Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (33 page)

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Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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Liam tried to push her back, but she clung to his shoulder, refusing to back down. If he died, then she died, but she was not going without a fight. Without warning the one holding Liam was ripped away. Sera caught only a glimpse of Mike’s twisted face before his back was turned. David and Doug were suddenly beside her as they pulled the others away. Jack was holding the throat of the one with the broken arm and shattered nose.

Sera slumped forward; relief flowed through her as Liam straightened. She could feel the fury that still raced through his body. His eyes were still ablaze as they settled upon her. A cry of horror escaped as she reached out to stroke his sliced cheek and torn neck. He seized hold of her hand, halting her from touching him.

He released her hand and it fell limply back to her side. His gaze drifted over her, a snarl curved his mouth as his eyes landed upon her torn side. His hands convulsed as he turned away. She knew there would be no reaching him now, not now.

Sera slumped against the wall, her head bent as she inhaled a shuddery breath. Her whole body hurt. Her fingers clutched at the ragged wound in her side. Blood coated her fingers, but beneath that she could feel muscle, and bone. Nausea and weakness rolled through her as she slid to the ground, tired and drained. Black swarmed across her eyes, but she forced it back as she lifted her head to gaze dully at Liam.

He was holding Beth above the ground. She struggled weakly in his grasp as blood soaked her shirt. His claws dug deep as he ripped through flesh and sinew as he tore the life from her. He threw her body aside and turned toward his friends. Their gazes held the same bloodlust that he felt as they stood over the remains of the men.


Sera’s weak voice dimmed the fury in him as he turned toward her. She was staring at him, her face bloodless and her lips nearly white. Her eyes were dim as she lifted her blood coated hands. His heart froze in his chest as her hands fell to her sides, and she slumped lifelessly to the floor. 





“I’ll get some towels!” Mike yelled.

Liam barely heard him as he strode across the room with Sera wrapped tightly in his arms. Her head lolled against his shoulder. Blood had seeped through the shirt he had wrapped around her; it now ran down his stomach to wet the edge of his jeans, and his skin. Normally the amount of blood she had lost wouldn’t be a worry, but she was still so new, so weak and unsure of her abilities. She could staunch the blood flow on her own, from the inside out, and she had done some of it, but not enough. Her body would do the rest on its own, but Liam wasn’t sure if it would happen in time. One thing was for sure, she needed blood, and she needed it now. Unfortunately, although he had fed earlier, he was now weak and drained from blood loss himself.

He laid her gently on the bed and sat beside her as he pulled back the shirt to examine her wounds. Deep claw marks had torn through her flesh to reveal the sharp white of the bone beneath. The marks that she had managed to heal still showed some of the muscle. The wounds in her neck had healed completely, but blood still streaked her skin, and wet the collar of her shirt.


Liam took the towels that Mike offered and pressed them tightly against her side. Sera moaned softly, but remained unconscious. Liam’s brow furrowed as he pressed it tighter against her. Mike hovered worriedly by his side. “She doesn’t look so good,” he said softly.

“I know that!” Liam snapped. Mike’s eyes darted worriedly to him, but he refrained from saying anything else. “She’ll be fine as long as we get some blood in her.”

Liam gently soothed her hair back from her brow. The ends of it were streaked in vivid red. He desperately hoped that it wasn’t too late already, that she hadn’t already slipped past a line that he wouldn’t be able to cross. His hand tightened upon the towels, she didn’t even flinch.

He couldn’t lose her. The thought tore his heart and soul to shreds. He wouldn’t lose her. He couldn’t allow it. Blood seeped through the towels to wet his hands again. “Take these.”

He gave them to Mike and he disappeared into the bathroom to get more. Liam examined the wound again. More muscle had formed, but the process seemed to have stalled. He pressed a fresh towel tightly against her side.

“She’ll be all right,” he whispered.

Mike didn’t say anything as he handed over more towels and knelt by Liam’s side. He gave him a questioning look before reaching out and taking hold of her hand. Liam shot him an angry look but didn’t say anything. “I’m sure she will.” Mike sounded doubtful as he squeezed Sera’s hand and released it.

Liam closed his eyes and bent his head. She was still and cold beneath his touch. He could feel the waning strength within her; feel the tenuous hold she had upon life. Her breath barely caused her chest to rise. “Where are they?” he demanded.

“They’ll be here soon.”

Liam glanced hopelessly around the small hotel room. A knock on the door snapped his head around. Mike jumped to his feet and hurried to open it. David, Doug, and Jack came into the room, each pulling someone along with them. There was a dull, glazed look in the eyes of the people as they stood silently within the doorway. Doug shut the door and ushered them further into the room. Liam didn’t care that two of them were women, and that Sera would be upset. It didn’t matter right now.

He climbed swiftly to his feet. “Hold this,” he told Mike.

Mike hurried forward as Liam dragged the first girl into the bathroom.




Liam cradled Sera’s head as he pressed her mouth firmly against the slit he had made at the base of his throat. She was too weak to feed on her own, too weak to even move. He held her tightly as the blood trickled down her throat and seeped into her veins. He could feel it healing her wounds as muscle and skin slowly repaired itself.

Even though he could feel all of that, she was still weak, and unresponsive. If he hadn’t been holding her, she would have fallen back to the bed. He clung to her, praying for her safety, for her life. He had done nothing to deserve her, but if he lost her now, he knew he wouldn’t be able to survive it.

Sera please, he sent the desperate plea into her mind through his blood. He felt a small flicker of a response as he continued to plead with her, to wish her to live. Her hands twitched in his lap. He clung tighter to her, fighting back the waves of hope that crashed through him. It was too soon to hope, too soon to know if she was truly going to be all right. Please, he pleaded over and over again.

Her mouth twitched upon his neck and she swallowed for herself. His hands dug tighter into her hair as her teeth pressed against his neck. He turned his head as she bit deep into him. He clung to her, allowing her to take whatever she needed, whatever would help her. Her hands twitched again, and then her arms wrapped around his back.

Her mind filtered slowly into his. He could feel her weakness, feel her hunger, and hear the silent tears she shed. Her love enveloped him in a cocoon, and for the first time in hours, he was certain that she was going to survive. He was unable to get her close enough, unable to feel enough of her as relief filled him.

Eventually she released her hold upon him. Her darkened eyes landed upon him as she managed a weak smile. “You’re going to be okay,” he said softly.

She nodded slowly. He lifted her easily off the bed and carried her into the bathroom. Although she was sated, and her wounds healed, she was still incredibly weak. He set her down on the edge of the tub and quickly stripped her bloodied clothes off of her. She watched him silently, her skin so pale it was nearly translucent and her eyes shadowed.

Blood streaked across her cheekbones, hair, stomach, and thighs. Dark scratches still marred her side. For the first time her naked body didn’t bring him to instant arousal. Instead, all he felt was a need to care for her, to protect her, and shield her. He quickly shed his own clothes, scooped her back up, and held her gently against his chest as he stepped into the tub. He turned the water on and adjusted the temperature before pulling the tab for the shower. The water hit them with stinging hot needles. She rested her head weakly against his chest as the blood flowed off them. The water ran red for a long time as he gently washed it from her hair and body.

Stepping from the shower, he wrapped her within a towel and carried her back to the bed. He crawled in beside her, and pulled her gently against his side. She curled against him, her tiny hand clinging to his chest as she slowly drifted to sleep. He held her tightly, staring at the ceiling as she breathed slowly, easily, her body warm, and comforting against his side.





Sera tossed the last of her clothes into a box and closed the lid. She was unbelievably tired, and so grateful that the packing was finally complete. The past few months had seemed to stretch on for years. Her classes had been endless, and she had to struggle every moment just to get through them. Where once her whole life had been books and good grades, now it took every ounce of strength she had just to sit through them.

Her nights had been spent with Liam, but the time apart during the day was tortuous. Not to mention the police inquiry into Jacob’s disappearance that had lasted for over a week. Liam had wanted to take her away, but she had been determined to stay and face it. If they ran they would look guilty, and without a body there was nothing that the police could do to any of them. Other than Michelle telling the police that she had told Jacob where Sera was, they had no proof that Jacob had ever come to see her. Eventually he had been written off as an unsolved disappearance, and the police had left them alone, and finally so had Michelle.

Sera was unbelievably grateful that they would not be starting their new lives as wanted criminals, on top of the other complications that they already had, and would always have. Their lives were never going to be normal, but she didn’t care. They would always be happy.

She turned to Kathleen who was sitting silently on her bed. For the first time since the beginning of the school year, Kathleen’s side of the room was completely clean. “I can’t believe it’s over,” Kathleen murmured.

Sera smiled weakly at her, silently thinking the same thing as she slid onto her bed. “Why don’t you come with us?” she asked softly.

Kathleen shrugged and smiled wanly. “I don’t know, Oregon isn’t exactly my idea of a happening place.”

Sera absently fiddled with the edge of the box. Oregon had never been her idea of a happening place either, but they had found a house there that was perfect for all of them. It was a large cabin, on a lake, and surrounded by woods. The nearest neighbor was five miles away, and the town only had a population of three hundred. Most people would hardly even know they were there, let alone bother them. For the first time she had been able to see what their powers were truly capable of as they had been used to help acquire the house.

“It’s peaceful there,” Sera said softly.

“I guess, but I thought you wanted to get your masters degree.”

Sera didn’t know how to tell Kathleen that she wouldn’t need her masters, or any other form of education. She had only finished off this year because she had come this far, and stopping mid semester of her senior year had seemed like a waste. Now, she just wanted to hide herself away with Liam, and the others. She just wanted to start a new life, to have a home, and a family.

“Not anymore.”

Kathleen’s eyes were dark as they met Sera’s. She didn’t say that she thought Sera was giving up her hopes and dreams for Liam, she had said it often enough in the past couple of months. Then again, Kathleen didn’t know what Sera was now. If their roles were reversed, and it was Kathleen in her position, Sera would be thinking the same thing.

Besides, there was something more, another reason why she had to go, why she wanted nothing but shelter, and protection.

“I’ll be in California anyway, I’m sure we’ll see each other often,” Kathleen said.

Sera smiled weakly. “Yeah, I’m sure that we will.”

Kathleen looked doubtful. “Well, at least I know I’ll like my new roommate, but it won’t be the same.”

“You and Danielle will have fun. Think of all the parties you guys will go too.”

“Yeah, all the parties you’re going to miss out on,” Kathleen replied pointedly.

Sera smiled as she shook her head. “I couldn’t party anyway.” Kathleen lifted an eyebrow questioningly. “I’m pregnant Kathleen.”

Kathleen’s mouth dropped open as she stared at her in surprise. “Sera, are you sure!?” Sera smiled as her hand instinctively fluttered to her stomach and the tiny life inside. “How far?”

“Three months.”

“How could you not tell me?”

“I wasn’t sure until last week.”

She couldn’t tell her that she had been completely petrified, and unsure of what to think, or do. Unsure of what exactly was growing inside of her. “Does Liam know?”

“He does.”

“What did he say?”

Sera smiled as she recalled his exact reaction. At first, he had been elated, hugging and kissing her as he yelled happily. Then, reality had sunk in. The same reality that had crashed upon her and knocked the joy out, the same reality that had robbed her of all the happiness she had originally felt. David had instantly contacted his friends in Pennsylvania, while Sera and Liam sat anxiously by, hoping and praying that she would not have to get rid of their baby.

David’s friends had assured him that it was all right. That she would not give birth to a monster, that everything would be fine. According to them, her child would grow until maturity, where upon it would age no more. It would be a vampire from birth, but to the outside world, it would appear completely human. They assured David that there was no harm to her, or the child, and that there had been others of their kind born, and they had all been normal, or as normal as they could be.

Sera was still frightened though, and so was Liam. Although, most of his worries centered upon her, while hers centered upon the life growing inside her. Their child would have no choice in its life. It would be born into a world of blood and death, and she prayed that it would not grow to resent them for it. Prayed that David’s friends were right, and everything would be fine. She had already grown to love the baby inside of her, and she wanted it more than anything, but she was scared.

“He’s happy,” she finally answered. Which was true, he was happy, he was just frightened that something would happen to her, and that fear overshadowed everything else.

“And you?” Kathleen asked softly.

Sera smiled as her hand lightly stroked her stomach. “I’m very happy.” Kathleen studied her intently, obviously not fully believing her. “I’m a little scared; we’re both a little scared.”

Kathleen nodded. “Well, that’s to be expected.” Then, she grinned happily as she climbed to her feet. “You always wanted a big family. Are you two going to get married?”

Sera bit back a laugh. She had never even thought about marriage, their relationship went far deeper than marriage. Their bond was different, stronger, eternal, but of course Kathleen would think of marriage as the ultimate bond. “I see you told her.”

Sera looked up as Liam appeared in the doorway. His eyes glinted merrily as they landed upon Sera. “Move.” Jack shoved roughly by Liam as he strode into the room. “Like you need a stupid piece of paper,” he mumbled as he grabbed boxes off the floor. “You two are sickening enough now.”

“Thanks Jack,” Sera replied.

He grinned at her as he shuffled the boxes in his arm. “It’s true,” he defended.

“Yeah it is,” Mike said.

“So what do you say? Do you want to get married?” Liam asked quietly.

Sera gaped at him in surprise. “Liam...”

“I bet you always dreamed of a big wedding, with a cake, and a beautiful white dress.”

Now Jack, Mike, Doug, and David were staring at him with wide eyes, and gaping mouths. Sera grinned at him. As far as she was concerned they didn’t need any vows, they had already made them, but she had always dreamed of a wedding. He strode across the room and knelt before her as he seized her hand.

“So, will you marry me?”

His eyes twinkled merrily as he gazed at her. Sera grinned back at him as her hand tightened around his. “Yes.”

He smiled as he wrapped his hand around the back of her head and kissed her. The touch of his lips instantly sent a bolt of desire through her. She pulled back before she could completely lose herself to him. “Oh!” Kathleen cried happily. “We have so much planning to do! We’ll need a dress, and a caterer, and of course we’re going to have to find a hall! I’m sure Oregon has some beautiful places! We’ll have to start looking immediately, unless you want to wait until after you have the baby, then it will have to be a winter wedding!”

Kathleen continued to prattle on about the plans. “Oh for crying out loud!” Mike interrupted. “Could you make these plans on the plane, before we miss it?”

Sera’s grin widened as she slid her arms around Liam’s neck and kissed him again. “Oh, congratulations!” Kathleen cried as she threw her arms around them both. “I’m so happy for you!”

Sera laughed as she wrapped her arms around her friend.

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