Another Cup of Coffee (29 page)

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Authors: Jenny Kane

BOOK: Another Cup of Coffee
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‘I'll call her; see if she wants to come out with me and Toby tonight.'

‘No!' Kit groaned. ‘Just when I think you've got it! She needs to see
. You. Her friend. Not on your own every time, but sometimes. She needs to be reminded she's still needed. God knows Amy isn't overly endowed in the confidence area.'

Seeing she had Jack's full attention, Kit seized her opportunity, ‘I feel a bit the same if you're interested. The difference is I know it won't always be like this, but Amy doesn't. ‘

‘Why won't it be always like this?' He looked confused again.

‘As relationships go on it's nice to spend time apart, as much as it's nice to be together. Amy has never been in a lasting relationship. She doesn't know that yet. I don't suppose you did either!'

Jack shuddered, ‘I daren't think long-term like that.'

‘Of course you don't, but, as we've said, you can't
think like that either.'

Jack drained the last of the cooling coffee into their cups. ‘The thing is,' he eyed Kit warily, deciding whether or not to continue, but realising it was probably too late to backtrack anyway said, ‘I'm worried that Amy's holding it all in. I'm afraid she'll explode, like you did. I don't want her to spend years suppressing it all. I know that sounds arrogant but, well …'

‘Ah.' There was nothing else Kit could say.


January 15

Kit fiddled with her napkin as she let her eyes stray to the window for what seemed like the hundredth time. Phil was late. She wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not.

The waiter came over for a second visit. ‘A top-up of wine while you wait, madam?'

Kit was sorely tempted, but declined, wanting to keep a clear head for the conversation that lay ahead.

The little Italian restaurant was quieter today, but then it was already almost two o'clock, and most of the lunchtime diners had already returned to work or hit the shops, enjoying the tail end of the New Year sales.

Phil began to jog. The meeting with Chris had taken much longer than he'd anticipated, and he hadn't wanted to delay things further by stopping to phone Kit. She'd understand in the circumstances. He felt lightheaded as he weaved through the afternoon shoppers, and finally made it to the door of the restaurant. It didn't seem a minute since the lunchtime when Kit had shared her plan with him. On the other hand, it seemed a lifetime ago.

Standing up in relief as she saw Phil push his way through the door, Kit hadn't realised how nervous she was until he was moving towards her. Were they celebrating, or was this meal a re-grouping exercise, a chance to discuss alternative plans and options?

The waiter appeared before they could speak. Kit quickly ordered the same meals as they'd enjoyed on their previous visit. ‘So?'

Phil took hold of both Kit's hands. ‘I've done it.'

‘Done it?' She hardly dared breathe.

‘Yes. Chris loved the idea.'

‘He did!' Kit got up and flung herself at her husband, ‘Oh Phil, that's fantastic. Tell me everything.'

As they munched their way through lunch, Phil became more and more animated as he described to Kit how excited Chris had been by their plans. He was thrilled to think he'd have more interest and influence in the company's direction, without the pressure of sole responsibility. He also knew his wife would be impressed with the idea of his having an extra day home a week, even if it meant marginally longer hours the rest of the time.

‘That's why I'm so late; Chris had a heap of questions. Not least about how we'd manage with me taking a small director's salary, and who his new partner would be.'

Kit sat up straighter, ‘But I thought …?'

‘Yes, Amy, I know.' Phil looked uncomfortable, ‘Chris is worried that they might not get on. He doesn't want me to offer her the job without him having the chance to meet Amy first. Chris wants to run an interview.'

‘An interview!' Kit raised her voice, disappointment coursing through her. She's been so sure the job was Amy's for the taking.

‘Don't worry! I'm sure they'll get on fine. I'm going to arrange an interview for her as soon as I can.'

‘Oh hell, what if Chris doesn't like her?'

Determined to stem the rising tide of his wife's bluster, Phil said, ‘Have you stopped to think that Amy might not want to work for Home Hunters?'

Kit stared at him. Phil was right; it hadn't even occurred to her that Amy might not be keen. She'd been so sure it would solve every ones problems.

‘You have to admit it would be totally unfair on Chris to dump him with a partner he hasn't even met.'

‘I suppose,' Kit pushed her salad around her plate, ‘I'm convinced she'd be great though. You should see her with the customers at Pickwicks, she treats them like friends. Even the ones she can't stand or hasn't met before.'

Phil spoke with a placating tone, ‘I'm sure you're right. Don't worry. I've really talked her up. Chris is dead keen to meet her.'

Kit looked worried, ‘I didn't want to have to tell Amy about the job unless it was a certainty. What if we build her up and then it doesn't happen. I'm not sure she could cope with further rejection right now.'

Phil took a draft of water. ‘How's she coping with the news of Jack's imminent departure?'

‘Difficult to tell,' Kit dabbed some stray salad dressing from her cheek with a serviette, ‘I've hardly spoken to her since the news broke. Pickwicks has been packed with New Year shoppers, I've been submerged in my writing, and each time I mention Jack she changes the subject.'

Phil plunged a fork into his crisp lasagne, ‘You know, perhaps we could get round the interview idea.'

‘How do you mean?'

‘What if I treat Chris to a celebratory lunch at Pickwicks?'

A broad smile settled across Kit's face. ‘That's perfect! Amy always treats the customers well, even if she feels dreadful herself.'

‘So you keep saying. I could get her talking. Then afterwards I'll see what Chris thinks.'

‘Should we tell Amy, or not?' Kit frowned uncertainly.

‘No.' Phil was firm. ‘That way, if Chris doesn't like her, it'll go no further, and she'll be none the wiser. It probably won't be enough to secure Amy the job, but it seems a good place to start.'

Kit nodded, ‘I think I'll tell Peggy if you don't mind, that way she'll understand if Amy seems to be spending a long time at your table. Anyway, we owe her an explanation if we're going to try and poach her only member of staff.'

‘Agreed.' Phil continued to scrape his bowl clean. ‘Can you reserve me a table for Wednesday lunchtime?'

‘Wednesday? Why not tomorrow?'

‘Because,' Phil held his hands up at his wife's impatience, ‘tomorrow I have a meeting with our biggest client. I need to explain the shape of things to come. It seems politic to do it in person as he provides most of the company's regular income.'

‘Oh God! This is all too grown-up for me!'

‘Tell me about it.' Phil laid down his cutlery, ‘Now, I think we've deserved a proper drink, and then perhaps I can tell you about another idea that's jumping around my head?'

‘That would be great love, there's just one tiny snag.' Kit gathered up her coat, as if to go.

‘What's that?'

‘The twins finish school in twenty minutes, and I'm half an hour away.'


Phil gathered up his jacket and frantically gestured for the bill.


January 16

‘So Jack and Toby babysat for you last night?' Peggy was extracting cinnamon pastries from a huge Tupperware and balancing them on top of each other inside the cake counter.

Kit nodded, ‘Yes. It was at rather short notice, but as they'll be disappearing into the wide blue yonder soon, and as Jack definitely owes me one, if not several, I was sure they wouldn't refuse.'

Peggy moved onto arranging the cream cakes, ‘What did Helena and Tom make of Toby?'

‘Tom's grunt was possibly one of approval, it's tough to tell. Helena on the other hand said he was cool and funny.'

‘Praise indeed.'


Kit had turned up at Pickwicks earlier than usual to see Peggy before Amy arrived. She had already explained Phil's plan, and after the obligatory teasing about stealing her waitress, Peggy had agreed to reserve a table for Phil the following day.

‘Why the rushed night out then? Talking over company plans?' Peggy pushed a broom into Kit's hands. ‘Be a love and sweep up behind the counter, I didn't get time to do it last night.'

Kit took the brush and set to work while Peggy arranged clean cups and saucers onto the shelves by the coffee machines. ‘Phil has had an idea about what he'd like to do next. I had a feeling he was cooking something up.'

‘And?' Peggy turned and started to wipe some trays.

‘He's come up with a business plan for a shop.'

‘A shop?

‘That was my reaction at first, but it's not so mad really. He always said the best bit about Home Hunters was interacting with the public.'

‘What sort of shop does he fancy setting up then? Not a café I hope.'

‘He doesn't want to set one up, more run one for a time, and then possibly take it over.'

Peggy paused in mid-wipe, ‘Kit? Are you saying what I think you're saying?'

‘I think so. If you're thinking about Reading Nature?'

‘But Jack and Phil don't even get on that well.'

Kit propped up the broom and started collecting the accumulated crumbs with a dustpan and brush. ‘They get on much better these days. The point is, though, that Phil gets on really well with Rob.'

‘How exactly is all this going to work?'

‘God knows, but Phil seems quite excited about it, and apparently Rob is too. They think they can expand the range a bit. Increase internet sales; advertise in US travel brochures that feature Kew Gardens, that sort of thing.'

‘And what does Jack think about it?'

‘He has no idea yet. Phil is meeting him this afternoon.'

Peggy's eyebrows shot up, ‘Should Rob have been told before Jack?'

‘Probably not, but Jack isn't at the shop much these days, and when he is, Rob says he's pretty much a waste of space.'

‘What if Jack hates the plan?'

‘Then it'll be back to the drawing board, I suppose. I hope Jack does go for it though, even if it's just a short term thing while he's abroad. Phil's dead keen.'

‘I didn't know Phil was into wildlife and stuff.'

‘He's not, but he is into …'

The door opened and Amy walked in. With her came the first handful of early tea drinkers. ‘Remember, not a word.' Kit whispered, noticing the dark shadows under the newly arrived waitress's eyes before ducking into the kitchen to see Scott.


A message arrived on Amy's phone as she emptied out the clean glasses from the dishwasher.

Paul called. Will visit soon. Nepal dig almost closed. Rx

She hummed softly to herself, day dreaming about spending time with her two oldest friends, as she started to prepare a loaf of bread ready to make the day's sandwiches.

Half an hour later, Kit was pleased to see Amy's happy expression as she strode over to a newly occupied table to take an order. For the second time this week, Kit noticed how much slimmer Amy was these days, not that she'd needed to lose weight in the first place. If she hadn't been so drawn and heavy around the eyes, Kit would have been extremely jealous.

The hopeless lost look had gone. Bess couldn't hide her relief as she saw her friend move confidently around the room. No longer stiff-limbed, her false smile gone, she warmly greeted her colleagues as she headed to her desk …

Kit stopped writing as Amy headed in her direction with a drink re-fill. ‘Peggy thought it was time you had a top-up.'

‘That's great, thanks.' Kit glanced about her, ‘Where is Peggy, anyway?'

‘Scott's managed some of the morning on his feet, but Peggy doesn't want him overdoing it before his hospital visit this afternoon, so she's trying to coax him back into the wheelchair for a bit.'


‘Indeed. I'm keeping out of it.'

‘Probably best,' Kit gestured to the seat in front of her, ‘take a seat while you can.'

‘Thanks, I will. Just for a minute though.' Amy subsided onto the wooden chair, ‘my feet are killing me already.'

‘You're looking good,' Kit plunged straight in, knowing they could be interrupted by a customer at any time. ‘I've been worried about you.'

Amy hung her head. She knew she'd neglected Kit a bit recently. ‘I've had things on my mind. I haven't offended you, have I?'

‘Don't be daft; I was just worried.'

Amy accepted her concern and tried to explain, ‘This business with Jack and Toby, I honestly believed that everything was fine and that I'd sorted it all out in my head. Now they're going away, and it feels as if I've broken up with Jack all over again.'

‘You should have said; we could have had coffee or something.'

Amy toyed with a stray teaspoon, ‘Bless you, but this is old ground now. I've been stupid, and needed time to adjust, that's all. Jack never gave me any impression that he was after more than a friendship. He only ever referred to men when he discussed future relationships. But he was so comfortable to be around. I've been such a fool. I was too ashamed to talk about it, really.'

‘Oh, honey.' Kit reached an arm out to her.

Amy acknowledged the offer, but said, ‘I finally realised that I've been so wrapped up in Jack, I've been neglecting Rob, just like I did when I left university. I'm going to spend some time with him. Catch up on the good bits of my past, not the painful bits.'

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