Baby Makes Five (A Multiple Birth Book 1) (2 page)

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Even in heels, she didn’t look more than five feet five inches. He had his share of beautiful women, but her beauty wasn’t superficial or enhanced by too much makeup. It was refreshing to see someone who was minimally made up. The only makeup she seemed to be wearing were lip-gloss and eye shadow. Berries. Juicy, sweet strawberries, that’s what her mouth reminded him of.

He was glad that he had made the trip in person to deal with the hotel chef, who apparently has been sexually intimidating and harassing his sous chef. The thought still angered him. He had strict policies about harassment in the workplace in all of his businesses. There wasn’t room for error, and he took it seriously when an incident happened. She made his trip to the Bahamas much more pleasant, than when he had first arrived. 

Even through all his observations of her, he wasn’t sure why he felt compelled to possess this woman. She wasn’t his usual type. She seemed too innocent, sleeping with inexperienced virgins was something he stayed clear of. He did not want the responsibility of what it brought. Starry-eyed females, who thought they were in love and started to plan their ever after.

Happily ever after was something he never aspired to do and the women he dated knew that going into the relationship.  That didn’t mean some hadn’t tried to change his mind, and that has always led to the end of the relationship. Would he like to have an heir to carry on his legacy? Yes, but he could do that by way of surrogacy forgoing the whole marriage and love business. He has yet to meet a woman he deemed fit to have his child or one who has staying power. Love was for fools, and anyone who knew him knows a fool he was not.

He had just gotten out of a one-year relationship where Liane, his ex, thought that by stop taking her birth control and faking a pregnancy, he would formally make a commitment to her. She should have known better. He hated lies and deceit, especially from those he allowed to get close to him. He was happy with his current status. There wasn’t a woman he’d met who would make him give it up for two point five kids and a home in the suburbs.

Liane’s deceit solidified his decision to have a vasectomy and freeze his sperm for a future date, for when he was ready to have a child. When he got back to Toronto, his first act of business was to get it out of the way. He didn’t want to go to his empty room alone, but he doubted asking his dinner companion up to his room for mindless sex would get him anywhere. She would more likely slap his face. She seemed oblivious to who he was unless she was a superb actress. It was a refreshing experience for him talking to a woman who didn’t want anything from him, who didn’t want to use him for his wealth and connections.

He was so accustomed to women throwing themselves at him, that he almost forgot what it felt like to chase after one.  As far as he knew, Lucy thought he was Ash, not Asher King, of King’s hotel, a wealthy businessman who had stakes in the IT, hotel and shipping world. It felt good being someone else for a change. He stood as she approached their table.

“Would you like anything else?” he asked, sitting back down.

“Not to eat, but to show my gratitude for such a wonderful evening, I would like to invite you up to my room for a nightcap,” she said in a rush.

“I’d love to, but maybe my room would be better?” he suggested, hoping her invitation was not for a nightcap, but for a night of exquisite lovemaking. He wasn’t sure when it came to reading her. One minute she was a master flirt, the next she seemed innocent. He had a feeling she had no idea what she was doing.

“Yes,” she said, getting up and walked out the room.

She didn’t look to see if he followed her or she may lose her nerve. He met her at the elevators and pulled her into the private elevator that was off limits to guests.

“What are you doing? If we get caught, I don’t think management would be too happy with us,” she said.

“I won’t tell if you don’t,” he said devilishly.

She giggled, and the restraint she had seen at dinner seem to snap. He pulled her towards him, lifted her chin and captured her mouth with his.  A bolt of lightning, that’s what it felt like when his lips first touched hers. He deepened their kiss, and she parted her lips for him.

Her purse fell to the ground, and she melted into him with a sigh of relief. She trembled in his arms as their tongues danced together. He legs felt like jelly. She would have fallen in a heap at his feet if he hadn’t tightened his arms around her. It seems as if every cell in her body came alive at his every touch. He brain was beginning to fog up, and she couldn’t think of anything beyond what he was doing to her.

She lost every control she had over her body. She whimper in protest when he broke their kiss. She looked at him confused. As he picked up her purse the elevator doors opened, she blinked. She forgot where they were. He took her hand and led her to his room. Everything after that was a haze. She remembered the frantic undressing the way his body felt hard against hers as he lifted her into his arms, mouth locked with hers.  He laid her on the bed and then joined her.

She hardly had time to explore his body, to extend their foreplay. They were both too hot for each other that they moved at speed.

“The second time would be much slower and more sensual,” he promised. “Right now, I just want to be buried deep inside you.”

She nodded because she wanted that too.

The touch of his lips on her naked body sent shivers down her spine.  She moaned, arching her back as his warm breath tickled the tip of her right nipple before taking it into his moist mouth, sucking on it ever so gently. She was burning up inside. Never in her wildest dreams, had she ever felt such an explosive sensation.   It was as if a volcano were about to erupt inside of her. It was a new experience for her, as was the moisture forming between her thighs. She was burning and needed him to feed the fire.

“Please,” she begged, her voice raspy and her breathing fast not knowing if it were for him to stop or to carry on.

“Please what sweetheart, please more, please stop?” he teased.

She watches as he trail kisses down her flat stomach until he reached the apex of her womanhood. He parted her legs, and she moaned in hunger’ it seems to arouse him more from the way his pupils dilate. She watched his every move, from the way he stroke the back of her knees, moving slowly up to her inner thighs before he pressed soft kisses mere inches from her intimate spot. He pauses, and then blew on her clitoris and looked at her as if he needed her to give directives. She didn’t keep him waiting.

“More. Please don’t stop,” she greedily begged.

He dipped his head and flicked his tongue against her clit, licking then sucking. He inserted one, then two fingers into her wet core. Miah shuddered at the sweet agony and felt her world moved. She reached her peak and climax.  He cupped her butt cheeks in both his hands and pulled her closer drinking in all of her. 

She wondered what she tasted like, what he thought she tasted like. He seemed to enjoy doing wicked things to her with his mouth from the way he was devouring her. She wanted to kiss him to find out for herself but thought he might think she was weird.

He paused to put a condom on and in one swift movement, he was over her. She looked into his eyes, wondering what he saw when he looked into hers. She felt flushed from her climax. Beads of perspiration dampened her skin making her feel like she was glowing. Was this what people meant when they spoke about sexual glow?

Her lips felt swollen from his kisses. He pulled her hips closer to him kissing her slow and sensual. With one swift thrust, his body was joined to hers. She was surprised at the pain of his entry into her body but was more surprised by the look on his face. He froze and was looking at her in astonishment. The emotions that played across his face were hard to read.

“You are a virgin,” he said in a harsh voice. It wasn’t a question, but more of an accusation.

Feeling uncomfortable suddenly, Miah shifted under him. She couldn’t look him in the eye.

“Don’t--move,” he gritted painfully. 


“Not. Another. Movement,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Why don’t—”

“For Christ’s sake Lucy, as pissed as I am with you, I don’t want to add to your discomfort,” he said tightly.

“Why are you upset?” she asked innocently moving her hips, uncomfortable with the way he was now looking at her.

“Damn you to hell,” he replied, grabbing her hips and thrusting forward, taking them both to ecstasy.  After a minute, he rolled off her and sat up, his back to her.

“You should have told me before we got any further,” he said, shaking his head as if he had just made a big mistake.

“Would it have mattered?” she asked, still genuinely confused.

“Yes, it would have. I do not do happily ever after nor do I play around with virgins either. I had a right to know, dammit!”

Miah winced at the anger in his voice. “I am sorry if you thought that, but it was my decision to make. How dare you assume I want happily ever after with you,” she said, pulling the covers closer to her. 

A glass of wine and a couple of sweet words and here she was in what looked like the beginning of a major regrettable one-night stand. How could she have been attracted to him? The things he made her feel, the things she fantasized doing to him had both surprised and delighted her. Now she wasn’t so sure if she made the right decision.

“Don’t all women want fairytales and white picket fences? What twenty-five-year-old is still a virgin in this day and age? Was it a coincidence you decided I was the one to deflower you?” he asked with contempt.

“Don’t flatter yourself. You were just an amusement to scratch an itch,” she lied.

The look he gave her made her feel as if he wanted to hit something or someone. She was certain that someone was her. Thank god there was no way he would find out her true age. She cringed at that thought, at the lie she had told that led to this. She wasn’t twenty-five she was nineteen, almost twenty, and her name wasn’t Lucy either.

If anyone had told her, she would be spending the first week of her summer break in bed with a gorgeous Adonis, she would have laughed at them.  She wasn’t the one-night stand kind of girl, nor was she even anyone’s kind of girl. She was especially not, his kind of girl. From the looks he had gotten from other women at dinner, she would bet her last dollar the women he normally dated were either models or heiresses.

“Everyone makes mistakes,” she murmured softly, not caring if he heard her.

She watched as he marched across the room to the television stand, shoulders and spine stiff. He looked like a graceful panther stalking its prey. She wanted to laugh at the irony. He pulled the top drawer of the T.V stand out with such force; it flew across the room. She jumped as it crashed against the wall.  Was he really upset about her being a virgin? She thought men enjoyed knowing they were the one to introduce a girl to sex. Still holding the sheet against her, she looked around the room for her clothes, keeping him in her peripheral vision.

She was aware of each move he made because her body tightened in excitement with each step he took closer to her. “Traitor,” she murmured softly. Apparently, her body didn’t care about what was happening only how he made her feel. He picked up what looked to be a book and walked to the desk in the room.  Locating her dress, she grabbed it and dashed for the bathroom, slamming the door, making sure it was close from the inside. 

She stared at the disheveled person looking back at her in the mirror in disbelief. Her eyes were glassy. Her curly hair was a riot. Her oval face was flush, but the most surprising were her lips. They were swollen, almost bruised from being kiss. She grabbed onto the counter for balance as if someone had punched her in the gut.

She was beginning to regret going to the dining room for dinner, that she hadn’t played with fire. So much for the second time, being slow and sensual. She should have dined in and finish her book.

“Ugh,” she shook her head, trying to make sense of the mess she had created.

The slamming of the door took her from her musing. She splashed some water on her face, pulled the dress on and carefully opened the door. He was gone, but her shoes and clutch were on the bed. He must have found them. She went to grab her things when she noticed the piece of paper on her bag. It was a note he had hastily scribbled.

“Hope this covers everything. Let yourself out, I have my key.”

This, was a cheque. She didn’t bother looking at the amount. Stunned, she grabbed her things and left the room.  Did he think he could buy her off to placate his damn conscience? “Think again Ash whoever the hell you are. You can take your cheque and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. I can’t be bought.” She said entering her room.

She paced across the room, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She rarely got angry at people. As the anger drained from her body, shame and guilt took over. What would her mother think? What would everyone she knew thinks of her?  Thank God she didn’t have to worry about seeing him again because she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t try to do him bodily harm.

“Thank you for the damn Dear Jane note you prick,” the one time she decided to be spontaneous everything went to hell. So much for nothing bad can happen.




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