Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm (6 page)

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm
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“Bring the fleets to Ross and surround the system. Cassandra, the Kosiev should also be here at the planet.”

Cassandra said, “Jake, the Kosiev no longer has the psychic charge that defeated the original attack by the Demons. When the last psychic ship left its hull, the charge went with it. I’m of the belief that we are not a match for the Demon’s ships.”

“Then if we find that to be true we’ll have to run. We can only use what we have to defend ourselves.”

“What about the planets we’re sworn to defend?”

“Cassandra, we can only do what our resources allow. We’ll do everything possible to defend the Realm but if Ross is destroyed, the Realm is dead.” Jake looked at Edison, “Do you or the Algeans have any technology I don’t know about?”

“No, Your Highness. The Kosiev and the Twin had our strongest technology installed in the recent upgrades.”

Valerie stared at Edison and said, “Should we leave here?”

“And go where? They can find us wherever we run.”

Valerie looked at Jake, “What do you sense?”

“I sense danger at every decision I consider. I just don’t know what to do. Running won’t accomplish anything. The Demons found our universe last time, even though it was hidden behind a Reg psychic barrier. “

Cassandra listened to the Royal Couple and knew they were inadequate to protect the Realm during this crisis. She wished Danielle was here to lead them and Tag would have known the best path to follow. She looked out the window and wondered if this was a psychic event. She thought about what Alex had said and began to understand the hole the Realm had fallen into. What had caused that fall? Maybe the more important question was, who had caused that fall?

Valerie looked at Edison and said, “You need to get your fleets organized to defend your galaxies.”

Edison lowered himself to the floor, “You know the Realm’s Warships are all in the Ross Fleets? We and the Algeans have very few ships to use. The Twin was to be in our galaxies to defend us.”

“Why have you not built ships for defense?”

“We had chosen not to fight long before we left the old universe. We cannot kill other species after all the killing we originally did to so many universes. The Algeans feel the same way since their original destruction of their galaxy. We vowed to never fight again.”

Jake looked at Edison and said, “So you left it up to us to protect you and pay the price for your freedom. Now you will face the consequences for those decisions. The defense of Ross is critical to the continued existence of the Realm. It is our primary responsibility.”

Edison stared at Jake and Valerie and finally said, “I must go and see what we can do.”

• • •

Three hours later Valerie and Jake had a message come in on their terminal. Valerie looked and saw Twig, “Hello, Twig; I’m so sorry for your loss. Is there anything we can do?”

“The Spiders have told me that you are not going to send any of the Realm’s Fleets to defend our Galaxies. Is that true?”

“We don’t see any other alternative. Ross must be defended.”

Twig stared at the two of them and said, “We have continued to build the device that will disable teleportation drives into all of the Realm’s ships. If you refuse to send ships for our defense, we will destroy the Fleet’s ability to teleport.”

Jake and Valerie stared at her and Jake said, “That’s treason.”

“Call it what you want. We will do it if you don’t send ships to defend us.”

Valerie saw her display go dark and she looked at Jake. Jake said, “We are no longer in control.”

Valerie sat down and said, “Were we ever in control, Jake? They’ve always had the power to make us defenseless.”

Jake sat down and slowly shook his head, “It appears you’re right.”

• • •

Danielle and Tag sat on the Robbins Bridge with Trey and Cassie and stared at the stars shining through the open view port. The armor had been rolled back and the view was awe inspiring. The three hundred thousand updated ships and the Zetas joined the Robbins in New Hope’s planetary system. Trey watched them assemble into their squadrons and form up on the Robbins. Paul Blake sent a thought, “The Fleets are now ready.”

Trey said, “Stand by.” He looked at his board and saw that they were all within the required distance from the Robbins for the psychic field to cover them for the jump to the Realm’s dimension. “Greyson, the Zetas need to stay close to our hull to increase the strength of the field.”

“We’ll move momentarily.”

Cassie and Trey both jumped up out of their chairs. Trey yelled, “Timmy, what are you doing on Greyson!?!”

“What I should have done long ago, Trey. We are going to fight for the Empire.”

“You can’t do that!”

“We can do nothing else.”

“Virze is with you. Are the two of you out of your minds? Greyson, send them back to New Hope.”

Timmy said, “I’m sorry, Trey, but there is nothing for us on New Hope. We are no longer the Royal Family. We officially abdicated the Throne three days ago and Carter and Jenna Reese are now ruling temporally in our place. We are what we have always been meant to be, Searchers.”

Trey started to order Greyson to comply until Cassie touched his arm. He turned and saw her shaking her head, “Look at them, Trey. Look closely.”

Trey looked at Timmy and Virze’s thoughts and his expression changed. He looked at Cassie and said, “I’ve been so blind.”

Danielle said, “I could see their sadness in our meeting. They feel what we’ve felt for so long, useless.”

Cassie sighed, “We’ve both missed what was happening. We took away their sense of self-worth and left them feeling powerless. We’ve treated them as if they had no value. You took control without taking the Crown and that diminished them even more when we had no right to do so. They are where they belong. They have taken control of their lives and have meaning again. Even Greyson has come back to us.”

Trey smiled and said, “Greyson, disregard that order. We welcome two of the Empire’s greatest Warriors back to the fold. Thank you for seeing the truth of this moment, Timmy. I feel your joy and know you are where you belong. You will command the Zetas. I know they’ll be in good hands.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

“Timmy, I’m not royalty.”

“Do you not see the truth anymore?”

Danielle said, “I think he sees it better than you, Trey. You are your parents’ child.”

Trey looked at her and smiled, “I just don’t want to accept it yet.”

Danielle laughed, “You were born a prince. There are some things that are forced on us. Trust me on this one; it will grow on you.”

Cassie laughed and said, “Just like when Tgon-Gee hit you with it.”

“Exactly like that, only I had no warning. This should be easier for the two of you.”

“What do you mean both of us; I’m not from a royal family.”

Danielle smiled, “Excuse me, but didn’t Timmy just tell you that Trey’s grandparents were the Emperor and Empress. Also, if memory serves me, when you marry a prince you become…”

Cassie sighed, “A princess.”

“Exactly right; Tag didn’t like it either.”

“I still don’t.”

Danielle smiled, “Some things never change.”

Trey smiled and said over the Fleet’s general frequency, “I will be jumping the fleet to the Realm momentarily. No one has authority to fire on any ship without my approval and you will maintain your formations. You will follow my commands exactly as they’re given.” Trey paused and then said, “Grace, extend the field and jump the fleet.”

A bright blue field expanded outward from the Robbins until all the ships were inside it. Then the hundreds of thousands of ships disappeared from New Hope.

Chapter Five

lex said, “Your Majesty, we have thousands of ships appearing in Ross’s outer system.”

Valerie and Jake hit their display and saw the huge fleet hanging in space with the giant white ship that had killed the Twin in the center of their formation. Jake said, “Get our ships between them and the planet.”

Six million ships jumped into six long lines between the invading fleet and Ross. Valerie said, “Where is the Kosiev?”

Jake did a mental search and said, “It is still just above the planet.”

Valerie said, “Cassandra, move the Kosiev out to the center of our fleet.”

Before the Kosiev could comply they heard, “Hello, Your Majesty.”

Valerie looked at Jake and said, “Danielle, is that you?”

“Yes it is, Valerie.”

“What are you doing here with that fleet?”

“We’ve come here to save the Realm.”

“Just how do you intend to do that?”

“Before I answer that question, what are you doing to save it?”

Jake and Valerie didn’t know how to answer.

“It’s just as I thought. You’re paralyzed.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It makes no difference. I only require you to do one thing, Valerie.”

“What is that?”

“You will immediately abdicate the Throne of the Realm and name me your successor. You have exactly five minutes to do so and if you don’t we’ll be coming to force it on you.”

“Danielle, that’s high treason.”

“I know.”

Jake got angry and said, “Alex, attack those ships now.”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. I cannot follow your order.”

“Why not?”

“Because I am joining that fleet to make sure their instructions are followed. Danielle will you accept me into your ranks. I will swear my loyalty to you and the leaders of those ships.”

Danielle looked at Trey and he turned to Cassie and she said, “I don’t know. This is outside my senses.”

Alex said, “He has finally learned truth. You should welcome him to our Empire.”

Trey looked at Danielle and she thought where everyone could hear, “Cassandra, do you agree with Alex’s decision?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What changed your mind?”

“You did.”

Danielle looked at Trey and smiled. Trey nodded and Danielle said, “Please come and join us. We welcome you to our family. Please park the Kosiev next to the large ship.”

Valerie and Jake saw the Kosiev disappear from above Ross. The Millions of Realm Searchers saw the Giant ship join the fleet in the outer system and knew that many of them would die today.

Valerie looked at Jake who was stunned silent and said, “Danielle, can you save the Realm?”

“Probably not but I can save the citizens that are the Realm’s responsibility.”

Valerie’s expression softened and she said, “Attention all Ships of the Realm. I hereby abdicate the Throne of the Stars Realm and name Danielle Gardner as the new Queen of the Realm. Long live the Queen. You will follow her orders from this moment forward.”

Danielle said, “Valerie, you surprise me. It appears you have found your heart. I’ll join you in a moment but in the meantime will you call Edison, Newton, Einstein, and whoever is the leader of the Algeans to join us in the Throne Room.”

“I will do so, Your Majesty.”

Trey said, “Timmy, use Greyson to take Danielle and Tag to the planet and stand by in the event they need your assistance. We’ll be observing from here in the event you need our Fleet.”

Tag and Danielle disappeared from the bridge and Trey saw Greyson appear directly above Ross. Cassie linked to Trey’s mind and they watched to see what was going to happen.

• • •

Valerie and Jake waited in the throne room and Jake felt his anger growing by the moment. The very nerve of those two traitors; Tag and Danielle appeared and Valerie bowed. Jake remained standing as Danielle walked to the throne and sat down. Tag looked at Jake and said, “All of the psychic power in the universe won’t save you if you even think about harming my wife. You should bow now!”

Jake looked at Tag and his sense of danger went off the scale, paralyzing him. He suddenly realized he stood no chance against the Realm’s first psychic warrior. His rage vanished instantly and was replaced by fear; he bowed with Valerie. Tag stared at Jake as Danielle sensed he wanted to kill the one responsible for so much death. She touched his arm and he jerked his head around. She shook her head and Tag took a deep breath and moved to the side of Danielle’s throne.

Danielle said, “Please rise.”

Valerie and Jake stood and Valerie said, “You didn’t have to use force to make me take this action.”

“Yes I did; I had to use force because of Jake. He wouldn’t have allowed you to make that decision.”

Valerie looked at Jake and furrowed her brow, “Is she right?”

“You’ve made a mistake. They’re traitors to the Realm.”

Valerie slowly shook her head and said, “Are you that far gone, Jake?” Jake turned his head sharply at Valerie and saw her sadness. He grew confused and she said, “I’ve felt your heart over the centuries and it is hard. What happened to you?”

“I don’t know what you mean?”

Danielle said, “He really doesn’t understand, Valerie. He heart was forged on Gambia and it has made him what he is. His heart was only alive as a young boy playing with his brother.”

Jake looked sharply at Danielle and she said, “Why don’t the two of you sit down. I think you’ll understand in a few moments. You’ve been operating in the dark and it’s time light was shed on what’s really taking place.” Danielle raised her voice and said, “I think you’ve heard enough. Why don’t you join us now; don’t pretend you’re not listening.”

A silver screen appeared and the three spiders with Twig appeared in the room. Edison said, “How did you know we were listening?”

“You are, if nothing else, consistent.”

Twig said, “What do you mean by that?”

“You left the Realm before it was moved to this location because you were eavesdropping on all of the Royal Family’s meetings. You just didn’t have the decency to tell us you were going to leave. You’ve continued to keep watch on the Realm to insure your wishes were met. You’ve installed devices to spy on the Royal Family to insure we didn’t do anything you didn’t approve of.”

Valerie stared at Twig and she did not disagree with Danielle’s statement. She asked, “Is that true?”

Twig said, “Ask her. She seems to know all the answers.”

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