Alexander, Kalissa - Katlynn in Training (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kalissa - Katlynn in Training (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She sucked him deeper inside her and began to ride him with Jarred’s cock finding a faster rhythm that matched Justin’s thrusts. Over and over their cocks sliced through her, bringing her to a place she never knew existed. She had never felt anything so intense or pleasurable. She wasn’t sure where one began and the other ended. When she felt Jeremiah’s cock opening her lips, she looked up to see his handsome face filled with longing.

“I need you, Kat.” He groaned.

“And I need your cum,” she said, opening her mouth as his cock filled her.

The climax that was building inside her overtook her as wave after wave of pleasure consumed her. She felt Jeremiah’s cum spurt in her mouth. She took it, swallowing as much as she could while at the same time Jarred and Jeremiah filled her with their cum. She had thought she knew what pleasure was when they had marked her as theirs, but this went far beyond those feelings as her body climaxed again and again until she felt their cocks grow limp and slip from her body. The tears that fell down her cheeks were tears of pure joy.

She felt Jarred lifting her upward as Justin sat up and hugged her to him. Jeremiah knelt beside them as he, too, wrapped her in his arms. Jarred kissed her neck and cooed words of love into her ear. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for these three men that she loved beyond reason.

Jeremiah left her wrapped in his brothers’ arms. When he returned, he brought a basin filled with warm water. She felt her body being gently cleansed with a warm washcloth and soap. Justin washed her pussy and his cum from between her thighs. Jarred opened her ass cheeks as Jeremiah gently caressed her. She licked her lips of any residue left from Jeremiah. When they were through, Justin lifted her and took her into his bedroom where he laid her down on his bed. Jarred pulled the nighty he had told her to leave in his room, over her head. Jeremiah lifted her as Justin pulled back the comforter and the sheets. Jarred covered her. The three of them each took turns kissing her. “I love you,” she whispered, feeling herself drifting into sleep. “I love you so much. Thank you for loving me.”

“You were absolutely magnificent, Kat,” Jarred crooned, rubbing her forehead gently. “Just sleep. We’ll be here when you wake up.”

“We’ll always be here when you wake up,” Justin whispered against her cheek.

“Sweet dreams, my love,” Jeremiah said softly.

* * * *

After they were sure Kat was sleeping, they met in the living room for a glass of wine. They needed to unwind from what had been the most intensely erotic lovemaking session any of them had ever experienced. They were in awe of the woman they had left sleeping.

“I’ve made love to a lot of women, but I never felt what I felt with Kat. She’s more than I could have ever imagined,” Jeremiah said, looking at his brothers.

“She was so trusting. I was afraid I might hurt her, but she opened herself through her pain with a wild sweetness that took my breath away,” Jarred said softly. “All I can think about is taking that beautiful body of hers again and again and how honored I am that she trusted me enough to let me love her.”

“I hear you. But just remember, you two, I saw her first.” Justin grinned. “I knew from the moment she opened her door that she was special. I just never could have imagined how special until now, even though I was already head over heels in love with her.”

“Okay.” Jeremiah laughed. “You get the credit for seeing her first. However, I think we all fell in love with her at first sight, even Jarred.” He turned to look at Jarred, who seemed lost in thought.

“Jarred, you still with us?” Jeremiah asked.

“I was reliving that moment when I came inside of her, how her body trembled with her own climax. Knowing you two were experiencing the love she was giving us at the same time just intensified the experience to a level even I have never experienced. The three of us fucking other women just doesn’t compare to making love to her. I know I’m going to sound like an old cliché, but love really does make a difference.”

“You know,” Jeremiah said, pulling out his cell phone to check the time, “she may not wake up until tomorrow morning.”

“We should let her sleep.” Jarred smiled. “Tomorrow is another day.”

“Right, you’re just full of clichés.” Justin smiled back. “Well, she’s in your bed, so I guess you get to cuddle with her tonight.”

“Aren’t you the lucky one?” Jeremiah frowned. “We’re going to have to come up with some ground rules for sharing Kat. We’ve never shared a woman that we love.”

“Jeremiah has a point,” Jarred said, placing his empty wine glass down on the table in front of him. “However, we’ll have to make sure Kat is part of that conversation. This is new territory for all of us, and if we are to make this work, the way I think we can, we all have to be onboard with how we’re going to handle our need for her. Trust is the key.”

“Well”—Justin yawned—“that’s something we can talk about tomorrow.”

“There is one thing that I would like to talk about tonight, and it’s something Kat and I agreed that could wait until after your homecoming.”

“What’s that?” Jeremiah asked.

“Kat had a visitor this weekend, her old boyfriend, David. It was unexpected and something that I don’t think Kat will mind me telling you about since it was not only painful but something she would just as soon forget.”

Both brothers sat upright, their eyes sharp. Jarred knew they could sense his anger.

“He forced himself on Kat, but luckily, I was out on the deck and heard her. I knew something was wrong and again, luckily, her sliding glass door was unlocked. I stopped him before he could do her any physical harm.”

“Jesus,” Jeremiah and Justin said at once.

“What the fuck.” Jeremiah stood up.

“I threw him out, and although Kat was pretty shook up, she escaped the ultimate degradation he had planned for her.”

Did you call the police?” Justin asked, his hands shaking in anger.

“I would have, but Kat begged me not to. She said she couldn’t bear to relive the attack with strangers asking her the kind of questions that she said she couldn’t handle. Believe me when I tell you I wanted to kill the bastard.”

“What are we going to do?” Jeremiah asked, his voice cold and brittle.

“I’m not sure.”

“We have to do something,” Justin said, balling his hands into fists.

“As much as I want to, we have to respect her wishes. It could get ugly. Men like him don’t care who they take down with them. You’re a lawyer, Jeremiah. You know how unfair these things can be.”

“Damn him,” Jeremiah spat. “Innocent until proven guilty. Kat would be the one on trial. Proving rape can be difficult. Proving attempted rape can be near impossible.”

Both brothers nodded.

Jarred left his brothers and went into the bedroom where Kat was lightly snoring. He undressed for bed and slipped between the sheets next to her. He loved the feel of her body next to his. He would protect her from not only David but anything and anyone who might hurt her. He watched her sleep until his eyes closed, knowing she was safe in his arms.

Chapter Seventeen

When morning arrived, Kat woke up to find herself sandwiched in between Jeremiah and Jarred. She could smell breakfast cooking.

“She awakes,” Jeremiah said, leaning up on one elbow to gaze down at her.

“I can’t remember the last time I slept so well.”

“I slept well myself. I can thank you for that.”

She felt Jarred stir. “Me, too.”

She laughed. Normally whenever she had slept with a man, the next morning was agony. She never knew what to say or do. However, this was totally different. She felt like she had known them her whole life and even after last night, when she had done things she had never thought she was capable of, she felt not only comfortable, but totally at home with the two men who were now in her bed.

“Are you hungry?” Jarred asked, stretching.


“Well, Justin is doing his magic in the kitchen if the aroma of bacon and eggs is any indication.”

Together they got out of bed. Both Jarred and Jeremiah had on gym shorts. She was still in her nighty that left very little to the imagination. “Do you have a robe for me?”

“You don’t need a robe, Kat,” Jeremiah said huskily, his eyes roaming freely over her body. “We much prefer you as you are or completely naked.”

Giggling, she walked out of the room, knowing they were watching her, wanting her. She felt giddy with happiness.

When Justin saw her, he ran over to her and gave her a big hug and a kiss that lingered. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to drag you out of bed, dragging you into bed would prove much more enjoyable.”

“Everything smells so good. I need food if I’m to keep up with you and your brothers.” She couldn’t help but laugh. She eyed the coffee pot that was full. Justin followed her gaze. “It’s my coffee this morning. Not as good as Jeremiah’s, but he said that it was his duty to be there, right beside you, when you woke up.”

“You all performed your duties to perfection last night, how could I expect any less today.”

“Let’s all sit down before we forget ourselves and waste a good breakfast.” Jarred held a chair for Kat. She sat down, unable to stop herself from smiling.

They talked little and ate a lot. They were all hungry. When Jarred put down his fork, a frown creased his forehead. “Kat, I told Justin and Jeremiah about David.”

Katlynn felt the blood drain from her face. She had put the horrible episode with David from her mind, and now it all came back to her in a flood of unwanted emotions. Jarred had agreed not to tell them until after their first night together. Neither of them wanted anything to mar their first time together. She took a breath and fought the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, Kat, you don’t have to say anything.” Jeremiah looked between her and Jarred.

Justin continued to stare at her, his hand reaching for hers. The same frown that etched itself across Jarred’s forehead was visible on his own.

“David was an old boyfriend of mine. We worked together and still do. In fact, we’ve been assigned to a project that we are supposed to work closely on. That’s why I let him in,” she choked. “If Jarred hadn’t come in when he did”—she hesitated—“David…”

“But I was there,” Jarred said softly.

“Sweetheart,” Justin said, his voice low, “he has to pay for what he did to you.”

“Where does he live,” Jeremiah growled. “I want to pay that fucking coward a visit.”

“He didn’t rape me, although he did scare me to death. We did date before, and I did let him in my home, and I was in my robe. You know the law, Jeremiah. Tell me his lawyer wouldn’t make it look like it was my fault somehow.”

“None of that matters. When a woman says no, she means no. That’s all there is to it,” Justin spit out, looking at Jeremiah.

“I know the law, and Kat makes a valid point, but sometimes you have to go outside the law.”

“You will not go outside the law,” Kat said vehemently. “I don’t ever want to see him again, and I don’t want any of you to see him either.”

“That may be, Kat, but what about the fact that you both work for the same company and you just said you were working on a project with him. We can’t have that,” Justin said with no room for argument.

Kat shook her head. “I can’t work with him, I know that. I’ll have to quit my job.”

“That’s not fair.” Justin stood and started pacing back and forth, his hands clenched in fists.

“I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and quitting my job is the only solution. I can’t tell Tom, my boss, without starting some kind of legal action, and I’m not going to do that. I have no choice but to quit.”

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