ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) (11 page)

Read ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series)
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When the silence became a heated mist that began closing in on them, he spoke in a low, intimate and erotic voice, leaning down toward her, and at the same time reaching his hand down to gently cup the area between her legs. “I want you.”

His deep, throaty, sexy voice, as well as the words he had spoken caused heat to gather where he had placed his hand. Dominique automatically reached her arms up to encircle his neck. This was the show of acceptance Jordan needed. He lowered his mouth to hers with a hunger that could not be denied. Any control he had was gone.

He sucked her tongue into his mouth at the same time his hand left the area between her legs and moved higher, seeking out her breasts. Pushing her top aside and releasing the front hook of her bra, his hands trembled when he touched her bare breasts; sliding over her nipples and feeling them harden under his touch.

Breaking the kiss he pulled her top over her head with her bra along with it, and got his first view of her naked breasts. “Mercy.” The word was a guttural sound from his lips as his eyes feasted upon her. Her breasts were large, ripe, and delicious. Like a starving man, his mouth immediately went straight to them and began licking and sucking.

“Jordan . . .”

He heard his name whispered from Dominique’s lips on a quavering moan as his tongue greedily tasted each swollen nipple. His hand then moved back down lower and slipped into the waistband of her shorts and panties until it came into contact with the very essence of her. She felt hot, slick and wet.

“Oh, baby,” he said hoarsely, inhaling deeply the full scent of her. It was the unique feminine scent of woman in heat. His nostrils flared and his tongue trembled inside his mouth, aching to taste her.

“Lift up. I want you naked,” he said softly, breaking their kiss as his hand gently pulled down her short and panties, then tossed them on the floor near his clothes. His eyes blazed a trail down her nude body, appreciating everything he saw.

He dipped his head and his mouth went back to her breasts before slowly moving lower. He intended to make her as out of control as he was.

“Jordan!” Dominique bit back another groan. He was making her body feel things it had never felt before. Naughty but nice. Insatiable. Seductively his. She was becoming sexually insane. A mass of heated, sensual bliss. Then, when she thought there was no way she could handle any more, as his fingers took over and thoughts of anything and everything except the sensations she felt vanished from her mind, her world suddenly exploded into a thousand pieces. She cried out her pleasure and he kissed the sound from her lips.

“Your body is about to get the ultimate workout,” he whispered when she slowly began coming back down to earth. “Just do like you did before and lift your hips each time I give the count,” he said seductively, his warm breath close to her ear.

She nodded, unable to speak. Jordan’s intimate loving of her had left her speechless, breathless. It had been incredible. Earth-shattering.

“Look at me, baby.”

And she did.

“Keep your eyes on me,” he whispered. “Open your legs as wide as they can go for me. I got something to give you.”

She continued looking at him while she did what he said. Her body began feeling heated all over again the moment she felt him large, thick, and hot, slip inside of her. It was a tight fit, and he moved slowly, deeply, to connect their bodies in the most elemental way.

“Ahh,” he growled huskily as he continued to push forward. “That’s it, just relax.”

Everything inside Dominique felt wonderful, and erotic images of what was taking place down below infused her mind. “Jordan”, she whispered hoarsely, automatically moving her hips, wanting him.

He stilled her movements with his hands. “Not yet baby. Otherwise I could hurt you. I want you just that much. Don’t move until I start counting.”

“Like, before?”


“Just as many?”

“More, if you can handle it. But when you get tired, I’ll take over.”

She nodded.

He began counting again. “One . . . two . . . three . . .”

On each count, she lifted her hips, bringing him deeper into her body, stretching her inside in a way she didn’t think possible. And when she pulled back, inch by inch, almost bringing him out of her, he automatically thrust his hips downward, to stay connected.

“Ten . . . eleven . . . twelve . . .”

Each count meant another stroke, another thrust, another earth shattering passionate moment.

“Twenty-one . . . twenty-two . . . twenty-three . . .”

Dominique didn’t have the strength to take any more – the pleasure was too great – and she felt her body getting ready to explode again. He evidently felt it too and took over. Reaching down, he placed his hand under her hips to lift her, locking their bodies together.

“Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he whispered, seconds before he began thrusting with increased speed. His entire body focused on hers as he brought her to another climax – the second, and not long after that, the third.

He continued to ride her, not letting up nor letting her down. Her legs were wrapped around him, keeping her body locked in place as he made love to it, over and over again.

Jordan’s nostrils flared as they inhaled the scent of sex, and he knew at that moment, without any doubt, that this wasn’t just lust. He’d been in lust before, but never had it made him this crazy, this uncontrolled, this desperate. It was as if he could not get enough of her, and wondered if he ever would.

That was the main thought on his mind when he felt his body become engulfed in a sea of turbulent waves, taking him under. He felt himself drowning and wondered if he would survive. But if he had to die, this was certainly the way to go, while he was still tightly embedded inside of her – to the hilt. When he came, the force of his climax was so strong he felt his entire body convulsed. He yelled out her name, not caring if the entire city of Orlando heard him.

And as he gathered her in his arms as after-shocks continued to ram through him, he knew in that space of time that she had become his bare essential; his ultimate necessity.

She called it recreational sex. But now his mind was calling it something else entirely.


t was near noon when Jordan opened his eyes. He blinked, then smiled at the feel of the soft, feminine body snuggled next to him in his bed. His leg was thrown over hers, their bodies still connected. He intended to stay inside of her for as long as he could.

Jordan tightened his arms around Dominique. After they had made love in the workout room, they had showered, then had gotten in his bed, where they had made love again twice, possibly three times, before falling asleep. They never got around to eating breakfast. Making love was the only thing on their minds, and they had mated like rabbits.

Now he was hungry after having worked up an appetite. But a part of him didn’t want to disconnect their bodies just yet.

His gaze roamed over the part of her not covered by his bedspread. She was still naked and her breasts were visible. He thought of the baby who would one day suck her breasts.

His baby.

He drew in a deep, sharp breath at the implication that he was planning for her to have
baby. He had been extremely careful today and felt reasonably sure she had not gotten pregnant. But he had all intentions of getting her pregnant one day . . . after they had gotten married.

He shook his head, not believing the way his thoughts were going. He was a man who had sworn he would never marry again, and he hadn’t counted on falling in love a second time. But he had.

How was he to know that one day he would meet a woman by the name of Dominique Kincaid? No one had warned him of the dangers of sexual chemistry and how powerful it could be, or the chance of lust turning into love. And he certainly hadn’t known that he possessed such an insatiable appetite. He could stay in bed and make love to her for the rest of the day, the night, the week, the year. Hell, he felt himself getting hard just thinking about the fact that he was inside of her while she slept; which wasn’t smart, since he hadn’t taken off the last condom he’d used. He needed to go to the bathroom and discard it and put on another one before he did something real stupid like deciding to make love to her without using one.

Regretting having to do so, he eased out of her, slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. A short while later he returned and got back into bed. She was still asleep and didn’t budge an inch when he gathered her close into his arms. Shifting her legs apart he eased himself back inside of her.

He tried not to groan at how good the connection felt. It was a tight fit. Snug. And even in sleep her body was hot. He wondered whether, if he began moving just a little bit, if she would wake up. He smiled, deciding to try it and see.

He moved his hips once, twice, then again, gently pumping into her. He turned and buried his face into her neck, feeling the need to lick her somewhere and deciding it would be there. He licked her again and again, then gently sucked on her soft skin, nipping at it with his teeth, not caring that he would probably leave a visible mark on her neck. The thought of branding her as his woman sent a wave of passionate possession through him.


His name came out of her mouth in a hoarse, sluggish whisper, and with a soft groan he pulled her closer into his arms as he continued to pump inside her in a smooth, steady rhythm.

“Yeah, baby?”

Slowly she opened her eyes to meet his. They were soft from sleep. She drew in a deep breath when she felt him moving in and out of her. “What are you doing?” she asked in a voice that sounded drowsy, yet a bit overwhelmed.

“Do you have to ask?” he answered, amused, as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her each time.

A dark tint slashed across Dominique’s cheek and she sucked in a deep breath. She felt her body awakening in pure sexual pleasure with the feel of him inside of her. “You haven’t gotten enough?” she asked, amazed as she thought of the number of times they had made love already.

“I don’t think there is such a word as ‘enough’ where you are concerned, baby,” he said as his gaze focused on her lips and saw them quiver into a smile.

“Rather greedy, aren’t you?”

Jordan chuckled. “You make me feel that way.”

Never in her life had she awaken to find a man already in the process of making love to her. “I like that,” she said, smiling.

Without missing a beat Jordan shifted positions and moved on top of her. Cupping her buttocks in his hand he lifted her to wrap her legs around himself.

Dominique moved her hips to meet his strokes. They were coming faster and stronger. He kissed her, thrusting his tongue in and out of her mouth.

“Dominique.” Jordan moaned her name, and his body shuddered at the same time he felt her climax. The force of it shook him everywhere, and he drew in a deep, satisfied breath as sensation after sensation rammed through him. And he knew at that moment that he loved her with every part of his body, and he intended to tell her so.

He wanted her to know that this wasn’t about recreational sex any longer. And if he were true to himself he would admit that it never had been. He had fallen hard for her the first time he had seen her. What other reason would he have been so intense about having her?

Smiling, he noted she had gone back to sleep with him buried deep inside of her. He decided to tell her how he felt as soon as she woke back up. At that moment he heard the sound of his doorbell and remembered he was expecting a courier to deliver a package. He quickly eased out of bed, wanting her to get all the rest she deserved.



Dominique stirred and woke up to an empty bed and the aroma of something cooking, and whatever it was, it certainly smelled delicious. She rolled over and looked around, realizing that she was still at Jordan’s house and in his bed.

She smiled. How many times had they made love that day? Five? Six? Seven? Who was counting? Her smiled widened when she remembered that he had been the one counting earlier that day . . . in the workout room.

Groaning, she felt the need to bury her head under the pillow when she thought of what they had done on that piece of equipment. It had been simply shameless, but she had enjoyed every single minute of it. In fact she would just love doing it again, but some other time, definitely not today. Her body felt too sore.

She grinned, liking the feel of the soreness and the reason for it. Making love with Jordan had been fun, fulfilling, just plain incredible and she hoped he felt the same way. She intended to have many more such moments with him.

She frowned when a thought suddenly occurred to her. Would he still want her now that they had slept together? And if so, for how long? All they had agreed on was recreational sex. Was that all he wanted from her?

She inhaled deeply, not wanting to think about it. She would savor the moment as long as it lasted, and when he was ready for things to end, she would walk away with her memories. No, she thought, shaking her head. She would walk away with more than memories. At some point in time he had managed to capture a piece of her heart. He would never know she had fallen in love with him. She had finally accepted that she loved him the moment he had slipped inside of her. It was then that she had realized that Michelle had been right: She was the kind of woman destined to love any man she slept with. To her, sex and love went hand in hand.

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