Amish Country Box Set: Restless Hearts\The Doctor's Blessing\Courting Ruth (34 page)

BOOK: Amish Country Box Set: Restless Hearts\The Doctor's Blessing\Courting Ruth
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Speaking into the phone once more, Phillip said, “Harold, I’d rather have this conversation in my office. I’m going to put you on hold.”

Some muttering started. Phillip ignored it and pushed the button. Amber moved to stand beside him, a look of worry clouding her eyes. “Is he all right?”

“Once he’s finished reading me the riot act, I think he will be.”

“Do you think he’s heard about the Amish avoiding us?”

“That would be my guess. Go home, both of you. I’ll lock up.”

“But I have work to finish,” Wilma said.

He scowled in her direction. “It can wait.”

“Very well.” Rolling her eyes, she gathered her purse and headed for the front door.

His annoyance faded as he transferred his gaze to Amber. “You go home, too. I can handle this.”

“Are you sure?”

He wasn’t. He wanted her to stay. He wanted her help in calming Harold. He just wanted her near him.

For a moment, he wavered, but in the end realized this trouble was of his own making. His principles were under fire. He was the one who needed to face the music.

“Go on home, Amber. I’ll be fine.”

* * *

Amber left the building reluctantly. Looking over her shoulder, she said, “I hope Harold isn’t too upset.”

“Oh, he is.” Wilma confirmed Amber’s fears.

“You talked to him?”

“Yes. Someone had let him know how things were being handled here. I spoke the truth when he asked me about it.”

“You told him we were being boycotted? Why would you do that? You know he needs to rest and recuperate.”

Wilma dismissed Amber’s concern with a wave of her hand. “Harold already knew. I just wish Surfer Dude Doc had never found Harold. Things were fine the way they were. Don’t worry, Amber. I have a feeling you’ll be seeing patients again in no time.”

Wilma got into her car and drove off, leaving Amber staring after her. Torn between leaving and staying to hear what Phillip had to say, Amber decided it was best to go home. Phillip and Harold deserved their privacy. She drove back to her house with a million questions swirling through her brain.

When she reached home, the cat greeted her at the door. As usual, Fluffy was more interested in his bowl being filled than granting affection. Keeping his mistress company went by the
wayside when there was kibble available. When his belly was full, he’d be all about purring and wanting attention.

Tossing her handbag on the dining room table, Amber checked her message machine. It showed a big fat zero. It seemed she wasn’t as popular as Dr. White.

In the kitchen, she put the kettle on and grabbed a box of tea from the cupboard. She was pouring the hot water into her cup when her doorbell rang.

When she opened the door, she saw Phillip standing on her steps. In her heart, she had been hoping he would come.

Looking tired and frustrated, he said, “I didn’t know where else to go.”

She took a step back. “Come in. I just made some chamomile tea. Would you like some?”

“Sounds great, thank you.” He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat on one of the bistro chairs at her small round glass table near the bay window.

Fluffy came over to investigate the new visitor. Purring loudly, he wound in and around Phillip’s ankles. Phillip picked him up and scratched behind his ears, a maneuver Fluffy loved.

“If he bothers you I can put him up.” Amber fixed Phillip his tea and carried it to him.

“No, I like cats. Is this the well-named Fluffy?”

“It is. Of all the animals I’ve fostered, I like him the best.”

Handing Phillip his cup, she sat down opposite him. “What did Harold have to say?”

Phillip put Fluffy on the floor. “The gist was that if I can’t run his clinic any better than this, I need to go back where I belong.”

“That was harsh and not like Harold.”

Propping his elbows on the table, Phillip said, “I spoke to his primary doctor after Harold hung up on me. His doctor
says he’s been improving rapidly when he isn’t worried about his patients here. His doctor and I are both afraid this may trigger a setback.”

“Oh, no. I was worried about that, too.”

“So you weren’t the person who called and updated him on our troubles.”

Scowling, she retorted, “No.”

“I didn’t think so.”

Somewhat mollified, Amber said, “It wasn’t Wilma, either.”

“Rats. She was at the top of my list.”

“It doesn’t matter who called him.”

“Maybe not, but I’d like to find out who it was.”

“If you leave, we’ll go under anyway.”

“It seems we can’t stay afloat with or without me. I came here to help my grandfather. I owed him that much. I’m even beginning to understand why he feels so protective of these people, why he loves the simplicity and peaceful lives they lead. But instead of helping him out, I’ve made things worse.”

She wanted to take Phillip’s hand, to reach out and hold him and offer him comfort, but she didn’t dare. She had no idea where such a move would lead. Her attraction to this man was simply too strong. The last thing she wanted was for him to find out how she felt.

After taking a sip of her tea, she asked, “What are your plans? Will you leave?”

“That may depend on you.”

Taken aback, she frowned. “What do you mean?”

He hesitated and suddenly she knew. Happiness surged through her veins. “You’re going to sign a collaborative practice agreement with me.”

“Yes, but before you start doing the happy dance, I’ve got a few restrictions.”

Her scowl came back. “Such as?”

“I’ll allow home births as long as I’m in attendance. If I’m going to be ultimately responsible for these women and their babies, I want to be there.”

This was the last thing she expected. “Let me get this straight; I can do home deliveries, but you have to be there?”


“What about my prenatal and postnatal visits, the birthing classes I hold here and my seeing women at the clinic?”

“All those things can continue. After every delivery, I want to see both mother and baby at the clinic within two days.”

“Harold liked to see them at two weeks unless there were problems. Remember, these women have to come by horse and buggy, not in a comfortable car.”

“All right, I’ll compromise and say one week.”

Rising, she carried her cup to the sink and poured out her tea. “What makes you think you’re more capable of delivering a baby than I am?”

“I’m an MD.”

Spinning around, she glared at him. “How many babies have you delivered?”


“Fifty-four compared to my five hundred and two. You’re asking me to give up my autonomy, to project the image that I can’t do my job. Why would I want you tagging along?”

“So that you
do your job. Being a midwife is what you love, isn’t it? I’m offering you the opportunity to get back to it.”

Crossing her arms, she leaned back against the sink. “
you let me do my job? Or will you interfere if you see something you don’t like?”

“You can do your thing as long as no lives are endangered. If we can’t agree on this, it won’t matter anyway.”

He was right. Amber considered her options. If she didn’t work with Phillip, she would remain out of business until Harold returned.
he returned.

She had to admit she’d known for some time that Harold needed a partner. He was getting on in years. Finding another doctor who allowed home deliveries would take time. Time she would not have if the clinic went under.

Staring at the tips of her shoes, she said, “Dr. White, I accept your proposal under one condition.”

“What’s that?”

She looked up. “That you begin searching for someone to take over the practice in the event Harold can’t return.”

“I’ve been doing that.”

“I don’t mean temporary help.”

“You mean someone with the same Amish-friendly philosophy that Harold has?”


“I can’t guarantee we can find someone or that he or she will permit home deliveries.”

“I’ll face that when I come to it. This town needs a full-time doctor.”

They were both silent for several long seconds. Amber suspected they were thinking the same thing. She asked, “Shall we arm wrestle to see who gets to mention this to Harold?”

A touch of humor glinted in Phillip’s eyes. “I’m good with that.”

“I was kidding.”

“I’m not.”

She leveled her most serious gaze at him. “Your mission, Dr. White, should you accept it, is to convince your grandfather that he needs a partner.”

“Will this message self-destruct in five seconds?”

“No. I will be here to remind you constantly that God never
gives us more than we can bear.” A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

“I still think the suggestion would be better coming from you.”


He crossed his arms. “From both of us then.”

“Maybe, but you first,” she insisted.

Rolling his eyes, he said, “I’ve already mentioned something like that once.”

“And how did that go over?” she asked with interest.

He shook his head. “Not well.”

Her smile vanished. “You’ll simply have to keep after him. If he doesn’t agree, our clinic could be without a doctor in a few more years. I pray that doesn’t happen for a long time, but I have to be practical.”

“I’m not sure you know what you’re asking me to do.”

Chapter Fourteen

hillip knew Amber was right. Harold needed to start looking for a partner or someone to replace him. Since their last conversation on the subject ended with Phillip accidentally running Harold down with his car, he wasn’t eager to broach that subject again. His relationship with his grandfather was tenuous at best. It might not survive many more blowups. And he wanted it to survive.

Amber said, “If you are going to be seeing my patients, you need to get up to speed on their cases. I’ll get their files for you.”

He hated giving in on this. He’d hate himself more if Harold had a serious setback following his angry outburst tonight. It had never been Phillip’s intention to ruin Harold’s health, his business or his standing in the Amish community. Yet in the past month he had accomplished just that.

Coming out of her office, Amber handed Phillip a heavy box. “If you look at my outcomes, you’ll see how safe giving birth at home is for low-risk pregnancies.”

He shook his head. The woman did not give up. “You’ve won. What more do you want? Is that everything?” He gestured toward the box.

“Yes, even those patients I sent to the hospital because of complications. What I want is for you to accept what I do. Wait a minute. Before you leave, let me get a few other things for you.”

She sat down at her desk and booted up her computer. A few minutes of searching gave her a dozen articles in favor of home deliveries with qualified nurse-midwives in attendance. Handing them to him, she said, “If you won’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe the data from other experts in the field. Say you’ll at least read these.”

He looked at the loaded box he held. “Sure, in my spare time.”

“It won’t be that bad. I’ve put the charts of the women who are due first on the top.”

“Good. So, how do we get the word out?”

“It won’t take long. I’ll make a few calls.”

He cocked his head to the side. “I thought you said they don’t use phones.”

“No, but the businesses they use do. We can start by putting a notice in the paper and notes up at the grocery and feed stores.”

“I can see the headlines tomorrow. Dr. Phillip White Crumples Under Pressure.”

Her gaze turned sympathetic. “I realize you’re doing this only because Harold insisted, but I do want to thank you.”

It was hard to resist her when she was being nice. “I’ll admit I’ve been curious about how you handle the whole thing at someone’s home.”

“I’m sure your questions will be answered within a few days. I have women due the end of this week and two due the following week.”

He patted the top of the box she’d given him. “Then I’d better get my homework done.”

“If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them. I plan to make this very easy on you.” They walked together to her front door.

“Why, after the grief I’ve given you so far?”

“Because I believe in what I do, and I want you to feel the same way. Birth at home is a beautiful, spiritual experience.”

He thought simply looking into her eyes was a beautiful, spiritual experience. He stopped trying to kid himself. He was falling hard for this woman.

The last thing he’d expected to find in Ohio was someone like Amber Bradley. He deeply admired her grace, her humor, her dedication to the Amish people, her skill as a nurse and her profound faith.

Leaving Hope Springs was going to be much harder than he’d anticipated.

* * *

It didn’t take long for word to get around that Amber was back in business. The first person Amber told was her friend Katie. After several moments of rejoicing in the lobby of the Wadler Inn, Katie declared that she’d be happy to pass on the news.

On Monday afternoon, Bishop Zook arrived at the clinic and had a brief chat with Phillip. Amber was not included. Phillip looked surprised by the fact she wasn’t being asked to sit in. She wasn’t. Men dominated Amish society. Only men held Church offices and could work outside the home. Unmarried women could hold jobs to help support the family, but once a woman married she stayed at home.

The bishop, satisfied that Phillip was willing to allow home births, left to share the news with the rest of the Church district. That evening, Amber resumed prenatal visits with her expectant mothers.

Phillip accompanied her. She knew it was important for the families to meet him prior to the big day, but spending so much time alone with him as they traveled the back roads of the county began wearing on her nerves. Each hour she spent with him made it increasingly difficult to maintain a professional attitude. The one thing helping her was the knowledge that he didn’t agree with what she was doing.

Sunday morning rolled around on the first day of August with the good soaking rain so many farmers had been praying for. In church, Amber made a point of sitting with Nick and several of her cousins during the service. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Phillip come in.

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