Alleyn, Fredrica (37 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

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Cassandra watched Rupert as he examined the covering closely, touching it lightly with one finger as though testing for something. She was so busy wondering what would happen next that she failed to hear Monique behind her, bending low with a bowl of her own, ready to arouse the protruding vulva.

'Remove the wax,' said the baron quietly, and both Rupert and Giovanni obeyed at the same time so that the thin coating was torn off the tender breasts and then held up so that the imprisoned young women could see moulds of their breasts.

As it was removed, the wax pulled on the myriad of tiny hairs that surrounded the nipples removing them too and the resulting needle-like sensations seemed to be the same as the continuous tiny shocks that were coming from their bottoms as the jumping beans continued their work.

In order to soothe the skin, more lotion was now massaged into the breasts and Cassandra knew that already her body was beginning to burgeon beneath these incredible new sensations. It felt tight and she was very moist between her thighs, her pulse rate was high and there was perspiration down her spine.

She had no idea how it was affecting Nicola, all she knew was that at this moment, experiencing new extremes of depravity, her highly-tuned body was responding with pleasure, opening itself to whatever was offered and striving already for its first orgasm.

In this heightened state, the sudden shock of her vagina being flooded by warm water from a tube inserted by Monique during the taking of the breast mould caused the longed-for climax to rush through her and her belly pressed against the inside of the chair back as she shook with pulsations of excitement, while inside her rectum the jumping beans increased in speed and sent thrilling sensations through to her flooded front entrance. This prolonged her orgasm and she gave a moan of ecstasy.

Beside her, Nicola, who had been experiencing everything that Cassandra had experienced, cried out too but in disbelief and discomfort, unable as yet to derive much pleasure from the baron's perversity.

As soon as the douche had run out of the two women, the maids inserted a pair of heavy love balls into each of them, and because of the angle at which they were sitting they seemed to press more heavily than normal against the nerve endings so that even for Nicola quick flutterings of excitement began to shoot upwards through her stomach.

Next Monique and Sophie got to work on the exposed vulvas with their tongues and fingers, using every trick that they knew to keep their victims excited, occasionally using a very fine paint brush to spread the increasing lubrication around the surrounding tissue.

While this was being done, Rupert and Giovanni continued to concentrate on the women's nipples and breast tissue. They rolled the nipples between their fingers, nibbled at the soft undersides of the increasingly swollen globes and licked the surface of the skin before leaving the saliva to evaporate with a cooling sensation that for most of the time was hot from desire and arousal.

As though this wasn't enough, the baron and Frangoise concentrated on the backs of the imprisoned young women. They tongued down their spines, letting the tips concentrate on each vertebra and dance lightly against the base, while their, hands skimmed down the sides of the quivering bodies, coming to rest from time to time on the buttocks which they would then press tightly together, causing the vibrating beans to leap around more rapidly.

Both Cassandra and Nicola lost themselves totally in the varied and intense sensations that these attentions produced. Their bodies swelled, tightened and teetered on the edge of orgasms before tumbling over time and again until they seemed to be nothing more than a collection of hot, straining flesh that with every orgasm, every contraction of internal muscles, grew yet more greedy for satisfaction.

Cassandra lost all sense of time and place. She closed her eyes and allowed her body to be engulfed by the skill of the others. Every time she reached a peak of pleasure she cried out with excitement, her head arching back so that the narrow column of her throat was exposed, and whenever possible the baron would take advantage of that moment to kiss her lightly at the base of her neck where her pulse was fluttering wildly like a trapped bird.

After a time exhaustion began to make itself felt and the intensity of both their orgasms lessened slightly. Immediately that happened, the baron handed Monique and Sophie some of the stimulating unguent he had used before on Cassandra and once this was spread on the clitoris of each woman they found that despite themselves their orgasms grew yet stronger, threatening to tear them apart.

Never, in all her time with the baron, had Cassandra undergone such extended and intense stimulation and to her astonishment she revelled in it. She was grateful for the unguent, grateful that he allowed her body to continue to take its pleasure and when he started to spread his hand between her stomach and the back of the chair and press against her lower belly to ensure that the final drops of champagne were expelled from her bladder she cried out with the sheer joy of it all.

It was Nicola who faltered first. For a time she too had revelled in the bliss of prolonged sensuality, but after a time she found it impossible to lose herself in the sensations and instead became too aware of what was being done to her and how she must look. When the baron forced the last of the champagne from her bladder and Sophie lapped at it like a cat, she stiffened with humiliation.

'What's the matter?' he asked silkily.

Nicola hesitated, reluctant to utter the words that might end her dream. 'I want it to stop,' she said softly. 'I can't take any more.' The baron's face was expressionless. She might never have spoken for all the effect her words had.

Giovanni increased his attentions to her delightfully swollen and long nipples, flicking at them with a piece of elastic. Every time it struck home he could see the nipple redden and grow yet more.

'Please, I want it all to stop!' she begged, raising her voice.

The baron indicated that Giovanni and Rupert should change places, and then Giovanni was doing the same to Cassandra's pale pink nipples. Immediately as the elastic struck one she gave a cry of delight and began to tremble with the onslaught of a fresh orgasm.

'Cassandra doesn't want to stop,' murmured the baron. 'It is for you to decide, Nicola. If you stop now, then you have lost.'

Nicola wanted to keep going, wanted the pleasure of the baron's approval to continue, but when Sophie pressed her outer labia together and forced the trapped love balls to trigger another weak climax from her over-stimulated body she knew that for her it was enough. She could not ever be what the baron wanted. 'I want you to let me out of the chair,' she said clearly.

Immediately all the stimulation ceased, and in total silence Frangoise and Sophie helped free Nicola and then assisted her to her feet, allowing Rupert to remove the jumping beans. Once she was standing, Nicola glanced at Cassandra. She wasn't even aware that Nicola had ended the contest. As Giovanni played with her breasts and the baron used his tongue on the cleft of her buttocks, Monique pressed upwards against the love balls and again Cassandra's body was racked by a spasm that caused her to gasp in ecstasy.

When her body began to quieten the baron signalled for her to be left alone. He then walked in front of her, took her face between his hands and bent down so that his mouth was next to her ear. 'It's over,
You have won. Nicola has asked to be released.'

Cassandra stared at him, her eyes heavy with satisfaction, her mouth moist and slack and her cheeks flushed pink. To him she had never looked more beautiful. 'Over?' she said in disbelief.

'Over,' he repeated. Then he bent down, kissed her gently on the mouth and began to release her breasts from the holes through which they had been protruding for so long.

Once she was standing he removed the jumping bean, then wrapped a robe round her and led her tenderly from the room, leaving everyone else behind. When she stumbled on the stairs he lifted her in his arms and carried her to his own room where he laid her on the bed and covered her with the duvet. 'Sleep now,' he whispered.

Her eyes closed and almost immediately she began to drift off. She never knew whether or not she dreamt that he added, 'I love you,' before he left the room.

The next day all the guests departed. Before he left Giovanni came to tell Cassandra that he was taking Nicola to Italy with him. 'She does not wish to return to her father,' he explained, 'and I think that perhaps she is more suited to the kind of life that I can offer her than she is to life here in the chateau.'

'I'm sure you're right,' said Cassandra with a smile.

'But always remember,' he added in an aside. 'Should the time come when you tire of the baron, I will be waiting for you.'

'I'll remember,' she promised, although deep down she knew that she would only seek him out if the baron tired of her, because for her there would never be anyone else.

When they were at last alone, Cassandra and the baron went for a walk through the cornfield where she had once taken Nicola. 'I'm tired of the Loire,' he said abruptly.

'Where do you want to go?' Cassandra asked quietly.

He glanced sideways at her. He knew full well that Giovanni was in love with her, and knew too that despite his inability to commit himself to a long-term relationship, at that moment the thought of losing her was terrifying. It was for this reason that he had already made his choice.

'I thought Venice would make a nice change,' he said, putting an arm round her waist. 'You'll like Italy, and particularly Venice. Yes, I believe you will love Venice, for nowhere else have I found a city so rich in decadence.'

Til order the maids to start packing then,' responded Cassandra.

The baron turned her to face him, gazed into her eyes and tried to work out what it was that made her so precious. 'You're not afraid?' he asked softly.

'Why should I be? Like you, I enjoy change,' she responded.

He laid her down on the grass at the edge of the cornfield and made long, tender love to her and afterwards they strolled back to the chateau for their final night there before leaving for Venice.

When their car rolled down the drive the following morning Cassandra wondered what her next challenge would be, and whether she would ever see Giovanni Benelli again. Somehow she thought that she would. She was looking forward to Italy.




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