Another Chance (4 page)

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Authors: Ariadne Wayne

BOOK: Another Chance
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“What the hell is going on here?” A voice from the car park came over the top of the growing crowd at the end of the alley. A security guard pushed his way through, staring in shock at Cassie’s face before calling for someone over his radio.

“She attacked me,” said Vicki.

“It doesn’t look like that to me. You can explain it all to the police, they’re on their way.” He moved to check the damage. Blood poured from Cassie's nose, the bruising already coming up.

“You’ll be lucky if your nose isn’t broken.”

“She jumped me,” Cassie said.

“Now that’s more what it looks like. The police will be here soon, and we’ll get you cleaned up. I’m sure they’ll want to take photos in case you want to press charges.”

Cassie recounted what happened to the police while Vicki, in another room denied everything at first only to cave under pressure. A doctor arrived to check her injuries and document everything. It took hours.

“I’m pleased to tell you that your nose isn’t broken, but that bruising will hang around for a little while.” The doctor gently washed the blood of Cassie’s face, and she winced at the touch.

“You should have that other girl charged.”

“I need to talk to my parents,” Cassie said. "It’s too hard to think straight right now.”

He nodded. “I can understand that. You’re lucky the damage wasn't worse than it is, Cassie, extremely lucky.”

As Cassie left the police station, she spotted Vicki’s parents berating her in the lobby of the station. Vicki’s mother stared at Cassie with a strange mix of horror and empathy.

“Let’s get you home,” said a police officer, leading Cassie out to a car.

“Can you take me to pick up my car?”

“You’re not driving. Doctor’s orders.”

As she entered the house, she could hear her father had sport on the television, and passed the lounge door on her way up to her room. When he cheered, she realised Patrick was with him.

“I think the last time you were here with us was just before you and Cassie went to high school.” Cassie heard her mother’s voice.

“That would be right. I’ve missed that. Your baking was always the best, Mrs Warren. I used to beg Cassie to share her lunch with me.”

“I’ve got some chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen if you’d like some.”

“That would be awesome. I wonder where Cassie has got to?”

“I don’t know, Patrick. I thought she would be home by now.”

Cassie’s mother walked from the living room, and as she passed the door, spotted Cassie at the foot of the stairs. “There you are my love. We were just wondering where you got to.”

Cassie kept facing upstairs. “I’m just a bit tired, Mum. I’m going to lie down.”

“Patrick’s here. Why don’t you come into the living room, I was just going to get some cookies.” She screeched when Cassie turned her face. “Cassie, what happened?”

“What’s going on?” called her father.

“Cassie’s hurt.”

“I just want to go up and lie down Mum. It’s been a long day.”

Her father appeared at the door behind her. “Cassie? What happened? Shit baby, who or what did this?”

Patrick was right behind him and pushed past to get to her. “Cassie,” he murmured. He searched her face, taking in every detail of her injury. The emotion in his eyes clear as he hurt with her. Cassie saw her father raise an eyebrow, but he relaxed seeing Patrick’s reaction to his injured daughter.

“I’ve been assaulted,” Cassie said quietly.

Patrick put his hand to her face, stroking her cheek with the palm of his hand and running his thumb gently over the bruise. “Cassie,” he said again, sounding as wounded as she felt. “Do you know who did it? I’ll bloody sort them out.”

“It was Vicki.”

The pain in his eyes turned to anger. “Vicki did this to you? I don’t even need to ask why. I swear I’ll do something about it.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Come and sit in the living room with us love,” her father said. “Tell us everything.”

Patrick held her hand as she recounted the events of the day. His grip tightened as she told the story, and he put his arms around her when she’d finished. “I hope you’re pressing charges.”

“The police said I should have her charged. It’s all documented, Dad.”

“Wasn’t she one of those bullies from school?” Her mother asked.

“My ex girlfriend,” Patrick said, “which is why she’s targeted Cassie. This is just one of the reasons I broke up with her, I was over the immature bullshit.” He blushed. “Sorry for my language, Mr Warren, it makes me so angry anyone hurt Cassie like this, and it’s my fault.”

“We don’t blame you, Patrick, it’s clear how much you care about our daughter. You’re not at fault for someone else’s behaviour. This Vicki girl is supposed to be an adult now. You are pressing charges, Cassie, we’re not letting her off this. If it hadn’t been interrupted what else could she have done to you? You’re lucky your nose isn’t broken.”

“Right now I just want to get some rest, Dad. Today has tired me out, and I want to lie down.”

“You go up to your room and watch a movie with Patrick.” He mother reached for her hand, squeezing it.

“I would like to stick around if that’s all right. To make sure Cassie is all right,” Patrick said.

“I’ll come up and check on you soon love, make sure you’ve got everything you need. How about some hot chocolate?”

“That would be nice, Mum.”

Cassie led Patrick upstairs, and he pulled her into his arms as they reached the door, kissing her softly. “I’m surprised your parents let me up here.”

“Don’t worry. Mum will be in and out to check on me. You won’t get away with anything.”

“Damn.” He grinned. “I do just want to keep an eye on you, Cassie. If I don’t keep occupied, I’ll do something I’ll regret.” Patrick stroked her hair. “I care about you more than you know, Cassie.”

“Stupid boy for not asking me out sooner,” she whispered.

“Yeah, I was.” He leaned in to kiss her, taking care not to press too hard on her face.

“Vicki thought doing this would put you off me.”

He pulled a face. “How on earth was that supposed to work?”

“I don’t know. She said it meant I was fat and ugly.”

His brow furrowed in anger. “You’re neither, Cassie. She’s so ugly on the inside, not half the person you are. Now come here.” He led her to the bed. “Sit and I’ll find a DVD. I will even watch something soppy just for you.”

She laughed. “Good luck, most of it is science fiction.”

Cassie kicked off her shoes, moving to the head of the bed to lie down while Patrick started the movie. “It’s nice to have this back,” she said as he climbed onto the bed beside her.


“This. Our friendship.”

“It is nice, but you know I want more. I always did.”

He kissed her gently on the lips, before planting soft kisses over her bruises. “Cassie,” he whispered.

They jumped at the sudden sound from the television. “Why the hell is it that loud?” he asked.

Cassie laughed. “I have no idea. We need to find the remote. It’ll be on the bed somewhere.”

“That will be what’s poking me in the ribs.” He franticly pressed buttons, the volume slowly subsiding. It hurt to laugh, but Cassie couldn’t stop.

“Be careful. You’ll make too much loud noise, and my mother will come running assuming you’re busy claiming my virginity.”

He slid his arm over her waist, kissing her. “That’ll have to wait until later. Right now we have a movie to watch.”

Cassie put her hand to his face. “Thank you for caring.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Do you remember your eighth birthday? We had a sleepover in this room, and I told you that I loved you.”

“We were eight. You also told me that you wanted to be an astronaut.”

“And you, my brilliant, beautiful, Cassie wanted to be a doctor. It inspired me to want that too. We’re going to get everything we want.”

“I think I might have everything I wanted.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You should aim higher than me. We really screwed things up didn’t we?”

“Speak for yourself.” She poked her tongue at him.

“You left me behind. I’ve spent the last few years trying to keep up.”

The tears stung, and he gently stroked her face to wipe them away. “I felt like the one left behind,” she whispered.

Patrick hugged her as tight as he dared. “My poor baby,” he murmured.

“None of this feels real.”

“It is, Cassie. The good and the bad. I should have been there for you the whole time. I failed you, and I’m so sorry.”

“You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

He was the perfect gentleman all afternoon, holding her in his embrace until she fell asleep. Patrick kissed her softly on the temple before making his way back downstairs.

“How is she?” Cassie’s father asked.

“She’s asleep, but she’s okay. I’m going to talk to Vicki.”

“Don’t do anything you’ll regret son. It’s admirable that you want to defend Cassie. I’m not letting this rest, but the last thing we need is you getting into any trouble.”

“I won’t. As far as I’m concerned the police can deal with it. I want to make it clear to Vicki that it is over and that I’m with Cassie now.”

“You’re a good man, Patrick. Cassie’s made a wise choice.”

“Your approval means a lot, Sir. Cassie means a lot to me.”

Vicki would be sorry for what she’d done.











Vicki and her parents were at home when Patrick drove by. She opened the door when he knocked, his face told her he already knew what she had done. “I don’t want any trouble,” she said.

“I’m just here to make one thing clear. I’m with Cassie now. Your little attempt to intimidate her didn’t work. Even if you were the last person on earth I wouldn’t want to be with you after this.”

“ You don’t need to be nasty about it, Patrick.”

He sneered. “You didn’t stop to think about that before attacking my girlfriend.”

“I’m sorry, Patrick. I can’t believe you’re with her though, what on earth do you see in her?”

“She’s so beautiful, inside and out. I can’t comprehend how I ever went out with you. You’re so bitter, Vicki, so childish.” Patrick walked away.

“Can you ever forgive me?” Vicki called out behind him.


Cassie slept until early evening, going downstairs when she was hungry. “When did Patrick leave?”

“When you fell asleep. You’ve got a good one there, Cass,” her father said.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“I still hate that it was his ex girlfriend who did this.”

Cassie nodded. “Vicki was one of those girls who used to bully me in school. I thought leaving school meant we were grown ups now.”

“Some people never grow up love.”

Patrick called later in the evening to check on her, and Cassie cradled the phone, taking in the sound of his voice. “You should come over,” she said.

“I don’t want to intrude.”

“You wouldn’t be.”

“Cassie, I’m so sorry this happened. One date and I get you beaten up.”

“That’s been coming for a very long time. Vicki always acted like she had something up her butt as far as I was concerned.”

“I’m responsible though. There were times when I talked about you a lot, denied I had feelings for you. She lashed out at the first opportunity.”

“Come over and have some supper with me. Mum just made some hot chocolate and if you hurry it’ll still be hot when you get here.” She paused, unsure of what his response would be.

“On my way.”

Cassie opened the front door, and it was mere moments before he flew through it and into her arms. She grinned as he kissed her hello, following her into the living room where he settled into being part of her family again. It felt right.

Summer break flew by, and with nothing to do but wait for their move to university, they spent every day together. Everything was as it had been when they were children, practically living in each other’s pockets.

When her eighteenth birthday came they had dinner with her parents to celebrate. “Let’s go for a drive.” Patrick suggested.

“I just want some time alone with you,” Cassie replied.

“That’s the idea. We’ll go down to the beach, and sit on the sand. Watch the ocean and just enjoy being together.”

“I like the sound of that.”

The beach was nearly deserted, and they sat, hand in hand looking out over the water. “It’s so nice out here,” Cassie said, “especially with no one around. I never thought I’d be here with you.”

“Neither did I, but I’m glad I told you how I felt,” Patrick murmured.

It had been a month since their first date and tonight he had made his move to take things further. His free hand was up her shirt, cupping one of her breasts and gently squeezing the hard nipple it had found.

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