Battleship Destroyer (64 page)

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Authors: L.D. Roberts

BOOK: Battleship Destroyer
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"Yes I have noticed that you have not had much luck in The Game yet. Keep at it. I am sure you will figure something out."

"No. Sir. I have already figured something out. A way to take out the enemy fleet without very many casualties on our side
if any, but I need help from the Rock sir."

"What help from the Rock do you need Lieutenant?"

"I won't know until I can see what they have to offer sir." Swallowing and taking a breath. "I have dozens of half-baked plans that will insure the entire fleets survival if we have help from The Rock.  At least half the fleet dies if we don't and are left on our own."

"Well now Lieutenant. One problem with that is that the Rock has been under
siege since just after we left the battle fleet." The Captain let that sink in for a few seconds. She had just found out about that little tid-bit and was debating whether to tell the crew or not. Though thanks to Jack figuring it out most of it on the bridge the crew already knew The Rock was under siege but not how long. "Every ship they have sent out in the last two months has been intercepted and destroyed. They are finding more enemy sensors scattered around the edges of the asteroid cloud every day with a lot of ship intrusions until we showed up.  The last ships to make it in, were the 4 ship squadron that got separated from us a couple of weeks ago and then they had to shoot it out with a picket ship before losing it in the cloud. Taking heavy damage. Thank god the Fleet Commander I assigned had the sense to stay at normal Gees when they were chased into the cloud and lost their pursuers." The Captain took a sip of her drink. "They have been building up a fleet to take the enemy on but it won't be ready for another month at least Lieutenant. Especially after what we have found out in our little skirmish the other day." She leaned over and hit a control changing the Cabins main screen to show the cloud. "At least with the enemy fleet chasing us they think they can get a few more supply ships in but it does not look good for us."

"Captain let me be the judge of that. I have to go on watch
in a few minutes. Please let me see what the base has to offer. We don't need much to let some if not most of the fleet survive this battle. Even a couple of transports reaching us with the right supplies could make the difference. Though I would rather set a trap for them on the edge of the cloud." Jack looked at his watch even though the Captain's cabin had several prominent clocks. "I have to go on watch sir but please think about it sir." Jack started to leave.

"Just stop right their Lieutenant." The Captain took a drink. "The First Officer has already been assigned your watch. Sit down."
Motioning toward the standard computer console with a nicer chair than most at the side of her large sweat and office. "I don't know how it could do us any good but you can have access to everything the Rock has as well as updates on all the ships and construction programs. Just remember it is all top secret and not to leave this cabin. The only thing you must not look at is the position plot of the Rock. Only a few ship's Captains have the clearance to know where that is at." She studied Jack with stern eyes. "Most ships have to stop at one of the martialing bubbles and pick up a pilot that take them to The Rock."

Jack looked back and frowned. "Stay out of the plot screen ok." Then smiled. "Thanks Captain. I am sure I will find something that can help us.

"I hope you don't mind if I don't hold my breath or bet on that." She tapped the control screen next to her
chair. The main screen changed to show the entire cloud with enemy ships scattered around it.  "See what you can do to draw off some of these remaining pickets while you are at it. We have a couple hundred transports waiting to get in and out."  Jack could already see that some of the enemy ships on the far side had started to move toward the side the fleet was headed for as the remaining picket ship redistributed to cover areas the fleet chasing them had left. Then noticed a fast Republic Transport that was sneaking out through the gap originally left by the fleet that had massed to attack them. A quick bit of calculating showed it getting clear but just barely.

Jack spent the next 10 hours without a break as the Captain's steward fixed him chow
when the Captain eat and used the Captain's head but finally he sat back stretching as he rubbed his temple. "Sorry Captain but I am beat." Turning as the Captain came in from the conference room attached to her cabin suit from a meeting. "I think I have found what we need but I need time to figure out the best way to use it." Standing, he stretched again. "Can I come back in the morning Captain? It should not take me long to work out the details."

The Captain sat down in her chair frowning. "Now what did you find that can help us Mr. Turner?"

"Ah. Too much to list Captain without deciding what and how to use it. I do know those 4 upgraded transports that arrived ahead of us will be needed and as many of the cloud guard frigates and destroyers that they can spare along with every empty freighter I can lay my hands on. The big problem now is that the enemy will see anything we throw at them long before we get close insuring heavy casualties unless we time everything perfect sir. But we can do it. Luckily the formation the enemy is using is a great tight combat formation and I think I have figured out a way to use that to our advantage." Jack stopped at the hatch. "I am beat and need to hunt down a friend before she thinks I hate her and ran away." Jack smiled bashfully.

The Captain looked at Jack with narrowed
eyes baffled. "She is just outside the hatch Mr. Turner. Sitting down with her back to the bulkhead half asleep when she was not starring at the bulkhead in your direction since she got off duty." Then glanced at a small side screen. "She did not even leave for chow while you ate in here."

"Oh thanks for telling her I'm here. Sir."
Jack frowned. "Damn. I took it for granted she would eat without me and why is she sitting out there?"  Jack looked at the hatch and then his eyes drifted to the corner of the bulkhead a few feet away for a few seconds before jerking his eyes back at the Captain.

"I did not tell her anything. Didn't you tell her?"

"No sir. I sent her a message telling her I was working but not where. She must have asked the ship."

"The ship does not report anything or anyone in my cabin
ever or any other security compartment. It cannot see in my cabin and would have simply said that you were busy. I told no one you were here and neither did my steward.  Fact is, how did you know I was here and not in my day cabin or the wardroom or any of a hundred other places on the ship? Did you look in my day cabin or on the bridge or anyplace else first before coming here?"

Jack looked puzzled. "Ah no.  I just knew sir."
Opening the hatch Jack frowned until he saw that the Ensign was standing with her nose to the hatch. "Oh Hi Hun. Why have you been waiting here of all the places. And how did you know I was here?"

"I always know where you are day and night. You always know where I
am at too. If you would just remember how to use your eyes from when we were kids."

The Captain stepped up behind Jack. "Ensign. How did you know Jack was here and for that
matter that he was getting ready to leave? That hatch and this compartment is heavily armored and sound proof and yet I watched you stand up and look at Jack through a foot of armor as he stood and then followed him to the hatch as if the damn armor was glass." Turning to Jack. "And you can't tell me you were surprised to see her. Not that you knew she had been sitting there but I watched you watch her walk up to stand on the other side of the hatch before it opened."

"What? That is impossible Captain. No normal person can look
through walls." Jack got a funny look on his face. "I don't know what I saw for sure."

"You saw an invisible wall of clouds that would have destroyed the fleet when our
instruments could not detect it. Maybe it is because you both are Neutron babies but whatever the reason, it must be why you two are drawn to each other." The Captain turned back around and returned to her seat before looking at them again as the Ensign stepped up to rub lightly against Jack, shoulder to shoulder. "Well, you both are definitely human and I can see no harm in simply having better eyesight than most but I cannot have a pair of officers of different ranks fraternizing.  You both get some sleep and you Ensign, can put some more time on the Sim and then The Game after watch tomorrow and earn that promotion. Dismissed."  Picking up her drink she paused as they started out the hatch. "And I meant good sleep. No more than a quarter hour of play and then sleep. And that is an order." It was obvious that she had lost the bet.


Jack rolled over with his back against the bulkhead as the Ensign slid a little to the edge to give him room. Raising her head up to
allow him to put his arm under her neck in front of the fluffed up pillow. Jack, rubbing her stomach as he caught his breath and relaxed closing his eyes sated. He lifted his hand up to cup a small portion of her breast and relaxed but it slowly slid back down to her lower chest from the pull of gravity. Several times more he tried to make it stay and each time he relaxed his hand slid back down. Finally she cupped his hand in hers and held it over her nipples smiling.

"Is that better babe

haa." He said as his breathing leveled out.

The cabin was quiet for a long time with the two of them breathing in unison and then suddenly the Ensign said disgustingly. "Damn it! Of all the damn nights for that crap!"

Jack jerked awake looking around as he tried to get out of bed. "What the... What is wrong." Seeing nothing in the dark he reached for the light switch only to be stopped by the Ensign's hand.

"No love. Wait and look."

"Look at what? It is pitch black in here. At least turn on the reading light or uncover the clock so I can see something. I don't see why you covered it in the first place."

"No." She reached up gently grabbing Jacks chin
without grouping and turned his face toward the other side of the cabin where he used to sleep. "Now just look. Wait a few minutes and tell me what you see."

"I don't see anything. It is pitch black."
Jack let his eyes close as he started to relax. His whole body just wanted to sleep after the vigorous workout a few minutes before so he just let his eyes close as he held his head up to make the Ensign happy.

"You open those eyes this instant babe. Look damn it."

"How did you know I closed my eyes? You hear my lids or something."

"Don’t be silly. Just look and shut up darling."

And what am I supposed to see?"

"You will see. Think back to when we were
3, 4 and 5 when we would be put to bed with the lights out, while the grownups partied or played games. And we did not want to be left out of the fun. Remember what we used to do."

"I don't remember."

"Yes you do. But your parents' were not at all patient and chastised and ridiculed you every time you told them or they saw you looking strangely around. My parents' just smiled and played along even though they did not believe me." She started rubbing his hand still under hers, over her breast squeezing his hand to squeeze her nipple. She knew that would keep his attention for a while. Hopefully long enough.

She was starting to get dejected as Jack started getting interested in playing with her breast and not looking. But then she was getting interested in what he was doing too.

Just when she had given up and decided she wanted him to start rubbing something else lower down Jack said. "What the heck. What is that?" Jack stopped pinching her nipple even slightly.

"No don’t stop!"

"Is that someone in my bunk? How? No it can't be." Jack let his hand drop to her stomach as he sat up on his elbow and slowly rubbed his hand around on her flat stomach not really paying attention.

"Yes. Yes, lower
. Go lower love."

"No that is the guy in the next cabin."

"Yes rub lower Hun." She pushed his hand lower. "No love, ignore him. Rub here."

"What is he doing? No he. Damn. Can you see that?"

She spread her legs as she used her hand to push his hand between them. "No don't look now. Not now."

"God he is
masturbating babe!" He tried to pull his hand out to point but only pulled his fingers deeper into the Ensign.

The Ensign let out a Howling moan and said. "Yes,
yes babe, yes harder babe, harder." Jack started cooperating as he kept watching the guy with his hand getting faster and faster.

Turning around in disgust and tryin
g to concentrate, he looked down between the Ensign's legs and saw a beautiful flaming body pressed against his not so flaming body. As he stared at his fingers sliding up inside her and her body starting to squirm beside him in time with his fingers he saw something move over his shoulder. A woman was only inches away with her own hands between her legs bucking on her bed with her mouth silently screaming in time with her hands. One clawing hand's fingers up inside herself and the other rubbing her outside button like a buzz saw.

One by one t
he bunks around him became still again with the Ensign the last to collapsed with her leg falling off the bunk and the other across his thigh while the woman behind him rolled over against the bulkhead pressing her body against Jacks back with only a half inch of composite bulkhead separating them.  Her face only inches from his as she started slowly rubbing herself again.

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