Backstage (The Barter System Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)
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“Yup.  Little as in inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.  You survived a terrible accident.  You’re still here.  That’s something to be proud of…being alive.”

Her reasoning confused him.  Looking across the space, he watched as a photographer snapped after-show pics of the cast before they changed out of costume.  “She’s so beautiful.”  Remembering they were twins, he gave her a half smile.  “Both of you are, I mean.” 

“It’s telling that you forgot she was a twin.  It speaks well of how you see her.  Thank you for the compliment.”  She tilted her head.  “You’re incredibly attractive, Isaiah.”  He visibly twitched and she shrugged.  “Where we come from, chicks dig scars.  Most men have them.  Hell,
have them as a result of years spent living tomboy life.” 

Madeline lifted her chin.  “See this?  This scar was originally three inches across.  I was thrown from my horse.  I think it gives you character.  You and your brother are gorgeous.”  Looking at her sister laughing with the cast and mugging for the photographer, she added, “I promise you, Mikayla doesn’t even see it.  She sees
, not the scar.”

If that was true, life as he knew it could change entirely.

Two reporters approached and Linn discreetly held the back of his belt when he would have walked away.  “Thank you for coming.  This is Isaiah Zelder, the stage manager and miracle worker.  Without him, we’d have never pulled off the night.” 

At one time, Isaiah was recognizable by sight to most members of the local press.  “You’ve been a recluse for some time now, Mr. Zelder.  How’d you get the scar?”

Madeline replied without hesitation, “Running with the bulls in Madrid.  It was all very romantic.” 

A few minutes later, she explained it to another reporter as, “A terrible fencing accident with Prince Abdul from the lower provinces.” 

To a local radio personality, she whispered, “He was mauled by a grizzly during his trek across the Rockies.  He saved two hikers and you should have seen the bear.”

By the time Mikayla glanced around to find them in the crowd, Isaiah was speechless.  She worked her way around the room, her eyes on him with a huge smile on her face.  A few feet away, she ran and jumped at him.  Catching her, holding her tight, was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. 

The way she
at him made his heart pound.

Her fingers stroked his face and through his hair.  She seemed unaware of the looks they were getting until a reporter cleared his throat. 

The man asked a few initial questions before Kayla introduced Isaiah as the brilliant stage manager who had magic in his hands.  When he asked bluntly about the scar, Kayla narrowed her eyes for a moment before saying flippantly, “Undercover op, not allowed to discuss it.  Suffice it to say the world is a safer place.”  Unsure how to respond, he wandered away looking confused. 

Meeting his eyes, Mikayla whispered, “I like you holding me.”

“I like holding you.” 

She kept her hands in his hair or on his face constantly, petting him and staring at him as if there was nowhere else she wanted to be.  He didn’t understand it but he’d take it as long as she offered.  After another fifteen minutes of talking to reporters and several photos taken of them together, she grinned.

“Am I getting too heavy?”


“Good.”  Then she kissed him full on the mouth, her arms wrapping around his neck and holding as much of him as she could.  He tightened his hold, desperate to touch her everywhere.  Against his lips, she said, “I have to change.  Come with me.” 

Madeline stepped up beside them, one hand on her hip.  She put an end to her sister’s plans. 

“Change and return immediately.  We have to make an appearance at the party
you can molest the poor man. 
Do not get distracted.
  Meet me back here in ten minutes, Kayla.  I’m
kidding.  I have a limo taking all of us to the hotel.” 

With another fierce look, Linn returned to circulating through the crowd. 

Mikayla stuck out her tongue.  She mumbled, “No fun…you are
no fun
, Linny!”

Delivering one more kiss and a heavy sigh, she let go of Isaiah’s neck so he could put her down.  He was surprised when she took his hand. 


“Not letting you out of my sight yet.  I can be good.”  She led him to her dressing room and closed the door behind them.  He was shocked at how neat it was and told her so. 

“Our family will be here for our official opening night.  If my mama sees I’m being a slob, she’ll kill me.”  With a shrug, she added, “I like things neat though.  It lessens stress.”

Turning her back, she lifted her hair out of the way and he lowered the zipper of the dress.  Shrugging it from her shoulders, she stepped out, hung it up, and stood before him wearing nothing but a tiny nude thong and heels.  He worried he might swallow his tongue. 

“Don’t say it.  I can’t wear regular underthings in that dress.  They’d show on stage.”  At the look on his face, she blushed.  “I figured we’ve already had sex.  It’s a little late for me to act modest.”

He had difficulty forming words.  Her body fully naked was more beautiful than he’d realized by feel.  She stood almost six-feet tall in the heels so he put her around five-seven in bare feet.  She was defined and snug, from her lovely breasts tipped with pink nipples to her taut ass. 

She moved around pulling on black boy shorts and a matching bra that pushed her breasts together.  Jeans, heeled boots, and a scooped neck black sweater went on quickly and efficiently. 

“I’ve never had such a reaction to watching someone put clothes

She laughed.  At her vanity, she used a wipe to clean all traces of stage makeup from her face.  When it was bare, she carefully applied moisturizer and a clear lip-gloss.  She ran a brush through her hair and turned to him with a smile.  “Done.”


“Thank you.”

in your twenties, right?”  She looked much younger without the makeup.

“Almost twenty-eight.”  Her smile was radiant.  “How old are you?” 

“Thirty-six.”  He took her in from head to toe.  “I feel every one of those years right now.”

“You’re gorgeous.”  Stepping closer, she winked.  “Huge bonus, you’re still taller than me
my heels and I’m always in heels.  Unless I’m running or hiking, I like to do the girly thing.” 

“You do it well.”  Isaiah was still.  Every part of him wanted to crawl all over her.

That she recognized it was surprising.  “You’re holding back.  I think you want to be aggressive but you’re worried about how I’ll take it.  Your control is what tags you as an alpha male, Isaiah.  I like that about you.  I’m going to try to jump you every ten minutes so feel free to do the same.” 

me to be aggressive?”

“I bet you’re used to dainty flower types, huh?  Girls who always wanted to be a princess or some shit.  I’m not like that at all.”  Her expression was adorable.  “I think I’ll be a good change of pace for you.”

“You already are.”

“I’m not fragile.  I’m a strong personality and I know you are, too.”  Leaning closer, she whispered, “Get rid of that leash you’ve put on yourself.  You don’t need it with me.”

A low growl was the only warning he gave before he grabbed her, pressed her against the nearest wall, and claimed her mouth hungrily.  They bit and licked at one another as he lifted her with his hands gripping the muscles of her ass. 

Her legs went around his waist and she crossed her ankles at his low back.  Their hands fisted in each other’s hair, holding tight.  He ground into her and wanted to climb in her body.  The low moan that escaped her sent chills up his spine. 

There was nothing he wanted more than to make her come. 

He lowered her feet to the floor and boxed her in.  Deftly unsnapping her jeans with one hand, Isaiah slid the other over her abdomen and down into her panties. 

“I need to feel you come on my hand.  To give you a moment of pleasure after how hard you worked.”  He stroked over her clit with his thumb, tracing two fingers down her moist cleft and into her pussy.  She arched against him with a gasp.  “So wet.  God, how I want you.” 

“We can make time.” Her voice was breathy and rough, ending on a hard exhale.

“You had a quickie the first time.  You deserve more.  The next time I have my cock in your body, we’re going to slow things down.  I plan to take all the time necessary to truly appreciate you.” 

Using his other hand, he shoved her sweater up her torso and sucked her nipple through the thin fabric of her bra.  Moving to the other, he didn’t stop until both were hard and distended. 

“Don’t stop…”

“Such responsive breasts, Kayla.  I’m going to give them plenty of attention later.”  She rocked into his hand, her lower lip between her teeth.  “You want to come.  Your pussy is tightening around my fingers.”  He made small circles over the bundle of nerves that was slick and swollen. 

The strength of his thrusts inside her didn’t slow as she pulled his mouth to hers for a kiss.  He let her take what she needed, her hips rocking against the pressure he offered. 

Putting his mouth at her ear, her breaths panted warmly against his cheek.  “I’m not going to let myself come for a long time so I can feel you tighten around me again and again.  I won’t take you soft.  I’m taking you hard, pounding into you until you don’t remember your name.” 

”  She gasped and arched her hips forcefully into his hand, coming with her mouth pressed against his shoulder to muffle the sounds of her release. 

He stroked her past the climax until he felt her muscle tension begin to ease.  “I love watching you come.  I’ve never wanted anyone as much.”

“Please let me have your cock.”  She cupped her palm over the ridge beneath the denim, stroking firmly.  He was amazed that he didn’t immediately lose control.  “You’re so hard.  I want you in my mouth.”  Her hands moved to the closure of his jeans while he kissed the breath from her body.

There was a light tap on the dressing room door and both of them went still and silent. 

Madeline’s voice pulled them from the cocoon they’d created and Kayla whimpered in frustration.  “Mikayla,
!  Let that man get some air and come on.”  She waited ten seconds.  “I’m
leaving.  You know better.  I’ll wait right here until you two get in the damn car.”

Staring into Isaiah’s eyes, she called, “Can I have ten more minutes?” 

“Absolutely not.  We’re already fashionably late.  Get in the car.” 

“Don’t do this to me,” she groaned.  “One minute.”

“I’m walking a few feet away and counting that minute down, Sissy.”

Mikayla lightly banged her head against the wall with her eyes clenched shut.  Finally, they fluttered open and she stared at him.  “Tell me we’ll finish this later?” 

He nodded, barely controlling the urge of every cell that wanted
her immediately.  “Yes.”

“Don’t forget the theme, Isaiah.” 

Not a chance in hell. 
She kissed him thoroughly, let him go, and straightened her clothing.  Her smile was grim as she pulled him to the door and flung it open, glaring at her sister. 

“Madeline, you have the

“Stop whining.  You can climb him like a jungle gym later.  Hustle your ass to the damn car.”


Chapter Seven


Madeline laughingly led the way to the rear exit.  “Put ice on your mouth on the way to the hotel.  Did you have to eat at each other right before
?  My lord, don’t scare him.” 

Mikayla snickered, not ashamed in the slightest.

Isaiah checked his phone and was happy to see the message that the theater was empty and being cleaned.  Then he forgot about the business, his crew, or anything but the woman who took his hand as if she’d been taking it for years.  He curled his fingers around her smaller ones.

They climbed into the stretch limo and he was surprised to see that the primary cast members were already inside. 

Mikayla frowned.  “Where’s Theodora?” 

Not for the first time, Isaiah was glad the sisters genuinely liked one of his favorite people in the world.

“Already left with a couple of the guys.”  Madeline filled a handkerchief with ice.  “You know I always check.  When I heard the menu she prepared, I almost went with her.”  Quirking her brow as she handed her sister the ice, she added, “I knew I had to babysit you or you’d have never made it.”


“Hag.  Put that on your mouth.”  She smoothed Kayla’s hair and asked, “Did you eat anything at all?”

“I didn’t get the chance.  Theodora will take care of me.”

Ezra sat at the other end and smiled at the three of them.  “Glad you managed to make it.”

Taking away the ice, she made a growly sound.  “I was on my
.”  Picking up Isaiah’s hand, she settled it over her thigh.  “I was

His brother chuckled.  “I was happy to wait.”

Clucking her teeth, Linn told his brother, “Don’t encourage her, Ezra.  Give her an inch…”

“I’ll take
,” Mikayla quipped saucily and Isaiah felt his face heat as his brother laughed loudly.  She glanced up and winked.  “Sorry, it was too easy.”  In a loud whisper, she added, “Also…true.”

Surprised that she was capable of making a man like him blush, he murmured, “Speechless.  Again.”

She grinned and reapplied the ice as she gazed around at the other cast members.  Some were staring and he knew it was obvious that she’d been making out with the older Zelder no one in their troupe had met before. 

While a few of her fellow actors gave Isaiah welcoming – if confused – smiles, there were a couple of girls who were going to make him regret getting himself in this situation.  They were the same two that screamed
when Mikayla received the lead role. 

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