Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) (5 page)

BOOK: Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)
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Jack would never know the feeling.

Alice could make this stranger gasp, sigh, moan, and groan.

Jack would never have that experience.

Not by
a voice inside Alice said.
But perhaps by
fingers…and mouth!

Alice became livid. She shoved aside the man’s hand from his cock.

He whimpered. She swallowed him whole.

“Yes!” he said. “Put that big lovely mouth around me!”

So this was it.

The first time she tasted a cock. His skin was hot. Salty. Her tongue glided across the smooth ridge on his cock’s head.

It wasn’t difficult for Alice to get the whole length inside her mouth. The entire man was small enough that she could probably fit his fist in her mouth.

Jack’s size was another story, though. Alice guessed she wouldn’t be able to swallow his full length. But if
wasn’t able to, neither was Carol.

Alice decided to do all the things to this hanged man that Carol would never be able to do on Jack, just in case Alice needed to shock Jack with tales of her own talents.

Alice suckled on his cock and angled to watch his face. He was in ecstasy, emitting sounds that could only be a sign of torture or a sign of bliss. In this case, probably both.

Alice ran her hands around his waist and grabbed his ass, a handful of firm flesh in each hand. She moved her head back and forth, imitating the hand she replaced. She swirled her tongue around his hot length. She was feeling the heat, too. Sweat collected under her breasts. Moisture dripped between her thighs.

His moans were louder now. Alice felt dizzy at the power she had over him. She could make this hanged man experience incredible pleasure with her hands and with her mouth and she could take it all away from him if she wanted to by simply stopping. She was in control.

But the power excited her too much to stop. Alice licked his cock like a lollipop. She sucked it, tongued it, slipped the tip of her tongue in the tip of his cock. Then dived completely along the shaft, taking his balls in her mouth along the way. A sensation Jack would never know.

The hanged man bellowed.

With his free hand he gripped the back of her head and shouted, “Drink me!”

Alice cupped her hand hard against her pussy. Her heart hammered out of her as if to replace her voice.
I can make a man come!

Alice suckled hard at the hanged man’s cock. She was ready to swallow everything he had. Even though she’d never been with a man, she’d read enough to know what was coming next.

Then he yelled triumphant, inarticulate.

Alice felt squirt after squirt of his climax go down her throat. It tasted salty. She liked it, really liked it.

He shouted his release. More came. And kept coming. The whole time, the hanged man screamed his joy.

Alice’s mouth flooded with his essence. The room echoed the arousing sounds of his cries. His exhilaration got her so excited.

She pressed her chest as close to him as she could, hugging him. Through her dress, she rubbed her breasts against him. All the while, she kept her mouth clamped tight around him, and swallowed, sucked and drank it all down.

The hot liquid warmed inside her belly.

When Alice noticed there was nothing more to drink, she licked the surrounding seed off his shaft until it was wiped clean with her tongue. She let his cock flop out from her mouth and she sat down on the ground.

If Jack could see me now…

The hanged man’s chains rattled and released, dropping him. He hit the ground with a thud.

“Ooh!” Alice reached out to him. “Are you okay?”

The man rubbed his head. He smiled up at Alice. “Never better, beautiful one.”

Alice was surprised to see the chains react by themselves that way. But she hardly had a moment to consider why when she noticed something even stranger. The walls were shrinking. Either the hallway was getting smaller, or she was getting bigger.

“What’s happening to me?”

“You drank me,” the man said. “Words can’t describe the beautiful woman you’re becoming.”

Her belly tingled. What was happening? The tingling spread up and down, to her pussy and nipples. She curled her toes and clutched her breasts, attempting to squeeze all the tingling out of it. Larger and larger, she grew.

Alice now had to duck so she didn’t hit the ceiling. Being this big felt wrong. Not that it was wrong to be big, but wrong for
to be big.

She didn’t deserve it.

Her skin felt like it was stretching. Something was dripping down her thighs.

“Well I’ll be a tucked foy!” The man splashed about and stared at his submerged feet. “You’re causing a little flood down here!”

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Alice squeezed her thighs together, but it just made it worse, just made her more excited. She closed her eyes at the overpowering sensations rushing through her.

“It’s not me,” she moaned. “This is not me!”

Alice had to sit down. Liquid splashed around her.

She was sitting in a pond of her own juices. Beside her, the man was swimming. Her little pond had become his lake.

The more he swam towards Alice, the more distant he became. A strong current was pulling him away from her.

“I’m afraid,” he sputtered. “I can’t…”

While distracted by the arousal washing through her body and leaving out between her legs, Alice could do no more than watch as the current sped him away from her. She shivered with hot pleasure.

I’m becoming so big. I’m feeling so good. It’s not right. It’s not right.

“Alice!” the man called, an outstretched hand disappearing into the heart of her waters.

He was gone.

And as Alice heard the slaps of the waves licking the hallway walls while she writhed in wrongful pleasure, a distant question struggled to speak in her head.

How did he know my name?

Chapter 4


Alice’s big body pressed against hallway walls and the ceiling. She had to be doubled over to fit. In her dazed state of hypersensitive arousal, she saw a table of pies float by her.
Couldn’t be.

A sign on the table said, “Humble Pie.” Desperate to try anything to stop the growing, she snatched a pie between her thumb and first finger, accidentally crushing the thing. She put the creamy crumbs to her lips. Odd. It smelled like cherries and tasted like apples. Alice licked the sweet remnants off her fingers. Her other hand pressed her dress between her legs, frantic to find an off button.

What next? What could she do to put out this blaze in her body?

But there was no need to wonder for long. Her body began to shrink and, with it, the fire of her desire.

This is right. Now I’m becoming a size that fits me.

Alice continued to shrink, smaller and smaller, right into the lake of her own wetness. Down to the size of the hanged man.

Had he also eaten the pie? Before she met him?

Alice let the current take her out of the hall and into sunshine. But what was wrong with the sky? It was a bright pink color. The sun wasn’t even setting! The warm sun felt good on her wet face. But how was she going to return to her normal size and get home? Getting her feet firmly on land was the first step.

She saw a distant shore. At least it looked like a shore. She swam in its direction and soon found herself wading near a blond-haired young man with a chiseled chin. Looking at him did interesting things to her body.

“Hi!” She gave him her best smile.

He floated closer to her, his broad shoulders bobbing above the water line. “What is this?”

“What’s what?”

“I was just gathering wood for tonight’s campfire when this lake suddenly appeared.” He looked around at the encompassing lake “What happened?”

“Beats me,” Alice lied. “I’m Alice. What’s your name?”

“Not sure,” he said with a cool voice. “But everyone calls me ‘Rabbit’.”


“Yeah.” Rabbit scowled looking around as if trying to find his “everyone.”

“Who’s everyone? And how did you get here?”

“About ten years ago we all shrunk down to this size, but none of us remembers why. Something about boy scouts, scouting, eating pie… Something.”

Alice imagined those square jaws eating pie, and then imagined those same jaws busy between her legs. She forced herself free from the daydream. “Why do they call you ‘Rabbit’?”

“None of us remembers our real names, so we gave each other names of animals,” Rabbit said still looking around. Alice’s smile didn’t seem to capture his attention. “Except for our servant, of course.”

“You have a servant?”



Rabbit finally looked at Alice and frowned as though she had asked a strange question. “Servant,” he replied.

Alice laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

Alice floated on her back, her dress soaked and clinging to her skin. “Nothing.” A servant called “Servant.” Would his wife’s married name become “Mrs. Wife”?

“What are those bumps on your chest?”

Alice dropped her legs back down into the water. “Shut up!” she laughed, covering her breasts, her hands over the drenched material of her dress.

“Why? What are they?”

Was he serious? His face seemed serious.

Alice examined this handsome, naked man further. Hard to tell below the water line, but his body looked like it complemented his handsome face well.

“They’re breasts,” she lowered her hands and tried to say matter-of-fact. The heat in her face and swelling of her nipples suggested she’d failed.

He put his hands on them. She gasped. He squeezed her breasts then pulled her neckline to look down. Alice knew she should pull away, but became too captivated by watching him explore and discover her body, his face so intent, so driven, as though all the answers could be found down the front of her dress.

Perhaps they could. Her breathing got heavier. She was about to witness his sexual discovery. As though he were a student. Did that make her the teacher? Considering how little Alice knew of men, wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around so that she was the student? Such an experience is the stuff of fantasies. She was supposed to stop him, pull away from him. But just how much of this sexual discovery would actually take place?

Is it really possible for a guy to have never seen breasts before? Alice decided to be passive. See how the moment played out. His education could lead to her own.

He stuck a hand down her dress and gripped a mound of her flesh, firmly but gently. He tested a nipple with the tip of his fingers. He pinched it. Alice squealed in delightful surprise and pulled her body away, but bent forward to keep his hand down her dress. He squeezed her other breast and pushed the nipple in a few times as if to see what the button did.

It certainly did something.

He didn’t know that the effect it had was happening down between her legs.

Too soon, Rabbit removed his hand. Apparently no longer interested.

Alice realized other parts of her body needed attention. Remaining passive went out the window.
This young man can be my study buddy, and if I let him stop now, I’ll never get to find out from him how to touch a man.

“Have you seen Dinah?” she said.

“Who’s Dinah?”

“That’s what I call my pussy. Do you want to see?”

“I’m allergic to cats.” Rabbit waded away from her.

Alice followed and laughed. “Not a cat, a pussy.”

“What’s the difference?”

“You know what it’s like to pet a cat, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I’m allergic to cats.”

“Well, give me your hand and I’ll show you what it’s like to pet a pussy.”

Alice took his hand and guided it under the water to between her legs. She relished Rabbit’s reaction. He scowled and stuck his finger deeper without any further coaxing. Alice moaned and curled her toes.

“What…What is that?” Rabbit asked. “Is there something inside?”

“You’ll just have to keep looking,” Alice said wrapping her legs around his waist and resting her arms around his shoulders. Two fingers were inside her now, wiggling trying to get deeper.

“This is a strange box,” he said wriggling a third finger inside. “Are you sure there’s something in it?”

“Keep looking,” Alice breathed heavily.

His fingers persisted, deeper still, reaching, digging, seeking a treasure Alice knew he’d never find.

“Hey!” a voice called out.

Rabbit removed his fingers in a flash.

Alice whimpered. “No!” She didn’t want it to stop. His fingers were doing wonderful things to her. There was nothing worse than turning on the oven without putting in the cake.

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