The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2)

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The Sheikh’s Fiery Lover


By Leslie North


The Tazeem Twins Series

Book 2


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I dedicate this book to you, my loyal readers. Thank you for all the lovely e-mails, reviews, and support. Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

I’d also like to say a special thank you to
Leslie’s Lovelies
who have had a huge role in making this book – you’re the best! THANK YOU for all your support:

    MD Harrison
    Betty Pehlman
    Tamika Chinn
    Danielle Miller
    Voncile Catledge
    Melissa Herman
    Karen Pierce Rowe
    Michele H
    Melissa Lawhorn
    Sandrine GRANGER
    C. Nelson
    Robin OToole
    Jessica Hong
    T. Martin
    Regina Carpenter
    Raeann Whitney
    Patty Wells
    Marine-Ann Taylor-Christian
    Cherisse-Angel Charles
    Tonya Helveston
    Cindy Berland
    Stephanie Bryant
    Cheri M. Wyre
    Octavia Cooper
    C. Baker
    Monique Barnard
    Judy Voight-Wong
    Emma Long
    Ann Pike Ashley
    Tammie Terry
    Nancy Dormanski
    Lauren J B
    Amanda Drummond
    Melody Goeken
    Caroline Stowell
    Melanie Dawn
    Debra Price
    Wanda Ross
    Janet Paul
    Beth Udall
    Loreli Jessee
    Robin Gentry
    Tonni Brown


Chapter 1


“Good morning, Miss Rene,” Prince Tazeem’s maids greeted Rene with a deep bow.


Grimacing at the bow, Rene motioned to them to stand up. She did not think that she would ever be comfortable with people bowing to her. “Is Joshua in?”


“Yes. Shall we announce your arrival to the prince?” One of the maids asked cautiously. They were always nervous whenever she walked into his room without permission or when she called him by his first name.


“No, it’s fine. Joshua always likes surprises!” Rene replied as she winked before pushing open the grand mahogany doors.


“Hi,” Rene said as she approached him. He turned from the mirror, in the middle of buttoning his shirt, and looked down at her. A slow smile appeared on his face.


“How did you get past my lethal guards?” he asked as he wrapped his muscular arms around her waist. He kissed her on both cheeks as Rene breathed in his scent. She never saw any cologne or aftershave in his quarters, but he always smelled so woody and masculine.


“Your lethal guards still panic when I attempt to walk into your quarters,” she said, as she chuckled. “Besides, I wouldn’t put them in such a tizzy if I was in here fulltime. Weren’t you the one who wanted me to move in
with you?” 


“So, then, you are doing this to them on purpose?” 


“Um, not exactly. Besides, by now they should know that you are okay with me coming in here without invitation and calling you by your first name,” Rene replied with a cheeky smile on her face.


He raised his dark eyebrows as he looked at her. “You should call me your highness.” He looked so serious but Rene laughed anyway. He was crazy to think that she was going to call him that.


“Good luck with that,” she replied as she fastened the last two buttons on his navy blue shirt, feeling his taut muscles underneath.


“First, you refused to call me Joshua and insisted on calling me Josh. Now you refuse to call me your highness,” Joshua said and pressed her body against his. “You are so disobedient.” He held her tightly as she breathed in his scent.


Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “I like calling you Josh,” she replied as he grunted in response.


“Prince Josh, at least,” he said and then planted a small kiss against her lips. He released her from his embrace and picked up his tie.


“Let me do it,” she said and took the tie from him.  He placed his hands on his hips and watched as Rene went up on tiptoes to place the tie around his neck before securing a Windsor knot. His intense gaze always made her feel shy. Butterflies filled her stomach as she returned his dark stare. She cleared her throat and tried not to be affected by him.


“There we are,” she said and inspected it.


Joshua stepped in front of the mirror and his eyes widened in surprise – she had tied it correctly.


“Where did you learn how to do this?” he asked her.


“My grandfather taught me. I also know how to tie a cross, four in hand, Prince Albert…oh, and a half Windsor,” Rene recited as she counted off on her fingers.


“I am impressed. You are full of surprises.” Adjusting his tie, he checked his cuffs before sliding on his jacket. “Come, let’s have breakfast and we can discuss having you move into my quarters. Or at the very least, ways to keep my maids from panicking.”


Chapter 2


The maids had already set the table and they bowed to Joshua as they walked into the room. Nodding to them, he sat down as they placed a plate of food in front of each of them. As Rene picked up her fork and began to eat, she could feel Joshua’s eyes on her. Looking up, she blushed at his intense stare.


“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked him. She knew that look all too well. That was the look he gave her before he made love to her. Because of his current workload, he had been spending all his time in the office and they had not had sex in more than a week so she could imagine that he was dying to put his hands on her.


“Looking at you like what?” he asked her and raised his eyebrow. She smiled at him. He was so gorgeous. She still could not believe how she had ended up with this man. She shoved a fork full of scrambled eggs into her mouth.


“Like that,” she replied and took a sip of her orange juice. She was still trying to get used to having maids around. When they were at the hotel just weeks ago, it was the two of them. Life in the palace was completely different and she missed the lack of privacy. The palace maids were everywhere, which made it uncomfortable to flirt with him because they always had an audience. Having grown up here, he was used to it and it did not seem to bother him at all.


“I always look at you like this,” he replied.


Shaking her head, “No, you have different looks.”




“Oh, yes. There’s the look you give me when I do or say something that you don’t like, Josh,” she replied cheekily. “Then there’s the look you give me when I surprise you. There’s the look you give me when you are happy to see me. Then, there is
look,” Rene finished as she waved her hand.


“And what look is


Blushing, “The one that tells me that we should dismiss the maids,” Rene replied as she began shovelling eggs into her mouth.


Barking out a laugh, Joshua shook his head as he continued to eat. They chatted for the remainder of their meal before he got reluctantly to his feet. “I have to go now,” he said. Nodding her head, she stepped into his embrace, as he hugged her to him. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her on the nose before he stepped back and left the room.


Even though Rene was aware that he had to work, she wished that he could spend more time with her. She was not used to palace life and since she did not know anyone, she was bored with nothing to do.


She sighed heavily as she watched the maids clear the table. “Do you need help?” she asked them.


“No, Miss, please do not trouble yourself, we can do it,” one of the maids replied.


“I would like to help,” she was not used to sitting around and having everything done for her. She needed something to do.


“Thank you, Miss Rene, but if the Prince were to see you helping us, we would be in such trouble,” she replied. Rene smiled at her. She realised that she made them uncomfortable because she was the Prince's lover. It was going to take some time for them to get used to her.


Rene stood up from the table and headed back to her quarters where her maids were waiting for her. They had tried to leave with her earlier, but she had refused. It was still strange for her to have maids follow her around everywhere she went. They bowed to her as soon as she walked into the room.


Rene's maids; Marina and Muna asked her if she needed anything. She shook her head and then threw herself on the soft, cream-coloured sofa. As she looked around at the opulent surroundings, she had to shake her head at how different everything was compared to her much simpler life back in the US.


She came to Saudi Arabia on a lark. After all, who takes a honeymoon by herself? Having cancelled the wedding after finding out that her fiancé was cheating on her, Rene knew that she needed to get away to get her head straight. But she had not anticipated meeting Joshua, falling in love or finding out that not only was he a sheik, but a prince.


She sighed deeply, everything was so wonderful when they were together at the hotel without a care in the world, but now that she was in his country, she kept asking herself,
did she even belong here?
Standing up, she went into her bedroom, which was equally as grand since it was intended for the future princess.


She picked her laptop up off the nightstand and sat on the bed. Flipping it open, she leaned back against the massive pillows. The only requests she had made for her quarters had to do with her bed. One, a big bed; two, many pillows; and three, soft sheets. Just like her bed at home.

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