B00MV3HMDW_EBOK (14 page)

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Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

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“Come on in.” The detective was at his desk sipping coffee out of a chipped mug that had seen better days. It reminded Ethan of Kevin’s Vikings mug that he always used, regardless that the thing looked hazardous to drink out of. “Have a seat. I’ve pulled those reports for you, but you’ll find nothing more than I already shared with you over the phone.”

Taryn and Ethan each claimed a seat while Ethan did his best to ignore the overriding smell of stale cologne. He looked up toward the ceiling and once again wondered about the ventilation system in this old building. He would be the first to admit he didn’t clean his house as often as he should, but at least his vents didn’t have black degenerated cobwebs hanging on for dear life. He focused back on Taryn wondering what her previous words had meant regarding following her lead. Usually a comment like that resulted in him taking the blame for something he didn’t do.

“I was hoping you could shed light on the morning of Sabrina’s disappearance. You mentioned that her friends and family said she hadn’t acted differently in the previous days leading up to her departure. How did Madeline and Arthur Bowers seem to you on that day?”

“Madeline Bowers acted no different than any other mother would in that instance,” Detective Noel stated, leaning back in his chair as he sipped his coffee. He didn’t bother to put the cup down as he continued talking. “Arthur Bowers tried instructing us on how to do our job, which I wasn’t too appreciative of. He’s friends with some people in higher positions, but in no way did that affect my job.”

“You ruled it a runaway yet Arthur Bowers was able to get a judge to declare Sabrina’s death.” Taryn paused and used her boot to tap on Ethan’s foot. That was his cue, yet he wasn’t quite sure he knew what she wanted him to do. She was usually a little more obvious, but he could handle anything she threw his way. Her roguish conduct actually gave him reassurance that she still trusted him. “I’m assuming you’re speaking of those kinds of friends?”

As Detective Noel continued to address Arthur’s high reaching capabilities and the money trail that could never be found, Taryn’s boot worked its way under the metal of the detective’s desk. Ethan wasn’t exactly sure of what she was doing but he knew needed to draw attention away from her.

“What about Sabrina herself? You said that you never found a note or diary that would give any indication of why she would run away.” Ethan now had the man’s attention. “What about her current boyfriend at the time? Did she even have one?”

“No,” Detective Noel replied, glancing at his screen before looking back at Ethan. “Sabrina dated a boy throughout her junior year by the name of Billy Emerson, but by the time they became seniors they’d parted ways.”

“His decision or hers?”

“Sabrina’s decision from what I remember. You’re talking twelve years ago. If it had been significant to the case, it would have been in my report.” Detective Noel looked at his monitor once more and let a few curse words slip out before setting his coffee on his desk. He tapped the screen and then shook his head. “Damn computer. All the funding goes to the new criminal lab and we get shit.”

“I noticed that your systems were a little outdated,” Taryn said in sympathy, amazing Ethan with her innocent look. It had to be because she was petite and stunningly beautiful with an eternal looking youth that most women would kill for. “I was a Navy Intel Specialist, so I’m very familiar with the hardware that you’re stuck with. I know it’s probably against policy for me to take a look at it, but I’m sure I could repair whatever it is that’s been giving you problems.”

Detective Noel had a speculative look upon his haggard face and for damn good reason. He was a smart man and one that wasn’t easily fooled by the charms of a woman…no matter how pretty. Ethan had to change the topic of conversation before the man decided Taryn’s offer wasn’t on the up and up.

“Detective, you mentioned to Taryn that you questioned Sabrina’s teachers. Did they have anything of interest to say?”

“No. As a matter of fact, Sabrina got straight A’s and barely missed being valedictorian of her class.” Detective Noel gave a half smile when his monitor came back to life. Ethan saw Taryn shift slightly and knew then that she’d caused his display to come into focus. “As I said on the phone, there was nothing to indicate that Sabrina Bowers was taken by force. We spent a very long time searching for—”

“Well, not that long,” Ethan pointed out, referring to the fact that Arthur Bowers had his niece declared dead. “How long was it that Bowers had her death instituted?”

Within seconds of Detective Noel reaching for his mouse to pull the information up on his screen, Taryn moved her foot and once again the man was cursing up a blue streak. He pushed back his chair and waved his hand toward the monitor.

“Have at it,” Detective Noel muttered, “but I’ll be watching everything you do.”

Taryn laughed and Ethan realized that it was the first time since they’d embarked on this trip that she’d done so. He was mesmerized by the sound and watched her closely as she stood up and walked around the desk, taking up a position in front of the computer. She leaned forward at the waist and typed only God knows what onto the keyboard, her heart-shaped ass practically in Detective Noel’s face. Ethan maintained a tight smile across his face in annoyance. He comprehended what she was doing but things had changed. The level of his ire raised another notch. She didn’t get to call dibs on that sentiment and she certainly didn’t get to use her feminine charms on another man right in front of him.

“Taryn, we’re going to be late for our other appointment,” Ethan said, looking pointedly her way. Taryn’s brown eyes met his and although he could see the confusion within, he would be more than happy to explain things to her once they were alone. “I think it best we wrap this up.”

Chapter Eleven

ou want to tell me what that was about?” Taryn asked as she yanked her cardkey out of the slot and shoved open her hotel door. The cool air from the conditioner hit Ethan’s face, but it wasn’t nearly cold enough to get rid of the anger he’d felt since leaving the police station. “This silent treatment only goes so far and if you keep behaving so damn contrary, I swear that I will have Crest yank you back on the first flight available.”

Ethan’s chest tightened at what he had to do and he hoped like hell that he wasn’t out of a job within the next five minutes. While Taryn still rambled on about her displeasure at his behavior, he pulled out his phone and entered the appropriate code before he then pressed a speed dial button that would give him access to their supervisor. This was either going to go well or blow up in his face. Either way, he’d still be standing here in this hotel room, which was where he belonged.

“What are you doing?” Taryn asked, finally turning around from where she’d placed her laptop on the desk. Ethan had remained at the door and was using it as leverage. “I’m still talking, in case you didn’t notice.”

“I noticed,” Ethan replied wryly, listening to the ringing on the other end of the line. Now that he was finally taking this step, his anger was dissipating. “I’m doing what needs to be done.”

Recognition lit up Taryn’s brown eyes and she shook her head emphatically at what he was implying. She took a step forward, but by that time Crest had answered. Ethan held up a finger, warning her that she needed to let him handle this. If he thought she was irritated before, it was nothing compared to now. The fury must have been piling up inside of her enough for her to cause her to tilt her head back and even make her lips part in a silent scream.

“It’s Ethan. We’ve made some progress on the case.” Ethan went into specifics and it wasn’t long afterward that Crest mentioned Fallon was currently reworking her original profile on Ryland. They would have it shortly, and when Ethan and Taryn arrived back in Minneapolis a meeting would commence on if this new profile affected the way they were handling their search. Hearing Fallon’s name only fueled Ethan on for what he had to do. “Crest, there’s been a development here that I think you should be aware of.”

“Don’t do this,” Taryn whispered harshly. She was two feet away from Ethan and he could hear her labored breathing. “Ethan—”

“What kind of development?” Crest asked, caution evident in his tone.

“My friendship with Taryn has progressed into something more.” There. It was out in the open. Taryn hit her forehead with her palm and looked like she was going to be sick. He didn’t take offense to her reaction, but he sure as hell would address it after this phone call. “I’ll understand if you pull me off this case or downright can my ass, but you should know that I’m not leaving her in Texas to deal with this by herself.”

“What is it with you people?” Crest muttered. Ethan didn’t have to be at the office to know that Crest was rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. “Shitty timing, Ethan. Just shitty timing.”

“I’m well aware of that, Top.” Ethan hoped the use of Crest’s nickname referring to the rank he’d retired with would show the sincerity in which he meant those words. “This wasn’t exactly planned and we’re still feeling our way through this. Taryn—”

“Feeling our way?” Taryn hissed the question, closing the distance between them so that her head was tilted back in battle. “Are you purposefully trying to ruin our careers?”

“Taryn is my main concern right now.” Ethan ignored Taryn’s interruption, trying his best to keep from fucking up this conversation any more than he had. “Please take that into consideration when you make whatever decision you’re about to make.”

“Finish what you two have to do down there and then get your collective asses home.” Crest paused, giving no indication on what the future held. The man always held his cards close to his chest and now was no exception. “This isn’t a discussion to be handled over the phone.”

“Understood.” Ethan felt something shift inside of him now that the truth was out in the open. He briefly wondered how their teammates would take the news, but right now he had a fiery spitball of a woman in front of him to deal with. “We’ll touch base in the morning.”

Ethan disconnected the line and waited for Taryn to blow up like she normally did when things didn’t go her way. That was part of the reason she’d taken him by surprise by saying she’d envied those submissives at the club that they attended. The passion that was just below the surface would now have the outlet that she’d always dreamed about.

“I swear, just when I think you can’t top your last idiotic move, you go and one up yourself.” Taryn now had both hands on her head, staring at him as if he were a complete idiot. This wasn’t exactly how he’d wanted this to go and things had to change. He was done. He was done giving her time when they’d known each other for years, he was done waiting to have her in the way he truly wanted, and he was absolutely done with her slamming his ego into the ground. “Did you ever consider—”

“What’s your safeword?” Ethan asked, deliberately taking his time to remove his weapon. He took a step forward and caused her to step back. Taryn’s surprise at his question was unmistakable. Now they were making progress. “If you sat in the club and watched numerous scenes unfold, you can’t tell me that you don’t have a safeword or that at least one hasn’t crossed your mind.”

Memories of Masters surfaced as Ethan gave Taryn time to recall what he knew were fantasies of hers. She’d all but admitted that the morning before they’d left for this trip. He recollected those times when he’d had a submissive fastened to the St. Andrews cross and raining down the strands of a flogger. He thought of those moments when he’d had a sub anchored to the spanking bench because of her behavior and his cock hardened at the thought of it being Taryn. She was bound to be there quite often, but he would see to it that both of them took immense pleasure out of it.

Something had always been missing from those scenes and he’d fooled himself into thinking that all was fine. It wasn’t. Taryn had been the missing link and it wasn’t until his dream that he’d realized why. His feelings for her had morphed over the years and now was the time to take this new path set in front of them. It all started with a safeword.

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