Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) (14 page)

Read Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder,Hot Tree Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Heist, #Crime Fiction, #MC, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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On the tiny dance floor, he held her close to him, desire throbbing in his dick. He rubbed his hardness against her, remembering that he hadn’t done that since high school. His hands rested on her rounded hips and, sinking his finger into their softness, he inhaled sharply, knowing that before the night ended, he’d be gripping them tight as he fucked her from behind. Holding Belle—her tits pressed against him, her arms clamped around his waist, and her incredibly soft body moving under his hands—was a moment he wished he could freeze. He hadn’t felt this turned on or enthralled with a woman since Grace had passed. He didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he knew he was enjoying it.

As they swayed to the music, they held each other close, like a vine wound around a trellis. From the soft sounds Belle made, Banger knew she was just as turned on as he was, and the way she rubbed her pussy against his leg torched his dick so much that he moved her back toward the table, picked up their jackets, and escorted her out. She followed his lead, her arm never leaving his waist, her face flushed with heated desire. He loved the rosy sheen on her face and neck, and decided that burning-with-need pink had become his favorite color.

When they entered the car, Banger kissed her deeply, then said against her lips, “I need you real bad.”

“We can’t go to my house. I can’t bring a man home in front of my kids. I mean, they haven’t met you yet.”

He nuzzled her neck. “You gonna keep me hidden from them forever?”

“No,” she moaned. “It’s just not the right time. I’m having a bunch of problems with my daughter.”

“Not tonight, baby. You texted Cara and she said your girl was home. You gotta have some fun too.”

Belle moved back and looked straight in Banger’s eyes. He saw hunger and determination brimming in them. “I want to be with you, just not at my house. Are
going to make this happen?”

He crushed her to him. “Fuck, woman. Let’s go.” He switched on the engine and screeched out of the parking lot.

Banger opened the door, allowing Belle to go inside his home. He’d had a raging hard-on for too long, and his sweet Belle was going to take care of it. He forwent the niceties of offering her a drink or engaging in small conversation and pulled her straight into his bedroom, swinging her around so her back faced him. He ran his hands over her curves, growling while he softly bit her shoulder. Reaching down, he tugged at the hem of her spandex dress and peeled it off like a wrapper from a rich, delectable chocolate. “Fuck,” he growled when he scanned her big tits encased in a plunging, sheer bra, the matching panties barely concealing her sweet pussy.

In one quick movement, her bra was off and he was crushing her breasts in his hands while she whimpered and wiggled her ass against his hardness. When she reached around, placing her arms on his lower back, her tits jutted out, and he swore he was going to shoot his load before he made it inside her silky wetness. “Beautiful, my cock wants inside you something fierce.” Skating down her stomach, his hand slipped inside her panties and he tucked his fingers into her slick folds. A satisfied grunt broke through his lips. “You want my cock in you too. Fuck, that’s hot.”

“Damn, you make me so wet.” She spun around to face him and kissed him deeply.

Banger guided her to his bed before quickly taking off his clothes. Opening the drawer in his nightstand, he took out a foil packet. He started to rip it open when Belle sat up and took it from him. Holding his eyes in a seductive stare, she placed the packet between her white teeth and slowly tore it open, the compressed sheath falling into her hand. Placing her hand on his ass, she moved him closer then licked the beads of pre-come from his glistening head before rolling on the covering.

When her warm tongue hit his crown, he had to pinch the base of his dick so he wouldn’t come. She was making him all kinds of crazy. Leaning over, he breathed in jasmine with fresh citrus mingled with the musk of her arousal. He kissed her deep, hard, and wet, and her squirming body under his caressed his dick. Bringing his mouth down to her tits, he hungrily sucked and nipped on her taut nipples, his thumb brushing back and forth against her sweet spot, drawing cries of pleasure from her that drove him wild.

Placing both hands on her hips, he flipped her over. “Get on your knees,” he commanded. “I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked.”

Belle scrambled to her hands and knees, her breasts swaying as she wiggled her ass against his hard dick. Watching her jiggle, Banger bent down and softy bit the flesh while his hands kneaded the rounded globes. “You’ve got the kind of ass that brings men to their knees, beautiful. Fuck.” He squeezed hard then lightly smacked her ass cheek. “I love this ass.”

Belle’s moans and whispered sighs egged Banger on, and he kissed her lower back while his hands cupped her hanging tits. Pulling down on her hard nipples, he moved his dick up and down the length of her wet mound. “You want it now?” he asked hoarsely.

“Yeah. Now.”

He separated her legs with his knee, her glistening sex making his mouth water. Rubbing her clit with his hand, he rammed his cock inside her soft wetness. His dick felt so good encased in her hot walls. He pummeled in and out, his finger rubbing the side of her hard nub. Belle arched her back, and it made him crazier. With one hand, he caught her hair, pulling it back until she groaned in pleasure. He rode her hard, and her ass pounded back into him, urging him to go faster, harder, deeper. When she screamed out his name, her warmth gripping him like a vise, he knew she was on the waves of ecstasy. His muscles contracted tightly, his body jerking forward as his hips thrusted. He could feel his seed rising up from his balls, then an intense pleasure broke through, like a burst of electricity zapping every part of his body, making him twitch as he felt his come shooting out into the sheath. “Fuck. Belle. Fuck!”

Her arms tightened around his neck, pulling her close to him, and he kissed her breathless, his tongue slipping in and winding around hers. His body relaxed as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, a warm, drowsy feeling spreading over him. He rolled over, taking Belle with him to nestle in his side. “Fuck, that was intense, baby.” He kissed the side of her head.

“Wow. Just wow.” She lightly kissed his chest as her finger traced patterns over it.

They lay together for a long while, Banger dozing for a bit. He couldn’t believe how intense it had been. He hadn’t felt this good since the last time he and Belle had fucked.

Belle stirred next to him, and he gripped her tighter. “I have to go,” she said in a low voice.

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t want her to go; he wanted her to spend the night with him, smell her sweet perfume as he drifted off to sleep, and have her again in the morning. If he kept holding her, maybe she’d fall asleep.

She pushed up.
Fuck it.
He reluctantly rose, dressed, and held her close as they left his house.

When they walked into Belle’s house, Banger saw Cara jump away from Hawk, who was zipping up his jeans. “We didn’t hear you come in,” Cara said as she smoothed down her hair.

“Yeah, I saw that.” Banger smiled, and he laughed inwardly when he noticed red streaks fanning out on Cara’s cheeks.

“So, Emily and Ethan didn’t give you much trouble?” Belle asked as she took out her wallet.

“Not at all, and put that away. I’m not taking any money. If you need help with watching Ethan, let me know. I think Hawk will come again too, even though Ethan beat him at a couple of video games.” Cara and Belle laughed while Hawk narrowed his eyes.

Banger clasped Hawk’s shoulder. “You’re gonna have to practice before coming back. You don’t want the brothers knowing an eleven-year-old kicked your ass.”

Hawk grumbled something inaudible. Turning to Cara, he drew her to him. “We gotta go.” The couple walked out into the freezing night.

“Thanks again,” Belle called out to them. Turning toward Banger, she grasped his hand. “I had a wonderful time. Thanks.”

“No need to thank me. I had the best fuckin’ time in a long while.” He yanked her into his arms and kissed her.

“Mom?” a small voice said.

Belle jerked away from Banger, and he looked up to see a boy with a mop of dark, curly hair and blue eyes staring at him from halfway down the stairs.

Belle rushed to her son. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“My stomach doesn’t feel so good,” he answered, his eyes on Banger.

Belle put her hand on his forehead. “You feel warm. Let’s get back in bed, and I’ll take your temperature and give you something for your tummy.”

Ethan nodded then pointed at Banger. “Who’s he?”

Panic streaked across her face as she looked at Banger. Clearing his throat, he said, “I’m Banger. You must be Ethan.” He moved toward the stairs. “I’m a friend of your mother’s. She tells me you have quite a baseball collection.”

A half-smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “I do. I have, like a hundred cards.” He looked down at his feet. “Do you like baseball?” Banger heard the hesitancy in his voice.

“Oh, yeah. I was about your age when I started collecting ‘em.”

Ethan glanced up, his eyes on Banger’s face. “You must have thousands ‘cause you been doing it for a long time.”

Banger laughed. “I have a lot. Thousands? Nah. I’m old, but not that old.”

Belle’s laugh tickled his heart, and the frenzied look in her eyes softened. “Ethan has some very valuable cards.” She ran her hand through her son’s mop of hair.

“Yeah? I’d like to see them sometime. I’d like to show you mine, too.”

“Really. Okay. Can I, Mom?” Ethan’s earnest face made both Belle and Banger laugh.

She hugged her son. “Of course, but right now, you have to get back in bed, and I need to take your temperature.”

His small shoulders slumped. “All right.” He turned and started to climb the stairs then swiveled halfway around and said, “Nice meeting you. When I feel better, you can come back and see my baseball cards. Bring yours too.”

“Sounds like a plan. Now, go on and do like your mama asked you to. You listen to her and you’ll be feeling better in no time.” Banger jerked his chin at the boy.

“Okay. Good night.” Ethan trudged up the rest of the stairs and padded to his room.

Belle came down and grabbed Banger, kissing him deeply. “Thank you,” she breathed, her breath scorching his skin.

“For what?”

“For that—making Ethan feel comfortable. You’re a sweet man, even though you want everyone to think you aren’t.”

“Fuck, baby, if that’s all it takes to warm you up, I’m all in.” He kissed her hard. “I like your boy. He looks like you—he’s got your hair and cute upturned nose.” Banger kissed the tip of her nose.

She hugged him, then Banger pulled away, lightly pinching her chin. “Go take care of your son. I’ll call you.”

On his way home, he cranked up the radio and sang along to Scorpions’ “Rock You Like A Hurricane,” heat radiating through his chest. He liked the boy, and he
liked the mom.

Turning his engine off, he jumped from the car and went into his house. In the bedroom, he stared at the mussed-up bed, then walked over to it. He picked up the pillow and inhaled her scent of jasmine on the pillowcase. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes landed on his and Grace’s wedding picture on the bedroom dresser. A jab seized his heart, and he darted his eyes from the picture to the bed. Sighing, he shuffled over to the dresser and picked up the photograph, staring at the love and happiness in his and Grace’s eyes. An image of Belle’s electric blue orbs and infectious smile filled his mind. Slowly, he opened the drawer, placing the wedding picture in it.

He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer while images of Grace and Belle ran through his mind. After draining the bottle, he went back to the bedroom and stripped down to his boxers. Before slipping between the sheets, he looked back at the dresser and the empty spot where his wedding picture had been. He rubbed his eyes, and a thickness formed in his throat. Ambling back to the dresser, he took the photo out, placing it back in its spot, then flopped into bed, the scent of Belle all around him. As he closed his eyes, Belle’s laughter, soft body, and curly hair danced across his brain, not Grace’s. His heart soared when he thought of the time he had spent with Belle that night.

Sucking in his breath, his temples pounding, he got up and put his wedding picture back in the dresser drawer, then went back to bed. With the scent of Belle in his nose and the taste of her still on his tongue, he fell into a deep slumber.

Chapter Thirteen

he week flew
by, and Belle was busy at work and taking care of Ethan. He ended up staying home from school for one week, and Belle wasn’t able to take off more than one day at work, so she’d asked Holly to help out. Belle didn’t know what she’d ever do without Holly, who was always there, offering to lend a hand.

Emily, of course, had been more trouble than help during the previous week, and her attitude and lack of responsibility had made Belle come to a decision. As hard as it was for her to admit, she had no control over her daughter. Because of her long hours at work, there was a major lack of supervision in her home, so Belle made the decision that, before the judge could take Emily away and place her in foster care, she would go live with Holly and Darren.

She knew her decision was going to be met with hostility, bitterness, and hate from Emily, but she’d hoped that her daughter would understand that this was the best thing for her. It wouldn’t be for more than the school year, and Belle hoped Emily wouldn’t hate her for the rest of her life. Belle didn’t know how she could make her daughter understand that deciding to let her stay with Holly was Belle’s only guarantee that the court wouldn’t put Emily in foster care, and that she would get the supervision she needed.

There was so much stress on Belle, but the silver lining—besides her son—was Banger. Although, she had to admit she was pretty freaked out when she’d gone to his home and had seen that it was nothing more than a shrine to his dead wife. He’d told her that it had been six years since his wife had died, yet he still had her everywhere in the house. Belle was positive that if she’d looked in the closets or the drawers, his wife’s clothes would have been in them. It was like the house had been frozen in time. Seeing that made her wonder if Banger would ever be able to give himself wholeheartedly to a woman. She had a hunch he just wanted someone to warm his bed, to fill the void his wife’s death had opened in his life.

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