

Operation Graffham,

Operation Ironside,

Operation Leyburn,

Operation Overlord.
Normandy invasion (1944)

Operation Sea Lion,

Operation Starkey,

Operation Torch.
North Africa, invasion of (1942)

Operation Vendetta: Liddell and,

Montgomery and,


opposition research,

Orwell, George: on Spanish Civil War,

Our Man in Havana

Owens, Alfred George (“Snow”),

Oxford Tragedy, An

pacifism: Pujol and,

Page, Denys,

Pas de Calais.

Patton, George S.: commands FUSAG,

and invasion of North Africa,
and Normandy invasion,

Pérez, Ignacio Molina: as Abwehr agent,

Pétain, Philippe: at Casablanca,

Petrie, Sir David,

Philby, Kim: on Harris,

in MI6,

spies for Soviets,

“phony war,”


pigeons: in Operation Fortitude,

Plan Bodega,


Plan Brock,

Plan Dream,


Plan Gotham,

Plan Guy Fawkes,

Plan Machiavelli,

Plan Solo I,


Political War Executive (PWE),

Popov, Dusko (“Tricycle”),


arrested and imprisoned,

friendship with Jebsen,


offers services to England,
and Operation Fortitude,

recruited by Abwehr,

Pozo, Raúl del,

psywar: and burning seas defense,


compared to deception operations,


Pujol, Araceli,



brought to England,

and Churchill,
fakes suicide attempt,
Harris on,
involved in Pujol’s espionage,



leaves Pujol,

marital problems with Pujol,


marries Kreisler,
and MI5,
Pujol marries,
Pujol’s operation to control,

and Pujol’s reappearance,
rebuilds her life,

in refuge in Venezuela,

threatens MI5,


Pujol, Elena,

Pujol, Joaquín,

Pujol, Juan: Abwehr’s confidence in,










announces Normandy invasion,


Araceli leaves,

arrested for desertion,

awarded Iron Cross,

awarded MBE,
background and family,

begins spying for Abwehr,

Bristow debriefs,

Bristow on,


“cake job,”

celebrates Normandy invasion,

childhood adventures and fantasies,


code-named “Garbo,”
comes out of hiding,

considers becoming double agent,

cover threatened by defecting Abwehr agents,
and currency smuggling,




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