Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) (10 page)

BOOK: Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)
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“You don’t frighten me,” a voice said.

Alice quickly covered her breasts with her hands. And then wondered why she was hiding her beautiful breasts.

The voice came from Rabbit standing at the door by her feet. “You don’t frighten me one bit!”

Alice felt her clit throb for her attention.
I’m supposed to have a bra on, right? I can’t remember why, though.

She looked for her bra and saw the tiny garment on the floor. It hadn’t grown with her the way her other clothes that touched her body had.

No way that’ll fit me now.

She put her arms through the short sleeves of her dress and with some difficulty buttoned the back. She couldn’t let her hands stop there. Alice brought her hands to her now covered breasts and unabashedly squeezed them, choking them to life. She felt like the most gorgeous woman. So big. So lovely. It wasn’t right.

Rabbit narrowed his eyes at her. “I brought my friends to make sure you leave our village once and for all!”

Giant Alice struggled to respond through her sexual arousal. “There is nothing I would like more,” she managed. “But as you can see, I’m stuck.”

Someone behind asked Rabbit, “What do we do?”

“Maybe we should burn the house down.”

Alice shouted, “Don’t you dare!” She coaxed her hands away from her nipples long enough to pull up her panties from her ankles. Why did she need these stupid clothes covering her supple, strikingly attractive body? She rewarded herself by granting her frisky fingers access between her thighs and she drew urgent circles and other slippery patterns within.

Rabbit scowled. “Yes. It would be a shame to lose my cottage. Would you please stop flooding my bedroom with your elixir?!”

“I don’t mean to…” Alice bit back a moan. “I’m just…I can’t stop.”

“Maybe that’s the problem,” Rabbit crossed his arms across his buff chest. “

“I know what she needs,” Rabbit said snapping his fingers. “We need to make you small again before you flood the village!” He stormed out of the bedroom.

As much as Alice wanted to be big and beautiful, she realized once again that such a size didn’t fit her. Rabbit was right. She needed to shrink down to size.

Alice smelled warm cherries. Rabbit came back holding a pie.

Having flooded the bedroom floor with her fluids, eating humble pie seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

Alice’s huge fingers picked up the tiny pie like a crumb out of Rabbit’s now-small hands and swallowed it down without even chewing.

As she shrunk, a lizard slithered into the bedroom and crawled all over, knocking vases, books, and sentimentals off of the dresser and shelves. It was just the distraction Alice needed to escape the bedroom before the villagers could get their hands on her.

Chapter 10


Alice trudged through the forest of tall, blue grass. Blades of grass the size of trees. The purple, wooded floor poked and pinched the soles of her feet. Her breasts swayed freely beneath her dress, the fabric partly wet from sitting in her own juices. Her arousal had passed, and now the wet parts of the dress felt cold in the open air.

Alice thought of her predicament. Not only could she never return to the village, but also she might never see the hanged man again. That hurt more than anything else. He was the only one that could make her big again. More than that…she loved him. Was that silly? She didn’t even know him. He didn’t know her. Maybe it was a crush. A puppy love. Not like Jack. Her love for Jack was true love.

True love unrequited.

She sighed, not noticing her surroundings until she arrived at a clearing. Among the tall blades of grass was a giant mushroom with someone sitting on it. A man with a head of golden blond hair. He hadn’t seen her, yet.

From her vantage point, a few feet away, he looked very strange. Dozens of arms came out from the side of his body. Everything else seemed normal. Alice bit her lip. If she couldn’t go back to the village, perhaps this…creature could help her. He wore nothing but jeans and one of his arms had a tattoo. As she neared him, she saw the ink on his bicep was a picture of an orange and black butterfly.

“Who are you?” the creature asked in the most rumbling sexy voice.

His words startled her. She had focused so much on his tattoo that she didn’t realize he had noticed her. And he had asked her a question. Who was she? She began to wonder.

“I…” Alice paused. “I’ve grown so big and so small that I don’t know anymore.”

“That isn’t the only thing troubling you, is it?”

Lord, how his words reverberated inside her chest! Did he know about her inability to climax?

“There is something else.” Alice toed the grass.

“Tell me.” His deep voice rumbled at her breast. The vibrations felt incredible.

“Um…My book doesn’t read what it should. The words are different.”

“What if you recite something from memory?” He raised his eyebrows, hiding them behind a hanging lock of his golden hair. “Recite a popular nursery rhyme.”

Alice thought about her rope-skipping days. She remembered the one about the dish and the spoon and said, “Hey diddle diddle with my pussy and fiddle ‘til I jump right over the moon. You dog you, laughing as you see me come. How my breath runs away as I swoon.” Alice blushed at what came out instead of the right words.

The man chuckled. Alice felt each low laugh like a caress of her breasts. A jolt of electricity shot to her pussy.

“Yes. Well—” One of his hands reached out to Alice and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “That’s not quite how I remember it.” Another hand rested on her shoulder, and still another stroked her arm. Alice felt her heart quicken.

“Who are you?” Alice felt breathless.

“I’m the caterpillar of these parts. At least,” he looked down at his body, “that’s the only creature I relate to.” His words vibrated even more at the places he touched.

You can’t even have an orgasm. Why would any man bother with you?

Alice stepped closer to allow his full hands to rest on her, to feel more of those dreamy vibrations. “Is that why you have that tattoo?”

“What kind of tattoo? Ink or drum?”


“Yes. Drum.” Another hand of his stroked the underside of her breast over her dress. “As in, ‘What to do to die today at a minute or two to two? A distinctly difficult thing to say but harder still to do, for they’ll beat a tattoo at a twenty to two with a rat-tat-tat tat-tat-tat tat-tat-tat-too, and the dragon will come when he hears the drum at a minute or two to two today, at a minute or two to two.’ ”

Wow! The underside of her breast sure enjoyed feeling him recite that tongue twister! Alice pretended to ignore his touches. “No, not that tattoo. The butterfly tattoo on your arm.”

“Ah! Well,” Caterpillar snuck another hand down the front of her dress and cupped her breast in his warm palm. Alice trembled. “I’ve never told anyone this but I feel close to you. The truth is,… that is…what I mean to say…” Caterpillar looked off to a distant memory, but his hands stayed on task. If their task was to set her on fire. “I hope to someday be a better creature. One that people can like and respect, and not this ugly thing that I am.”

Alice tried to say, “Go on,” but his touches expelled the strength out of her voice. Her knees weakened. She could smell her musky scent rise from beneath her legs. Could he smell it, too?

“One day I will become a butterfly. A being that everyone will adore. It’s just a matter of when.”

“And…” Alice’s nipple jutted out against the delicious heat of his palm and nimble fingers. She forced the words out, “why would a caterpillar wear pants?”

“To keep the smoke out of my eyes,” he said. Before Alice could ask what he meant, he spoke, “Now, what’s your name?”

He had a hand at the back of her neck, another on her shoulder, others stroking her arm and breast, and another hand planted flat against her other breast. He squeezed her gently there, playing with her nipple. Her pussy wanted attention. Demanded it.

“Duh...Alisshh…ice,” she managed to say.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Delicious. Now I must see for myself.”

Alice felt him hoist her in the air, high over his head. She saw an incredibly long tongue emerge from his lips and disappear under her dress. Soon she felt it stroke her panties. It pressed at her, intent on getting inside her. She felt its hot wetness slip past the side of her panties and stroke directly along her pussy. Alice shivered and moaned when he found her clit. He began flicking light licks that opened her. And in he went, straight to her inner core.

He began to bring her closer to his lips, allowing her legs to sit on his shoulders. As she inched down onto his shoulders with his head disappearing under her dress, his tongue went in further, deeper, and found more to discover. He reached places her fingers never found. Whimpers escaped her lips. The sensation was mind-blowing.

Just when Alice thought his tongue brought her as high as she could go with a good tasting, he planted his lips at her center and hummed: “Mmmm!”

She had no idea it could feel so amazing! She moaned her delight. His vibrating voice buzzed her from the inside out. The wetness of his tongue mingled with her juices and dripped down her legs.

His lips kissed her folds, his tongue wiggled all over inside, his deep voice growled into her.

Come on, Alice!
She told herself.
Reach an orgasm! You can do it! Just focus, focus, focus!

She squeezed her pussy walls and worked at finding a rhythm that matched Caterpillar’s tongue. His rhythm was slurp and lick, slurp and lick. So she squeezed and gripped, squeezed and gripped.

But it wasn’t happening. No orgasm.

Alice relaxed when she realized there was no point in trying to climax. She felt the tongue withdraw from inside her, slipping past her pussy and stroking up against her clit.

He set her down on the ground. Alice wobbled on shaky knees. She leaned on the mushroom for support.

“Indeed, you are.” Caterpillar looked her up and down with appreciation.

Alice caught her breath. “I’m what?”


Alice laughed between her panting breaths. She still held on to the mushroom.

“You okay?” he asked kindly.

“Yes. I think so.” Alice put her free hand between her legs and rubbed her clit through her dress. She looked up at him. So many arms. And in his pants? Just what hid in there? And how many? “So what did you mean by keeping the smoke out of your eyes.”

“The queen was upset with me, so she said my cock was forever like a pipe. It’s been smoking ever since. So I wear pants to keep the smoke out of my eyes.”

“That makes no sense,” Alice said.

“See for yourself.” He undid his pants and stuffed his hand inside. He snaked it out in the open air. It looked like any other cock as far as Alice could tell. But then a puff of smoke drifted up out of the eye.

Astonishing! She stood up straight. “It really is like a pipe!”

“Like I said. You can even smoke it.”

Alice laughed. "I can?"

She wouldn’t do that! She couldn’t! She didn’t even know the guy. He wasn’t even human! At least, not entirely. With all those hands…

and arms…

and biceps…

and buff chest...

and golden blond hair…

He smiled at her so warmly and openly. Why did the poor thing think himself ugly? Alice supposed she understood. Compared to Carol, she was hideous. And Caterpillar? Compared to any human he was – how would Caterpillar put it – a freak, perhaps? Yes. Alice knew what it was like to be a freak. Not even the longest tongue in the world could make her come.

Why I bet you wouldn’t know what to do with a cock if one were in front of your face.

Alice looked at the limp cock hanging out of his jeans. What was it like to make a man hard? She watched puffs of smoke drift from his tip.
The hell with it! How many times will I get the chance to smoke a cock like a pipe?

Alice returned his smile and then rubbed her hands along his thighs. The jeans were rough against her palms. She wrapped a fist around his cock and squeezed. It felt like putty. She pumped it hard.

“Gentle!” Caterpillar said. “Gentle! Gentle!”

“Oh!” Alice let go. “I’m sorry.” She felt like such a dunce. “I thought it feels good like that.”

Caterpillar guided her hand back to his cock. “It does. Later. Start gentle and when it’s hard you can squeeze harder.”

Alice held him in her hand not sure exactly how to start. Perhaps the way to go was to stroke it like she would her cat’s tail. Caterpillar watched without appearing to enjoy it.

“Is this okay?” She asked.

“You can keep it in your hand and squeeze it gently.”

Alice pulsed her clenching fingers around his cock. Caterpillar closed his eyes. She felt him grow in her hands. That seemed to do the trick. What if she rolled her fingers in a squeeze, like playing piano? She tried clenching each finger one at a time, rolling them along his cock. He moaned.

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