[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption (2 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption
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Soon, she’d have these men eating from her hands and out of her cunt. Until then, she needed to give them a false sense of security, convince them she was harmless. All the while making them believe beyond a doubt she’d bed them both. And she would, if necessary.

Ariel had never invited anyone to lie amongst her bed furs due to her vows to her people, but she had to admit she found the thought of having sex with a man intriguing.

Just not with these men.

Ariel rolled her hips and one of the men groaned. Her actions seemed to be working, their voices rose even higher and they turned their attention from her, but refused to release her delicate flesh.

Apparently, the slug had his men quite intimidated. The professor had convinced the men he would share the riches he planned to acquire, once they accomplished their objectives. Ariel snorted. He didn’t fool her for a moment. The professor would sooner kill every one of his men than share his find, and probably intended to do so. He was extremely dangerous. No doubt his men knew that. Then again, so was she. Humans, particularly men, assumed just because she was a woman they held the advantage over her. They could brutalize and bully her any way they saw fit. She chuckled.

They would be surprised, just like the people of Greece had been when they made the mistake of trying to invade Atlantis. Humans had no idea she could melt their hearts inside of their chests with little effort. Even Atlantean warriors, with their superior strength, knew the female of a species was often the most deadly. Right now, the red-devil wasn’t aware of exactly how dangerous she could be, but soon he’d learn…like all the others who had tried to hurt her people.

Ariel grew tired of the men’s arguing. She’d finish her seduction some other time. She whispered thoughts in their minds, sending terrifying pictures of exactly what the professor would do to them if they continued any further. The men released her and rushed out of the hut, leaving her alone for the first time in over an hour.

She expelled the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding and walked to the bed of furs. Four stakes surrounded the sleep area, creating a crude frame. Taking care not to harm her bound hands, she lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and began to concentrate. Her mind reached out, searching.

Coridan, where are you
? Silence answered back.

Ariel refused to accept the silence. She scattered her consciousness far and wide seeking any sign, any flicker, any tenuous string of hope that Coridan still lived. Something flared inside her for a second then evaporated into mist before she could ascertain what it was. She groaned in frustration, deciding to conserve her energy for the time being. She’d try again this evening.

* * * * *

Many miles away Coridan was so wrapped up in his misery that he almost missed the mental brush across his mind. It was as gentle as a lash as it flutters against a cheek, yet it was there. Or was it? Had he simply wanted a connection so badly that he’d wished it so? He wouldn’t allow the luxury of hope to fill his chest. He couldn’t. The reality was far too devastating. He was alone, ‘twas time he accepted his fate.

Chapter Two

Several light years away, under a pale green sky, in the royal palace on the planet Zaron…

“We won’t let you leave her there.” Jac’s and Rachel’s voices said in chorus.

Why is it you both insist on speaking aloud when the Atlantean way of communication is more civilized?

“Because we aren’t Atlantean and we want to make sure you’re both listening.”

“How could we not?” Eros groaned in frustration.

“It doesn’t matter how we express ourselves. You both have to do something.” They stared at the stubborn men, otherwise known as their husbands, standing before them.

’Tis not safe to send anyone until the seer arrives. It hasn’t been that long. Eros crossed his massive arms over his chest, his impatience showing in the set of his handsome jaw.

“She’s been gone a month according to Zaron time. What if she doesn’t ever return?” Rachel’s voice quivered.

“Yeah, then what happens?” Jac added with barely concealed anger. “I can’t believe that stupid transport only works in one direction.” She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Advanced civilization, my ass.”

Ares shifted, his gaze zeroing in on his mate. My fierceness, we will retrieve your friend.

“When?” Her hands fisted at her hips. “What are you waiting for, the moons over Zaron to align?”

Ares shot Eros a quick glance, then cleared his throat. The King shrugged.

“I don’t friggin’ believe this…you were waiting for the moons to align.” Jac’s voice rose unchecked.

I’ll summon my half-brother Orion, my fierceness, and let him know he’ll be leaving on his mission ahead of schedule, instead of waiting another lunar cycle.

Don’t bother. I heard you. A strong masculine voice called out from the other side of the terrace. In fact, I’m sure the entire palace has heard you. He gazed at Rachel and Jac unflinchingly, as if waiting for them to contradict him.

Orion strode across the iridescent glass-like opaque plates that made up the floor, flanked by two fierce looking phantom warriors named Bacchus and Kegar. The warriors were dressed in red combat fatigues, as if they’d been pulled straight off patrol to escort him. Their expressions were hard, wary.

Their red eyes flashed in the moonlight, giving them the appearance of hungry wolves. Ebony hair, the color of night, hung past their broad shoulders, covering much of the tattoos that zigzagged across their necks. The sight was unusual and a bit awe-inspiring, considering the Atlantean people rarely saw phantom warriors in the flesh. Phantom warriors kept to themselves, preferring their own kind to the company of outsiders. Originally, from Kantar—a distant planet— they’d settled on Zaron thousands of years ago.

As Orion stepped forward, the men stepped back, fading into the palace wall like ghosts, making them invisible to the naked eye. One of the many strange abilities their kind exhibited.

I’ll be fueled and ready to go on the morrow. The group stared at the wall a moment longer. Orion glanced over his shoulder, his gaze tracking the warriors’ movements for a second, before turning once more to face Jac and Queen Rachel. He dropped to his knees and gave each woman, now ripe with babes in their bellies, a traditional Atlantean greeting before standing once more.

Jac and Rachel glanced at each other with raised eyebrows. It took everything ounce of willpower they had to prevent a burst of giggles from erupting.

With Orion standing this close, it was difficult to tear their gaze away from him. His unusual ebony and blonde striped hair hung unrestrained to the middle of his back. His uniform, black with jade colored accents, appeared as if it had been painted on like a second skin, lovingly gripping every ripple of muscle beneath. With a face that could only rival perfection, he’d built quite a reputation for sexual prowess amongst the women on Zaron.

In addition to the already devastating picture he presented was an artfully applied tribal tattoo, covering his cheek. The permanent paint gave him an air of the forbidden, like Eve’s apple, but far more tempting. One eye was aqua like the majority of Atlantean people, while the other flashed jade, signaling his family bloodline. As arrogant as Ares, yet with the spiritual continence of a seer, he was as irresistible to women as chocolate to a dieter.

Jac and Rachel had both heard the tales of his exploits. Some of the stories included vague details about what he was able to do with his silver-ringed cock. Rumor had it the silver could make a woman’s body sing.

Curiosity alone made it difficult to keep their gazes on his face. Yet neither one had worked up the nerve to ask him about his gift, especially not under their husbands’ watchful eyes.

Remember us? We’re your true-mates. Ares and Eros burst into laughter. After a moment’s embarrassment, Rachel and Jac joined in.

“You know I’d never forget you.” Jac leapt into Ares’ arms and kissed him.

You had better not.

“Thank you, honey.” Jac gave Ares a devastating smile. “You won’t regret your decision of moving up the timetable.”

He arched a brow and looked down upon her face. I might not, but will Orion? Ares set Jac upon her feet, then turned to face his half-sibling. You are to seek out the Queen’s and Jac’s friend in the state known as New York. You’ll find her at something called a Sci-fi Convention. We’ll send word if the seer arrives with Coridan. Make haste and may the goddess be with you on your journey.

Thank you, my brother. Orion turned to leave, but stopped short. Cassandra has requested permission to join me on my task.

Why would she do so, when we’ve only just returned to our home? Confusion marred Ares’ voice.

Orion coughed, then glanced down before once again meeting his brother’s gaze. I believe she said something about finding her true-mate.

What about the warriors on Zaron? The King asked, disbelief coloring his words.

Orion shifted uncomfortably. Apparently, she has found none to her liking.

Eros snorted. Surely she hasn’t met them all.

Color rose in Orion’s cheeks. I believe she’s been quite busy since your return, my King.

She’ll find no warriors back on that primitive planet. What is she thinking?

I know not, my King.

Jac and Rachel cracked up. The Atlantean women were as outrageous as their men. They found it refreshing that Atlantean women were comfortable in their sexuality. And to say Cassandra was comfortable was the understatement of the century. She’d gone through the men on Zaron faster than Rachel could get through a bag of M & M’s.

Jac turned to her friend and arched a brow. “Who’s this Cassandra chick?”

“You should have seen her.” Rachel mouthed ‘oh my God’. “After my mating ceremony, she and Ariel were on the ground, going at it like bunnies.” She added in a whisper. “It was enough to make a sailor blush.”

Orion cleared his throat. Do I have permission to take her along?

Ares looked to Eros once more. The King drew in a deep breath. Permission granted.

Orion turned to Ares. If that is all, my brother.

‘Tis. He nodded. Our women are finished torturing you. Ares winked at his younger brother.

Orion stepped forward, acknowledging Ares’ and Eros’ rank and position with a slight bow, then pivoted and left, taking the two now visible phantom warriors with him.

Eros drew his very pregnant Queen into a loving embrace. Their child was due in a few months. All of Zaron was aflutter. He rested his hand protectively on her protruding abdomen. All was almost as it should be, now he just had to ensure the safe return of their remaining people.

* * * * *

The next day Orion’s ship launched on time, the thrust from the engines hurling him and Cassandra out of Zaron’s atmosphere in a burst of orange flame. They stared out the tiny observation windows as the green planet disappeared into a sea of black. The engine droned on, peppered by short gusts of air from the life support system. Earth’s coordinates had been programmed into the ship earlier, the flight pattern predetermined.

Orion glanced at the gauges one last time to check fuel levels. Everything checked out as expected…everything but the weight of the aircraft itself. His gaze narrowed as he tapped the screen. The gauges held at two hundred and fifty cords over proper launch weight. His brows furrowed.

He turned to Cassandra who was staring excitedly out into deep space.
Did you bring anything I should know about onboard?

Cassandra tore her gaze away from the view panel to look at him. I brought only the bare essentials. You have seen my belongings. Why?

Orion shook his head, tapping the gauge one last time. According to the gauge, we’re overweight by two hundred and fifty cords.

I didn’t lie about my weight.
Cassandra glared at him, daring him to challenge her statement.

Orion was an expert when it came to Atlantean women. He knew better than to touch that statement. Besides even if she had fabricated her weight, it still wouldn’t account for the discrepancy the gauges were showing.

He glanced over his shoulder, mentally going through their supply checklist. Everything was as it should be. He turned back to the systems panel in front of him and rolled his suddenly tense shoulders. He’d been a warrior for too many years to simply ignore his instincts. Whatever caused the override was in for the long haul, because he wasn’t about to turn the ship around now.

In his peripheral, Orion caught a gray shadowy movement near the bulkhead.
Did you see that?
His head whipped around to get a better look at the same time warning bells went off in the control panel. Quarg! It was time to switch fuel tanks.

See what
? Cassandra looked around the room.

Orion turned back to the panel, flipping switches quickly, before glancing over his shoulder at the storage crates and bulkhead beyond.
I thought I saw something moving by the bulkhead.

I don’t see anything.
She shrugged and looked out the window once more.

Whatever he’d seen had vanished, like a ghost.

* * * * *

Ariel’s body writhed as the vision came upon her. He was there on the bed with her, his blond head buried between her thighs, lapping at her engorged clit. His long serpent-like tongue probed her cunt, drawing out her juices, milking her essence. Her back bowed, muscles tensing as he sent an energy burst into her core, setting off shock waves inside of her channel.

Ariel moaned, coming hard from his enthusiastic ministrations.

Coridan looked up and smiled, flashing white teeth, his aqua eyes sparkling with intensity. Ariel’s bound fingers grasped the soft fur and her eyes flew open as shock ricocheted through her. The warrior in her vision was Coridan. Quivering, her body lay covered in a fine sheen of sweat, her nipples stabbing skyward. Her pussy lips were plump, swollen, and flushed a deep red. The fire inside her burned on, only slightly dampened by her release and the knowledge of who had given her such a gift.

Coridan, where are you?

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