Alpha Pack 4 - Hunters Heart (16 page)

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oblivion. Her orgasm milked his cock as he spurted into

her, harder than before. More than he’d thought possible.

Raising his head, he looked into her face and swept a

damp tendril of hair from her eyes. She gazed at him,

smiling dreamily, a woman well satisfied. A new emotion

clogged his throat.

One he wasn’t brave enough to name. Yet.


It was deliciously decadent, lazing on the floor with Ryon

after making love. In the middle of the afternoon.

Her buttoned-up ex-fiancé had never committed a

spontaneous act in his life. Much less anything that

involved getting naked

As soon as the uncharitable thought crossed her mind,

she felt bad. It really wasn’t fair comparing two men who

were so different. Ryon was an open book, his smile

honest, his handsome face reflecting his love of life. Of

laughter, his friends, the poor creatures like Chup who

were displaced in a strange world. The exact opposite of

her ex, who’d never had time for much of anything but his

own career.

Head resting on Ryon’s chest, she trailed her fingers

through the crisp, dusky hair that was a darker shade than

what was on his head. She teased each nipple, enjoying

the way the brown disks puckered into tight points, then

skimmed her palm lower, stopping at the intricate tattoo on

his left hip. The artwork was a wolf’s head, ears laid flat

against his head, muzzle snarling fiercely in the direction

of its owner’s belly button. The ink appeared black at

first, but upon closer inspection she saw it was actually a

dark blue. Very, very fetching.

“I love the tat,” she said, running a finger over it in

appreciation. His abdomen quivered at her attentions and

she smiled against his chest.

“Thanks. It was a moment of insanity, I suppose.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Hurt like a bitch. I’ll never get another one—that’s for


“You can fight vampires, nearly get gutted, then go back

to battle again without batting an eyelash, but you won’t

get another tattoo?”

He made a noise of agreement. “Damned straight.

Nothing like having to hold still for the torture when I’d

much rather go down swinging.”

“Well, it’s nice. I’m glad you got this one.” Sitting up,

she sat and traced it. “I noticed some of the other guys

have them, though they’re each a bit different. Was it some

sort of team thing?”

“Yeah.” His voice got quiet. “All of us who were in the

Navy SEALs together and got turned went out and got them

when we first formed the Alpha Pack. We did it to remind

us what we’d become, and as a solidarity thing.”

Daria thought that was really cool, but from his tone she

guessed he might not, so much. It seemed like a serious

occasion to his team, having the tats done. “Will you tell

me the story of how you were attacked and turned?”

“One day,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry, it’s none of my—”

“No, don’t apologize.” Sitting up, he reached for her

cheek, stroked it. “That’s just a dark story for such a nice

day. I don’t want to ruin our evening.”

“Well, okay. As long as I didn’t overstep.”

“Of course not.” He was silent for a moment, then

studied her thoughtfully. “You make the ghosts go away.”


“I mean literally. I told you we all have Psy gifts in

addition to our ability to shift? Well, mine are that I can

see spirits—sometimes communicate with them, though

that’s rare—and speak in peoples’ minds. I’m a Channeler

and a Telepath.”

“Wow.” She didn’t know what else to say. “Do you see

any ghosts right now?”

“No. That’s what I meant before. You make them go

away,” he said in disbelief. “I just realized that when I’m

with or near you, they don’t hound me.”

If she wasn’t able to astrally project, she’d think he was

one brick short of a load. “I’m glad about that. I can’t

imagine what it would be like to have ghosts following

you everywhere like you’re the Pied Piper.”

“It’s not easy. But it’s better than being able to tell the

future, like Nick.”

“True.” She studied him. “Can you speak to me


“Yes, but I doubt you could speak back to me that way,


“What do you mean

“Never mind,” he mumbled. “Want me to say something

in your head?”


Daria Bradford, I think you’re the most beautiful

woman I’ve ever met

“Oh my God!” she cried out, clapping a hand over her

mouth. “I’ve never—that was unbelievable.”

He grinned. “Try to say something back. Think it really


She concentrated.
I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve

ever seen. I want you to make love to me again.
“Did you

get that?”

“Nope, sorry. You’ll get it down, eventually.”

“What makes you say that?”

“You will, that’s all.”

She thought about that. Would she be around to learn

how? She hoped so. She was coming to like this place.

This man. More than like—he was fast becoming a

necessity. At that thought, her skin itched again. It was

puzzling how she seemed to need him more by the hour.

“Ryon . . . I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“I want to see you shift. I’m ready to meet your wolf.”

“You sure?” He searched her face.

“Positive. You were right before when you said I

wasn’t ready, but that was before I met your team, Blue,

and Chup-Chup. Bring it on.”

She was rewarded with one of his blinding smiles as he

rose to his knees. Without a word, he started the

transformation. As she watched, stunned, his limbs began

to reshape. Arms and legs became four canine ones. His

face elongated, changing into a muzzle, and fur sprouted

all over his body. In seconds, there was a full tail where

none had been before.

Where the man had been crouched stood a big, gorgeous

wolf. His fur was a rich silver and cream tipped with

black on his back and shoulders, and the tips of his ears.

His mouth was hanging open, tongue lolling like an

oversized puppy. His blue eyes were the same.

“You’re beautiful,” she whispered.

You can touch me. Please?

Tentatively, she reached out and rubbed his broad head.

Scratched around his ears, and laughed when he pushed

into her hand to encourage her to keep going. After giving

his ears a bit more attention, she scooted closer and ran

her palm along his back. He was so soft, like down, not

coarse or wiry like she had envisioned.

“You’re amazing.”

Thank you. Nobody besides my Pack brothers and the

staff here has seen me like this, until you

“I’m the first, besides them?”

You are.

“I’m honored.”

It’s your right, and your legacy.

“What do you mean?”

You’ll see.

“That’s your answer for everything.”

He didn’t reply this time. His wolf’s body began to

change shape again, and in seconds Ryon was kneeling

there again. His eyes met hers, and he looked so hopeful.


“You weren’t afraid?”

“No. It was still you, in a different form.”

“God, Daria.” He closed his eyes briefly. When he

opened them again, he swallowed hard and touched her

face. “I never dreamed anyone outside my Pack could

accept me the way I am. Every one of us longs for it, but

it’s not a given.”

“You never have to worry about me not accepting you. I

can’t believe you ever were.”

Lowering his hand, he searched her face. “That means

everything to me.” He paused. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Earlier you seemed upset after talking with your dad.

Is everything okay at home?”

She hesitated, wondering if she should get into the

conversation. No man liked to hear about his partner’s

former lover. Then again, it wasn’t like the news had any

bearing on her life
. The man was called an ex for a


“My dad has been trying to reach me because someone I

know disappeared a few months ago. It’s really strange,

knowing Ben. He would never have just walked away

from his career. He’s a successful criminal attorney and is

as married to his job as anyone I’ve ever met.”

is a friend of yours?” His voice had taken on

a slight edge.

“Ex-fiancé.” She shrugged. “We were good friends,

once. We dated for over a year, but it didn’t work out. He

was so self-contained, so driven. Successful. Smart. But

his career was his
life, with not much room for

spontaneity, or passion.”

Ryon’s expression took on a look of catlike satisfaction.

Quite a feat for a wolf. “Unlike me,” he said smugly.

“Very unlike you.” She kissed his mouth. “For example,

he wouldn’t make love on mornings he was due in court.

Said it would take him out of his
, and he needed to

be sharp for the jury.”

Was that a growl she heard coming from his chest? The

soft, ominous noise made her shiver.

“What an ass.”

“He’s actually a good man, just a tad self-absorbed. We

weren’t compatible as lovers.”

“And you’re worried about him, why? Who cares if he


Okay, that was tinged with outright jealousy.

Possessiveness. If that was a shifter thing, she wasn’t sure

she appreciated it. “Cool your jets. I care because I know

Ben. There is no way in hell that man would’ve left his

practice and hopped on a plane to Bermuda or someplace,

never to return.”

“You hear of that happening. Men simply leaving

because they can’t take the pressure of their lives

anymore. This Ben guy sounds like a prime candidate for

ditching his high-pressure world.”

“That’s what Dad said the police suspected, at first. But

Ben’s accounts are intact, checking and savings untouched.

There are no records of him having purchased a plane or

bus ticket, no credit card activity. Nothing. It’s like the

earth opened up and swallowed him.”

“Why is your dad just now hearing about this if he’s

been missing for months?”

“Dad says Ben disappeared the day after we broke up. I

didn’t know anything about it, and honestly, although I

thought it was odd for Ben to completely cut off all

communication between us, I chalked it up to him changing

his mind about us even being friends.”

“You put it out of your head.”

“Yes, and so did my dad. My work and lifestyle don’t

lend themselves to sitting around watching a lot of news,

and none of Ben’s friends thought I’d care, so they didn’t

contact me.”

“The police didn’t try to reach you, either?”

“No. My name either didn’t come up, or they fucked up

in their investigation. I’m thinking the latter, because I

would’ve told them what I’m telling you—something bad

happened to Ben. I know it.”

“Even if it did, it’s not like you can do anything. It’s not

even your problem.”

She frowned at him. “This is a man’s life we’re talking

about. Just because he and I didn’t work out doesn’t mean

I’m not worried.”

“I know that. It’s just . . .” Raking a hand through his

hair, he stared at her. “I don’t like the idea of the woman I

just made love to expending so much energy worrying

about some guy who was too ignorant a jerk to understand

what a good thing he had.”

Her frown deepened to a scowl. “Ignorant jerks come in

all shapes and sizes. The man is missing, possibly dead,

and you want to be jealous that I’m concerned? Green is

a good color on you, Ryon. Doesn’t go with blond at


“I can’t help what I am,” he ground out. “My wolf

doesn’t like you thinking about some other man, and

neither do I.”

“You know what? This jealousy thing from you is a

little intense for me, considering we haven’t known each

other all that long.” Standing, she started to gather her

clothes and piled them on the couch. She pulled on her

panties, and then started putting on her bra.

“Dammit, I’m sorry.” Pushing to his feet, he held out a

hand. “Please, don’t go.”

“I need some breathing room, okay? I’m not leaving,

I’m just going to relax for a while and have some time to


“If that’s what you want.” He looked so miserable she

almost relented.

But she needed to get away, catch her breath. His

emotions were battering at her, all of his joy, fear, hope,

anger, and she felt like she was in danger of losing her

mind. She didn’t understand how his feelings were

flowing to her like there was a superhighway between

them, but she had to take a break.

Once she was dressed, she turned to face him. “I’ll talk

to you in a bit, okay?”


“Thank you for dinner. It was wonderful.”

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