Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) (8 page)

BOOK: Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)
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Alice snuck a peak at Rabbit’s chest next to her remembering the way he explored her breasts, the way his fingers wiggled inside her. She admired the way he fisted the full length of his cock.

Alice sunk two fingers deep inside herself.

“Rabbit had on suspenders holding up his yellow pants. But Sarah soon took care of that. She snapped off the suspenders from his shoulders and pulled down his pants. Rabbit picked her up and carried her to the bed and threw her down onto it. He lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. He said, ‘I’ve missed you so much, Sarah,’ and he lay down on top of her and thrust his thing into her pussy.”

“What’s a pussy?” the same interrupting man said.

Damn that man and his questions!

Alice stopped moving her fingers and kept them motionless inside her. She felt herself involuntarily squeeze around her fingers. What if the men caught her touching herself? The question suddenly seemed empty. Caught masturbating by naked, masturbating men? Maybe it was a ridiculous fear but she hoped the book covered her hand well enough as she answered him. “You know, what every woman has between her legs. Even the queen has one. You know, a box?”

“The queen has a box?” another man asked.

“Yes,” Alice said.

“And Rabbit put his penis in Sarah’s box?”


“And the queen has a box? A…pussy?”

“Yes,” Alice said getting frustrated.

“What’s that feel like?”

The elder shouted, “No! No! No! Don’t use the word ‘like!’ It’s too dangerous. Instead use the word ‘imagine’.”

Alice looked up to the pink sky to find the words. “Imagine,” she said, “your…thing inside a glove. A warm, moist glove.”

She noticed all the men looking like they were trying to picture something. Their cocks in the queen’s pussy perhaps? Maybe. Because all of a sudden they stroked harder.

“Please,” the elder said. “Continue.”

“So Rabbit kissed her passionately. His tongue entwined with hers. And he shoved his thing deep inside Sarah’s pussy. He wrapped his arms around her and pushed his thing in and out of her.”

The men were moaning now, breathing heavier and heavier. Rabbit had both hands on his cock, stroking to her every word. Alice wiggled her fingers deeper inside of her as quietly as she could, her thumb stimulating the nub between her folds. She had to at least glance! Her eyes stole frequent glances at Rabbit’s hand-to-cock jerks.

“ ‘Hurry, Rabbit,’ Sarah said. ‘I hear the others coming. I want to feel you shoot inside me.’ ‘Not until you have an orgasm first,’ Rabbit said. (glance) And he kept on shoving his thing (glance) in and out of her pussy (glance) until she screamed with an orgasm running through her entire body. (glance) And then Rabbit let loose (glance), squirting stream after stream inside her pussy (glance) until he felt like he had died and gone to heaven!”

A man cried out, stood, and pointed his cock to the sandy floor, and Alice saw ropes of white seed shoot from his cock into the sand. Then the man fell to the ground.

All the other men stopped with horrified looks on their faces.

What was wrong? What happened?

“ ‘Like he had died and gone to heaven’?!” Rabbit asked with anger in his voice.

One of them felt the man’s pulse and just shook his head sadly. They all looked at Alice.

Rabbit shouted at her, “Why would you do that?!”

They all yelled at her. “Go away!” and “Leave us alone!” and “Get out of here!” and “I’m certain it’s a writing implement!”

Alice quickly got up and left for the woods. Even in her haste, she noticed the dead man had a smile on his face.

Chapter 7


Alice dove into the forest. The dry sticks beneath her bit into her feet, so she dared not move too quickly lest a sharp twig or thorn cut through her tender soles. She moved onward as fast as her fragile feet could handle until the villagers no longer followed.

At an enormous tree – or was it the stalk of a plant? – she stopped and leaned to catch her breath. The men probably just wanted to chase her out of the village. After all, they could have caught her easily with their calloused feet.

Her heart pounded, recovering from the sudden exertion.

Alice cursed herself. If those men were the only people in this wonderland, then they were her best chance at getting home, and she’d dashed that chance to pieces. What could she possibly do now to get home?

If she could just explain herself – at least to Rabbit – surely, he would understand that death was just an accident and convince the others to help her grow to her regular height and find her way home. But the others probably wouldn’t understand. And there was no way she could approach the village without being chased away. How could she get close enough to Rabbit to speak to him?

“At your service, sir,” a man’s voice said behind her.

Alice spun around. It was the servant.

“What are you doing here?” Alice asked.

“I am fulfilling the last request, sir.”

She remembered the last thing that had been said to the servant was, “Go away.” This gentleman took his work seriously!

His tuxedo was so classy! Complete with black pants, white button-up shirt, black bowtie, black jacket, and white gloves. And Alice just loved his long, auburn hair.

“How come you wear clothes,” Alice asked, “and the others don’t?”

“This is the elder’s best memory of how servants ought to look, sir.”

Alice had an idea.

“Fetch me Rabbit!”

“Excuse me, sir?”

“Go bring Rabbit to me,” said Alice with a firm voice. “At once!”

The servant hesitated.


“I’m afraid, sir, I cannot fetch people for someone. I can only fetch objects for someone. You see, sir, people can do as they please. It is not my place to tell them where they must go.”

Alice sighed. “Yes, of course.”

Then Alice decided, if the servant won’t bring Rabbit to Alice, the servant could bring Alice to Rabbit.

“Take off your clothes,” Alice said.

The servant complied. He first took off his shoes.

As he shouldered off his coat jacket, Alice tried on one of his shoes.

Too big.

Hopefully, the town wouldn’t be suspicious of a barefoot servant.

The servant began to tug at his glove’s fingers, but Alice said, “Stop!”

The servant froze.

Alice examined this sexy gentleman. Just how far would he play to her every whim?

“Take off the shirt first,” she commanded.

The servant unbuttoned his shirt leaving his bowtie around his neck. His chest was lean and lovely. A satin smooth chest with teasing abs. He slid each sleeve off his arm and handed it to Alice. Alice bunched the shirt in her hands and closed her eyes to inhale his scent. Luscious. She opened her eyes and oh. My. Lord. With just his tight black pants, white gloves, and black bowtie, his naked torso and mane of hair made him look like a lion among men. And this lion was hot as hell.

“The next article of clothing, sir?”

“Before you take off anything else, I’d like you to imagine a dirty wall behind you. You have to clean it. You have soapy brushes in each hand, but your best brush is your butt, which has bristles attached to it. So if that dirty wall was behind you, show me how you’d clean it.”

He looked in her eyes with a smile that shot straight between her thighs. He raised his arms over his head and moved them around as if he was scrubbing the wall behind him, and he gyrated his hips, as well.

“Imagine the dirt in the wall is hard to get out,” Alice said.

The servant emphasized his movements. His naked chest twisting above his thrusting hips. Was he enjoying this as much as she was? Creases in his pants formed in interesting spots.

“Now imagine the front of your waist also has bristles you can use to clean the wall.”

He smiled wider and turned away from Alice to give the imaginary wall a good humping. Now it was Alice’s turn to smile wider. Those pants showed off every curve of his firm ass. The way he swiveled those hips back and forth, left and right, he was dancing the sexiest dance she had ever seen. She was positively dripping at his performance!

Alice slid the hem of her dress up her legs, moistened her middle finger, and slid it down her panties to take care of herself.

“I imagine your pants and underwear could get dirty,” Alice said, her breath came out in puffs. “You better take them off.”

The servant stood up straight. Looked over his shoulders at Alice. Alice froze. She stopped rubbing herself. Lord, those blue eyes! She lost herself in them. Did she dare to keep rubbing even while he looked?

She dared.

The servant winked and Alice heard him pop open the buttons down the front of his pants. Alice imagined the relief he gave himself by freeing the pressure at his crotch. The thought made her breathing heavier.

The servant did not waste time undressing. He kept his arms straight as he pushed both his pants and plaid boxers down to his ankles. He hopped on one leg trying to get the other free from his clothes, his cock wagging in the air. Alice laughed, more at his look of embarrassment for not pulling off a smooth disrobe than at his clumsiness.

Completely free of his pants and underwear, he wrangled with the pant legs, wrestling them into a ball and throwing them on the ground. He picked up a stick and stabbed the pants repeatedly. The stick broke into smaller pieces with each thrust until he tossed the tiny remnant of the stick aside and said, “It’s dead.”

Alice laughed and admired the man now in nothing but white gloves and a black bowtie. He stood up in front of her in all his naked glory. Alice sighed and took a mental picture and filed it away for a later bedroom fantasy.

“I better go,” she said. She picked up his pants and put them on over her dress. The dress had to be stuffed down the pant legs, and made her hips look abnormally wide, but she made do. She put his shirt on next, and tucked it in. Boy, it was getting crowded in her pants! Like wearing a parachute in the wrong place.

Alice eyed the splendid servant and grinned. “I suppose I’ll be needing your bow tie, now.”

He tugged at the black ribbon, it unraveled at his neck, and he offered it to her. Alice frowned at the dangling cloth and, not knowing how to tie a bowtie, said, “You better put it on me.”

The servant stepped behind her. Alice bunched her hair in her hands and lifted it out of his way. She felt his warm breath at the nape of her neck. Goosebumps bubbled along her arms.

His naked body behind her, all she had to do was lean back into his arms, lean back into his chest, lean back into his crotch, get this ridiculous parachute off and lean his cock slowly, lusciously into her.

His hands brushed her neck as he tied the knot of the bow tie.

Alice let her hair down and hugged herself. She shrugged her arms around her waist to push her breasts together without actually touching them. Alice wanted to say, “Caress me more. Hold my breasts. Touch my nipples.” And he would obey.

But that was the problem.

She couldn’t know for sure if he would touch her for his own pleasure or just because she had told him to. On the other hand, the way her body ached to be touched, it almost didn’t matter anymore what the servant wanted. She opened her mouth to give her next command, but he finished tying the bowtie and stepped away to return in front of her.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief. Forced out of temptation made doing the right thing so much easier.

Enough, Alice told herself. She had to go to Rabbit and convince him to help her get back to her normal size.

She assessed her costume. Would she pass for the servant? Her breasts fought through her dress against the fabric of the tight shirt. That could give her away. She put on the black coat jacket and it did a good job at hiding her endowed chest.

“I’ll need your gloves, now,” Alice said.

He tugged them off and Alice put them on.

“Thanks,” Alice said. “Your clothes were just what I needed.”

“You didn’t really need me to take off my boxers, did you?”

Alice looked down at his cock hanging freely and then returned to his beautiful blue eyes. “Oh, yes. I most certainly did.”

She headed back to the village.

Chapter 8


Alice was able to infiltrate the village without being noticed or called upon. In fact, she was even able to ask one of the men where Rabbit’s cottage was without the villager even blinking an eye.

As soon as she arrived at Rabbit’s doorstep, the door flung open and the well-built young man appeared eyeing Alice dressed as the servant. “Servant!” Rabbit said, “Go to my bedroom at once! I’ll be there soon.” With that, he ran out of the cottage.

That was unexpected
, Alice thought.
What will happen in Rabbit’s bedroom? And why did he need his servant there? Or did Rabbit recognize me and want me in his bedroom for other reasons?

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