AnyasDragons (9 page)

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Fantasy, erotica, erotic romance, shapeshifter, dragons

BOOK: AnyasDragons
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Strange sensations shot through her suddenly. Her body changed, her skin sparkled and bathed them in a strange glow that seemed to emanate from her.
Oh Goddess, it’s me. My magick is awakening.
When Cyton moved aside and Yerith flipped her over and pulled her onto her hands and knees, Cyton slid beneath her until his cock touched her vagina. She spread her legs as far as possible. Yerith’s cock was poised at her anus. She moaned as he pushed. To her surprise, it didn’t hurt. In a haze, she noticed that her arms were bigger, she’d gained muscle, her hair cascading to Cyton’s chest was a silvery white. “I’m shifting,” she whispered. “Goddess, I’m shifting.”

She knew then why she could take their cocks. How did she stop from shifting completely? She didn’t have time to think about it as Yerith pushed hard and entered her. It did hurt a bit, but nothing like she’d expected. As a mortal, he could never have entered her there. He would have torn her.

“Now, Cyton. Take her now,” Yerith shouted in his dragon voice.

Cyton pushed up against her vagina. Using his cock, Yerith pushed her down until Cyton filled her. Her vaginal walls stretched, her juices spurted and lubricated them both. Taking her hips, Yerith lifted her and pushed her down hard onto Cyton’s cock. She felt the tearing of her barrier. They both stopped for a few moments.

“Are you all right, baby?” Cyton asked. “Did I hurt you?”

“A little, but I’m fine. Fuck me. Please, fuck me hard.” Her voice had changed—still a female voice, but much deeper and huskier. Cyton grabbed her breasts. Yerith moved her hips as he fucked her ass at the same time pushing her up and down on Cyton’s cock.

“Let us know when you want to rest, love. We can keep going a very long time while half dragon. And let me tell you, your dragon is breathtaking. Enough to drive us insane with lust for you,” Cyton said.

“How about a different position now,” Yerith said while pulling out of her.

Cyton sat up against the pillows and turned her around, her back to him. He pushed into her asshole then spread his legs so Yerith could spread hers. It was his turn to fuck her pussy. He sat between her legs. Her heart hammered while he cleansed his cock slowly, each stroke of the cloth tantalizing. He threw the cloth aside and closed in on her waiting and wanting vagina. He shoved into her with one thrust.

“You both look magical,” she said in between heavy breaths. She climaxed and let out a loud yell, her tongue flicking in and out of her mouth. For a second it fascinated her as she watched its pink fork. A white mist came from between her lips. Yerith inhaled deeply.

“Oh, baby, give us some more of that,” he said hoarsely.

She had no idea where it had come from. Parting her lips, she blew and again a white mist wafted toward Yerith. Cyton massaged her breasts and held her nipples. “I want some of that,” he said.

Anya leaned her head against his chest and turned, trying to look up at him. She blew and watched the mist surround his face. He inhaled deeply. “Yes, yes, yes!” and they both shuddered deeply. She knew they were going to come and felt her stomach on fire as they brought her to heights she could never have imagined. “Yes, fuck me hard. Come for me, now!” she uttered and more of the mist escaped her lips.

Their breathing calmed, their cocks became flaccid. They pulled out of her and lay quietly. She could hear their dragon hearts beating. She rolled off Cyton and got off the bed.

“I want to see,” she said, her voice still low and husky. Standing before the mirrors, she could hardly believe the reflection was her. Her entire body glittered with sparkly white scales. She was much larger, quite muscular, her face was silvery, and her hair wasn’t only thicker but was as white as snow. While she stood there, her skin slowly became its normal ivory color and her body shrank. It felt weird. The glow still surrounded her when she returned to the bed and joined the men. She lay between them.

“I gave you my virginity,” she said softly, her voice back to normal.

“You did, and we thank you. It’s the greatest gift a woman can give a man,” Cyton said.

“I gave it to your dragons. You were both half dragons.”

“So were you, baby, and what an astonishing beautiful dragon you are,” Yerith said. “There are many colored dragons but I’ve never seen a pure white one before.”

“I thought you said you could do this for a long time?”

“Not when you start breathing your pheromones all over us,” Cyton said, laughing.

“Is that what that white mist was?”


“And what about the glow? What was that?”

“That has to do with your magick. In one way or another, we’re all related, but we all have different magical abilities. You’ll have to talk to Uleirlel or your sorcerer.”

“I think I’d feel more comfortable talking to a woman about it.”

“Are you sore?” Yerith asked.

“No. Once I changed, I took you both easily. Can we ever make love as humans?”

“Yes. We can control our dragons. We can make love three ways, as mortals, as half dragons and as full dragons,” Cyton explained.

“Really? What’s it like as full dragons?”

“You fly, we frolick and play. We chase you and catch you, then we entwine completely and go spiraling to the planet. Just before we hit ground, we come and change back to humans.”

“Wow. Not sure I want to try that.”

“It’s not our most favorite either, so don’t worry,” Cyton said. “There’s something I’ve been wondering about.”

“What’s that?” she asked sleepily.

He stroked her pussy, her pubic area. “You’re so smooth. Our women have hair there. Was yours removed?”

“No. None of our women have hair on their bodies, except for eyebrows, lashes and the hair on our heads. Our pussies are bald. Our men don’t have hair there either.”

“I’m not complaining,” Yerith said while stroking her cheek. “I like it. Maybe it’s one of the white dragon qualities.”

“If you don’t stop playing with me, Cyton, I’ll want you again.” Anya already noticed the faint vapor coming from between her lips.

They were still talking about dragons and magick when they slowly drifted off, Anya spooned comfortably between the two men.

Chapter Nine

Anya stretched and opened her eyes. She was in bed alone. Sitting up, she thought about last night and sighed. Oh, but it was great, it was more than great, it was fantastic, but not one word of love. “Do I have to be the first one to tell them I love them?” she asked her reflection in the mirror. “Are they hesitant because I’ll be a queen, their queen?”

She looked no different this morning. Her vagina felt fine, her ass felt fine, even though she’d had two cocks inside her as thick as her arms. She felt gingerly between her folds. No, nothing hurt down there and it all felt normal.

After donning a bathrobe, she opened the door to head for the bathing chamber. Cyton and Yerith stood guard.

“You’re not to stand guard outside my door anymore. Today, you need to assemble a royal guard and assign two men to post outside my door. I see you’ve already bathed. I’m heading for the baths myself now.”

“I’ll go and speak to the elder councilman about guards,” Yerith said.

“I’ll go with you, Princess.” Cyton walked beside her to the baths.

“You slept well?” she asked.

“Yes, Princess.”

“Oh, my, we’re formal this morning.”

“When we’re in public—”

“You’ll call me by my name. I don’t care what the royal protocol was. I won’t have my lovers calling me by my title. I gather, from last night’s experience, the sorcerer must have found a counter spell. Our magick has returned.”

“Yes, and your dragon. It’ll be interesting to watch the people experiment with their new found sensations and abilities.”

“They’re going to need lessons.”

“I’m sure the older generation will be able to teach them.”

Anya dropped her robe and stepped into the water. “Join me?”

“I’ve already bathed, Princess.”

“Damn, there you go again. Join me. That’s an order.”

“What if your maid Solina arrives?”

“She might as well get used to seeing men and women bathing together.”

“Is that all we’re going to do? Bathe?”

All right, he was toying with her now. “Yes. You can wash my back for me.”

“Oh? I get to do the maid’s job now?”

“Hush, stop whining. Hurry up and get in here.”

She giggled as he hastily got out of his clothes and jumped into the pool. “Did you say I was whining? How dare you, woman!”

“Well, that’s what I call it.”

“Take it back.”

“I will not.”

“I’ll get you for that.”

She quickly swam to the other side and was about to get out but he grabbed her by the ankles. He gave her a hard smack on her backside. She came up spluttering and swiveled. “How dare you!”

“That’ll teach you to tell me I’m whining.”

Anya reached down and yanked his cock. She watched it grow and touched it again.


“Why not? I want more of what I got last night.”

“I won’t take you without Yerith present. Now give me the soap and I’ll wash your back, as you requested, Princess.”

“Oh, damn you. You’re going to leave me hot and bothered all day?”

“We have a busy schedule today. Tomorrow is your crowning.”

“It is? And you know this how?”

“You were still sleeping when the elder stopped by to tell you. I told him I would give you the message.”

“Oh. That doesn’t give us much time. I’d like your people to be here for the big event. Can you fly home and relay the invitation?”

“It would be better if I delivered it written on a scroll with your seal.”

“All right, I’ll do that first as soon as I’ve finished bathing and gone to my office. Thanks. I’ll get out now.” She wrapped the big towel he held out around her and just as she neared her room, followed by Cyton, Solina arrived.”

“Good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, Solina. You’re just in time to help me dress and do my hair.”

Solina had just finished styling her hair when someone knocked on the door. Solina opened it. “It’s Councilman Jakea, Princess.”

“Let him in.” She noticed the older man seemed quite agitated. “What’s wrong, Jakea?”

“There is an uprising in one of the towns. Your betrothed—”

“He is no longer my betrothed. I refuse to enter into a union with him and I told him so last night.”

“Ah. Well, it seems he’s gathered together a group of upstarts who feel a woman shouldn’t be on the throne.”

“Sorlos coveted to rule by my side. He would have tucked me nicely away in the women’s quarters and reigned by himself. Besides that, I never wanted to be joined with that man. I told my father that the first time I saw him. So now he’s going after the throne. Let him try. How did you find out?”

“A loyal subject hastened to report it to me first thing this morning.”

“Do you know if Sorcerer Unayus has unlocked everyone’s magick and shifting abilities? I noticed some of my magick surfacing last night.”

“No. He only unlocked yours. He won’t unlock the magick for everyone else on the planet until you’ve been crowned queen.”

“Good. Solina, tell Cyton to come in.”

Cyton joined them. “What’s wrong?”

Anya filled him in. “I need you and your warriors to put a stop to this. What can we do to banish them? Where can we banish them to?”

“There is a planet not far from here, called Zukinon, where we have, on very rare occasions, banished one of our own. There is a spell around the planet. We can land there, but they can never leave it.”

“I’ll leave this in your capable hands, Cyton. I’ll prepare the invitation and send it with you. You need to leave quickly.”

“Jakea, where is this uprising taking place right now? How soon do they plan to come to the castle?”

“They’re going from town to town trying to get people to join them. They travel in a large group. You can’t miss them.”

“Let’s go to my offices,” Anya said and hurried out of her chambers followed by the men. Once in the official royal office, she wrote an invitation to the crowning and placed the royal seal on it. “Here. Make haste and be careful, Cyton.”

“I’ve sent a telepathic message to Yerith to come back to the castle and bring with him any guards he’s signed on. I’ll be back soon.”

Anya caught his look and nodded. He didn’t want to display affection in public, but his gaze told her his thoughts. So he had telepathic abilities. She wondered if she would have those as well after her magick matured.

The flapping of wings caught her attention. She walked out onto the balcony and peered skyward. Cyton was already a speck high in the sky, but as she turned her gaze downward, toward the courtyard, she saw Yerith land and change into man. He hurried into the castle and joined them in seconds.

“Cyton told me what’s happening. I found some of the former royal guards and I signed on quite a few eager young men.” He handed her a scroll. “Here are their names.”

“They’ll need to be trained.”

“Several of the royal guards who managed to escape the clutches of the aliens are officers. They’ll be able to train them.”

“With the protection spell in place, the aliens can’t get near our planet. They won’t even see it on their radar. We need to find out if our scientists survived and see if our space technology buildings are still whole. I want a fleet. My father sorely neglected to stay with the times. Once we get rid of the usurpers, our planet should be one of peace, I hope for many years to come.”

“I knew last night that Sorlos would cause trouble.”

“I know you both did. I should have listened to you. It might not have come to this. Sorlos must have been up all night gathering followers.”

“Princess Anya, what happened last night?”

“Councilman Jakea, Sorlos tried to rape the princess.”

“That requires the death penalty. Banishment to another planet is too soft a punishment.”

“I wasn’t raped. He tried, but Cyton and Yerith saved me from him. Therefore the death penalty is out of the question.”

“He laid hands on a royal princess.”

“He did. I made him very angry when I told him I would not be joined in marriage with him.”

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