An Unbreakable Bond

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Authors: Kalia Lewis

BOOK: An Unbreakable Bond
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An Unbreakable Bond


A Modern Romance




Kalia Lewis






An Unbreakable Bond

Kalia Lewis

Copyright 2012 by Kalia Lewis


Cover: Licensed photograph

Editor: Louiza Le-Rose


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This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


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Table of Contents






Ten Years Ago


Every woman deserves a happy ever after with a prince charming – no kissing of frogs allowed. That was the motto that Annabelle Summers was standing by and anything else was just not happening! According to her, Cinderella should not have to run away at midnight and cope with the stress of waiting for her prince to have a light-bulb moment. No, this Cinderella was too impatient for that.

Listening to the church bells chime the midnight hour, the deed was done and there was no going back. She’d finally grasped the meaning of what all the sniggers, whispers and secrets between women were about. Before, she may have nodded her head and said, “Yeah, yeah, and yeah.” Pretending she knew exactly what they were talking about. Now she could honestly say she understood. There was nothing better than finding out something first-hand, and boy, had she found out! A whole dollop of truth had just landed in her world and she couldn’t believe how good it felt.

Shifting slightly, she tightened her thighs more securely around the most delicious body that was pinning her down to the hard floor. A little sigh of contentment escaped her. Never in her wildest dreams - and she was a huge dreamer - did she ever think it would turn out like this. The best part was now having a treasure trove of memories stored in a mental file marked, ‘Cinderella bagged her Prince!’ From this point on she could leisurely replay them over-and-over in the privacy of her own mind. Tomorrow, he will be leaving, but she’d finally got what she wanted and no-one could ever take away what had just happened between them.

Hopefully, tonight wouldn’t mark the end of this six year tale, but a new chapter of it. Secretly, she’d loved the object of whose body was intimately entwined with hers since she first laid eyes on him. Although, to be fair, the last three years is where it really heated up into some serious pangs of lust. At what point she’d crossed over into love is a bit hazy, but tonight it had finally reached the crescendo of chapter one. At nineteen, Annabelle Summers had just lost her virginity to Tristan Hemsley-Ford – the most attractive man on the planet!

She remembered the exact moment when it all began. It was as though he’d appeared overnight, like a god falling from the sky into the midst of her small village. The contrast of her dull life before knowing Tristan and the colour in her world since he arrived were about as opposite as night and day. To her, he was her Princely gift from the heavens. Although having a god fall into your village is not exactly an everyday occurrence in the countryside. She was pretty sure that someone somewhere had laid the wrong co-ordinates! But hey-ho, their loss, her gain!

The second he walked into her family greengrocer’s shop she knew that he was going to be her Zeus and
his Hera. Well, without the infidelity bits. Immediately, as she’d stood staring at him from the salad aisle she’d felt an electrical zing between them, bouncing off the Cos lettuce as it crossed the room and hit her full-on in the chest, but in the exact same moment that it happened, he chose to shutter it.

Being three years older than her, he soon became an endless round of painful teasing in the backside. It meant that growing-up and going through puberty under his scrutiny was about as joyous as having her teeth pulled. She did not need him to make fun of the changes to her body, so she covered them up with baggy clothes.

The amount of times she’d stood in front of the mirror and bounced words off her image to see which best described her body shape was countless. In the end she decided curvaceous fit the bill perfectly. It did not mean she was fat. No, it meant she had intelligent fat cells which knew how to position themselves in all the right places. It was this very same intelligent fat that had nicely filled out the tight fitting Grecian gown that she’d squeezed herself into. The effect it had on Tristan played a major part in why she was lying here with him. If she were honest with herself, this night was more than just a seduction with her curves, it was more than just a mere sexual conquest; it had made the last six years feel complete.

Tristan wasn’t only a god on legs to her, he was also hypnotic. He’d managed to charm most of the village with his good looks and enigmatic personality. In college, he was the most sought out person and he and her brother Wade had struck up an immediate friendship. They’d become inseparable, with Tristan following Wade’s example and treating her like a kid sister.

What frustrated the hell out of her was his inability to look past the baggy clothes and her tomboy image and see the real her. Nor could he drop the adopted role of big brother. Being the butt of his jokes wasn’t funny at all and sometimes she would resort to the only thing left, physical violence. Of course, like most sibling rivalry, they would end up in a tussle on the floor, with her begging for release. She never won, but secretly it gave her such a thrill to have his body that close to hers. There was no way he felt anything like a brother! Sometimes, on really rare occasions when they were alone, he would soften like melted wax, caress her cheek and call her, ‘Ma Belle’. These moments were like fireworks in the night sky and his face would morph into an intense longing, and just when she thought something could happen between them, he would shutter himself and begin to tease her again.

Over the years it felt like she was riding an emotional rollercoaster, watching him as he matured from a good-looking, gangly teen, into a tall, handsome heartbreaker of a man. Many girls came and went, but in-between his dramas, when he was single, he was almost approachable and civil. There was the one time when he even asked her for advice and that was a pretty powerful moment, but still, she’d stood on the sidelines and been a spectator of the show. Watching girls come and go, drooling and crying and she knew that many had seen the posts of his bed.

The hardest part had been the last three years when he and Wade had left for University together. During the holidays when they returned they would go on a binge and spend most of their time hitting the city. There is nothing quite like a village for gossip and many times she caught the tail end of some exploit or another, usually involving an escapade with a girl.

This evening though he was completely hers. Okay, so she may have planned her whole transformation from a shapeless, baggy form into a seductress to dupe him into giving her this one night. If she’d waited any longer for him to notice her, she would be old and grey. The planning of this moment had taken three months to perfect, but now it was happening and she couldn’t help feeling a small flame of hope. What they had just done had been amazing. She was confident that even he would find it difficult to walk away from that kind of sizzling explosion. All these sensations may be new to her, but some little inner voice told her that it is not like this for everyone.

This moment was real. The heat from his body seeping into hers was real. Running her fingertips down the muscles of his back caused delicious tingles to move through her body. There is a connection here that goes beyond lust. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something good?

The object of her sleepless nights stirred on top of her and muffled something against her neck, so she nuzzled in even closer. The hardness of the floor was killing her back, but there was no way she was going to move and disturb this wonderful feeling of sweet victory. She was exactly where she wanted to be and not even an invasion of cavalry could shift her.

Hang on a minute; did he just say what she thought he said? Untangling her arm she pushed at him. “Did you just say what I thought you said?”

Abruptly, he pulled away from her and sat up. Cool air replaced his body heat and it brought her back to reality like a slap. The look he gave her wasn’t of the same bliss she was feeling, No, that look was definitely of the disbelief variety and it was making her very nervous. A few minutes ago her world had disappeared into a timeless vortex and now she was falling head first from a great height and back into the room. The sound of music and chatter from the ball below could be heard as it wafted in through the open balcony doors.

Tristan took one look at the gorgeous girl laid out naked on the floor. A feast for his eyes with her petite heart shaped face, framed by auburn hair and pouty lips, which were currently being gnawed at by her front teeth, but it was the worry reflected in those green eyes with peculiar golden flecks that hit him the most. Shit! He was such a loser! This was low even for him. It was like taking something pure and putting his filth into it. “Christ Annabelle, we shouldn’t have done that.”

Yep, he did say exactly what she thought he’d said and it hit her like a blow to the gut. “How can you say that?” Awkwardly, she sat up next to him. There’s nothing like being naked in front of someone who obviously has rejection on their mind. Now self-conscious, she glanced about the room for her clothes, but she couldn’t seem to make out her dress amongst the debris, so for some modesty and self-protection she pulled her knees up under her chin and firmly wrapped her arms around them and replied, “You weren’t saying those words twenty minutes ago!”

His head snapped round to look at her and his cobalt blue eyes were almost black with anger. “Twenty minutes ago you were throwing yourself at me asking me to kiss you! Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin? If I’d have known we wouldn’t have gone that far!”

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