Another Chance (9 page)

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Authors: Ariadne Wayne

BOOK: Another Chance
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“I won’t be too late,” she said as she headed out the door. She was meeting Adam at the movie theatre and wasn’t planning on drinking so drove to her date.

He was waiting outside. “Cassie, you are lovely.”

She blushed. “Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.”

“Shall we?” he asked, leading her inside where they got tickets. Cassie’s stomach was twisting due to nerves, so she opted to get a drink.

Adam didn’t make a move the whole night and Cassie finally relaxed and enjoyed the movie. Even at the end of it, he kissed her on the cheek and asked if she would go out with him again before leaving her at her car.

“Sure, that would be great.”

“We’ll go somewhere nice next time, go out for dinner properly.”

She grinned. “I’d like that.”

Their first date over, she felt happy to be easing into dating again. As she drove home, her mood was that much lighter.

For the next few yoga classes, he flirted but made no firm plans. Still, she was growing to like him more and more, and he seemed to like her too. It made her days go faster while she waited to go out with him again.

Cassie moved through the store until she stood under Mark’s ladder. “Mark,” she called out, “can I have a word?”

“You can have as many words as you like.” He’d been working inside the store for three weeks now and flirting with the gorgeous redhead as much as he thought he’d get away with.

“I’ve had a complaint from a customer about you.”

His face fell. About what?”

“She says you were peering into the changing rooms while she was trying something on.”

Mark looked across the store, and swore under his breath when he realised he had full visibility into the ladies changing rooms.

“Oh crap, Cassie, I wasn’t, but I can see how someone might think that. I’m so sorry.”

“Can we sort something out so you can’t see into the changing rooms?”

“I’ll grab a bit of plywood or something to put over the top, it’ll make them a bit dark for a while though.”

“Sounds good.”

He climbed down the ladder where she stood at the base, arms crossed, with one eyebrow raised.

“Cassie, I swear I wasn’t looking at her. Whatever she thinks.”

Mark was getting flustered now and didn’t see the smirk slowly creeping across Cassie’s face. “I’m so, so sorry, Cassie. I’ll apologise to the customer if you want me to, explain that I wasn’t looking.”

Cassie stifled a laugh. “What’s funny?”

Her shoulders shook, laughter erupting from her. Mark was mystified as to why she was now howling with laughter. “Cassie?”

She was crying from laughing so hard.

“There was no complaint was there?” he asked.

“No,” she said in a squeak he barely heard.

“You’re pulling my leg?”

She nodded, unable to speak or even breathe from laughing.

“Why would you do something like that?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, Mark, the look on your face was amazing. One of the girls went into the changing rooms and realised if she could see you, then you could see her. It was just a windup, but you were so upset, and I am so, so sorry.”

Her green eyes twinkled with mischief.

He stared at her, in the time he’d been working in the shop he’d picked up that she had a sense of humour but not realised just how cheeky she could be.

“You know Cassie, I should put you over my knee and spank you for such a prank. Nearly gave me a heart attack.”

She laughed. “Promises, promises.”

Cassie grinned, and Mark held his breath when he saw her cheeks dimple. She could not have been any more attractive than at that moment.

“If you could please sort out the plywood, and I promise I won’t scare you like that again.”

“It’s a deal.”

He chuckled as she walked away. “That is one amazing lady,” he murmured to himself, “now how on earth do I convince her to be mine?”

The yoga class dragged after work, and Cassie wondered why she even bothered. Adam was polite but hadn’t said anything since their night at the movies, and she decided this would be her last class. She was frustrated as she wasn’t able to do everything she wanted to do and felt bad not being able to keep up with the class.

“Are you okay?” he asked after the class.

“I’m fine, just a bit over it.”

“Over what?”

“This, the whole restricted movement thing is annoying me. I don’t think I’ll be coming back.” Cassie tried not to meet his eye.

“Is this something to do with us?”

His eyes were sad as if the thought of her not being around caused him pain. “Not really, I’ve just had enough.”

“I still want to see you sometime, it’s just between classes and working during the day I’m not getting much time at the moment.”


“So you’ll be here for the next class?”

“Of course I will, I’m just a bit frustrated right now.”

“Well, maybe next time we can take care of some of that frustration.” He winked.

Cassie was pretty sure she’d gone a shade of purple. “Yes, maybe,” she stammered.

He grinned at her as she left, winking again just before she walked through the door. Between him and Mark Burrows she was certainly hot under the collar.










Mark Burrows had never had any trouble getting laid. It was all the other stuff that didn’t interest him. Sometimes a woman would catch his eye, he would hang around for a while but 'never get serious' was his motto.

He had dropped out of school at fifteen, and found a friend and mentor in a local builder who had taught him the trade. Five years later his world had turned upside down when his parents had died in a car accident, leaving twenty year old Mark with his ten year old sister to care for.

Lauren was good at first but soon rebelled, and her brother kept a close watch on her, so she didn’t get completely out of control. It had worked, but Lauren was as restless as her brother, and by the time she was old enough to care, she found it harder and harder to find a man to settle down with.

At thirty, she was attractive with a bubbly personality but attracted to men younger than her with whom there wasn’t much chance of a future. She was happy, and that was all Mark cared about now.

This redhead was different though. She wasn’t his usual type, he went for the ones who only cared about one thing, and he was happy to provide, but there was something unique about Cassandra Warren. He was determined to scratch that itch.

He had made it as far as her home and discovered she was a single mum which was right up his alley. Most of the time, they were lonely, and it was easy to get them into bed. Cassie didn’t seem like that. Her and her daughter made a formidable team, and in the short time he’d been working at the house, little Sophie had gotten under his skin too.

“What are you doing?” she asked one day out in the garden.

“I’m making sure this wall is safe love, reinforcing it so nothing breaks.”

She nodded. “That’s good.” She smiled slyly at him. “Do you think Mummy will let me have a swing and slide out here then?”

“You need to talk to your mother about that.”

“I don’t want to ask her, she doesn’t have much money.”

“You don’t know if you don’t ask, Sophie. She might surprise you.”

Cassie appeared through the back door with a tray holding coffee and biscuits. “There’s a hot chocolate here for you, Soph, and you can have a couple of biscuits.”

“Thanks, Mummy.” The little girl beamed, and Mark felt the warmth of affection between the two.

“How’s it going?” Cassie asked.,”

“Not too bad, it’s in pretty good condition, but I can see what you mean about some parts needing reinforcement. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“Good. I should have done this a while ago but better late than never.”

“The whole place needs a bit of an overhaul. I’m happy to do it if you want me to.”

“I would appreciate it. My grandmother neglected the house towards the end, so it’s probably as good a time as any to do it.”

“I’ll check it out and tell you what needs doing.

“Sounds good.” She had no idea what effect those green eyes of hers had on him.

“Mark, you should stay for dinner,” said Sophie suddenly.

“I think that your mum needs to be the one to ask, Princess.”

“You’re more than welcome. I always make extra for lunches so there will be plenty to eat. Someone has taken a bit of a shine to you.”

“I’ve taken a bit of a shine to her, and her mother.”

Cassie blushed, and Mark’s eyes followed the flush down to the top of her breasts, neatly compacted into her shirt. He wondered how far down that red colour went.

After dinner, Mark sorted out the dishes while Cassie tucked Sophie into bed. “That’s me for the night,” he said, “I’ll see you tomorrow sometime.”

“Thanks for staying, Mark, Sophie really enjoyed it.”

“I was kind of hoping she wasn’t the only one.”

Cassie blushed again, and Mark grinned. He wanted to grab hold of her and kiss her, but he had a feeling that would scare her away. Better to hang around and get her used to his presence, wait for the right opportunity.

She accepted his quote for the extra work that needed to be done, and he estimated he would have another two weeks with her and Sophie.

“Why on earth is there an invoice for a swing and slide set, Mark?” his sister Lauren asked. He felt sorry for her at times, she helped him out with his accounts and they were a mess at the best of times.

“It’s for a job.”

“It doesn’t match any of the quotes.”

“Well then I didn’t itemise it on the quote.”

“What job is it for?”

“Cassie Warren’s place. It’s for her kid.” He shrugged as if it were no big deal. The truth was that he couldn’t wait to assemble it in the back yard. The look on Sophie's face would be enough reward.

“It eats a big chunk of the profit on that job from what I can see.”

“I’m being a good Samaritan.”

“Let me guess, you’re trying to impress the mother.”

“Not just her. I can’t wait to see Sophie’s face when she sees it.”

“Mark Burrows, I think there’s more to this than work.”

Now the grin widened. “I like them. Sue me.”

Lauren shook her head. “You’re a worry, Mark.”

“You love me anyway.”

“I hope this pays off for you.”

Sophie’s eyes were like dinner plates the next day when she saw the swings, and she ran to hug Mark who laughed and hugged her back.

“What’s this?” Cassie asked.

“Consider it a gift for the little one, she was telling me how much she wanted a set,” he replied.

“She knew if she behaved then I would get her one for Christmas. I was using it as an incentive,” she said, irritably.

His face fell. “Shit, Cassie. I’m sorry. Sophie told me she didn’t want to ask you for one because you couldn’t afford it.”

“Sophie? Is that what you told Mark?”

Sophie hid behind Mark, peeking out to nod towards her mother.

“You’ve been conned by a six year old.”

It was his turn to go red. “I thought it would be a nice surprise. I’m really sorry, Cassie, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m not upset with you, I’m angry with my daughter who thought it was appropriate to lie. Come on, Sophie.”

“I want to play,” Sophie said.

“You’re not touching it for the rest of the week as punishment. Mark, let me know how much it cost, and I’ll add it onto my payment.” Sophie pouted, but Cassie wasn’t budging.

“Inside, Miss before I get Mark to dismantle it.”

“It’s not fair,” shouted Sophie.

“Do you know what’s not fair?” The big blue eyes stared up at him.


“I’m trying to make a good impression on your mother, and you set me up. I thought we were a team.”

Sophie’s mouth turned down into a frown. “Sorry, Mark, sorry, Mum.”

Cassie sighed. “Let’s go inside, Sophie. Please let me know how much, Mark.” She walked inside, Sophie running behind her.

Mark’s stomach churned at what had happened. She said she wasn’t annoyed with him, but he had bought it without checking with her first. “Crap,” he said to himself before finishing up for the day and going home. Mark couldn’t sleep all night thinking about how annoyed she had been. It bugged him that he’d been the cause of it even though he had been trying to do the right thing. “Cassie. I’m really sorry about yesterday.”


“The swing set and Sophie. I should have checked with you first, you are her mother.”

“Mark I told you yesterday, it’s not you I’m angry with. Sophie knows better than that. She lied, and that’s what I hate.”

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