Barely Breathing (Just Breathe) (29 page)

BOOK: Barely Breathing (Just Breathe)
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"Don't look at me. This is your decision. I will back you up, whatever you choose."

She gathers strength and seems to straighten her posture. She reaches down for her bow on the sea bottom and fastens it around her body and takes a deep breath smiling slowly, "Well boys, we have a war to win for choices. If we have any chance of staying in our new home, the Erebus need to win this war."

I smile at her. There's my sister, it took her long enough.


















Chapter 52




This fight has been going on for three days. When Jack, James and I arrived in the city, the sight was unreal. Everyone had joined the fight. It didn't matter if they were a fighter or not. As the Erebus took over the city, the physical fighting was less and fighting with 'wills' took over. There are more things to use as weapons in the city so it's understandable. But the damage became unbelievable. The rundown building the Erebus kept me in a few days ago would look right at home in the middle of the city now.

Jack was somewhat right. James and I are stronger than the rest of them but we couldn't just stroll in and end it instantly. I guess it was more wishful thinking on my part.

We are going on little to no sleep now in about three days and I'm losing the battle with my eyelids.

Jack comes up behind me while I'm taking a break behind a building. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles my neck. This is my home. I've finally come to the decision that this is it for me. It took me long enough but better late than never.

I twist in his arms and meet his lips. Electricity flows through us and we explore each other. I savor every taste of him.

The water around us ripples quickly. We pull away ready to fight whoever it is. James is out of breath and looking at us, shaking his head.

"You do know we are having a war here? Get a room later."

I smirk and smile at Jack raising my eyebrows in question.

He comes up grasping me by my hips lowering his lips to mine once more for a quick peck. He whispers in my ear, "I think I might take you up on that offer later."

My face reddens in a blush and he lets me go, "Okay, let's go win this war once and for all."

James and I follow Jack around the corner.

As soon as we round the corner he grasps his chest and falls to the ground. I lower myself beside him but he yells out pushing me away, "Swim, Ever, Swim!" Something familiar strikes me. The dream. I turn to James but he's not there. Instead I meet the turquoise eyes that I know. Of course, the Erebus from the building. He uses a will and slams me into the side of the building. It knocks me for a minute. I'm confused because I'm on his side now, why is he attacking me? I gather my strength and try to focus on him but Jack's voice distracts me, "Swim, Ever, swim!"

I start to swim away from Jack but I turn back not sure what to do. This is all wrong. The Erebus grabs me by my shoulders. Then I feel it, how could I have forgotten about this part? The pain is sudden and excruciating. It spreads from my side and emanates through my chest and down into my fin. I look down and see an arrow sticking out exactly as it was from James' side, a few days ago. Blood spreads around me. I grab and hold it looking up. I spot the origin of the arrow, of course, Sara. I let go then and find myself falling. Falling but not grasping as I did so many times before. I know now, I know where I belong and where I'm going. I watch as the light slowly disappears from my vision. I welcome the peace because I finally know where I belong. There's no more grasping for the unknown, I know now. Right before the darkness overtakes me I feel strong arms around me and I hear the voice I longed for, the voice in all of my dreams that has been out of reach whisper in my ear, "I have you Ever, and I'm never going to let you go again!" Jack. I smile and darkness settles over me.





The End

Barely Breathing

Book 2 in the Just Breathe Trilogy



















My Thanks!

I have complete gratitude for my family. You are my grounding place. Everything always comes back to you. Thank you to my boys for the many days and nights I was away, deep in the ocean and you took over in making meals and watching your sister. Thank you to my husband, Richard, for believing in me and encouraging my pursuit of a dream.

Much more gratitude than I can utter to all of my first readers. My very first, Shannon Longarzo, you were the true test to whether this trilogy would work at all. Thank you to Amber Hayes, and Karen Watson for being the best beta readers ever. Stephanie Hayes, thank you for the multiple edits and encouragement, it meant so much in my journey.
























About the Author



Heather Allen fulfilled a dream with the completion of her first two books. But don't be discouraged
, she's not finished with Jack and Ever. Her 'Just Breathe' novels will be a trio when finished. She lives in Melbourne, Florida with her husband, two sons and daughter. Heather has been a teacher for fifteen years now and aspires to continue touching the lives of children through education but also taking them on a journey with her books.


You can find Heather on:

witter- hashtag- kelconcar

er blog at



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