Battleship Destroyer (63 page)

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Authors: L.D. Roberts

BOOK: Battleship Destroyer
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After watching the Captain leave
, the Director gave Jack a disgusting look and started to leave and then caught sight of the Ensign as she got up to leave. "Oh my. What do we have here? What team are you on darling? Oh it does not matter. I will have you transferred to be my personal assistant so I can get a feel for what you have to offer." His smile reached from ear to ear as he licked his lips. His stare going from her breasts to her face. "Oh, I remember you now." He glanced at Jack. "Yes, as my new assistant we will work very well together starting tonight."

"Why you damn asshole
...” Jack started to get up but the Ensign put her hand on his shoulder pushing him back down in the seat with more than a little force.

"So you think you want some of this do you Director?" She smiled over at him as she pushed out her chest and turned sideways to show him the full length of what she had to offer."

"Why yes my darling. I am a very powerful man back on Earth. I can take you far in my organization as my personal assistant. I am sure we will be working many late nights together in my private quarters but I will make it worth your time. You will advance fast in my University system."

Oh really Director. I can't tell you how excited that makes me, but I can show you exactly how much I want to join your little club so you can start threatening my whole family if I displease you."

The Ensig
n pulled the stun pistol off the hip that was out of his sight and thumbed it up to full power.  As she pointed it at the Director's nuts, she smiled. His eyes got even bigger as they left her breasts and fixed on the pistol. “Are you starting to get an idea of just how much I am looking forward to working with you?”

"What the hell are you
doing? I am a very powerful man. I can make your life miserable or very comfortable and all you have to be is my close personal friend."

! You are a shitty pervert. And if you ever talk to me again I will kill you." She pulled the trigger knocking the Director across and into the chair he was next to. Excruciating pain escaping his screaming slips until he ran out of air to seem with.

Jack raised his wrist comm to his lips.
"Medical team to the conference compartment, 23- 19. Director Johnson has been stunned at full power." Jack stood up, checked the Director's pulse and then kissed the Ensign as they waited for the medic's to arrive. "I don’t think his job offer still stands love. I hope you are not too disappointed if he did not like your answer."

The Ensign sniffed the air. "Oh god. He shit his pants big time. Let's wait outside in the fresh air." The
y walked into the passageway as the medic's arrived.

of the medic's saw the Ensign and looked at his watch. "You set another record Ensign. You waited for a whole two hours after breakfast for your first shooting." Looking inside the hatch he took a whiff. "Christ. Another one we have to clean up. Damn it Ensign. Well, you said full power and that is what usually happens. We will take him to his cabin to sleep it off." They lifted him up onto the gurney.

"No." Jack smiled. "
No. He has too much work to do to laze around in his cabin. Take him to the research hold deck directly and leave him just inside hold B where most of the teams are and do not clean him up. He can do that himself when he can move. That is an order." Jack's eyes flared. "Oh that is even better. Do not administer any pain medicine or sedatives for his headache and muscle cramps; simply make sure he stays alive. And since we don’t want him thrashing around when he wakes and hurting himself, you had better strap him down tight and make sure he is fully awake for a good half hour before you unstrap him. Safer that way. He is likely to jump up still half stunned and hurt himself."

The medic looked at Jack and then the Ensign and smiled. "
Sounds like sound medical advice Lieutenant.  We will strap him down tight and make sure he is fully awake before we release him. Thank you for your concern." The medic pulled his emergency fold down helmet up from around his neck and rolled it over his head sealing it to his suit as the others followed suit. "You owe me Ensign, big time. I have never seen anyone stunned before, call me the next time before you have fun shooting someone, so I can watch and make sure the victim is safe."

"You are a strange one but if I have time." The Ensign smiled as they left with the
loaded gurney. Jack and the Ensign walked the other way so they were not following the smell. "I need to stop by the Cabin on our way to the auxiliary bridge." She said smiling with a twinkle in her eyes as she started down the passageway. "I need you to take care of something. And I need you fast." She punched him on the shoulder and started running toward their cabin.




"Come about
, course 272 mark 93. Fire target 17." Jack tried not to scream as the ship shook from another hit. The Enemy spider ship they had just finished targeting tumbled, expelling gas and pieces of itself.

"Captain the mother Battleship is turning toward us."

"Good." Jack hit his Comm screen. "C, Charly squadron, target the battleship. It has its tail toward you. C Squadron Target the Battleship!"

The Parsley started firing on the rear of Target 17 and another Gun blew up as Jack realized that C squadron no longer existed. "Butch Squadron Target the

Turning to the Weapons Officer. "'Damn it Target the
remaining weapons! At this range you should have hit both of them. Pilot, evasive maneuver Delta 9. Delta 9."

Jack looked around just in time to watch target 7 fire
its guns on them. The Parsley shuddered and started tumbling. They had been hit in the engine section from the side, taking out their last engine. "Damn it. Only having two engines with no armor is crap."

The maneuvering thrusters brought the ship under control as the ships guns fired again. This time they hit target 17's guns dead on.

"Weapons Target 9. Target 9." They were in the perfect position for another tail shot.

Jack looked around just in time to watch the battleship fire
all 4 of its remaining guns and the ship bucked violently as alarms sounded briefly before the bridge went dark and silent.

A few seconds later the main screen and battle plot tank came back on showing the enemy with 5 ships left including the Battleship as the fleet with 11 ships continued the battle. "Better than a two to one odds.
" Jack frowned. "We have to get them this time."

But the battle ship again split
its fire between several fleet ships as the range closed taking out two more attackers with its next shots as only one of the enemy ships went dark.

hen the remaining 3 enemy Battle cruisers each took out a fleet ship and it was 8 to 4.

Then it was 8 to 3 and Jack was starting to have some hope that they would at least get the damn enemy fleet
's battleship.

But then he realized that all the fleet ships on one side had been knocked out. And the damn Battleship had nothing that could
threaten it from behind.

The 8 remaining fleet ships launched torpedoes again in a mass wave just before 2 more fleet ships died
though 2 more enemy Battle cruisers went dark seconds later.

But Jack knew the
writing was on the wall. The last Battle cruiser died as the fleet charged the Battleship but it picked the fleet ships off one at a time as they closed trying to get around for a stern shot.

The fleet ships guns and torpedoes disappearing harmlessly into the damn shield decks knocki
ng pieces off and destroying them one by one after half a hundred shot for each but not doing any real damage to the enemy armored shield deck.

The enemy battleship
's remaining guns simply kept firing one at a time at a ship until it died and then switched to another target shooting one gun at a time until that ship died as well instead of wasting shots in salvoes. Using only a couple of shots down the throat of each ship to finish knocking them out.

The last fleet battleship reached a thousand miles from the enemy battleship before it died. And the screen declared victory for
the enemy.

"No fra
cking Daa." Jack hit the arm of the Command chair shaking his head. "Damn it to fracking hell." Shaking his head he looked around glad that the ensign was not there to see him fail yet again. "If there was just some way to sucker the majority of the enemy Battle cruisers away from that damn Battleship we would stand a chance." But he had tried everything he could think of and the scouts just simply refused to leave the battleship. Grabbing his head with both hands, he tried to pull his short hair without success. "Think damn it! Think!"

He suddenly
turned around to the tablet sheet he had propped up beside him.  A straight lipped smiled crossed his face as he saw the Ensign. "The Ensign sat in a pilots chair hard at work. Her hands periodically tapping the controls with one hand the stick in the other as the bridge around her shook every few seconds as she concentrated.

She glanced over at the Jack and smiled. "Sounds like you are having a bit of a problem there love. Care to elaborate?"

"Hi. Just can't figure out how to use the enemy’s weaknesses against them when they don't want to cooperate."

"Yap. I hate it when the enemy doesn't play stupid for me." She said as she turned her full attention to piloting the ship. "What is the best strategy with a smart enemy?"

"Hah. Simple. Hit fast and run." Jack smiled. "Hitting them at high speed from several directions at the same time insures that we get several shots at the stern of their battleship at close range before they have time to fire to many shots at us. Makes knocking out their flag battleship easy on the first pass along with a good portion of their battle cruisers. Then taking out half of the rest on each succeeding pass without blowing up half our guns from over use and losing to many of the fleet."

wonderful. So what is the problem?" She glanced at Jack and then went back to concentrate on piloting.

"The problem is that
without the ships to form the sensor array we can't track the enemy fleet and our high speed squadrons can't attack at the same time letting the enemy fleet turn in plenty of time to concentrate their massive fire on each squadron as it passes, blowing us out of space without harming them much." Jack frowned shaking his head. "If I use enough ships to track the enemy fleet I don't have enough ships for the high speed attacks even if it is from several directions and the enemy still is able to concentrate his fire and wipe us out before we can make enough passes to kill the Battleship let alone their Battle cruisers. No. The only way this works is if I have enough ships attacking to overwhelm their defensive fire and kill them before they have time to shoot more than a couple of shots. I just need more ships." Thinking about it for a second. "Or real battleships that carry enough guns to do some damage quickly. Or make them think I have real battleships. A way to make them fixed targets. A way to back them up against the wall. No. The cloud. Yes the cloud." Taking a deep breath. "I need to find out what the Damn rock has that we can use."

"Did you try using the ships boats as decoys to give you more time?"

Jack Smiled at her. "Ya. And the ships life boats and decoy torpedoes and chaff and smart rocks. Yap. Already done that and that buys us the first few shots if they don't have overwhelming numbers or time or we attack from one frigging direction. I need to get their attention while they are attacked from behind with overwhelming force." Jack sat back and thought for a good minute as the Ensign became very busy.  She tried to glance in every screen at once with one hand flying over the controls, the other gripping the stick white knuckled and her seat shaking with the bridge around her.

The Ensign
finally jerked one last time with the bridge around her and suddenly sat still with the bridge rock solid as she sat stiffly in the seat waiting for something to happen breathing deep and fast as she tried to read all her screens at once.

Jack leaned over to the tablet. "Good landing love.
Manual landings are a bitch aren’t they? Later." Jack got up and left the Auxiliary Bridge. He hated those rough assault landings on heavy thick atmosphere planets, especially on manual with no auto pilot to help, but it was still required for Sim training.

She glanced at the tablet as Jack left the screen and returned to studying the screens around her. Taking longer and longer glances at the tablet showing an empty Command chair until she was staring at the tablet as a tear came to her
smiling eyes. She reached out to touch the tablet's screen. "Thanks. Later Love."


Jack knocked on the Captain's
main quarter’s cabin buried deep inside the ship and then went in without waiting for an answer or invite.

The Captain l
ooked up as she placed her Iced Tea down on the table next to her chair. "Yes Lieutenant. How can I help you?"

"I need to see what the Rock has that can help us. That I can use to help us." Jack stood at attention.

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