Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (6 page)

Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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“You nervous, babe?”  I ask Jenna as she stands in her kitchen, fidgeting.

“What? No.  I, uh, I have something to tell you.  I mean, show you,” she rambles.


“Okay, come with me.”  She takes my hand and begins leading me through her house toward the back.

Life has been good the last three months.  Things have been going steady with Jenna and me.  Things at the club are good.  Life is just good, in general.  And, it’s been a long fucking time since I’ve been able to say life is good for me.

This afternoon, we’re leaving on a charity run and Jenna’s coming along for the ride.  It’s only a short one – we’re riding from Friday to Monday, so I thought she might have been acting a little strange because of nerves.  She’s spent a bit of time on my bike over the last few months, but because she works five days a week, it hasn’t been nearly enough for my liking.  If it were up to me, her ass would be planted on my bike twenty-four/seven.

She pauses short of opening the back door.

“Don’t be mad, okay.  I just . . . I wanted to do something.”

“What did you do?” I rumble.

She doesn’t answer.  Instead, she opens the door and leads me across the lawn, stopping beneath a shady tree in the corner of her yard.  I look down and my heart fucking
.  It explodes right out of my chest.  My hand drops hers as I reach up to rub the ache in my chest away.

“Fuck,” I gasp.

“I’m sorry.  Oh, shit.  I’m so sorry.  I just wanted to do something nice for you.  I’m sorry,” her rushed words trail off as her voice gets a quiver in it.

“Don’t fuckin’ apologize. 
,” I tell her fiercely.  “This,” I pause and clear my throat, my emotions threatening to takeover.  “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.  Thank you.”

I pull her into my arms and together, we both stand in silence, our eyes on the beautiful memorial that my woman made for my unborn child.

A small circle of white rocks encases a larger white rock in the center.  On that, is a brass plaque with the words,
Angel Cruz.  Always loved.
  There are some angel ornaments and little clay cherubs placed around, decorating the area.  Bright plastic butterflies add color, along with a small bunch of flowers.

“There’s something else.”  She pulls out of my arms and walks over behind the tree.  Unhooking two balloons from the branches, she hands me one.

“I thought we could let these balloons go, and with them, you could let go of your guilt.”  Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she nervously awaits my reaction.

“I think that’s a great idea, baby.”  I need to let the guilt go.  It’s been gnawing at me ever since I found out what Amber did.  I’ve constantly felt like I let my child down.  Jenna’s been good at reminding me that Amber is at fault, not me.  But, I need to let it go, once and for all.

“My wedding ring?”  My eyebrow cocks as I spy the flimsy gold band tied to the end of the ribbon that’s attached to the balloon.

Jenna shrugs and smiles.  “I thought it would be good to let it all go,” she says by way of explanation.

“You’re prefect,” I tell her.  Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her softly.

I pull back and look up into the bright, clear Alabama day.  The sun is shining down, warming my face as a cool breeze blows through.

I let go.

I let go of everything. 

The guilt, the pain, the disappointment, the struggle, the sadness . . .

I let go of it all.

fucking finally
, the weight of the world releases itself from my shoulders and I feel . . . relief.


“That’s it, baby.  Bounce up and down on my cock.  Make those perfect tits move for me,” I growl.

“Oh, god,”
Jenn breathes, her pussy tightening around my shaft as she glides her body up and down.

My hands grip her hips, pushing and pulling, assisting as she rides me.  I thrust upward, jarring into her, causing her to moan, falling forward.  I grab her nipple between my teeth and suck it into my mouth as my thumb goes to her clit and begins to rub in sharp circles.

“Feel so fuckin’ good.  So fuckin’ wet for me baby,” I grit out around the mouthful of flesh.

“Yes!  Switch,” she cries.  Her pussy throbs, milking my cock as she comes, pulling me over the edge with her.  She collapses down onto my body, spent from our lovemaking and I hold her to me, tight, determined to never let her go. 


























The bike vibrates between my numbed legs as we ride back into the Salt Rock town limits.

It’s been a long three and a half days.  After setting off on Friday afternoon, we rode pretty much all day, only stopping to eat, sleep and refuel.  The boys had their bikes decked out with something pink, and the girls joining in the ride were asked to wear pink as well, in aid of the breast cancer charity the ride was supporting.  It was a fantastic weekend, and I’m so glad I went.  Two of the men have old ladies, and I enjoyed meeting and making new friendships with them, but most of all, I loved spending quality time with Switch and being able to take part in something that is his entire world; the club.

Due to my hard work over the last few months, my boss was cool with me taking Friday and Monday off work.  After the success of the ball, where we managed to raise over fifteen thousand dollars for the McMahon family, he asked me to plan another event – this time a masquerade ball.  I’ve been working overtime for weeks, so, even if he had put up a fight about me taking the time off, I knew I had it worked up anyways.

Switch pulls into the compound and I wait until he cuts the engine before climbing off.  My legs are still vibrating and they feel like jelly.  My ass is dead and I just want to go for a long walk around the yard to stretch out my muscles.

“You alright?”  Switch asks, pulling me into his arms and placing a kiss on my lips.

“Yeah.  I loved it.  Thank you for taking me,” I smile up into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Glad you had fun, baby.  I’ll take you anytime you want.”

Mmm, I know,” I wink.

He pulls me deeper into his body.  His head dips down and his tongue sneaks out to lick across my lips.  “I love you, my horny little devil.”  His raspy words cause my heart to still before it starts thumping again erratically in my chest.

“Y-you love me?” I choke out.

“Switch?”  A female voice calls, interrupting our moment.

My brow furrows in confusion as Switch scowls and turns to face the direction the voice was coming from.

I follow his lead and turn.  A woman walks across the compound. 

“Fuck,” Switch hisses, only causing to deepen my confusion.

Who is this woman?

“Hey, Switch,” she greets as she comes to a standstill in front of us.  Her eyes dart to me and widen as she sees my hand firmly held in Switch’s.

“Uh, hey,” she smiles hesitantly.

“Hi.  I’m Jenna,” I hold out my hand to hers, my manners taking over.

She takes my hand in hers in a limp grip.  “Um,” her eyes shoot to Switch and then back to me, rapidly.  “Amber.”

Holy shit.

I release her hand and stand there quietly.

Well, this is fucking awkward.

The silence echoes through the open air, but the tension radiating of Switch is thick enough to cut with a knife.  I squeeze his hand, showing him I’m here for support, even though I’m not sure what’s going on.  It doesn’t matter
though, I’ll always have his back.  No matter what.  Because, I love him.  I wanted to tell him before she interrupted us, but I was so stunned that he said it first that I couldn’t get the words out.

I’ve known for a while that I love him.  With a connection like ours, it’s impossible not to feel love.

“What do you want, Amber?”  Switch finally breaks the silence.  The coldness of his voice stuns me briefly, but then I remember all the heartache this woman caused him and I understand his tone.

“I wanted to know if we could talk?”  She says meekly, her blond hair falling down over her eyes.  She swipes it away and looks up at him again.


“Could we, um, do you think we could speak
?” She flicks her eyes to me.


As much as I don’t want them to be alone, I have to trust Switch.  In an effort to be respectful, I loosen my grip on his hand.

He tightens his.  “No,” he growls and I look up to see he’s speaking to me.  “No,” he repeats, cocking one eyebrow.

“Amber, anything you want to say, you can say in front of
Jenn.  So, spit it out.  What the fuck do you want?”

“I just wanted to say thank you.  And, I’m sorry,” she offers the last part whispered and it doesn’t seem as sincere as the first part.

“Don’t give a fuck about thank yous or apologies.  What I care about is the why.  So, why don’t you tell me why the fuck you made the play you did?”

She looks over at me nervously again, but I stand impassive by my man’s side.

She swallows hard and then speaks.  “I got pregnant so you’d marry me.  Then, when you did, I realized I didn’t want a baby.  They cry all night and you have to look after them all the time.  I didn’t want to get fat and I definitely didn’t want to get stretch marks,” she says with a scowl, her earlier seemingly sincerity disappearing before my eyes.

I can hear Switch grinding his teeth beside me as he rallies to reign in his temper.  I give his hand another squeeze, silently trying to give him comfort.

“So, I did what I had to do.  I’m not sorry I got rid of it, but I am sorry that I,” she shrugs, trailing off.

“You’re sorry for what?” Switch spits out.

Shit bits her lip.  “For lying to you,” she says, with a smile, as if it’s no big deal.  Is this woman for real?

“Anyways, I wanted to say thank you.  I’m better now and I want to know if you wanted to give us a second try?  We could make it work, Switch.  You know we could. We were always so good together.”  She steps forward, but Switch immediately steps back, taking me with him.  I stumble slightly before righting myself.  His free arm goes to my hip to steady me.

Man, this bitch is whacked!

Her eyes widen at his rejection.

“Switch, please,” her bottom lip quivers.

“You think I would take you back?”

“Yes.  You know how good it can be between us, baby,” she asserts.

“No,” he says firmly.  “It was
good between us, and the play you made – unforgiveable.  Now get the fuck off my property before I have someone drag your ass off.”

She huffs.  “I don’t know why I wasted time on you.”

“I wish to fuck you didn’t bother in the first place.”

“You don’t mean that,” she whispers.  God, this woman!  Her emotions are all over the place.  If it weren’t such a serious situation, it would be laughable.

“Get the fuck out,” Switch seethes, enunciating every word clearly.

“Fine.”  She gives him a look of disgust and then gives me the same look.  Then, the dirty fucking cow spits at me, a glob of her saliva landing on my shoe.

I don’t think; I just react. 

My hand comes out and cuts across her face, open-palmed.  The sound of the slap and her resulting gasp echoes around the compound.

“Get her the fuck away from me,” Switch orders quietly as Roam and Cutter come running over.

They drag a kicking and screaming Amber off the compound and out of our lives.

Switch kneels down immediately and rips his shirt over his head to wipe my shoe clean.

“Sorry about that, baby,” he says as he stands.

“Don’t apologize. 
,” I say, throwing his words back at him.  He chuckles and I smile.

“About before,” I start.

“It’s okay.  You don’t have to say anything,” he cuts me off.

“Yes, I do,” I nod.  “I love you, too, Switch.  So much,” I add, and even though my voice is almost as soft as a whisper, the fierceness and truth behind the words is undeniable.

“Thank fuck.”  He leans in and kisses me deep before pulling back.  “Looking forward to forever with you, Jenna.”

“Can’t wait,” I reply honestly.








Fighting to Stay
(Roam & Lacey’s story) is available now on Amazon, B&N, iTunes and Kobo.


















































































































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