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Authors: Cate Dean

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I have taken on the belief of a war in Heaven, and the angels siding with Lucifer were cast down into what became Hell, and eventually turned into demons. Claire is cast out of Hell because she remembers what she was, and starts to have compassion for the condemned souls. And Zach is a shiny new fallen angel, direct from Heaven to human. He will have much to sort out as he grows into his new role as human, with extras.


guardian angels
– there are as many beliefs about guardian angels as there are religions – and they are found as far back as the ancient Greeks, who believed that God sent a spirit to watch every individual. There are angels assigned to protect an individual, messengers to guide men to the kingdom of Heaven, to protect children. They are found around the world, across many religions.


My guardian angels are a bit different. They are the souls of mortals, not quite ready for Heaven, not quite bad enough for Hell. They are sent to help, to guide, to nurture and care for people in need, in order to help wipe away the stains on their own souls. Zach was not a guardian, but an angel trapped Between Heaven and Earth, with no escape. Once Claire helped free him, he became something different. Something human, but not quite.


– found in hematite, magnetite, goethite, limonite and siderite, it is one of the raw materials used to make pig iron, which is then used to make steel. Cast iron is made by melting down scraps of pig iron, scrap iron, scrap steel, lime stone and carbon. Melt out contaminants, adjust the recipe, and you get a lovely cast iron skillet. In folklore, iron is believed to be the best protection against witches, sorcerers, demons and other evil spirits. It can also repel ghosts.


I use iron as a tool and a weapon. Claire is no longer affected by iron, or salt, but can’t quite bring herself to keeping it nearby. After centuries of avoiding iron, it will always be a weakness for her.


– there are many versions of the Jinn mythology, depending on what source you read. In Islam, the Jinn were created by Allah from smokeless flame, and, like man, given free will. In Muslim cultures, Jinn have been given different qualities. As an example – in Morocco it is believed that the Jinn can grant three magical wishes. Stories of the Jinn litter the
One Thousand and One Nights
, where the tale of Aladdin and the lamp can be found.


This is where I veer away from mythology and folklore the most. Marcus came from the idea of the Jinn, but he is a completely different entity within the confines of my fictional world. As I wrote him, Marcus simply evolved, and I liked what he became so much I decided to go with it. So he is Jinn, but not any Jinn you will find in religious or folklore text. He is back in this book, and at full strength, for the first time since Claire met him.


ley lines
– lines of energy that run across Britain. The definition of ley lines, from Wikipedia: hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book 'The Old Straight Track' brought the alignments to the attention of the wider public. In English: lines that connect sacred or important sites across the island. One of the best known and largest line is St. Michael’s Ley. It is considered an astronomical line because it runs along the path of the sun on May 8
– the spring festival of St. Michael.


I use the ley lines as a power source. Annie feels her own power enhanced every time she is near the ley lines that run under the standing stones outside the town of Briarton. I’ve walked among the stones at Stonehenge, near the winter solstice, and could feel the energy under my feet – almost a hum. Awe inspiring and eerie.


– in Latin, lucifer means bringer of light, morning star, light bearing – depending on which source you use to translate. In the Bible, he is called son of the morning by God, before he is cast out of Heaven. The relevant passage is in Isaiah: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (King James Version). There are more arguments and discussions about Lucifer – one, also in the Book of Isaiah, ascribes the name to a Babylonian king who was destined to fall.


I am going with the straight up: Lucifer placed himself above God, and was cast down to Hell with the angels who followed him. He became the Lord of Hell, Satan, Beelzebub – whatever name you want to label him. Claire fell with him, served at his right hand, until she remembered what she had once been, and lost the venom and the hate needed to torture condemned souls. Lucifer is always in the background, a reminder of who and what she was, what she became because she believed in him.


– a five point star, typically drawn in five straight strokes. Used by the Ancient Greeks and the Babylonians, it is best known for its magical ties, and is worn by many who practice and believe in pagan faiths. If the pentagram is inside a circle, it is known as a pentacle. In Christianity the pentagram was believed to represent the five wounds of Christ, and was protection against demons. If the top point of the star is reversed – pointing down – it is a symbol of Satan, literally reversing its meaning.


Claire’s tattoo is broken, useless. But with the wall Azazel created, she no longer needs its protection. I use them as they are listed in the Wicca faith – pentagram is the star, and pentacle is the star inside a circle. Most jewelry is in the form of the pentacle.


standing stones (stone circle)
– a circle created using standing stones. The most famous is Stonehenge, and the huge circle at Avebury. These are dotted around Britain, and are considered a place for ceremonies, as research has not revealed evidence of human occupation inside the circles. The standing stones in circles I have visited range in height from waist high to over ten feet.


I use the standing stones as a center of power, and where the evil that becomes Diana’s downfall is buried. Stone circles are such an enigma, and a mystery, I enjoyed having one that became an important part of the story.


– tarot was originally a card game, played in Italy from the mid-fifteenth century, its popularity spreading to France, Switzerland and Germany. Like a modern day deck, it has four suits, plus an augmented fifth suit of permanent trumps, creating a 78 card deck. It was only later that tarot became a source for divination and readings. The occult tarot deck is different, consisting of the major arcana – 22 cards with no suits, and the minor arcana – 56 cards broken into four suits.


Tarot is not touched on in this book – but it plays a huge role in the next one. Stay tuned.


– Latin for three cornered, a triquetra is also known as the trinity knot. As a religious symbol it has been used to represent things and people that are threefold. An example is the Christian blessed trinity of Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In the Pagan religions it is a symbol with several meanings – the three stages of the Triple Goddess, the three realms of earth, sky and sea, and the connection of mind, body and soul are some examples. It is also considered a symbol of protection.


Claire’s triquetra tattoo is as useless as her pentacle, and she covers it with a wide leather band, to keep it from reminding her about what she lost, and what hides behind the wall inside her.


– a spanking new religion, it appeared at the first part of the 20th century, and was officially named Wicca by the 1960s. Many practice ritual magic, and they follow what is known as the Wiccan Rede: “an it harm none, do what ye will.” It can be practiced in solitary, or as part of a coven, and is as involved, and often as convoluted, as any religion.


Claire used Wicca as a cover – now she has Annie as the resident witch, and the shop is her haven, her way of reconnecting to the human part of herself, while still able to make a living.


– by simple definition, it is the practice of magic. The full definition would take another book. Short and sweet: before the Church stepped in, those who practiced witchcraft for the good of all were respected, and often revered for their talent. They were sought out for their skills with healing. In modern society, witchcraft has regained a sense of the respect and awe it once had, and people openly practice without fear of persecution.


Annie practices witchcraft – and has gotten more proficient, especially with Marcus as a teacher. She uses her power and skill in ways she doesn’t want to – and is forced to use them this time to save her life. There is so much to be mined in the area of witchcraft, I don’t need to embellish.







Cate Dean


Copyright, 2013

All Rights Reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except for use in any review. This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, locales, and events are either pure invention or used fictitiously, and all incidents come from the author’s imagination alone.



Cover art by
Nadica Boskovska


Cover design by
Indie Author Services



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Books by Cate Dean


The Claire Wiche Chronicles

Rest For The Wicked
– The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 1

A Gathering of Angels
– The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 2

Carry On Wayward Son
– The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 3

Annie’s Song
– The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 4

What Doesn’t Kill You
– The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 5

The Claire Wiche Chronicles Volumes 1-3


 - A Time Travel Novella

Last Chance Jack
– A Fantasy Short Story

When Walls Can Talk
– A YA Fantasy Novella (The Black Mountain Saga)

Danel of Black Mountain
– The Sequel to
When Walls Can Talk
(The Black Mountain Saga)



Alex Finch: Monster Hunter
(The Monster Files Book 1)




Author’s Note


A book is never the product of the writer alone. Standing behind them are the people who help make them look good, who help complete the process, and do so with grace and incredible talent. These are my people, and without them, I would still be mucking along, reaching for a dream instead of living it. Thank you, Janet, of Dragonfly Editing, for the last set of eyes on my work; it made all the difference, and to Christine, for another beautiful cover design. A special thank you to Nadica, for the stunning art that graces my cover. It is such a joy and a pleasure to work with you. To my readers, Theresa McClinton and Rhonda Hopkins – my most sincere thanks for all of your help and support. I never could have done it as well without all of you.


And a special thank you to Michelle and Penni, for letting me into your lives, and bringing what I found to life on the pages of this story. You helped enrich it in a way that would not have been possible without you.



About the Author


Cate Dean has been writing since she could hold a pen in her hand and put more than two words together on paper.


She grew up losing herself in the wilds of fantasy worlds, and has had some of her own adventures while tromping through the UK, and a few other parts of the world. A lover of all things supernatural, she infuses that love into her stories, giving them a unique edge.


When she's not writing, she loves cooking, scaring herself silly in the local cemeteries, and reading pretty much anything she can get her hands on.



There - I got the official biography out of the way.


I love to write, and yes, I have been doing it most of my life. I've made up stories in my head for as long as I can remember, and I am thrilled to be able to write them down and share them with you.


The Claire Wiche Chronicles
is my first series. I am incredibly proud of it, and floored by all your wonderful comments and emails.


Now with the last book in that series finished, I have more fun planned for me, and for you. Stay tuned.

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