Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (3 page)

Read Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) Online

Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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“Did... you... see... her... face!?” she managed to gasp out. “That was great!”

“Kathleen...” Sera started.

“Oh I know, she’s a friend of yours,” Kathleen waved a hand in dismissal as she sobered up. “But I love putting her in her place. Besides, I don’t know how you can consider that stuck up bitch a friend.”

“She’s your friend?” Liam inquired, his dark eyebrows raised in disbelief.


He stared inquiringly at her for a moment. “Nice friends you have.”

“Hey!” Kathleen protested. “I’m a very good friend. By the way, my name is Kathleen, and you are...?”


“Nice to meet you Liam.”

“You too Kathleen.”

Kathleen climbed to her feet and absently brushed at her wrinkled skirt. “I’m going to head back to the room; do you want to come with me Sera?”

“I’ll be there in a little bit.”

Kathleen’s gaze darted worriedly to Liam. “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?”

Sera smiled softly. For Kathleen’s carefree demeanor, Sera knew that she worried about her.  “I’ll be fine. Why are you heading back so early?”

“I’ve had my share of entertainment, alcohol, leering guys, and bitches for the night,” she said with a huge grin. “I’ll see you later.” She hopped off the stairs and skipped down the sidewalk. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” she called over her shoulder, “Which is nothing!”

Sera could hear her laughing all the way down the street. She turned back to Liam, who was watching Kathleen’s disappearing figure intently. “She seems like fun,” he commented dryly.

“She is. Lots of fun, and my best friend.”

“I don’t know you, or your friends very well, but I would suggest rethinking at least one of them.”

Sera turned and headed down the sidewalk, kicking at a few loose stones. “Michelle is a little funny about some things,” she admitted.

“I must have missed her sense of humor.”

She laughed softly and turned to walk backward in front of him. “She doesn’t have one, but she’s a good person, once you get to know her. She’s just used to getting whatever she wants.”

“And what did she want that she didn’t get?”

Sera looked away, a blush stained her cheeks as a wave of shyness swept her. “She wanted you,” she mumbled, unable to meet his eyes.

“And she always gets what she wants?”

Sera looked up at him, expecting him to be laughing at her. Instead, his face was hard, and his eyes were cold and remote. Sera stopped walking. He halted before her, his eyes focused upon her, but remained distant. “Yes,” she said carefully. “Michelle always gets what she sets her mind to. She’s beautiful, and smart, and not easily denied.”

Liam’s gaze searched her small, delicate face. He hadn’t been wrong in his assumption earlier, her eyes were spectacular. They were a swirling combination of emerald blue and vivid purple. The violet mingled with the blue in such a way that it was almost impossible to discern one color from the other. He could become lost in those wide, innocent, beguiling eyes if he wasn’t careful.

Which he always was. He couldn’t allow himself to become involved with someone, or to get attached. But, he found himself becoming intrigued with her. If he wasn’t careful, he might actually find himself liking her. That was something that he couldn’t do, wasn’t capable of doing. He needed to stay aloof, and distant from her.

“I see,” he finally replied.

She searched his face for the reason that he was suddenly so detached, but it remained impassive. “Why does that make you angry?”

He looked at her in surprise, and then smiled. His eyes sparkled as he took hold of her hand and began to walk again. “It doesn’t make me angry. I just don’t like it when people assume things.”

“Assume things?”

“She assumed that she would always get what she wanted, and so did you.”

“I’m not assuming anything,” she retorted. “That’s the way it’s always been.”

“Well, it isn’t now.”

“Besides, she won’t give up. She never does.”


Sera shrugged and looked down at the sidewalk. “You never know what the future holds,” she said softly.

“Wouldn’t I have a say in it?” he asked, his voice tight with ire.

“Yes,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

He remained silent for a moment, and then squeezed her hand gently. “I know you didn’t, but I don’t want Michelle, and I think that’s why she was so angry with you.”


He smiled down at her as he led her quickly across the street. It was then that Sera realized they had left the campus and were heading into town. The streets were packed with cars. People, mostly college students, were milling around outside the bars smoking cigarettes. Music filled the air as they passed by the crammed bars and groups of people on the street. She smiled softly as she noticed the envious glances of the women they passed.

He remained silent as they turned a corner and left the noise behind for quieter, closed shops. “She knew that I had my eye on someone else.”

“And who would that be?” she asked.

“Some blond who didn’t want to talk to me.” Sera glanced up at him, surprised by the teasing glint in his eyes.

She laughed softly as she cast him a quick smile. “Who could with the swarm that you had around you?”

He stopped walking, tugging on her hand to halt her. She stopped before him, tilting her chin up to gaze into his amazing green eyes. “I found a way to talk to you,” he said huskily.

His voice sent shivers of desire down her spine. His intense stare caused her to bite nervously into her bottom lip as his hand came up to gently stroke her cheek. “There wasn’t a swarm of people around me,” she said softly, relishing in the feel of his touch against her skin.

“No,” he whispered. “Just a bunch of leering guys who were too scared to talk to you.”

Sera’s eyes snapped up to his. She stared at him in surprise before bursting into laughter. “Oh, I don’t think so.”

His hand froze on her face as he stared at her doubtfully. “Didn’t you notice them?”

Sera looked at him in confusion and took a step back. His hand fell from her face. A sense of loss enveloped her as the contact was broken. “Notice who?” she asked.

He stared at her with the fierce intensity that she was beginning to grow accustomed to. Her eyebrows rose inquiringly as she tried to discern what he was searching for, but she had no idea why he was looking at her like that. He gently placed his hand on her face and drew her closer. Her heart began to pound eagerly as she rested her hands lightly against his chest. The air seemed to crackle with electricity as his thumb began to gently stroke her cheek.

She stared into his fierce green eyes as they burned into hers. She was completely useless against the magnetic pull that was drawing her in. She closed her eyes as his lips brushed against hers; they sent a shower of sparks and heat throughout her body.

Her mouth opened slowly and his tongue delved heatedly into it. His hands thrust into her hair as he kissed her hungrily. Her whole body was on fire as she clutched at his back to pull him closer. He eased her against the cool cement of a store wall as his hard body pressed firmer against hers. All of his hard contours burned into her flesh, sizzling throughout her. His hands slid leisurely down her body to caress the exposed skin of her stomach. She shivered with desire as her knees turned to Jell-O.

Suddenly, the loud burst of a horn ripped into her daze. She jumped in surprise as her mind cleared of its passion induced haze. With frightening clarity she realized that she was alone, in an alley, with a man that she didn’t know. A man that was strong enough to do whatever he wanted to her.

Fear surged through her. Gasping harshly, she pushed frantically at his solid chest. Needing him to get away, needing to breathe.

He pulled away from her, his eyes a darker, desire clouded green. She took a shuddery breath as she tried to stop the shaking in her legs, and the pounding of her heart that no longer had anything to do with desire. Her eyes silently pleaded with him not to hurt her as her hands slid away from his chest to clutch at the cool cement of the wall.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

Shame flooded her face as she looked down at her feet. “I had better get back,” she finally managed to say.

“All right.”

Sera blinked in surprise as he gently took her hand. For a moment fear blazed through her, and she stiffened involuntarily. However, when he didn’t make another move toward her, some of the fear dissipated. She knew many men would have been angered by her refusal, by her sudden hot and cold. Yet Liam seemed to take it all in stride as they walked toward the college.

It surprised and perplexed her, and she couldn’t stop herself from casting wary glances his way. Not only did he make her melt just by touching her, but he seemed to actually be a decent person. It was too good to be true, there had to be something wrong with him.

Liam was silent as he tried to puzzle out the mystery that was Sera. He had finally seen what it was that Mike had been talking about. There had been so much fear and pleading in her eyes, that it had actually constricted his heart for a moment. She had instantly reminded him of a frightened, trapped animal, and he had understood why Mike had said to leave her be.

It was very obvious that she had been hurt in the past. But how bad it had been, he didn’t know. His hand involuntarily tightened around hers as the thought of anyone mistreating her sent a flash of burning anger through him. Damn, what the hell was the matter with him? He didn’t know this girl from Eve; he shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about what had happened to her.

He chanced a glance at her as she walked along; her golden head was bent as she studied the sidewalk. He frowned thoughtfully as he realized that for some strange reason, he did give a rat’s ass. He clenched his jaw as he turned to study the campus. She was the type of person that he could truly come to like, and that was a chance that he couldn’t take.

They passed the party, which had begun to slow down. There was a scattering of people sleeping on the lawn, while others were spilling out the doors. The music was still going, but it wasn’t as loud anymore. “Hey Liam!” someone yelled drunkenly from the stone wall. “You get some man!?”

Liam was surprised by the deep blush that instantly stained her cheeks. He was certain that he had never seen anyone turn that red, that fast. He gently squeezed her hand for reassurance. “I see that you’ve made some friends since you’ve been here,” she said softly.

“I’ve never met him.”

“It’s Jason Biggs.”

“He’s an asshole.”

Sera shrugged, and nodded. “If you think so now, wait till you get to know him.”

“Sounds like you like him,” he commented dryly.

“Not at all, but you learn to deal with him.”

“Has he ever done anything to you?”

Her face burned even hotter as she recalled some of the rude comments that he’d made to her in the past. “No, just stupid comments, petty stuff really.”

He could tell by her tone that it wasn’t petty stuff to her. He glanced over his shoulder to see if he could still spot Jason, but the party was well past them. He would have a talk with Jason later to make sure that he didn’t bother her again. His frown deepened as he realized that he actually felt protective of this girl. Jesus, he needed to get away from her, now.

They turned a corner and her dorm came into view. She was instantly disappointed that they were here, she was surprised to realize that she didn’t want the night to end. Shaking her head to clear her conflicting emotions, she tugged lightly upon his hand.

“This is my dorm,” she said, stopping in front of it.

“I’ll walk you to your room.”

She stared at him in surprise. Was he just being nice, or did he expect something to happen once they were at her room? But Kathleen had said that she would be there, so he couldn’t be expecting anything. Sera chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip. She was still busy trying to figure him out when they entered the building.

Liam was just as surprised as she was. He’d had every intention of leaving her at the door to the building, and going back to the party. There were probably some girls still lingering about who would be more than happy to spend the night with him. Instead, he found himself not wanting to leave her until he knew that she was safely in her room.

“Do you live on campus?” she asked.

“At the Omega house.”

“I don’t picture you as a frat guy.”

“It’s better than living in a dorm. More freedom.”

“I guess.”

She stopped in front of her door and turned to face him. “Do you want to come in? Kathleen is probably still up.” In fact she knew that Kathleen was still up, waiting to hear about everything that had happened.

He frowned for a moment, his eyes darkened before he shrugged casually. “All right.”

She opened the door and stepped aside to let him in. Kathleen was sitting on her bed, a beer in hand as she talked happily with Danielle. They both froze, their mouths gaping slightly as they entered. “Hi,” Kathleen finally managed to stammer out.

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