Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order (27 page)

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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Nathan saw the other agent approaching but never took his eyes off Deshad as he gritted his teeth and tightened his grip. The second agent ran in baton extended and ready to strike; as soon as he got close enough Nathan released the first agent. As the second went to strike Nathan kicked his baton hand quickly withdrew his leg and kicked straight up under the agent’s chin as hard as he could, the agents neck snapped back killing him before his body hit the floor. Nathan then calmly stood as tall as he could and looked directly at Deshad once again.

Ackers was making too much noise and Deshad didn’t care anyway, he put his hand to Ackers face to push him out of the way as he slowly made his way to stand in front of Nathan. Deshad looked the large man up and down. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”

Nathan grinned. “No, if you want to be impressed let me go. You’ll be impressed right before I kill you.”

For the second time in less than an hour Deshad was about to burst into laughter but he held his amusement to a small smile. He thought he must be in some alternate plane of existence; nobody ever challenged him they all knew better. He nodded at Nathan as he turned around not concerned with staying in Harrisburg any longer. “Another time perhaps.”

Nathan made a sucking sound with the side of his mouth as he shook his head. “And I thought you were going to be different than these cowards… but I guess all the Princes men are weak cowards.”

Deshad stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I don’t know who you are but you will regret speaking his name.”

Nathan continued his prodding. “Then stop talking and release me if you’re so damn sure of yourself.”

Deshad then turned back around and walked a couple of feet in Nathan’s direction. “I should just slit your throat.”

Nathan clinched his fists his muscles flexing under the sweat and dried blood, he leaned his head forward as far as he could trying to get face to face with the assassin. “But you won’t.”

Nathan’s instincts as a profiler were correct; Deshad’s arrogance would never allow him take such blatant disrespect, his pride and overconfidence wouldn’t let him simply kill a chained man that had just challenged him either. Nathan didn’t know who Deshad was but Deshad was intent on showing him.

Nathan had failed to suffocate the first agent before being interrupted; waking up from his nap with a pounding headache the agent was just getting his wits about him when he heard the Prince’s assassin speak to him. “Release him.”

Neither Nathan nor Deahad ever dropped the others gaze as the guard was slowly beginning to stand still dizzy and light headed. Deshad’s words were now beginning to formulate in the agent’s mind as he looked to his boss.

Director Ackers quickly moved to Deshad’s side. “Sir we can’t release him, we bel….”

Deshad punched Ackers in the throat with just enough force as to not crush his windpipe.

Deshad returned to his stare down with Nathan. “My mercy for members of our order has limits.” Deshad momentarily switched his gaze as he addressed the agent over Ackers coughs.

“Release him.” Deshad motioned with his hand towards Ackers. “Then take this one and leave.”

As Nathans restraints were released one by one his instinct was to immediately attack everyone in the room but the tremendous pain he felt as his arms and shoulders returned to their natural position reminded him that he was not in top form. Nathan let his muscles stretch taking note of the cuts on his wrists from the handcuffs, scars he knew would never completely heal.

Deshad stood at rest with his hands folded on top of one another in front of him. “Take a few moments to gather yourself; they will be your last.”

Adrenaline slowly began to pulse through Nathan’s body as the rage began to take over, Nathan sneered at Deshad. “You are going to regret not killing me when you had the chance.”

With that Nathan launched towards Deshad with a flurry of quick kicks and punches, Deshad easily parried surprised at the vigor his opponent had considering the beating he had taken. After Deshad checked a low kick Nathan quit the assault and stepped back a few feet.

Deshad turned his head slightly as he eyed his adversary, Nathan was testing the waters trying to get a sense of the assassin’s fighting style, Deshad knew this tactic he had used it many times before. “You’re not trying.”

Nathan shrugged slightly. “Didn’t wanna hurt your feelings by beating you too quickly.”

Deshad nodded. “Very well, now it’s my turn.” This time it was Deshad who advanced, he took a wide left step then a right as he leaped towards Nathan with a superman punch. Nathan stepped to the side slapping the strike with his open palm. Deshad landed and ducked a swing by Nathan returning a spinning backfist. Nathan raised his right hand to the side of his head in a muay thai block then countered with a left overhead elbow that Deshad barely escaped.

The combatants once again separated both having a better understanding of the other. No words were spoken this time as they both ran in. Deshad went for a spinning back kick that Nathan sidestepped. Nathan then returned with a hard body kick that hit Deshad in his kidney. The assassin rolled forward coming up in the ready position as Nathan was already in the air aiming for Deshad’s face with a flying knee. Deshad leaned out of the way, as Nathan landed he turned into a high kick that caught him on the side of his jaw. As Nathan stepped back momentarily stunned Deshad thru his left leg forward for momentum as he spun to land his next spinning back kick in Nathans stomach. Deshad landed and went to follow thru with a front kick but Nathan bulled thru swatting Deshad’s leg to the side as he landed a right elbow flipping Deshad backward.

Nathan reached down and grabbed Deshad by the throat with two hands and turned intent on slamming him into the opposite wall but instead Deshad swung his leg back kicking off the wall then bringing his legs up around Nathans arms using his momentum to flip him to the ground with Deshad in the top position. The assassin brought his shin across Nathans neck as he punched him repeatedly; Nathan used his strength advantage to throw Deshad off of him. As Deshad landed on his feet he charged at Nathan and kicked towards his left side. Nathan’s kickboxing background had him instinctively lift his arm to absorb the blow but he had forgotten about his cracked ribs. As Deshad’s kick landed Nathan winced in pain his ribs broken from the impact.

Deshad saw the opening and flew in overwhelming Nathan with a flurry of attacks. Nathan stepped back as he was stunned, backed into a corner he then crouched slightly and came forward with a knee that broke thru Deshad’s defenses to hit square under his chin throwing him back to fall on the floor some feet away. Nathan backed to the corner to lean on the wall trying to relieve the sting shooting from his side.

Deshad had faced many before but he had never been in such a difficult fight, as he rose from the ground he wiped the blood pouring from his broken nose stood straight up and drew his daggers.

Nathan didn’t know if it was Deshad pulling his daggers or just the rage returning but he was able to ignore the pain as he reached for a broomstick in the near corner. Nathan snapped the handle off the broom and then held the stick out in front of him. He used his strength to snap it into two pieces, something he was more comfortable with. He looked at Deshad his body trembling with anger. “Well… come on then.”

Again they met in the middle Deshad in a flurry of silver as his daggers found wood. This was Nathan’s game though, more than once he made Deshad miss and countered with a strike to the assassin’s leg or arm. This battle may have ended differently if Nathan had his swords; unfortunately Deshad’s razor sharp daggers were whittling down Nathan’s broomsticks fast. Deshad pressed the attack as Nathan slowly retreated looking for another weapon.

Out of nowhere the ground began to shake violently; both Nathan and Deshad were caught off guard. Nathan fell to the ground as light fixtures fell and warehouse equipment was thrown to the floor. Deshad being more agile and having been in an earthquake before was able to stay on his feet and make his way towards the exit. The warehouse seemed to be falling apart as Deshad looked back to see Nathan on the ground behind some fallen equipment. The assassin left Nathan to the crumbling building as he made his escape.


                           *  * *


It didn’t take long after the ground stopped shaking for Anthony to see his opportunity. The compound was in chaos, buildings had taken damage with sheets of concrete and brick littering the streets. People were screaming and crying many flooding the exits trying to get away from the city. With the soldiers being occupied and the perimeter fencing down in places Anthony calmly moved towards the airport hangar. As he reached the parameter he could see a very large fissure that went from the road, thru the fence line and into the airport. Anthony had never been in an earthquake before; he had seen the damage hurricanes can do many times but after seeing the destruction here he knew he would take a Louisiana hurricane any day over this.

Anthony made his way around the fencing happy the soldiers were too busy to notice him. As he neared the warehouse Anthony noticed a group of well dressed men moving in his direction coming from the runway the leader of which was in the middle as his guards were leading him further into the compound. The group of five agents noticed Anthony as they came around a truck. Instantly the camp director knew what this man was and what he was doing here, dressed in black fatigues with a sniper rifle and sword on his back it wasn’t hard to figure out.

Anthony saw Ackers eyes; before the director could mention the words “kill him” Anthony was already in motion. He drew his sword as he moved in slicing the first agent from neck to hip. Anthony’s attacks were like one continuous smooth motion; he swiped across from the first agent to hit the second on the side of his head the end of his blade going halfway thru his skull. The second agent was reaching for his gun but Anthony got to him first. Anthony’s attacks were so fluid and fast. Ackers was stepping back as soon as he saw Anthony approaching his first agent which was the only thing that saved him from the overhead slice aimed at his head. The last two agents were drawing their pistols, Anthony spun low to the outside of the one on his left using him as cover as he came up from his spin with an upward strike that dug deep into the agent slicing him from stomach to chest. Anthony was already reaching for his own sidearm before the move was completed, he didn’t hesitate. Anthony aimed around the agent in front of him and shot the last agent twice. As the agent in front of him fell to the ground blood gushing and intestines out Anthony looked to the last to see him falling backwards. Before the last agent hit the ground Anthony aimed his pistol for a headshot to ensure the deed was done. With that he turned to Ackers who was about to turn and flee but didn’t get the chance as Anthony stabbed him thru the heart and quickly withdrew his sword. Quick and efficient the entire exchange took less than ten seconds; Anthony had never been in a real fight with his sword and had always inwardly felt that he wasn’t very good. As he stood in a steadily growing pool of blood his pistol in his left hand sword in his right Anthony appreciated his friends training and encouragement ringing in his brain. “You’re a natural.”


                           *  * *


Nathan made his way painfully out the warehouse his feet bloody from broken glass and debris. He exited the warehouse in time to see Anthony’s exchange between Ackers and his men. Nathan was not even a little surprised to see Anthony; he gingerly made his way toward his friend. Anthony almost didn’t recognize Nathan he was in such a bad state, as he moved to meet him Nathan dropped to his knee in obvious pain.

These friends had known each other a long time, no words needed to be exchanged about Anthony being there or why Nathan had to leave or about him being so bloodied and beaten. While they approach situations differently they both had a complete understanding of the others motivations. It was with that complete understanding that the first words out of Anthony’s mouth were exactly what was on Nathan’s mind. “Where’s Kayla?” Anthony placed his sword in its sheath as he moved to help his friend up.

Nathan winced thru the pain. “I don’t know, I thought I saw her near the registration area when I first arrived but I wasn’t sure.” Anthony aware of their situation and the state of the compound knew the objective and wanted to move quickly. “Which way?” Nathan pointed in the direction of the entrance. “There.” As soon as the friends started walking the ground shook again, not as large as the last one but still enough to make the already damaged buildings crumble more. Nathan fell but immediately stood back up on his own. He had to find Kayla, he and Anthony both knew how difficult a task that would be but both also knew Nathan was not leaving without her. As they moved thru the carnage people were running in the streets screaming and crying most trying to escape. Some bodies could be seen under the rubble others were trapped and screaming for help. As Nathan and Anthony passed there was no question to themselves of their moral obligation to help these people when they could. Every time they lifted debris off of someone or helped someone out of a barricaded building they were asking. “Kayla Melendez, do you know Kayla Melendez?” Anthony had just finished wedging the front door of a house open. “Do you know Kayla Melendez? She’s about this tall, brown with long curly brown hair.”

Everyone they spoke to was the same. “I’m sorry I don’t know her.”

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