[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption (6 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption
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She whimpered. He thrust forward. Her breath caught as his hips began to move. Her nails scored his back, marking him. Coridan bellowed, releasing her clit so he could clamp down on her hips, holding her in place. He rolled his hips, thrusting and rocking, spearing her deep.


He bucked hard, riding her body as if she were a horse bent on throwing him. His fingers dug into the tender flesh of her flanks. Showing her with enough force who was in charge. Ariel’s head thrashed from side to side. Her whimpering moans held Coridan’s name. She let out a keening cry a second before she came.

Coridan became like a man possessed, driving into her body, demanding more. He wanted her surrender. He wanted her promise that she’d be only his. He wanted her. A cry ripped from his throat, and he closed his eyes to the exquisite torture that was her body. His cock pulsed, his balls emptied, yet he continued to thrust, branding her—claiming her for all time. The next time she released a breath for exchange he would be prepared to act.

Sweat covered Coridan’s body as he rolled off Ariel. His mind reeled from the implications. His breath came out in panting gasps from the exertion. After a few moments, he was able to regain some of his senses. Coridan opened his eyes to look at his prize, only to find himself alone in the jungle. He jolted, searching for any sign the seer had been there. Come clung to his hand and trickled over his rippled abdomen, dripping down onto his loincloth.

Damn, another dream. No! His mind screamed. It had been a vision, a clear, very vivid vision of things to come. He growled in frustration, dropping back down upon the vegetation. The second his lower back made contact with the ground, his flesh stung. He frowned, then glanced over his shoulder at his skin.

Red furrows marred his back, almost as if he’d been scratched. He stared in disbelief. Had he scratched himself in the frenzy of reaching climax or was more going on than he’d first imagined? The visions were becoming more frequent the closer he got to Ariel.

What would happen when he finally reached her?

 * * * * *

Ariel’s eyes flew open the second she felt his cock enter her. Her breath froze in her lungs. She glanced down at her body, panic lacing through her, as the tightness and heat increased. Her gaze locked onto her pussy as she felt the first thrust. She gasped as intense pleasure built and exploded inside of her. She couldn’t sense Coridan trying to contact her. Yet Ariel knew instantly he was behind this magical moment. The question was…did he know?

, she whispered in his mind. She received no answer. Perhaps he was sleeping. Fear swept through her once again, his power was growing. Soon it would be greater than any Atlantean who’d come before him.

He slid in and out of her. Ariel’s body flamed instantly and her clit pulsed. She threw her head back and squeezed her eyes closed. The sensations were too much. Logically, she knew she could never accept a man inside her body without the urge to experience an energy bind. Nevertheless, there was no denying the stretched, full feeling she experienced now. Invisible hips rolled, rocking her into submission, daring her to cross over the edge. Ariel whimpered, her nipples beading into diamond-like points. Never in her life had she felt anything nearly as enticing, exhilarating—right.

Ariel ignored that last thought, bucking her hips against the invisible force. She’d often dreamt what it would feel like to have a man between her thighs and now she knew. Her thoughts hadn’t even come close to describing what she felt. It was too bad this was all she could allow herself to ever experience. He thrust repeatedly, driving deep within her pussy, his hard cock showing no mercy.

Ariel groaned, attempting to clamp her legs together, feeling as if she were stretched to the point of ripping. Her pussy wept as her need grew and still he filled her. A cry spilled from Ariel’s lips as she shattered. Her body convulsed, her channel pulsing and clenching around his thick shaft.

She lay there on the furs, her heart stuttering in her chest. Liquid from her release ran down her leg, dripping onto the fur beneath her bottom. Her breath infused with gold energy, glittering in the thick air like fine jewelry. Ariel called on the Goddess for strength, because she did not think that by the time Coridan arrived she would be able to refuse him.

Yet, she must.

* * * * *

Ariel spent much of the night staring at the ceiling. She’d thought of Coridan, her people, and what she must do. He no longer recognized the Atlantean people as his own, yet he was still coming to her rescue. Somehow, she had to figure out a way to convince Coridan he’d always be a part of the tribe, despite the mistakes he’d made with Ares and Jac.

Her resolve solidified about an hour before dawn. They would continue with her plan. Coridan would help her escape, then they would make their way to the transport, while keeping the professor’s men at bay. If need be, she would force Coridan through the portal.

Once they reached Zaron, they could figure out how to dismantle the transport, so their people would remain safe from the warlike people of Earth. After that, well she didn’t want to think about what would happen after that. Coridan was difficult under normal circumstances. Under duress, he’d be positively lethal.

Dawn broke, shattering the relative silence of the sleeping jungle. Santo and Raoul entered the hut, their gazes averted. They untied her, giving her a few moments to freshen up, dress, and eat, before leading her once again to the center of the compound.

The professor stood off to one side speaking to another man she’d never seen before. The native’s body held thousands of little sores where it appeared mosquitoes had eaten him alive. His black hair lay plastered to his head, an impression of a wide band clearly visible from where his hat had been sitting.

The guide pointed to the jungle, his voice raised in excitement. Ariel’s stomach dropped. Her mind reached out, scanning the men around her. Anticipation curled within their bellies. No doubt, they believed a great treasure had been uncovered. Ariel’s lips thinned as she grimaced. The discovery was treasure, just not in the form the men expected.

Impressions of a great stone arch filled her head. The guide speaking with the professor had indeed found the transport, but had not yet revealed the location to the red-devil. The man opened his mouth to speak. Ariel closed her eyes and sent out a mental probe, scrambling the guide’s mind until he could not remember what he had said or what they’d been discussing.

Her efforts pulled too much energy. Ariel fell, collapsing into Raoul and Santo’s arms. Her head pounded, sweat beaded her body. She could hear excited voices all around but wasn’t able to focus, her mind a myriad of impressions. A shadow passed before her eyes a second before she felt the blow.

The ensuing pain caused Ariel’s vision to clear enough to see the professor standing over her. Her cheek throbbed and stung where he had slapped her. Ariel didn’t have to see her cheek to know that his handprint remained behind, clearly visible upon her flesh. She could feel it pulsing, red and angry.

Before she could control herself, Ariel lunged forward, just missing the professor’s throat. Her fingernails slashed the side of his face before Raoul and Santo jerked her back. Ariel screamed in frustration, her body tensing from being denied her prey.

The professor touched his face, flinching from the pain as he pulled his fingers back far enough to gaze upon the blood she’d drawn. His vision narrowed, zeroing in on hers. “You’d like to get your hands on me, wouldn’t you, bitch?”

Ariel glared at him in defiance, then spat on his shoes.

“What happened there?” He pointed to the spot where in her vision Coridan had marked her. Panic surged through her. Ariel’s gaze went to the man swatting away the pesky mosquitoes.

“Like your man, I’ve been bitten by the creatures that inhabit the jungle.”

The professor’s face hardened and he stepped forward with his fist raised. She braced herself for the incoming blow and closed her eyes.

“Señor Rumsinger, we tie her up for you.” The guards shuffled the vines as if trying to get them under control.

Ariel peeked out from beneath her lashes. Rumsinger’s face twisted in rage, his attention distracted by the guard’s suggestion.

“Fine! Get her out of my face, before I decide she is no longer of use.”

Raoul and Santo pulled Ariel back toward the upended table, temporarily protecting her from the professor’s wrath. They tied her quickly, their eyes pleading with her to keep quiet and not do anything so stupid again. Ariel gave the men a quick nod, then cast her gaze in the professor’s direction.

Rumsinger turned back to the guide he’d been speaking to before the interruption. Ariel listened to the guide’s thoughts. They were a blur of colors and images, none of which made sense enough to express. In fact, he couldn’t seem to remember what he’d told the professor earlier. She breathed a sigh of relief. He also could not remember the location of the unusual thing he’d found. The man kept mumbling about the trees, big trees in a clearing. The mind scramble had worked.

The professor’s gaze left the guide and immediately moved to Ariel once more, before narrowing into razor slits. Rumsinger’s thoughts were clear.
I know you are behind this somehow, but I can’t prove it.
He snarled.
Eventually you’ll screw up and I’ll be there.

Ariel visibly trembled, then allowed her gaze to drop away. As long as he wasn’t certain, she and her people were safe.

* * * * *

Coridan knew he’d reach the compound by nightfall after finding a trail which cut a half day from his journey. He’d been traveling all morning, stopping only long enough to grab a handful of bananas from the trees. His body needed nourishment.

He’d mentally located several of the professor’s men, some of whom would never find their way back to camp now that he’d played upon their fears. His muscles burned as he pushed on. Ariel was once more in pain, which meant the professor tortured her to get her to spill her secrets.

He knew the seer had been serious when she’d spoken of death before betrayal. Unfortunately, Coridan could not allow her to die. Not now—not ever, since he’d discovered their connection. He wasn’t sure where this bond would lead, but he wouldn’t find out if she died.

Coridan leapt over fallen trees and snaked around lianas, his feet silent as they fell upon the soft earth. His mind continued to scan, locating and cataloguing each individual to ensure they stayed far away from the transport. When he turned his attention back to the compound he connected with Ariel.

Seer, are you well?

I’m fine, warrior, just take care of yourself.

I would like to do that, seer, but you know that is not possible.

Have you chosen to accept your people once more?

No. I do not come for my people.
He paused.
I’ve returned because you called.
He didn’t need to add
to me
at the end of his statement, they both knew that was the real reason.

Come to me when night has sunk its talons into the jungle… Ariel’s voice dropped in his mind.

That I will.
The smoky tone of his voice could not be disguised in his thoughts.

He sensed her frustration before she spoke.
You know we cannot join, warrior.

Coridan shrugged to himself and then pressed on.
I know what you have told me.

I’ve spoken the truth.
Anger…and something else tinged her words. If he hadn’t known any better, he would have believed the emotion to be desire.

I will see you tonight, Ariel.
With that said, Coridan broke contact. She would be fuming at the intimate use of her name. It had been his intention. He knew Ariel wasn’t lying to him, but he also knew she wasn’t speaking the whole truth. He could sense it. Yet his gut told him he should not reveal this fact to Ariel. She would be even less pleased by the revelation than he was.

Chapter Five

After a day of torturing Ariel, the professor once again ordered her returned to Eros’ hut. Ariel healed herself once more after Santo and Raoul took their leave. Coridan hadn’t contacted her since that afternoon, yet she could sense his nearness. The Atlantean heat was unbearable. Her lungs labored in the stagnant air as she waited. Heat infused every pore, leaving glistening sweat in its wake. She refused to acknowledge the anticipation that lay nestled in her belly like a hive of bees.

He was a warrior, a disgraced warrior at that. She was the seer, theirs was a match that could not be. Before she could stop herself Ariel’s mind reached out, searching. Silence greeted her. Was he ignoring her call? The thought sent anger surging through her. How dare he ignore her? Who did he think he was?

He was not of royal blood or of the spiritual line. Ariel pulled at her restraints, her breasts bobbing back and forth with the effort. The influx of adrenaline seemed to feed the heat, stoking the fires, coaxing the flame.

Ariel groaned in frustration, before stopping her struggles. Her body pulsed and throbbed with an undulating rhythm of its own. She had to get in control. He would be here any moment. It wouldn’t do to be seen in this condition. So…so out of control. Ariel glanced down at her flushed skin and marbled nipples. She knew without looking that moisture glistened between her legs like a welcoming spring. She could smell her own arousal in the air; it called out to the warrior, beckoning him.

A quiet thud reached her ears, followed by bits of palm floating down from the ceiling. Her gaze locked onto the thatched roof. Coridan had arrived. Ariel’s heart tripped, then sped up. Her hips moved of their own volition against the silky furs beneath her bottom, teasing her back orifice. She strained to listen. Silently, leaves parted near the window and in the next moment, Ariel saw him. Her breath stilled in her lungs as she watched Coridan peer in and then slip through the small opening. Amazing, considering his size.

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