Backstage (The Barter System Book 4) (30 page)

BOOK: Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)
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He leaned on the table and crossed his forearms. “I’d say you’re dead-on.  How do you do that, Teddy?”

Her laugh was full.  “I told you, I’m an avid people watcher.  I work with food all the time, more than others do.  I pay attention to what people eat and what sort of personality they have.  It’s just a little thing.”

“What’s your favorite food?”  He was genuinely curious.

She laughed and it sank into his belly more firmly than the excellent meal they’d consumed.  “Meatloaf, yet we could not
more opposite.” 

To Madeline and Mikayla, she said, “I’m going to head home.”

“You’re leaving?” they said simultaneously.

“Yes.  I’ll take a cab.  Enjoy time with your family.”

The three women stood and exchanged hugs then Teddy walked around the table and kissed the Zelder brother’s on their cheeks before doing the same to his mother. 

“I had such a lovely time.  Thank you so much for dinner and fantastic company.  I’ll see you at the show tomorrow night.” With that, she gave everyone a small wave and made her way carefully to the exit. 

Kiefer frowned.  “Are we
going to let her get home alone when she’s been drinkin’?” He knew his voice was too loud and the others looked at him in surprise.  “This isn’t Owasso.” 

Mikayla stared at him with a confused expression.  “She’s lived in the city since birth.  She wasn’t wasted and the cab will take her to her door.” 

Standing, he said, “That isn’t good enough.  Love y’all and I’ll see you back at the hotel.” 

His tone left no one any room to argue.  Then he took long strides to catch up with the small caterer before she got away.







Chapter Six


Theodora was just opening the door of the cab when she heard Kiefer shout her name.  She turned to see him pulling on his jacket as he cleared the exit. 

“Theodora!  Wait!”  He ran for the cab and couldn’t hide her confusion.  “I need to know you got home safe.  Is that okay?”

“I’ll be fine, you know.  My house isn’t far.”

“I’d sleep better knowin’ you were inside with the door locked.  Too many episodes of
Law & Order
, maybe.” She liked that he was naturally protective of women.  “I’ll ride with you and have the cab drop me at my hotel.”

“Thank you, Kiefer.  I don’t want to be a bother.”  They climbed in the back of the cab and she gave the driver her address.  “Tell me about your business.”

“I’d rather tell you about something else, Teddy.”  It was the last thing she expected him to say.  “It’s my
, the one I don’t give a fair chance because it isn’t masculine enough to fit with the person I’ve always shown my friends and family.”

“The secret ingredient…”

He smiled and her stomach tightened.  “Exactly.  My business is classic cars.  I love them and I’m good at renovatin’ and repairin’ them…but it isn’t what I’m passionate to do.”

Breathlessly, she asked, “What do you really want to do?” 

“On the outside, I’m the fuckin’ and fightin’ type.  When I see an old woman on a park bench, all I can think about is takin’ her picture.” 

He didn’t look directly at her.  He cleared his throat and kept his eyes on the windshield and beyond.  She could tell the topic was one that made him feel incredibly vulnerable. 

“Photography?  That’s wonderful, Kiefer.” 

When they slowed on her street and pulled to the curb, he took in the narrow but lovely house.  “Do you really think so?” 

She nodded and told him sincerely, “I’d love to see your photos.” 

For a long moment, the silence drew out between them.  Then he met her eyes and offered cautiously, “I store them online.” 

There was no doubt that he was talking about more than viewing his photography and she smiled.  “Come in. I’ll make coffee.”  He paid the cab driver and stepped out, putting his hand out to assist her.  “Your family has the loveliest manners.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Kiefer nodded.  “Our mama beat them into us.”

“I’m telling her you said that.”

“Feel free.  Ask her about the two-by-four she used.  That woman is sweet as sugar until you forget to take your hat off at the table.” 

They were laughing together as she found her key and led him up the few steps to the door.  The moment she pushed it open to the foyer, Kiefer looked around, as excited as a little boy. 

“This place is like something out of a movie.  How old is it?” 

“It was built around 1890.  It’s been updated over the years for modern conveniences and safety but it’s been kept as close to the original home as possible.”  She met his eyes.  “I’m glad you like it.” 

“I love it.  We have some houses this old out in Oklahoma but nothing built this way.  It’s so narrow.” 

“My mother lives on this floor.  I had it fully converted into a mini apartment so she had everything she needed close by.”  She watched as he ran his hand along the doorframe.  “How about a tour?”

The way his eyes lit up made her chuckle.  “We’ll start on the top floor.” 

They walked up the stairs and Kiefer didn’t hide the fact that he was checking out her ass.  Finally, she paused and turned to him with her brow arched.  He grinned and gave her a small shrug.  Snickering, she kept climbing to the third floor above street level. 

“There are two bedrooms on this floor.  My cousins stay here when they’re home from school.  There’s a bathroom and a little sitting area.  It’s quiet without the two of them here.  Madeline and Mikayla remind me of them, actually.” 

He walked the rooms, commenting on various aspects that she’d always taken for granted.  He loved the wainscoting, the windows, and the hardwood floors.  Only when he’d taken it all in did she descend to the floor below. 

“This is the main living space.  There’s a small bathroom, kitchen, formal dining room, and living room.” 

He loved the built-in cabinets and mosaic tiles around the fireplace.  “Is this all original?”  He ran the tips of his fingers over a crystal doorknob.

“Most of it is but we’ve had to replace a few small things.”

“This isn’t your kitchen?”  Theodora liked that he intuited such a detail and she shook her head.  “Then that’s the space I’d love to see.”

“Follow me.” 

Returning to the first floor, she opened a narrow door with stairs that lead down.  Flipping a switch, ambient light filled the stairwell and small pin lights showed each step.  They’d been installed by Isaiah after she experienced a fall when her eyes lost focus.

It was clear within thirty seconds that Kiefer was impressed as he examined her home.  She didn’t bother to hide her pride.

“This is compact yet functional and beautiful, Teddy.” 

“Thanks.”  She gestured to her desk.  “The computer will wake up when you touch the mouse.  I’ll make coffee.” 

A few minutes later, she carried a small tray over as he signed into his online photo storage.  He looked up and smiled at the cups of coffee alongside a small plate of assorted pastries. 

“You already know me so well.” 

Laughing, she waited for him to get up so she could sit down.  “It’s been more than an hour since you ate.  I figured you’d be hungry again.”  As the first photo filled the screen, she added absently, “There’s more food in the kitchen if you want it…” 

He didn’t answer but moved to stand behind her chair.  She could feel him watching her face as she scrolled through hundreds of photos that stole her breath.  Every few seconds, she would sigh or murmur her thoughts but there wasn’t a single picture that wasn’t impactful. 

“Oh my god, Kiefer.  These are just…I can’t believe you aren’t following this dream full-time.  Who have you shown these to?”  Glancing up, she saw the answer in his expression.  “No one?  You’ve
shown your photography to anyone?” 

“I never trusted anyone with it.  I didn’t want people who knew me to laugh.” 

Stunned and saddened that he’d held such a crucial part of himself at bay for so long, Theodora returned to the photos.  She tried not to read too much into the fact that she was the first person to see this side of a man who fascinated her on many levels. 

She scrolled over a subfolder titled
Self Portraits
and he dove for the mouse.  He was clearly embarrassed.  “You don’t want to see those, it was me messin’ around for a collage I was doin’ for my mom.  Then an ex-girlfriend wanted some pics and it became a monster.” 

Lifting her brow, she maintained eye contact until he sighed and let go.  “I promise not to judge.”

“Makes me look vain and ridiculous.  Especially all in one file.  I sure didn’t think you’d get through all the other photos.  I figured you’d get bored after a couple dozen.” 

“Bored, yeah, right.” 

She opened the file and her eyes widened at a close up of his face in profile.  Everything was done in black and white.  Clicking through them one by one, her heart rate and breathing rose steadily. 

Several shots of his body in different poses showed how sculpted and beautiful he was whether he was fully dressed or wearing almost nothing.  There were some of his isolated facial features or him looking over his shoulder.  In the last three photos, he wore nothing but boxer briefs and the images made her swallow hard. 

“You are in
shape, Kiefer.”  She realized he was crouched at her side and turned her head.  “There’s nothing vain about these photos.  You should be proud.  They’re beautiful and tasteful.” 

He put down his coffee cup and cupped the side of her face in his large hand.  “You are a truly spectacular woman, Teddy.” 

“Thank you.”  She reached up to place her hand over his.  “I find you pretty incredible, too.”  Stroking down to his wrist, she loved the feel of his skin and the strong bones beneath it.  “You don’t have to be afraid.  I can see in your eyes that you’re uncertain about keeping things casual.  Don’t over-think it, Kiefer.  I’d like to know the things I imagine you can show me.  I accept the terms.” 

Turning the desk chair, he went to his knees between her legs.  As he stared into her eyes, she
she was going to fall in love with Kiefer.  If she was honest, she was already halfway there.  He was so different from any man she’d ever known and when he left, when their time together was over, it was going to hurt.

She didn’t care about how she’d feel a day or a week or a month from now.  She didn’t care if this single night was all she’d have with him. 

It was worth it.

He carefully lifted her glasses away and placed them on her desk.  “Can you see without them?” 

“I’m also wearing contacts.  I can see alright.”

Then his hand went into her hair as he gathered her closer with his other arm.  It was the first time a man had touched her soft torso that she didn’t stiffen in embarrassment over her imperfections. 

Even knowing that she was the complete opposite of the kind of women he probably dated, she reminded herself that, at this moment, he chose to be with

He lightly licked across the line of her lips and groaned as she parted them.  His tongue slipped inside, licking and stroking against her.  She sighed at the lovely sensation and his arm tightened. 

She wanted to touch him so badly that her palms itched with need.  Giving herself permission, she smoothed her fingers up his arms to his shoulders, kneading the muscles there.  Stroking into the hair at the base of his neck, tugging at the strands, she was fascinated by the softness. 

His hand moved up her back to her shoulder, massaging her with firm hands as he went.  She enjoyed how much he liked to touch.   

Leaning back, he smiled as he took the clips from her hair.  She felt the curls fall around her face and loved the way he held her gaze as his fingers stroked through them. 

He kissed her again before standing and lifting her to her feet.  She was surprised when he led her to the couch rather than the bed.  More when he pulled her down until she was sitting on his lap. 

Strong arms wrapped around her and he stared up into her face.  It gave her the opportunity to take in his impeccable features up close. 

For almost a minute, she traced him with the tips of her fingers.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful man up close.” 

“Men have it stupidly easy.  We might worry about beer bellies and recedin’ hair lines but women worry about every little thing from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes.”  He kissed her lips lightly as he hugged her.  “You have the most captivatin’ eyes and flawless skin.  Your curves have kept me awake the last few nights.”  Kiefer stroked his hand over her shoulder and down her arms.  “Men
curves, Teddy.  You may not like them on yourself but I love them.  You are soft and silky…absolutely beautiful.”

No one in her lifetime had ever catalogued her physical attributes in such a positive way and it shoved her fully over the emotional precipice for a man who would not stay. 

“Thank you, Kiefer.”

He lowered her slowly to her back on the couch.  She watched him remove her boots and then his own.  Then he surprised her again by settling over her body with both of them fully clothed. 

She felt the hardness of his cock between her legs and sucked in air sharply with a small moan.  He gently pressed closer. 

“I’m hard for you.  I’ve
hard for you.” 

The sensations combined with the words made her whimper as Kiefer turned his focus to kissing her senseless.  He was the first man to
make out
with her, just kissing and touching, as if time didn’t matter.  As if the most important part wasn’t the orgasm but the journey.

It was a unique experience.

His hands never stopped moving.  The fingers of the arm that held most of his weight were in her hair.  The other stroked over her torso as far as he could reach.  When it moved beneath the soft fabric of her sweater and his palm came in direct contact with her skin, her hips rocked of their own volition.

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