Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (6 page)

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Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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Sera’s words tumbled out in a heedless rush that revealed her intense grief. A fiery rage began to course through his veins as he thought of the man that had attacked her, a man that she had trusted. He knew that if Jacob had been standing in front of him, he would have killed him. He took a deep breath as he tried to fight against the animal thirst for revenge that was building inside him.

She took a hitching breath. “Then, he hit me,” she continued, her voice soft, small, and very fragile. The sound of it tore at his heart, ripped into his soul. His arms tightened around her in an attempt to block out the pain of her past. It was impossible.

“That hurt so much,” she whispered. “For a moment I nearly blacked out, but I knew that if I did, he would do whatever he wanted to me. I somehow managed to claw his face as he continued to fumble and paw at me. He bellowed with rage and smashed a fist into the side of my face. Blood spurted everywhere. It soaked him, and my dress, as it poured from my nose. I stopped fighting him and sat in shock.”

She swallowed heavily and forced herself to stay focused upon the present, and to get it all out. “I think it was the sight of all that blood that made him come to his senses. It coated everything. He started screaming at me to get out of the car, that I was getting blood everywhere, and making a mess. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I was out of there as fast as I could be. I walked home through the woods, clutching my dress together, and leaving a trail of blood behind me.

“When I got there, I couldn’t talk to tell my parents what had happened. My jaw was swollen shut, and I was in complete shock. They rushed me to the hospital, my mother in hysterics, and my father screaming about drunk drivers. It wasn’t until a few hours later that I was able to write down what had happened.”

Sera stopped as tears spilled out of her eyes. She tried to wipe them away, but now that they were flowing freely they wouldn’t stop. “Sera, you don’t have to say anything more. I understand.”

“There’s more,” she whispered, lowering her eyes.

He tried to raise her chin back up, but she kept her face firmly averted. She couldn’t look at him, not now. Not when the shame was boiling up in waves, not when the memories of Jacob’s hands upon her were so vivid, and real. She didn’t want him to see her humiliation.


“I have to finish. I have to.” She took a deep breath and forced herself to continue speaking. “To make a long story short, my father called me a liar. He said that Jacob had told them that I had gotten drunk at the party, and taken off with a group of guys from his school. We must have gotten into a car accident, and I was trying to cover it up so that I wouldn’t get in trouble. The kids at school began to whisper about me behind my back, and my friends abandoned me. You don’t remain popular by calling the star quarter back a rapist.

“It didn’t matter that people had seen me leaving with Jacob that night, or that there had been no other guys around. No one wanted to believe that he could do such a thing. They all said that I had asked for it. That I deserved whatever happened, and that Jacob had done nothing wrong. Most of the guys already disliked me because I wouldn’t date them, and I think the girls had always secretly hated me. They now had their excuse to turn their backs on me.

“By the time that my father realized there had been no car accidents reported that night, and that people had seen me leave with Jacob, it was too late. The damage had been done. I hated them for not believing in me, for not trusting me. The only person that always believed me was my grandmother. I moved to Cape Cod to spend the rest of my senior year with her. It took some finagling, but she managed to get me a residential tuition rate here.”

He squeezed her chin gently, and she finally managed to lift her eyes to his. She was scared that she would find disgust, or pity, in his gaze. Instead, she found a startling wealth of warmth, and caring. The sight of it was enough to steal her breath away. “I’m sorry about what happened to you, and I wish that I could take the pain away. It never should have happened to someone like you. But the worst things always happen to the best people. I think you realize that.”

Sera nodded slowly as he bent his head and dropped a soft kiss on her trembling lower lip. He pulled away and lightly brushed the tears from her face. “I don’t know why I told you all of this,” she whispered softly. “I barely know you. You must think I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not an idiot Sera, and no matter what people said, or did, you did not deserve what happened, and you didn’t ask for it.”

She nodded slowly, it had taken her a long time to truly believe that, and there were times that she still doubted it. She had always thought that she had done something wrong, that she had encouraged it, but to have Liam say that she hadn’t made her feel better, stronger. For once, someone beside her grandmother believed in her, and was on her side.

He lay back on the bed, pulling her down with him. She didn’t stiffen against him, didn’t fight him as she lay down on top of him. His hands were soothing as they rubbed her back and hair. She nestled closer, his warmth and security pushing the remains of her terror away.

Liam stared at the ceiling as she cuddled against him. He couldn’t get over how small and delicate she was. Protective instincts he never knew he possessed raced through him. The anger was still there, radiating just beneath the surface, but he refused to let her see it. He didn’t want to frighten her with it.

“What do you say we order some pizza, rent some movies, and stay in tonight?” he inquired.

“What about the party?”

He knew that the last thing she wanted to do was go to a party right now, and neither did he. “I’d rather stay here, with you.”

She lifted her head to look at him. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot from crying, but she was still exquisitely lovely. “I’d like that.”

He smiled as he pushed back her glorious hair. “Good.”

She curled up against his chest, and within minutes fell asleep again.





Sera leaned against the door jamb and sighed softly. The frat house was packed with people, more people than she had ever imagined it could hold. They bumped and jostled her as they made their way through the crowd. Kathleen stood by her side, swaying with the music as she surveyed the dance floor. It was so packed that there was no room for them.

Danielle reappeared, slightly flushed and harried looking as she handed Kathleen another beer. “God it’s packed in here!” she cried.

Sera agreed as she studied the sea of heads. Kathleen sighed wearily as she ran a hand through her tussled, short bob. Even though they weren’t dancing, the heat of the room was enough to make them sweat. She cast Sera a small smile as she stood on tiptoe to look over the sea of heads.

Sera was still amazed that Kathleen wasn’t mad at her for not telling her about Jacob sooner, and for telling Liam first. At first she’d been hurt, more by the fact that Sera had told Liam first, but she had said that she understood. Sera had been even more surprised by the fact that Kathleen had stated that she’d known something had happened to Sera, she just wasn’t sure what exactly. She knew Kathleen, and patience was definitely not one of her virtues. Kathleen loved gossip, and hated being kept in the dark about anything, but although she had noticed it, she had never questioned Sera about her hesitancy around men, her cringing from them, or the fact that she had never dated. She had simply tried to help Sera get over it, in her own way, by forcing her to go to parties and to interact with people. And waited for Sera to tell her in her own time, and in her own way. Sera loved her even more for her consideration, and understanding. At first she had been worried that Kathleen had just said that she wasn’t mad, or upset with her, but over the past three weeks she had shown no sign of it.

Sera returned her smile as she turned to scan the crowd again. She spotted Liam’s dark head above the crowd as he wound his way toward them. Her heart immediately began to beat a little faster and a small smile curved her mouth. She had spent every night of the past three weeks with him. They had spent a few quiet nights hanging out in his room watching movies, and talking. A few other nights had been spent hanging out with Kathleen, Danielle, Mike, Jack, and Doug. Other times they had gone out to dinner, to the movies, and one absolutely ridiculous night of bowling where they had both made fools of themselves, and vowed never to do it again.

They had gone to parties, where every girl there hit on him, but he paid no attention to them as he stayed by her side, dancing with her, and never failing to make her feel as if she was the only woman in the room. He also never failed to make her feel safe and protected. When men leered at her, and made rude comments, one look from him was enough to silence them, and send them on their way.

Sera had never been so happy in her life, never had she felt this wonderful, this blissful, and this secure. He never pressured her, never forced her to do anything that she didn’t want to. When she stiffened involuntarily, he soothed her. When fear seized her for no reason, he understood and gently eased it from her.

She knew that she was falling in love with him, and it scared the hell out of her. She hadn’t thought it was possible to fall in love with someone in three weeks, but she knew now that she was wrong. But she was scared of losing him. There was only so much that a man could take before he got tired of being patient. Although he showed no signs of that happening, she was certain that it was only a matter of time. She just hoped she could get over her fear by then.

He stepped out of the crowd, flashing his dazzling grin as he handed her a beer. Sera took it and sipped slowly as she studied him through lowered lashes. “Hey guys,” Jack said appearing at his side. “This place is a mad house tonight!”

“That’s for sure!” Kathleen agreed.

Jack was bumped forward causing beer to slosh out of his cup. “Hey watch it!” he yelled over his shoulder before turning back to Liam. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah,” Liam replied. He turned back to Sera and kissed her quickly. “I’ll be right back.”

She nodded as he turned and followed Jack back into the crowd. “Well now, wasn’t that sweet.”

Sera turned in surprise at the voice in her ear. Michelle stood behind her, leaning casually against the wall as she surveyed her through narrowed eyes. Her long hair was lose and flowing around her elegant face. Despite the heat of the house, she somehow managed to look cool and refreshed.

Sera stared at her for a moment, trying to sort through the jumbled rush of feelings that rolled forward at the sight of Michelle. She hadn’t seen her since the night she’d left her dorm room. She didn’t know what to say to her now, or why Michelle suddenly seemed to hate her so much. She felt betrayed by her, and she was hurt, but she was also angry, and getting angrier.

“Hello Michelle,” she replied coldly.

“Haven’t seen you around much.” Nor had she attempted to either. Sera remained silent as Michelle causally brushed back a strand of hair. “You two make a cute couple,” she purred.

“Don’t they?” Kathleen inquired sweetly.

Michelle’s eyes flashed to her as a cruel smile twisted her face. “You’re a fool if you think that he really likes you.”

Sera stiffened angrily as her hand clenched around her cup. “I don’t think it’s any of your business Michelle.”

“You’re just pissed because he turned you down!” Kathleen snapped.

Michelle lifted her head haughtily as she tossed back her hair. “I wouldn’t waste my time on someone like him.”

“Oh really Michelle?” They all turned in surprise as Liam stepped beside Sera, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he drew her against his side.

Michelle’s eyes flashed angrily as she took Liam in. Kathleen snickered softly, but hid her smile behind her hand. Danielle stood anxiously, her eyes quickly darting over them. Liam stood silently, his arm like a steel trap around her waist. There was an odd sense of power, and anger radiating from him that frightened even her. Sera’s heart skipped a beat as his eyes landed upon her. His face was hard and cold, but there was a warmth in his gaze that she knew was only for her.

“Hello Liam,” Michelle said calmly.

“Were you talking about me?” he inquired as he lifted his head to look at her.

Michelle raised her chin and stared defiantly back at him. “Yes.”

He nodded slowly as he smiled at her, but there was no warmth in the gesture, or in his features. “Good, because I wouldn’t waste my time on you either. So now that we’re in agreement, don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

His voice was filled with an icy bitterness that made the hair on Sera’s arms stand up. Michelle’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing sharply. “Yeah, I do,” she replied coldly.

“I would suggest going there.”

Michelle glared at the two of them as she stormed past. Sera sighed softly as some of the tension eased from her body. Liam’s arm around her waist loosened marginally but he didn’t release her. He touched her cheek lightly; a small smile curved his beautiful mouth.

“Want to dance?”

She glanced back at the crowded floor. She hated the idea of pushing her way onto it, but the thought of being wrapped in Liam’s arms was too tempting to refuse. “Yeah,” she replied.

He led her out to the dance floor, easily cutting through the thick crowd. She rested her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around his back. A small smile curved her mouth as she rested her head against his solid, well muscled chest. His arms around her were warm, comforting, and completely sheltering. She felt perfectly safe, and completely at home as she moved slowly with him.




Liam moved swiftly through the thick crowd, searching for Mike, Jack, or Doug. “Hey.”

He turned as Jack caught hold of his arm. “Hey.”

“Come on.”

Jack led the way to the back stairway and up the stairs. Liam followed silently behind; his thoughts were jumbled as they reached the second floor and continued on to the third. Mike and Doug were standing outside Mike’s room, their arms crossed over their chests as they talked quietly. This far up the music was only a distant, thumping melody. Shouts and laughter wafted up from below, but the words were indiscernible.

Mike and Doug straightened away from the wall as he and Jack approached. An uneasy feeling began to fill him as he studied the intense looks on their faces. “We have to talk,” Mike said briskly.

Liam raised an eyebrow. He knew what they wanted to talk about; he just didn’t care to hear it. “I don’t have the time now,” he replied.

Mike eyed him. “Then you’re going to make the time.”

Liam folded his arms over his chest. “What is it Mike?”

Mike looked quickly at Jack and Doug, but it was very obvious that they were perfectly content to let Mike do the talking. “Come on.”

Mike strode across the hall and thrust Liam’s door open. He waited for all of them to enter before closing it again. Liam stood silently by the door as he eyed the three of them. “It’s Sera,” Mike said bluntly.

He had already known that it was, but he still didn’t want to deal with it. “What about her?” he asked coldly.

Mike sighed wearily as he perched on the edge of the desk. “Don’t be difficult Liam. You shouldn’t be involved with her, and you know it.”

“It’s none of your concern.”

“It is our concern! We’re involved in this too!” Jack snapped.

“No, you’re not.”

Jack’s hazel eyes narrowed as his solid jaw clenched tightly. He was shorter and thinner than Liam, with a lithe, soccer players build. At the moment his light brown hair was slightly darker from sweat as it curled down to his collar and clung to the wide angles of his face. His nose had been broken when they were twelve, and it was still crooked slightly to the side with a small bump in the middle of it.

“Really?” Jack inquired. “Go tell that to the girl across the hall. She’s there for you, not us!”

Liam’s arms dropped as he took an angry step forward. “Hey,” Doug intervened. “Cut it out. Both of you.”

Jack’s eyes still flashed with anger, but he took a small step back. Liam glared at him, his jaw clenched, as his nostrils flared. “Look,” Mike said, shooting Jack a warning look. “All we’re saying is that you shouldn’t be involved with her Liam, and you know it.”

Liam scowled fiercely at him, but there was nothing that he could say to him. Mike was right; he shouldn’t be involved with her. “I know,” he replied quietly. “But I’m not going to let her go.”

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Jack exclaimed.

“Jack!” Doug hissed warningly. Jack sneered at him. Doug’s dark blue eyes narrowed as he stared Jack down. His dark blond hair was cut short, and at the moment stood in little spikes on top of his head from tugging at it, which had always been his habit when he was agitated. He was shorter and stockier than all of them, but he was wholesome and cute, a combination that had always made people think that he was younger than he was, and never failed to make women flock to him.

“Look Liam, you can’t keep seeing her,” Mike said firmly. “First of all, we can’t keep finding girls for you, second of all she’s going to end up hearing about it, and then what are you going to do, tell her the truth? No, you’re not. Third of all, you’re just going to hurt her.”

A fiery rage was beginning to work its way through him as he glared at his best friends. “I know that!” he hissed.

“Well then, don’t you think you should end it soon, now?”


“Shit!” Jack exclaimed.

“Are you insane?” Mike demanded as his patience finally snapped. “Are you listening to yourself? You agree with everything, and yet you’re still being a goddamn ass!”

Liam’s patience, and his temper, was close to exploding. It was the most selfish thing he had ever done, and he despised himself for it, but he couldn’t bring himself to end it with her. The thought alone sent a cold bolt of fear through his heart.

“I’m not ending it with her.”

Mike stood stiffly, his jaw set as his eyes blazed with anger. “I cannot believe that you’re being so damn selfish. What about her? Don’t you think she deserves better?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then end it with her!”


“Liam, you have to,” Doug said quietly.

“No, I don’t.”

“You’re a goddamn selfish bastard!” Mike exploded.

Liam rounded on him, his fists clenched with fury. “Yes, I am,” he hissed.

“You have no reason for hanging on to her!” Jack yelled. “None!”

“I love her!” Liam bellowed.

They gaped at him in amazement, but it was nothing compared to the shock that jolted through his own system. He took a small step back as the realization really slammed home. Jesus, what had he done? He had never meant for things to go this far, never wanted to care for her at all, never mind fall in love with her.

“Crap,” Liam muttered.

“You can say that again,” Jack mumbled.

“Liam, what the hell are you going to offer her? Nothing. Your life, our lives, are nothing but darkness, and blood. She deserves better than that. The only thing you’re going to do is hurt her, hurt you, and maybe even hurt us.”

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