Backstage (The Barter System Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)
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One of them was far too thin and raked her fingers through her hair to draw attention to her body.  “You plan to slum after every performance, Mikayla or were you just particularly hard up tonight?”

Slowly lowering the ice, she leaned forward on the seat.  “Diana, try not to be a jealous witch…again.  For your information, I normally abstain from men since most are conniving shits in my personal experience but when presented with gourmet fare after years of starvation, I tend to follow my gut.”

Her smile spread but her eyes were sparking.  “All positive things and you won’t ruin my buzz.”  She settled against the seat and lifted Isaiah’s arm around her shoulders, snuggling in comfortably. 

Snidely, the other woman said, “Figures you’d pick up one of the
.  Awesome standards.”

“You should have introduced yourself like a grown woman.  Diana Moshlin, this is Isaiah Zelder.  Isaiah, one of the dancers.”  As the name registered, Diana gave him a careful inspection, her calculation obvious.  She wouldn’t be the first woman to try to fuck her way to success.

Kayla tilted her head.  “Really?  Right in front of me?”

Rolling her eyes, she mumbled, “You’re
white trash.” 

“Hmm…it would be wise for you to stop talking.  Your ignorance bubbles out of your mouth in a way that is intensely unattractive and we country girls fight like men.”

“Is that a threat?”

Madeline sat forward and said sharply, “That’s a promise, Diana.  Keep provoking my sister and see what happens.  I’ve seen her knock a grown man on his ass with one shot.”

The viper hissed, “Were the two of you fucking raised by wolves?” 

“Seriously, no class.  At all,” her little friend added.

The twins’ eyes widened, they leaned forward slowly, and said simultaneously, “Did you just say something about our

Every person in the limo went still. 

Isaiah said firmly, “No.” 

Glancing at the two other actresses, he made himself clear.  “You’ve made it personal.  Continue with your immature behavior and you won’t find a theater willing to put up with your brand of bullshit in the tri-state area.  I personally guarantee you’ll be lucky to do dinner theater at a retirement community in Florida.”  He made his voice hard.  “Grow up or find another line of work.”

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that he didn’t make threats.  The twins were bristling and it was easy to see the formidable team they made in more than theater. 

“Mikayla.”  She glanced back at him and he said gently, “Come here.” 

Exhaling roughly, she settled back against the seat and Madeline narrowed her eyes before doing the same.  Across the limo, Ezra’s eyes were on the playwright and his hunger for her was obvious. 

As he watched, he observed Madeline’s for Ezra in return.

They spent the rest of the ride discussing the results of the night.  Things everyone thought had gone well and small changes they needed to make for the next performance.  Other than the two women who’d stepped over the line, the cast gushed about Mikayla’s performance.

“Linn was positively brilliant.  Did you see the audience when you stripped off the old woman disguise and came out as yourself?  They went crazy.”

“People just have a weird thing about twins.” 

“Bullshit.  You might prefer writing and directing, but you were on point.  Ezra, what did you think?” 

Drawn into the conversation, he chose his words carefully.  “Outstanding.  I was beyond impressed.”  Winking at Madeline, he added, “You were right from day one.  Great job.”

“Thank you, Ezra.” 

The two of them stared at each other for a long moment and Mikayla glanced back and forth between them before she bumped her sister’s shoulder.  Breaking eye contact, Madeline assumed her public smile and her twin snorted.

“You are a
better actress than I realized and I knew you were damn good.”

Smoothing her hair, Madeline murmured, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah right.  I’ve been distracted.  It’s the only reason you got it past me.  Payback, sister.  It’s a thing and you know something I’m particularly good at delivering.”

“Isaiah looks like he could use another kiss.  What do you think?”  One of Linn’s brows lifted. 

“Dirty fighter.  More later.”  Then Mikayla leaned up with a smile before planting a loud smack on his lips followed by several smaller ones.  “She now knows my weakness and will use it unmercifully.  I’m afraid you’ll be caught in the middle of our ongoing battle for supremacy.”

“If this is the outcome, allow me to offer myself as a target.”  The twins laughed happily. 

Tension broken, by the time they were pulling to the curb in front of the hotel, the mood was back to being relaxed and friendly. 

Reporters and fans waited along the entry to get photos.  The rest of the cast piled out as the driver held the door.  When the Johannsons moved to do the same, Isaiah motioned for the man to close it.  The twins looked confused.

“You’re the buzz and you get out last.  Make them wait a minute.”

They nodded but their nerves were obvious.  It was the first time they’d shown their vulnerability about making their way in the Big Apple.

Isaiah inhaled carefully and glanced at his brother who gave him a smile of encouragement.  For years, he’d strictly hidden, refusing public exposure in any way.  Not only had he stepped from the shadows, he’d done it with a play – and a woman – that was going to be all the rage. 

Once he got out of the limo, there would be no putting the genie back in the bottle.  His scarred face would be plastered all over every media source within hours.

A warm hand slipped inside his.  He glanced down into Mikayla’s smiling face.  “You’ve got this.”  Stroking her palm along his neck, her fingers petted him, and she pulled him to her for a light kiss he didn’t realize he needed until he received it. 

When she broke it, she whispered at his ear, “You are strong and beautiful, Isaiah.”

He hugged her hard and nodded to his brother.  Ezra stepped out and stood to the side, as did Isaiah.  Flashes went off everywhere and he masked his reaction by reaching back to take Mikayla’s hand while Ezra assisted Madeline. 

The sisters stood still for a moment, terrified, and Isaiah thought they resembled a young Audrey Hepburn.  Squeezing Mikayla’s hand, she glanced up and he said, “You’ve got this.”

With a small smile, she replied, “You’re right.  Let’s get this over with.”

The reporters called out questions and photographers clicked away.  Isaiah could feel Mikayla trembling where his hand was settled at her low back. 

It took time to traverse the twenty feet between the curb and the door to the hotel but they didn’t rush.  The brothers positioned the twins between them, using their years in the theater business to determine whom they should speak to for the best benefit to the play. 

For the first time in a long time, Isaiah regretted not wearing a suit.  He wouldn’t make the same mistake the next time Mikayla needed to appear in public. 

As long as she wanted him by her side, he’d step back into a role he’d abandoned but that had once been comfortable.  He would officially reclaim his position as the oldest heir to the Zelder fortune. 

Theirs was a name that was synonymous with real estate, the New York theater scene, and various business interests over the past century.  It was a legacy passed through three generations of their family – a family that had dwindled over the last two decades. 

He and his brother were the last to carry the Zelder name. 

The Grove branch of the family fared better, with many members living well into their nineties, and producing multiple children.  Theodora’s grandmother was the youngest sister of the original Zelder siblings. 

Her marriage for
to a lowly painter had shocked her parents back in the twenties.  While the Groves never attained great wealth on their own, they had filled their home with laughter and an eccentric way of life that had fascinated Isaiah and Ezra when they were children.  Their greatest asset would always be the family they created. 

There was a time when he’d taken his responsibility as the eldest Zelder seriously.  It had been the most important thing in his life. 

After the accident, he assumed it would be Ezra who would supply the next generation to carry on the name, learn about their heritage, and undertake management of the Zelder holdings. 

was different. 

Though he’d only been interacting personally…intimately with Mikayla for a handful of hours, it didn’t mean Isaiah hadn’t noticed her, wanted her, and admired her for far longer. 

As he watched her support her sister’s play, shyly accept compliments on her performance, and keep him physically close as if he provided something crucial that she needed, he knew nothing would keep him from making her his except her rejection.

The Johannson sisters charmed the press.  Their classic looks, sweet accents, talent, and genuine kindness shone brightly on the red carpet. 

It might be their first night in the public eye but it would be far from the last. 


Chapter Eight


Finally reaching the lobby, the sisters were visibly shaking.  Madeline whispered, “I didn’t know they’d be so
.  I’m glad that’s done.” 

“Some of those guys will ask anything and they don’t even blush.”  Mikayla fanned her face.  “I swear I was blushing
them.”  She looked up at Isaiah with a big smile.  “Thank you for steering us away from the
type reporters.”

“You’ll only speak to legitimate sources.  I give you my word.”  She wrapped both her hands around one of his and he noticed she was chilled.  “You okay?”

“When I’m on stage, I can forget the audience is there.  The lights are so bright and I pretend the sounds they make are a track.  People think because I’m friendly that I don’t have a sense of privacy.  I’m actually
private.”  He stroked her cheek with his knuckles and she turned to kiss them.

Taking a deep breath, Madeline nodded. “That one guy asked me what color
I was wearing.  I wanted to tell him it was none of his damn
and go wash his mouth out with soap.  Unreal.”

Ezra placed her hand in the crook of his arm and she slid her other palm over his bicep.  “It isn’t any of his business and you have to always be on guard that reporters don’t trick you or goad you into answering without thought.  Both of you did very well.”

“Thank you both for helping.  It would have been incredibly overwhelming if we’d had to do that alone.  Mikayla probably would have gotten into a fight.”

“I don’t like the way they act as if I’m for sale.  Tickets are for sale.  I’m not.”  Mikayla closed her eyes.  “What else do we have to do?”

Madeline reached out to cup her sister’s cheek.  “I know you’re tired.  Let’s get this party over with and you can rest.  You’ve been going non-stop for months.”

“So have you.”  She touched her cheek to Linn’s.  “Let’s find Theodora.  Neither of us have eaten today and it’s making me moody.  Her food will make me less of a bitch.”  Leaning back, she cleared her throat.  “By the way, I’m sorry I got into it with Diana and her little friend whose name I can never remember.  I don’t like her but I was unprofessional.”

Shaking her head, Madeline answered, “It’s been coming.  I should have stepped in before tonight.”

“It won’t be a problem anymore or I’ll handle it personally,” Isaiah assured them.

Surprisingly, Mikayla shook her head.  “You can’t get involved at this level.  Your reputation is far more exposed than mine and I won’t have you risking it by refereeing our petty bullshit.  Just…if I get arrested, will you find me a
good attorney?”

He threw his head back and laughed loudly before gathering her close and kissing her quickly.  “I’ll hire the best in the country because the thought of you becoming a prison kingpin terrifies me.”

So caught up in the first woman to make him
in so long, he didn’t see the emotional expression on his brother’s face.  The touch of Mikayla’s arms wrapping tightly around him was his total focus.  In her heels, she rested her head comfortably on his shoulder. 

“Food.  Oh my god, I need

The foursome made their way to the ballroom reserved by one of the Zelders’ favorite charities that focused on the needs of children and the poor without access to medical care.  The men who were the face of the foundation came across the room to greet them. 

Ezra made formal introductions.  “Micah Chadwick, Max Scottsdale.  This is Madeline and Mikayla Johannson.”

“That’s a lot of M’s in one breath.  Well done, Ezra!”  Mikayla laughed and the sisters shook hands.

Isaiah held his breath.  The two lifelong friends were easily the most physically attractive men he’d ever seen – despite almost twenty years in the theater among the professionally beautiful. 

They were also British, wealthy, and naturally charming.

The sisters smiled politely and Madeline told them, “I love what you’ve done with the foundation.  Thank you for making us part of it.”

Max gave her a broad smile and Isaiah internally groaned at the way it ramped up his physical attributes.  “An excellent play and performances from both of you.  If that’s what you pulled off for your first live performance, you’re in for much success.”

“Brilliant.  Few things make me laugh anymore.”  Micah seemed more withdrawn than the last time the Zelders saw them in person.  Isaiah hadn’t been scarred then.

Mikayla tilted her head and said gently, “I hope that changes for you soon, Mr. Chadwick.  Life isn’t worth much without love and laughter.” 

The more reserved of the two men, Micah gave her a small smile.  “You’re right.  Please call me Micah.”  Turning to Isaiah, they shook hands.  “Glad to see you out again, mate.  It’s been too long.”  He nodded at the scar.  “The pain of healing must have been brutal.”

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