Barely Breathing (Just Breathe) (6 page)

BOOK: Barely Breathing (Just Breathe)
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"I like this sudden change in your outlook on training."

I look away trying to hide the blush spreading across my cheeks.
Who would have thought you could still blush under water.

"Ever, I'm not draining the water today, so it's going to feel a little different."

I plead, "Okay, hand it over already."

He hands me the quiver of arrows. I place the strap around me while I tread water. Then he hands me the bow but keeps his hand on it, "It's also going to be harder at first because the force needed to travel through the water is greater." He lets go.

I swim over and aim at the target mer-person across the room. I release the arrow and it falls short of the target,

I take another arrow out, latch it in and pull back farther. I can tell this one will go further as I release it. I cover my eyes with my hand afraid to look.

I hear Alex laughing, "You really should have more confidence in yourself." I open my eyes to look, it hit dead center in the bulls-eye on the head.

A smile creeps over my lips and I go again.


We practice for a good part of the day. By the time we decide to finish I am completely out of energy. I did after all throw up my whole breakfast.

Alex leads us to the kitchen of the castle. The spread placed out on the table is incredible. Every fruit I can imagine along with many different kinds of fish. I grab a peach and start eating.

Curiousity gets me, "Alex, what's with the fish and fruit? I mean, why do you, eat your neighbors." I chuckle at my stupid joke.

He laughs, "Neighbors, huh, I never thought of it that way. But I guess that would ring true for living on land too, eating cows and chickens."

I smirk, "Touche'."

Then I add, "But why the fruit, it comes from land so isn't it harder to get?"

He nods, "Yes, it is but that is one thing Seamus won't give up. He has farms on land to supply the fruit under the sea."

I am completely surprised at this, "You mean like mer-people live on land to grow fruit for the sea?"

"You could say that, or more like some of the places on land are owned by Seamus."

"But I thought he forbids mer-people from going on land." I'm so confused.

"He does but we still need supplies. That's why some of us are allowed on land, to do our jobs. Look at it like this, your country doesn't get everything they need from your country. They buy and trade with other countries, right?"

I nod following along.

"It's the same here, some things we need, so we have connections on land to get them. Seamus doesn't want our species mixing to create a different race of people. That is why he forbids most of our population from going on land. If everyone were allowed it would undoubtedly happen and the new race would make ours obsolete."

This is almost more information than I've ever been given. I try for more, "This battle that is to come, it's not the only one to come about because of the races mixing issue, is it?"

He shakes his head and takes a bite of an apple, "No, there have been many over the past five hundred years. Before that we were all Lior but there were still battles with other civilizations."

Whoa! What? Civilizations, what in the world is he talking about?

He laughs after looking at my face, "You didn't think this city here off the coast of California is the only population of mer-people did you?"

I nod and then shake my head, completely not having a clue. I grab another peach. I have a bad taste for apples at the moment.

"Ever, you still have a lot to learn don't you? There are many civilizations of mer-people all over the world. Our city is one of probably about twenty-five, not sure now because they seem to be splitting like ours did with the Lior and Erebus."

I ask, "So other civilizations are going through the same race issue as ours is?"

He looks for more fruit and chooses a peach, "They are all in different stages of it right now, but yes. Most though, kind of look at our city, and Seamus as a model. He is pretty powerful, probably the most because of his background."

I'm astonished at this, "But why would they accept him if him coming to the sea from the land is what they are fighting against?"

"Well many of the battles fought previously between our civilization and theirs happened because of Seamus. From what I've heard, most of the leaders were scared of him, like he was an anomoly. Later they decided he was on their side trying to prevent it from happening again. Generally they are all on the same page now."

I ask, "Until the cities started dividing into Lior and Erebus?"

He grins, "You're catching on, yes, that is the current issue and has been for a while. I don't think the Erebus have ever been as powerful as they are now."

He adds and points playfully, "Which makes you so important."

Oh great here we go...I was just enjoying listening to the history. Why did he have to go and bring me in and ruin it? My stomach is flip- flopping again. I silently curse myself and recite,
commit and deal, commit and deal, commit and deal.

It doesn't seem to be working, the nausea is rising.

"Ever, are you alright? Would you like some fresh water?"

I nod. He gets up and swims into the next room. I take a deep sea breath and swallow the knot forming in my throat resting my head down on my crossed arms.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone enter the room. Something glimmery catches my eye. I turn to meet the eyes of Metea. Her neck is swimming with jewels. She swims in and grabs a bunch of grapes from the table and stops by the table where I am sitting.

She glares down at me and winces, "If it were up to me I would throw you back. You don't deserve to be here."

My mouth drops open.
What is she saying? Isn't she related to me in some far out way?

Before I can say anything Alex enters the room, takes one look at me and swims at Metea, "Leave her alone, she doesn't need any harassment from you."

Metea lifts her head up and pushes her shoulders back, "Watch the way you speak to me Alex, I am the queen here." And she swims out the door.

Alex sinks down next to me placing his arm around me, "Sorry, she is always so negative and bitter."

I let my head fall into my arms, now I wish for a fainting spell, anything to just take me away from this, for a few minutes, this closing in on me reality. Of course, it doesn't come. Instead I feel tears brimming out of both of my eyes.





Chapter 11




I end up catching a ride with Garrett after school. I looked for Sara but her car was gone from the lot. I guess she left early.

As I climb in the car, he lays into me again, "Dude, what's up with you and this chick? I've never seen you turn any girl down as fast as you turned Jessica down at lunch today."

I try to ignore him but he keeps at it.

"What's her name? Are you falling for this chick? I thought we made a pact, bro."

I knew it would come up. The summer before this year the three of us, Garrett, Davis and I started our band, Allgood. We were sitting around drinking and talking about the band and how things might end up. We had a little too much to drink probably, but all three of us decided that the girls we would get out of this would be for fun. We made the pact to ensure that the band comes first before any girl. Now Garrett has decided to remind me of this.

"Dude, I think you're overreacting a little. I just met the girl. I wasn't in the mood for Jessica today, she's annoying sometimes." Hopefully this will get him off my back. I really don't feel like talking about this right now.

"Okay, just making sure we're still in it together. By the way when can you practice this week? Davis is trying to get us a gig in a couple of weeks."

Great, more harassment. I neglected to let them know my mom put a stop to my involvement in the band. I decide to let it go a little longer. Maybe I can get her to come around before I have to let them down.

"Just find out when Davis can practice and let me know. I'll see if I can make it." I tell him.

The rest of the ride is the same old junk. Not another word about Sara, which is good.

I have enough to think about concerning her. I wonder if she's at my house yet or if she's coming over today, at all.

We pull into the drive and there are no other cars. This is good, no fuel for Garrett's constant badgering. But I am wondering why she suddenly changed our deal.

I get out of the car and call behind me, "Later."

As I climb the steps, I notice that the bench swing is moving. I glance over and see Sara with one leg dangling over the edge and the other pulled under her. She's reading again. She must not have heard us pull up because she hasn't looked up yet. I stand there and take in the sight. Her wavy, golden hair is hanging across her face. One hand is touching her pink lips as if she's deep in thought. And that leg, just peeking out of her dress, it goes on forever. It's moving the swing, just slightly.

She must feel my eyes on her. She glances up and notices me. She jumps as if I startled her. My eyes meet hers. I could get lost in them, like they're a mirror of the ocean. She pushes her hair behind her ear and closes her book looking down over the edge of the swing to find her shoes and slips into them as she climbs off the bench.

As she walks slowly toward me I glance away and fumble with my keys, trying to unlock the door. She reaches out her hand to stop me. I glance back down at her.

"How long were you standing there?"

I shrug my shoulders, caught, "Not long."

She licks her bottom lip, I can't help but notice. Something in me does a tumble and I suddenly can't breathe. She takes her hand away from my keys so I look down trying to find the right one. Ugh, how long does it take to open a door? Finally, I find the key and open the door letting her go first. I stand there for a few seconds longer, trying to catch my breath.

Damn James, get it together.

When I walk into the hall it's empty. I glance into the kitchen first and find it empty. I walk down the hall toward the living room and notice her shoes on the floor. I step over them, about to walk into the living room when a hand comes out of nowhere. I use my arms to block it. Then she's in front of me with a huge smile. Oh so that's how this is going to go.

I hold up one finger signaling for her to give me a minute. I kick off my shoes and crouch down in a fighting stance.

She laughs out loud, "Really!"

I shrug and move forward. It happens faster than I can say her name. One second I am approaching her on two feet, the next she has flipped me over and I'm flat on my back on the hardwood floor, looking up at her.

I smirk up at her, "Was that my ass kicking?" She moves around me so I'm looking at her upside down.

She shakes her head, "No, this is..." She comes at me with a fist but I bounce back up to my fighting stance. This is a chick, not sure I feel comfortable fighting her.

Suddenly I feel her hands on my arms and her foot swiping my feet out from under me. I'm on my back again.
What the hell?

I use my back and hands to bounce back up. We go around in a circle a couple of times, finally I go in and sweep her off her feet. She lands on her back.

Okay so I wouldn't be a good guy if I didn't say, that just completely killed me. I just can't fight a girl.

She bounces back up the same way I did before and comes after me with her fists. I block all of her punches but don't fight back.

"Come on James, fight back." She's a little winded as she yells at me.

I shake my head no. She glares and tries to take me down again but I block her feet and she ends up on the floor again. She bounces up again and tries to kick me this time. I block each kick but still don't fight back.
I have to admit,the kicking, now, that's hot.

She alternates between punching and kicking but doesn't get one through my blocks. I can tell she's getting frustrated with me. Finally, I grab both of her arms. She uses this to her advantage and takes me down with her feet. I land on my back and she ends up on top of me with a leg on either side of my body. She moves her body down mine and leans in close. My heart is beating so fast. Parts of my body have awakened and I'm still holding onto her arms. I let go and put my hands on her hips. As she leans closer, I can smell a lemony scent. I can't imagine a better scent. Her lips lightly glance my cheek, then I hear her soft voice in my ear, "We found your fight James."

The next second she's off of me standing and looking back down at me with that beautiful smile.
This girl is going to be the death of me.

She holds out her hand to help me up. I take it and easily stand up. I look down at her. I want to kiss her so bad. Her smile wavers, I can tell she feels it too. She turns and finds her shoes. She slides her feet in and tells me over her shoulder as she walks toward the front door, "I'll see you, same time tomorrow." I let her go, I need to get myself under control.

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