Authors: Michael Lind
Sloan, Alfred P., 249, 298, 301, 367
Small Is Beautiful
(Schumacher), 379
Smith, Adam, 12, 24, 31, 38, 52, 78, 101, 103–104, 224, 461, 463
Smith, Al, 301–302
Smith, Charles G., 415
Smith-Lever Act (1914), 204
social contract
Great Depression relief programs, 281, 285–300, 304
proposals for Next American economy, 475–477
unemployment insurance, 257, 361, 454
social democracy, in Europe, 11
Socialist Party of America, 173
Social Science and National Economy
(Thompson), 147
Social Security, 296–297, 360–361, 438, 441, 475, 476
Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (SUM), 2, 39–40
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (1936), 346
Somervell, Brehon, 311
Sonneborn, Harry, 342
Soros, George, 388
alliance with Midwest, 126–127
black codes in, 175–176
incorporation into US mainstream, post–World War II, 343–344
industrial growth during World War II, 316–320
shrinking of wealth, after Civil War, 174–175
slavery and economic stagnation in, 122–125
South Carolina, 124, 130
South Improvement Company, 161
South Korea, 374–375, 377, 429, 432, 459
Soviet Union.
See also
Cold War and, 331–332, 369
manufacturing capacity after World War I, 263
space program, 205–206, 405–406
Specie Circular, 116
Spencer, Percy, 415
Sprague, Frank, 208
stagflation, 368
Staggers Act (1980), 155
stakeholder concept of corporation, 351–353
Stalin, Joseph, 261, 332
Standard/IG Company, 313
Standard Oil Company, 161, 230, 232–233, 315
Standard Oil of California, 333, 335
Standard Oil of New Jersey, 313–314, 333, 335
Standard Oil of New York, 333, 335
Stanford, Leland, 416
Stanley Steamers, 246
Starley, John K., 200
state capitalism, 432
state-owned enterprises (SOEs), in Korea, 374–375
Statue of Liberty, 168–169
Steagall, Henry B., 286
steam power.
First Industrial Revolution (steam power)
Steele, Osman, 62
steel industry, 162–163, 202, 217–218, 257
Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), 299
Stephens, Alexander, 140
Stephenson, George, 91
Sterling, Ross, 334
Stettinius, Edward R., 239
Stevens, Edwin Augustus, 91
Stevens, John, 91–92
Stevens, Robert Livingston, 91
Stillman, James, 232
Stimson, Henry L., 323
stimulus programs, 454–455
stock market
crash of 1929, 269–270, 271
crash of 1987, 12
evolution after World War I, 254–255
stock ownership and financial-market capitalism, 437–439, 470
Strategic Materials Act, 308
streetcars, 208–209
Strong, Benjamin, 222
student loans, 476–477
suburbanization, 208–209, 341–342, 344–345
Suffolk Bank of Massachusetts, 167
Sumner, William Graham, 223
supply-side economics
deregulation and its effects, 386–391
growth of conservativism and, 376–380
Supreme Court.
See also
specific rulings
antitrust activism, 232–233
FDR and packing of, 294
National Industrial Recovery Act and, 10
“ruinous competition” and price-fixing, 215–216
, 239
Swan, Joseph, 194
Sweden, 371
Swift, Gustavus, 160
Switzerland, 371
Swope, Gerard, 259, 277, 289
Swope Plan, 277–278, 289
synthetic rubber, 312–314, 348
Szilard, Leo, 401, 402–403
Tabulating Machine Company, 407, 410
Taft, William Howard, 244
Taft-Harley Act (1947), 296, 353
Taiwan, 375, 377, 432
takeover artists, 366, 436
Taney, Roger, 115
Tarbell, Ida, 230, 314
Target, 437
in 1920s, 266–267
Brandeis and New Freedom, 230
in Clay’s American System, 107
early twentieth century trade imbalances and, 262–267
Great Depression causes and, 271–272
Lincoln and protective, 9, 144–145
Lowell and textile manufacturing, 86
to pay for War of Independence debt, 38
in preindustrial United States, 35, 40–41, 43–46
tariff of 1870, 163
Tariff of Abominations and Nullification Crisis, 109–110
Taussig, Charles, 302
Taussig, Frank W., 146
conservative belief in benefits of cutting, 378–379, 457, 470
excise taxes, 35, 137–138, 305
financial transaction tax, proposed, 469
Hoover and Great Depression mistakes, 280
income taxes, 137–138, 230–231, 240–241, 325
redistribution of income and, 474–475
on retained earnings, 299
social insurance paid from, in Next American Economy, 475–477
tax subsidies and, 442, 475
Tea Party movement, 449
telecommunications, deregulation of, 382
telegraph industry, 93–94, 135, 159, 193
telephone industry, 250–251, 347
television, 207–208, 348
Tellier, Charles, 203
Temporary National Economic Committee (TNEC), 300
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 337–338, 379–380, 404
Terman, Frederick, 416
Tesla, Nikola, 9, 192–193, 196
Texaco, 333, 335
Texas, 317–318, 334–335, 336
Texas Instruments, 318, 414
Texas Railroad Commission (TRC), 334, 381
textile manufacturing, 86–87, 120, 126–127
Thailand, 429
Thatcher, Margaret, 11, 386–387
Third American Republic, 5–6, 10–12, 336, 481
Third Industrial Revolution (information age), 270, 393–394, 453–454
banks and financial-market capitalism, 434–440
computer evolution, 407–409
globalization and current-account deficits, 423–434
Great Compression of incomes, 440–441
information technology, 399–400, 407–421
jet engines, 404–405
maldistribution of income and financial crisis, 441–450
nuclear power, 397–398, 402–404
space programs, 405–406
Thompson, Robert Ellis, 147
Thomson-Houston Company, 196, 197
Thornton, William, 97
Thurow, Lester, 359
Timber and Stone Act, 178
Timber Culture Act (1873), 178
, 399
time capsules, 395–396
(London), 133
time zones, railroads and, 163
tires, 201–202
Tizard, Henry, 403
Tobin tax, 469
Todd, Lyman Beecher, 140
Tomkins Square Riot, 165
Tom Thumb
, 93
Tousard, Louis de, 96
township and village enterprises (TVEs), in China, 431
See also
current-account deficits
Foreign Trade Zone 49 and government-private cooperation, 452–453
NIRA and, 295
trade associations during World War I, 245–246
Trade Boards Act of 1909 (England), 290
transatlantic telegraph cable, 94
transcontinental railroad, 143–144, 151–153
Transportation Act (1920), 154
Travelers Insurance, 386
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
(Maxwell), 190
Treaty of the Six Nations, 159
Treaty of Wang Hiya, 65
Trevithick, Richard, 91
Trollope, Frances, 54
Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), 447
trucking, deregulation of, 382
Truman, Harry S., 239, 314, 332, 336, 346, 369, 402
Tugwell, Rexford, 279–280, 299, 302
(ship), 199
Turkey, 369
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 178
Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), 210, 233
Tweed, William “Boss,” 158
typewriters, 210
Underwood Tariff Act (1913), 230
Cold War and trade concessions to allies, 369
in Great Depression, 270, 281, 308
in Great Recession, 448–449
unemployment insurance, 257, 361, 454
in Volcker recession, 386–388
in World War II, 320
Union Pacific Railroad, 74, 143, 151–153, 155–156, 158
unit banks, 116–167, 218–221, 229, 231, 254, 286
United Auto Workers (UAW), 299, 353
United Farm Workers, 358
United Mine Workers, 321
United States Steel Corporation, 161
United States v. Butler
, 346
United States v. Darby
, 294
United Steel, 217
Untermyer, Samuel, 231
UPS, 437
urban areas, nineteenth century changes in, 208–211
US Agency for International Development (USAID), 374
US Rubber, 349
, 137
, 137
US Steel, 216, 220, 226, 233, 299, 327
utilities, deregulation of, 364–365, 384–385
Vail, Alfred, 94
value-added tax (VAT), 476
Van Buren, Martin, 109, 111, 113, 116
Van Depoele, Charles, 208
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 89–90, 157–158
Vanderbilt, William, 154
Vanderbilt, William H., 220
Vanderlip, Frank A., 222–223, 243
Van Deusen, James, 61
Vanity Fair
, 77–78
Van Rensselaer, Martha Schuyler, 61
Van Rensselaer, Stephen III, 49, 60–61, 62
Van Rensselaer, Stephen IV, 62
Van Rensselaer, William, 62
Veblen, Thorstein, 350, 351
venture capital, 418
Verein fur Sozialwissenschaft
, 147
canals and, 55
infrastructure in, 121
War of Independence debts and, 29, 33–34
Washington and, 40, 87–89
Volcker, Paul, 386–387
Volta, Alessandro, 190
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 359
von Mises, Ludwig, 288–289
Voting Rights Act (1965), 357
Wachovia Bank, 67–68
Wadsworth, Decius, 96
See also
maldistribution of income
economic growth after World War I and, 256–257
Great Depression and, 278–279, 290–291
NIRA and minimum, 295
Wagner, Herbert, 405
Wagner, Robert, 288
Wagner Act, 295–296
Wallace, Henry, 284
Wall Street Journal
, 378
Walmart, 425–426, 437
Walpole, Robert, 33
Walsh, Frank P., 244
Walter, Rosalind Palmer, 322
Walton, Sam and Bud, 425
Wanniski, Jude, 271
War Assets Administration, 348
Warburg, Paul M., 222
Wardman, Ervin, 164
War Emergency Pipelines, Inc., 316
War Finance Corporation, 243, 245, 361
War Industries Board (WIB), 241–243, 245, 277, 288, 289
War of 1812, 43, 47, 61, 70–71, 106
War of Independence
financing and debts of, 26–30
origins of, 22, 26
War on Poverty, 358–359
War Production Board, 310, 311
Warren, Thomas, 97
War Resources Board, 308
Washington, DC, compromises on locating US capital, 34
Washington, George, 2, 203, 481–482
Articles of Confederation, 30
Hamilton and manufacturing, 31, 40
on military preparedness, 464
slavery and, 57–60
tariffs and, 35
Washington, Martha, 59–60
Washington Mutual, 427, 434
Watson, Thomas Jr., 413–414
Watson, Thomas Sr., 408–413
Watt, James, 6, 79, 81, 84, 191
Wayland, Francis, 104
“Wealth” (Carnegie), 13
Wealth of Nations, The
(Smith), 24, 52, 103–104
Webb-Pomerene Act (1918), 258
Webster, Daniel, 114, 127, 201
Weed Sewing Machine Company, 97
Welch, Jack, 436
welfare capitalism, 86, 260–261, 318, 441–442
welfare programs, success of, 359
welfare statism, 442
Wells, David Ames, 214–215
West, and closing of frontier, 177–178
Western Union, 159, 193
West Germany, 331–332, 428–429
Westinghouse, George, 196–197
Westinghouse Corporation, 196–199, 207, 246, 395–396, 404
whaling industry, 76–78
Wharton, Joseph, 146–147
Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 147
Wheatstone, Charles, 190
Whitney, Asa, 155
Whitney, Eli, 96, 123
Whitney, Henry, 209
Whittle, Frank, 404–405
Wiener, Norbert, 408
Wigfall, Louis T., 133
Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 257
Wilcocks, Benjamin Chew, 64
Wilkinson, Lewis, 97
William II, Kaiser, 237
Williams, Lee G., 358
Willing, Charles, 26
Willing, Thomas, 26–27, 29
Wilson, Charles Erwin “Engine Charlie,” 351, 367, 426
Wilson, Woodrow, 10, 182, 206, 222
Fourteen Points, 239
money trust and, 231
New Freedom and, 228–229
World War I and, 235, 238–239, 240, 241, 244
Wingner, Eugene, 402–403
Wither Bound?
(F. Roosevelt), 401–402
women, in World War II workforce, 322–323
Wood, Fernando, 127
Woodward, Henry, 194
Woolens Act, 24
Woolworth, Frank W., 253
Works Financing (“Spend-Lend”) Bill, 302, 303
Works Projects Administration, 284, 304
World Bank, 368
World War I, 235–255
aviation and, 205
debt repayment, 264, 276–277
financing of, 239–241
industrial and retail growth after, 246–255
New Deal agencies and, 289
origins of, 236–239
private-government cooperation and, 241–246