Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm (2 page)

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm
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“I know.”

Virze sighed and knew he did.

Chapter Two

anielle sat in her quarters getting a bag packed to leave with the Kosiev. She stood in front of the mirror packing her personal items and glanced at herreflection. She put both hands on the sink and stared at the mirror. She saw the sorrow she was feeling staring back at her. Tag teleported in and saw she had already packed a bag for him. “You always think of me first.” Danielle turned and went to him. He wrapped his arms around her and she held him tight. “What’s wrong, Danielle?”

“Why didn’t we know?”

Tag took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “I don’t have an answer for that. I thought we would be told if anything happened that needed our attention.”

Danielle took a deep breath and put her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and felt him in her mind. “We were prevented from finding out.”

“Who would have done that?”

“You know who.”

Tag sighed, “I just don’t want to believe that. I just don’t see why they would have done it or how they could have prevented us learning of what happened.”

Danielle leaned back and looked him in the eyes, “I find myself thinking about all of those that are no longer with us. I miss Eric, Leila, Wes, Anglo, Jenny, Tommy, Matt, Melanie, and most of all Rose. All our children and friends are gone yet we are still here.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve always felt a sense that our reason for living so long has not been completed. I just knew there was a reason for us to be here. Now…I’m not so sure anymore. Our time may be over. I’ve never felt this empty and it weighs heavy on my soul. I can’t help but wonder if we’ve lost the thing that made us what we are. For the first time, I feel old.”

She put her head back on his chest and he felt her sorrow in his mind. He put his head on top of hers and wished he could help her, but the truth was that he was having the same feelings. He felt it to his core and sensed he had lost something and he didn’t know what it was. He had also been wishing lately to return to the past. He actually felt remorse at having left it behind, perhaps it was time to return to a normal lifespan. Danielle’s sorrow was almost more than he could bear. This was a burden that was more than they should have to endure.

“What are we going to do, Darling?”

Danielle said with her eyes closed, “We’re going to talk with the ones that can tell us what happened to our old home and then we’re going to then find the source of the psychic wave. I’m hoping that whoever caused it can help us find what we need to continue to live.”

“And if they can’t?”

“I’m not ready to even think about that yet.”

Tag continued to hold her and knew he wasn’t ready either.

• • •

Cassandra sat in her Command Chair on the Kosiev and felt the ship around her. It was humming with a note that meant danger. She knew the giant ship was getting ready for combat. “Alex, is the Twin here?”

“No, he’s picking up his crew and will be here within three hours.”

Cassandra looked at the readouts and then asked, “Is he your equal?”

“He has my memories. I’m not sure if that is the same as experiencing the events. We are identical in our weapons and defense.”

“Have you been able to learn anything else from the readout on the beam used by that old Zeta?”

“Not really. It was a very intense beam and was fired with an accuracy I would have trouble duplicating. I really won’t know anything until I’m able to scan that ship.”

Cassandra looked at the floor and said, “I wish Tommy was here.”

“I know. I miss him as well.” Cassandra felt her eyes well up as Alex said, “Cassandra, accidents happen. Who would have ever thought that reactor would malfunction and explode so quickly. I wish there would have been some way to have saved him. He didn’t suffer.”

Cassandra shook her head and said, “He’ll always be in my heart. I’m sure he’s handling bullies with Wes.”

Alex remained silent and felt the void in Cassandra’s heart. He knew she wasn’t going to be able to live with the pain much longer. He was heartbroken that there was nothing he could do to save her. Alex received a message and said, “Jake and the Gardners are requesting permission to come aboard.”

Cassandra wiped her eyes dry and forced a smile, “Bring them aboard, Alex.”

• • •

Jake, Tag, and Danielle appeared on the bridge and Cassandra stood and gave Danielle a hug. Danielle looked at her, furrowed her brow, and asked, “Are you ok?”

Cassandra smiled and said, “I’m fine.” Danielle started to question her but Jake said, “How long before we’re supposed to meet that ship?”

Alex answered, “Six hours, Sir.”

“Where’s the twin?”

“He’ll be arriving shortly.”

“Who is commanding that ship?”


Jake turned around sharply and looked at Tag, “I didn’t think Algeans commanded warships?”

Tag shrugged, “Most don’t. Peg is an exception to that rule.”

“I’ve heard that he’s impetuous and acts without orders.”

“He has shown that trait but he has never made a bad decision. All of his actions have ended successfully.” Tag paused and added, “So far.”

Jake didn’t feel good about the Algean being in command and wondered why he was given command of the Twin. He saw Danielle looking at Tag and saw that she shared his concern. Well, it was too late to change at this late hour. “Where is Newton and Sprig?”

“Sprig will arrive just before we leave and Edison is taking Newton’s place.”


“Edison is better at situations involving possible combat. He overrode Newton on the decision.”

Jake looked at the three Gardners and said, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with all of these last minute changes.”

Danielle said, “Jake, we should try to avoid conflict. Please just make this a mission to gather information.”

“That ship is a survivor of the Duke’s Universe, Danielle. I’ll try to do as you ask but I do not trust them to be peaceful.”

Danielle looked at Jake and said nothing. Tag stared at Jake and saw that he did not value Danielle’s advice. He felt his temper rise but said nothing. Cassandra felt Tag’s anger and wondered what Danielle knew. Her step-parents were also showing sorrow. Something was wrong.

• • •

Trey sat in the Command Chair and felt the Robbins coming to life. The four hundred crewmembers were on board and manning their posts. Cassie felt Trey’s aura start to strengthen and she added her aura to his. The three mile wide ship started flashing white and blue and then bright blue.

Grace modulated the collectors and the hull started changing back to white. The blue flashes became fewer and after thirty minutes disappeared. This meant all the psychic power was being collected by the ship’s system. She watched the absorption field and saw that it was keeping up with the rising power level. She setup the system and it took over automatically. Now it was up to the Engineering team to keep it stabilized. She looked at Alex’s systems and saw that all of his circuits were active and online. She noticed his weapon circuits were also active. The huge beam projectors on the hull were glowing blue and ready for discharge. She started to say something but realized that if she had control of the weapons she would have been doing the same thing.

• • •

Trey sent a thought to the Crew, “We’ll be leaving in two hours. You will remain at battle stations until we leave our former universe. No one has permission to activate a weapon without my approval.” Trey paused for a moment and waited for that order to sink in and then he said, “You have an hour and half to do whatever is necessary to remain at your station for an extended time. Commanders, allow your sailors to leave in shifts.”

Cassie closed her eyes and felt the nervousness of the crew. She looked at Trey and saw he felt it as well. She smiled and said, “They’re ready. Their tension is natural.”

“I know.”

“Why are you jumping in fifteen minutes late?”

Trey smiled and said, “You know how much I love a grand entrance.”

Cassie laughed, sat down in her command chair, and tightened her restraints. She felt Trey’s underlying anger and worried that he would not follow his instincts and give in to his hatred of the Realm. She could only restrain him so much, but she also felt the Realm deserved whatever they received. She watched Trey closely and he looked at her out of the corner of his eye and said, “I’m cool.”

Cassie smiled, “Yes, you are.”

• • •

Jake looked around the bridge and said, “Alex, notify the twin we’ll be jumping in thirty seconds.”

“Peg has acknowledged the order and has prepared his ship.”

Sprig and Edison were standing on the bridge immediately under the main display, staring at what they were going to see in their old universe. Danielle noticed that Sprig had only said a brief hello before he moved to the display. That wasn’t like the Sprig she knew. Something was bothering him.

She saw Tag staring at the Algean and she sensed him growing nervous. Tag said under his breath, “He senses danger.” She turned and looked at the display Sprig was watching just as the two giant ships jumped and arrived at the meeting coordinates. Every one stared at the display and saw nothing but the old Provincial Capital El Prado below them. The Former Provincial Capital was covered with huge areas that were blasted and barren. It was clear the planet had been attacked from space and the attacker had done massive damage to the surface.

Alex said, “I don’t detect any intelligent life on the planet. That’s probably why the planet wasn’t burned by whoever destroyed the other worlds.”

The Gardners looked at a planet that had a violent history and was just now starting to recover from the nuclear weapons that were used to bombard the surface. Danielle shook her head and wondered what had happened after the Realm left.

• • •

Trey looked at Cassie and thought to the crew, “We’re jumping in ten seconds. Stay alert and follow your orders.” Trey looked at Seed and Weed standing next to the display and asked, “Are you ready for this?”

Weed leaned forward and said, “It’s time we faced our former family.”

Cassie reached over and took Trey’s hand and the accumulators briefly flashed blue as the ship adjusted for the surge in power. Trey pushed the jump button and the Bristone Empire Ship Scotty Robbins disappeared.

• • •

After fifteen minutes, Jake said, “Are you sure about the time, Alex?” Then a giant white ship appeared ten miles from them. Even the two twins were stunned at what they saw. The giant white sphere was at least three miles in diameter and its force field was brilliant. The giant beam projectors on its hull were glowing bright blue and looked deadly. Danielle saw Sprig look at the console under the display and all of his branches fell to his sides. Jake looked at his board and couldn’t speak. Danielle didn’t need to look. She knew the power of that ship dwarfed their technology. Now we will get some answers, she thought to herself.

• • •

Trey immediately saw the two identical two mile long ships in orbit above El Prado. He focused his scanners on them and leaned back in his chair, “They’re stronger than we thought. Those ships together could have handled Greyson. Alex, Grace, stay alert.”

“All systems are at optimal. They don’t represent a threat, Trey.”

Cassie smiled and sent a thought, “Thank you for being punctual. We thought you might not show up.”

Everyone on the Kosievs Bridge heard the thought and Jake looked around and said, “You said some things to our Searcher that has us concerned. We felt we should come and see what you meant in the original contact.”

Cassie said, “And you are?”

“I am Jake Talent. I have Tag, Danielle, and Cassandra Gardner here with me along with Sprig and Edison. I am going to assume you know everyone.”

Cassie said, “I do; I am Cassandra Robbins and I am here with my husband Scotty Robbins the third. We call him Trey.”

“Your ship is remarkable. If my scanners are right, it is more powerful than either of my ships.”

Cassie said, “It is actually more powerful than all of your ships combined. Who rules the Realm now?”

“My wife, Queen Valerie Rose Talant.”

“My, she’s been in power for quite a long time.”

“Yes, she has.”

“Why is that?”

“The other members of the Royal Family have not indicated they wish to replace her. We’ve been unable to find anyone else in the Realm more qualified.”

“I find that interesting. You should also be aware that we have two Algeans onboard who are now members of our Empire.”

Tag saw Sprig whip around and say, “Who are they?”

Cassie looked at Weed and he thought, “I am named Weed and my mate is Seed.”

“What are you doing on that ship? You were forbidden to contact any of those left behind.”

“Actually, we attempted everything to avoid them but were unsuccessful; they found us. However, when this universe was invaded by the Black Ships, we decided to try and slow the Invader’s advance and prevent them from finding the Realm. We were successful in preventing the Realm’s discovery, but as a result of our intervention, the Invaders destroyed every civilized planet in eight universes. What you see here is a result of the actions we took. Seven other universes were destroyed as well.”

Sprig was stunned at the comment and didn’t know how to respond. Jake waited for Sprig to say something and finally said, “You are welcome to join us and go back to the Realm.”

Seed thought, “We decline the offer and choose to stay with our friends here. We have determined that whatever the Realm once represented died long ago. We choose to stand with our Empire that lives by the old values.”

Danielle was startled by the Algean’s response and she immediately looked at Tag, who was staring at the young man on the display.

Sprig said, “You will leave that ship and come with us. As Elder of the Algeans, I order you to do as I order.”

Weed thought, “You have lost your honor, Elder. Your command carries no weight with us.”

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