Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (8 page)

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Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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Her eyes were wild for a moment as her hand upon him stilled and she studied him. Then, her thighs eased apart. Liam felt a moment of pure male satisfaction as he slid his hand lower and lightly began to trace her delicate folds. He experienced another moment of satisfaction when he discovered her already wet with wanting. It was good to know that he drove her as crazy as she drove him, and she didn’t even know what she was missing yet.

He was about to give her a hint.

He slid his finger slowly inside her, an involuntary shudder ripping through him as he realized how wet and tight she was. She gasped in surprise as he slid slowly out of her, and then back in. Her face transformed from caution, to shock, then to pleasure in a matter of moments. Her mouth parted in surprise as she inhaled sharply. Her hand on him began to move again. He arched into her touch as he continued to make love to her with his hand.

He bent his head and reclaimed her mouth as his hand entwined in her hair. She arched into him, a soft cry escaping her as he began to move steadily faster within her. He clung tightly to her as she began to match his urgency, stoking faster, making him harder, and pushing him toward the brink. He parted her soft folds and used his thumb to gently stroke her hardened nub. She cried out, arching against him as her muscles clamped around his finger. He groaned as he finally found his own release.

She collapsed on the bed, her muscles still contracting around him as she sighed contentedly. She had never felt anything so blissful or sweet in her life. “Hold on,” Liam whispered.

He rolled out of bed and padded across the room. She heard him searching for something before he returned to her. Gently he took hold of her hand and wiped it with a towel. It was only then that she realized she had his seed upon her. A blush began to stain her cheeks as she lifted her eyes shyly to him. His pants hung loosely upon his narrow hips, unbuttoned, and unzipped. He was so broad and strong, and magnificent.

She looked back at his face to find him studying her with a bemused smile. He slid the jeans off, revealing solid, hard muscled thighs. Sera’s blush deepened as he pulled his shirt off to reveal his hard muscled abdomen, and a V of dark hair that spread across his chest and belly before tapering off at his underwear. She was still marveling at the amazing differences between his body and hers when he climbed back into the bed.

“You can’t sleep in your clothes,” he said softly.

Moving ever so slowly, he reached down and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. He slid it up as she lifted her arms to allow him to slide it over her head. She remained silent as he slid her skirt slowly down. His hands skimmed over her legs, and caused a shiver of delight to tear through her as he slipped it off. Her blush deepened as his gaze traveled leisurely over her.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

Her gaze flew to his. He smiled softly at her as he pulled her down and wrapped the blanket around them both. He gently rubbed her soft, silky back as she nestled into his shoulder. A feeling of utter contentment stole through him as she snuggled closer to him. Her breasts were lush against his chest, and to his amazement he found himself growing hard again. He closed his eyes as he grit his teeth against the fierce desire that was building within him. If he was this obsessed with her now, what the hell would he be like when he did make love to her?

He inhaled sharply as he tried to get himself under control. Suddenly he was assailed with the heady scent of her blood. It was sweet and enticing, utterly tempting. He had forgotten that he hadn’t fed earlier. He was acutely reminded of that fact now. His arms tightened around her.

He couldn’t hurt her, he wouldn’t hurt her. He’d burn in hell before that happened. He closed his eyes as his baser instincts began to slowly subside. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but the words were lodged in his throat. Instead, he held her as she drifted off to sleep.




Sera slipped the black velvet cape around her shoulders and tied it at her throat. It swept along the floor as she moved to Kathleen’s closet where her full length mirror hung. Kathleen was cursing miserably in front of the small mirror on her dresser as she angrily shoved bobby pins into her hair. She was trying to get a long black wig to stay in place for the night, but Sera was certain that she was going to rip her own hair out trying.

Sera stepped in front of the mirror and was instantly surprised by her reflection. Her long blond hair had been swept up and pinned neatly on her head. Spiraling tendrils of it fell down to frame her face. Her eyes shone a brilliant purple against the deep violet of her long, medieval dress. The sleeves of which clung to her upper arms to reveal her shoulders. An elegant gold choker, with fake blue stones hanging from it, was clasped around her neck. Kathleen had painted flames on her face that swirled out from her eyes and curled to her temples. They made her eyes seem larger, and more mysterious.

She barely recognized herself as she stared in dumbfounded silence.

“There,” Kathleen announced. “That should do it.”

Sera turned to look at her. The long black wig hung down to Kathleen’s waist and swished as she moved. She had bought an Elvira dress that was cut dangerously low to enhance her large breasts. Her eyes were outlined in dark black, and she had painted a spider, and a web on her right cheek. Her lips were painted black, and she had placed long, black fingernails on. She looked utterly amazing, sexy and dark.

“You look wonderful,” Sera said.

“Thank you,” she replied, sweeping back her long black hair. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks, you ready to go?”

“Yeah, let’s get Danielle.”

Sera opened the door, and Kathleen swept past her, swishing her hair as she went. They moved down the hall, dodging the bats, spider webs, spiders, and witches that hung from the ceiling. Kathleen knocked on Danielle’s door and pushed it open. An eerie howl greeted them, and a skeleton began to laugh as its glowing green eyes lit up.

“Hey guys,” Danielle greeted as she shoved a pile of clothes on the floor.

Danielle had managed to get one of the few single rooms in the dorm. In her first three years she had hated her roommates. This year she’d decided that she would rather be alone. She was much happier with the arrangement.

“You look so cute!” Kathleen gushed.

Danielle cast them a flashing grin as she tossed back her long dark hair. She was dressed in a tight gray leotard. Her hair had been pulled into a ponytail, and gray ears had been placed securely on her head. Whiskers decorated her face and she had painted the tip of her slender nose black.

“You two look amazing.”

“But of course,” Kathleen cried as she spun in a circle.

“I’m ready.” Danielle grabbed her small gray purse. “I hope this party is good.”

“So do I.” Kathleen bounced over to Sera as she opened the door. “The school party last year sucked! So this one had better be good.”

“It’s a frat house,” Sera said smiling. “Drinking, dancing, and passing out, only it will be in disguise.”

Kathleen laughed and skipped down the hall. “Like we won’t know who it is through a mask!” she called, punching the button for the elevator. They stepped into it as Kathleen pushed the button for the first floor. “I can’t wait to bob for apples in Budweiser, the Coors caramel apples, and beer bottle bats!”

They laughed as the doors opened and they stepped into the lobby. A handful of people were gathered around, costumes on, waiting to go to parties. Streamers flowed from the ceiling to the floor, and decorations covered the walls in preparation for the trick-or-treaters tomorrow night. The three of them crossed the hall and exited through the thick wood doors. The crisp air and the smell of dead leaves instantly filled Sera’s nostrils. Students strolled along the sidewalks, almost all of them were wearing costumes, as they made their way toward whatever party they were invited to, or bar that they were going to spend the night at.

“Got your invite?” Danielle asked.

“I can’t believe they sent out invitations,” Kathleen said, pulling hers from between her breasts. “When did they get class Sera?”

“Liam said they were doing something different this year, and that they didn’t have enough room for a lot of people. There will be no underclassmen there, unless they’re in the frat, or a girlfriend.”

“There are still about a thousand people in the upper-class.” Kathleen pulled her dress down to expose more of her ample chest.

“They only sent out a hundred invitations.”

“There are more people than that on the dance floor most nights,” Danielle muttered.

“They’re opening it up for the kid’s tomorrow night,” Sera said. “Everyone is invited after that.”

They reached the front of the frat house to discover a line that led all the way down to the sidewalk. “What the hell is this?” Kathleen demanded.

“They’re having a haunted house,” a girl in an elf suit replied. “They’re taking us in ten at a time.”

“Yeah, but once you go in, you don’t come out,” a boy dressed as Robin Hood added with a sinister laugh.

“Oh cut it out John,” the girl replied, slapping him on the arm.

“Cool.” Kathleen’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “This should definitely be fun!”

Sera stared up at the house. Candles lit some of the windows on the lower floors, and jack-o-lanterns had been placed in all of them. In the attic, the lights were on, and a few people were moving about in front of the windows. Sera realized that they were the people who had already gone through, and had now begun the party. The line inched forward as they moved slowly toward the doorway.

Halloween music poured out as the door opened to let in groups of people. No one appeared in the doorway, and no lights lit up the foyer. Sera tried to peer inside, but it was impossible to see anything in the darkness. She glanced back through the line, her eyes landing on an Egyptian princess in a body hugging gold dress. All of her exposed skin was painted gold, except for her face, which was exquisitely layered with makeup. Her brilliant red hair was flowing around her shoulders, and topped with a gold tiara.

Sera felt a wave of anger as she stared at Michelle, who was flirting with a man dressed as a musketeer. He reached out to touch her shoulder and Michelle quickly slapped his hand away as she snapped at him not to mess up her makeup. “How did that bitch get an invitation?” Kathleen demanded, hands on her hips.

“Kathleen...” Sera warned.

“No way Sera, that was the best thing about tonight, goddamn it!”

“She comes to all the parties here, I’m sure she’s made more than a few friends. Just ignore her.”

“You know I can’t. She gives you dirty looks at all the parties, and she still won’t lay off Liam. All she does is talk about what a jerk he is, but you know she’s just waiting to make a move on him.”

Sera felt extremely uncomfortable as she glanced warily back at Michelle. She was amazingly beautiful, and tonight it really showed. She knew that Liam couldn’t stand her, but she had to be hard for a man to refuse, and Kathleen was right, Michelle did want Liam.

They reached the front of the line, where a man dressed as a troll took their invitations. The door swung open and Sera found herself faced with complete blackness. “Welcome to the house of hell,” a voice from behind the door said. “Enter at your own risk.”

Sera walked into the foyer, followed by nine other people. The door closed behind them and a small light came on to dimly illuminate the floor around them. “Awesome,” Kathleen whispered in her ear.

“This is ridiculous,” a cool voice said from behind her. “How old are we?”

Sera bristled at Michelle’s condescending tone, and tried to push away her disappointment at having to go through with her. “Shit,” Danielle whispered.

A man stepped out of the shadows, startling them all, and causing Sera to take a step back. He wore a vampire costume, and was covered with so much makeup that Sera couldn’t tell who he was. “I see you were brave enough to enter. I have to warn you that not all of you will make it through alive. If you wish to leave now, please, be my guest.” Sera bit back a smile as she recognized Jack’s voice. She had never expected to see him so dressed up for Halloween, and she found it charming.

“How corny,” Michelle sneered.

“I see we have a disbeliever,” Jack continued. “They are usually the ones that don’t make it. Now, follow me to your death.”

He moved slowly away from them and toward the kitchen. They followed him down the dimly lit hall, past the swinging doors. “Welcome,” he announced. “To the kitchen of death.”

They stepped into an elaborately decorated death scene. On the kitchen table lay a torso with blood dripping out of its neck, and stumpy legs. A man stood by the sink holding a bloody knife, his white apron was covered in blood. “Have you brought me presents?” he asked, lowering the knife.

“Yes, master,” Jack answered.

“You have done well. Come forward my children, and see what I have for you.”

Sera cocked an eyebrow at Jack as he grinned down at her, his hazel eyes twinkling merrily. “Cute costume,” she whispered.

“And you’re looking lovely tonight,” he said low. “Now move before I have to drink your blood.”

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