Barely Breathing (Just Breathe) (2 page)

BOOK: Barely Breathing (Just Breathe)
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It’s suddenly quiet. I glance up, she's losing it again, I can see tears running down her cheeks.

“Aw mom, it's really not a big deal…”

She cuts me off, “What do you mean it's not a big deal? It’s a huge deal.”

I nod, “No I meant, I know I should have called and told you. I just wanted to try and see if that’s the direction I want to go.”

She almost chuckles, “You are not going in that direction. In fact, no more band at all. When your father gets home we will discuss what you
be allowed to do. At this point you are not allowed to do anything.”

She stifles a sob, “You’re lucky I’m letting you even breathe, at this point.”

I push away from the table resigned, “Can I go to my room?”

She nods, stifling her sobs that I know are coming.
God, she's such a softy.

Then she adds as I am at the bottom of the staircase, “You might want to find out about all the assignments you missed at school, you are going to be very busy.”

I climb the stairs completely astounded at what I have gotten myself into here and in the sea.


The next morning I wake up in my bed, the same place I fell asleep. I am very thankful at this point. I can’t figure out how I got here in the first place. I stayed up forever going over everything that happened right before I woke up here. I fell asleep deep in the sea and woke up here on land in my bedroom no less, hundreds of miles away. How is any of this possible? The only thing that kept coming back to me was either Jaspen sent me here or it is a 'will’ I didn’t know about, most likely the latter. I seriously doubt Jaspen would let go of any chance at defeating the Lior.

I’m dreading facing my parents this morning. I glance at the clock on my desk, 10:00. I’m probably pushing it. They'll come and find me if I don’t go down. I quickly get a shower and head to the kitchen.

My parents look up when I walk through the doorway. I steer to the fridge.

My dad orders, “James as soon as you find something to eat, have a seat, we need to talk.”

I glance over and see how angry he looks.
Huh, I didn’t even get a, hey, glad you’re okay, son

I pour a glass of juice and get a bowl of cereal, finally, real food.

As I sit down he starts, “I’m going to ask you one question and then that will be the end of it because I don’t want to cause your mother any more heartache.”

I look up at him expectantly.

“What in the world were you thinking?”

I shrug my shoulders.
How would I answer that if it were even the truth?

I tell him, “I guess it was a dumb idea.”

His eyebrows raise, “You think so? Starting right this minute you are restricted from everything. You will go to school and come straight home. You will study and catch up, because if your grades are affected by this, it will get even worse.”

I assent, “That sounds fair.”

I hear a gasp and glance at my mom who has been silent the whole time. Tears are streaming again,
oh great.

I start to get up with my bowl but my dad grasps my arm, “James I am serious, don’t let anything like this happen again.”

I nod. What else is there to say?












Chapter 4




As I follow Alex through the gates to the castle I feel nausea wash over me.
What will Seamus say? Am I making the right decision?
I know I decided to shake my uneasiness but it is so hard not knowing everything. I tried to ask Alex about what Seamus wants from me but he changed the subject.

We swim through a massive door that looks like it’s made out of frosted glass. As we continue down hall after hall and turn after turn, Alex glances back occasionally. I give him a thumbs- up each time, and he smiles. I hope I won’t have to find my way back out because I am completely lost. Each hall we turn down is a deep shade of teal that seems to glisten and glow in the water. The walls remind me of those luminescent jellyfish, I’ve seen on the National Geographic Channel, beautiful. Finally we arrive at another massive, glass door. Alex stops and lets me catch up.

He glances over, “Are you ready?”

I nod,
as ready as I’m gonna get
. He grabs the handle and pushes. The door makes a rushing sound as it pushes the water forth. As soon as I can see into the room I notice how immense it is. I am reminded of the ceiling in the entrance to the Erebus caves. It seems to rise forever up into the sea. Across the room are three intricately carved golden chairs with three mer-people sitting in them. This is unbelievable to me. It feels like a fairy tale in the throne room of a palace. Then I feel all three sets of eyes on me. One set I recognize, Seamus. He has traded his fishing get-up for what looks like a sort of tank top and a fin. The other two are strangers, women both to his left. Metea, I assume, seated right next to him is beautiful. Her skin is bronze in color and she has long black hair flowing all around her. The mermaid to the left of her, Mersa, is greying and aged but it is obvious she was once as mesmerizing as her daughter. Both have black halter tops dripping with jewels. Suddenly I feel a hand grab mine. I look down, then up and meet Alex’s eyes.

He leans over and whispers, “It's alright, come on.” And he tugs me forward.

I just stare ahead at the beautiful people in front of me.

Once we are a few feet in front of them Alex bows his head and pulls gently on my hand. I follow his lead and bow my head. I look back up and meet the blue eyes of Seamus. He has a silly grin on his face that crinkles his eyes at the corners.

He speaks to me, “Ah Ever I knew you would make the right choice. We are very happy to have you represent the Lior.”

I have no idea how to respond to him so I decide, silence is best.

He continues, “It is a shame, everything that has happened, but we must move on and learn from our mistakes.”

I am assuming he is referring to the Jack situation. I start to feel anger settle over me but push it away.
Everything that has happened is my fault. I put myself in this situation and now it’s my reality, like it or not. Ugh.

Seamus brings me back, “Ever?”

I look up again, “Um yes.”

“As I was saying, Alex will oversee your training. You must be ready as the Erebus could try to attack at any time.”

Then a sudden thought occurs to me and I blurt out, “Do you know anything about my brother?”

He nods sadly, "Yes, unfortunately he has chosen the wrong side. I am very sad that you will have to fight against each other. Things would have been very different had you both chosen your true ancestoral line. But we must face what has been done.”

With that he dismisses us. Alex pulls me in the opposite direction towards the door. I glance back and meet Metea’s eyes, she is glaring at me. I see a smile meet her lips, no not a smile, more of a grimace that doesn’t reach her eyes.

Once we are outside of the room, I look down at my hand still in Alex’s and I quickly pull it away.

He glances down at his empty hand, takes a deep breath and meets my eyes, “Do you think you are ready to start training?”

I ignore his question and ask, “What will this mean for my brother? He's only seventeen. I can’t fight against him.”

I cross my arms against my chest.

He laughs, “Ever, you are really something else…”

I cut him off, “Really, you’re laughing at this, my brother is my family. I refuse to hurt him.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder to reassure me but I shrug it off.

He sighs, "Can we just take it one step at a time right now? Today we will concentrate on some fighting techniques. Nothing is going to happen today.”

I relax a little then realize what he said, “Fighting what? I can’t fight.”

He smiles, “Sure you can, let's go to the training room and I will guide you through it.”

I reluctantly follow him again down halls with twists and turns creating even more confusion about where we are in the castle. I never would have imagined looking at it from the outside, how big the castle actually is. We arrive at a wooden door. Alex pushes it inward and I am faced with a room similar to a gym on land but with every weapon imaginable covering the walls. Many Mer-people are training and they all stop and look in our direction as we enter. I wince taking a deep breath.
Way out of my comfort zone right now









Chapter 5




School on Monday brings questions as to where I've been for the past week. In hindsight, I didn't think my story through very well. I go to school with my two band mates and they weren't impressed that I tried to jump ship. I had to keep my story cohesive though, so I fed them the same story as my parents, about joining another band. It's not as if I'm still in the band anyway, my mom has decided that one for me.

During my third class of the day I am finally getting back into the routine of school. My teachers have all agreed to let me make up the assignments I missed last week. This will at least put my school situation at ease with the parents. As I am listening and taking notes, the classroom door opens so I glance up. The most incredible sight I have ever seen enters the room. She is tall and blonde with aqua blue eyes and a body with all the curves in the right places. Her peach dress stops mid-thigh and her legs go on forever. I can't take my eyes off of her. It's as if time has stopped and she is the only one in the room. She glances around the room. When her eyes meet mine, she smiles and looks away quickly.

Suddenly I feel an elbow in my arm.

I break my trance and glance over at Erica, an annoying girl to my right, "Dude, what was that for?"

"Don't make it obvious or anything, your eyes might pop out." And she rolls her eyes.

I glare and turn toward the front looking for her again.
Where did she go?

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?"

I turn to the voice beside me that sounds so perfect and it's her.

I can't find my voice.

She stands there staring at me, those aqua eyes boring into me.

She asks again a little impatiently, "Can I sit here?"

I nod.

She sits, leans over and whispers offering her hand, "Hi, my name is Sara Crane."

I gently shake her hand, "Um... James Harding."

She smiles and glances forward focusing on the teacher.

I can't stop staring at her.

When I see a smile rise at the corner of her mouth, I avert my eyes and look forward trying to concentrate on what the teacher is saying. I swear all I hear is that Charlie Brown teacher voice.

I can't stop fidgeting. I tap my pencil and it breaks in half. I pull my hoodie up and slink into my seat trying so hard to think about anything except the beautiful girl sitting next to me.
I have enough problems right now to add a girl to the mess.

As class is ending, I start to gather my things vowing not to look over. Then I feel a tap on my arm again. Oh great, guess avoidance isn't going to work. I glance over and she's staring at me with a questioning look.

Before I can say anything she asks, "Can we go somewhere to talk, James?"

Stammering, "Uh, well I have a class next, I um...really can't miss it."

As I silently kick myself. This chick wants to go and talk somewhere and I am turning her down. What kind of idiot am I?

She nods, "When will be a good time then?"

I can't think. "Uh...How about after school, I can meet you in the courtyard."

"Okay, I'll see you after school then."

I quickly leave the classroom and wonder, did I do it again, with a 'will'? A month ago I asked a girl out and Ever was sure I influenced her somehow with a 'will', to agree to a date. If that's the case, I really need to get this 'will' thing under control.



My last class ends and I am overwhelmed with the immense amount of work I need to make up. I head out to the parking lot where my friend Garrett is probably waiting. I've been hitching a ride with him to school and home this year. I was hoping to have my car soon. It will probably be longer than I'd planned, now that my parents are pissed at me.

Then I remember, I was supposed to meet the new girl, Sara. I turn around and head to the courtyard. Garrett will probably leave me and I'll have to find another way home, but I need to find out if I used a 'will' again or if she really is interested. This is probably a bad idea, but whatever.

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