Bear The Heat (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: Bear The Heat (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 3)
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“Yes!” he cried. “Dig those claws in, don’t make me wait. Do it.”

Breaker’s command sent a trill through Rory’s body, warming her to the core. The pressure against her clit had her sailing, and as she raked her extending claws down his back got the bear growling louder. Breaker’s swelling muscles and the bear-like fur that had started covering him, gave away how excited

“This ever happened to you?” she asked, catching her breath for just a second. “This whole sex-shifting thing?”

“Only when I dreamed of you the last two nights,” Breaker said with a grin. “Now I’m going to make sure you know I’m no liar.”

With a gentle scrape, he ran his teeth down the line of Rory’s jaw to the hollow of her throat. He pressed his tongue against her


skin, warming her, and then sending a cool snake of electricity down her belly when he sucked a kiss and went a little lower.

First he kissed the base of her breast, cupping the other in his hot, rough palm. The slow circles he turned with his hand sent shivers up Rory’s back. She lay her head back, nestled among the cool grass, and let the wave of pleasure just wash over her.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she breathed. “I can’t believe—”

Breaker’s mouth closing over her nipple, with her bra separating his tongue from her peak, forced a gasp from Rory’s lips that cut short her attempt at talk. Instead of words, the only thing that came when she opened her mouth again was a long, trailing sigh.

Her hands found the back of Breaker’s head, rasping along the close-cropped golden-brown hair. She clutched him against her chest in more of a need than a want. He nipped her with his teeth, then opened his mouth wide and painted a slow, wet circle around her nipple with his tongue. The wet heat she felt wasn’t just from his tongue – it was also creeping out from inside her, between her legs.

He pushed his hips against her again, sending a surge of ecstasy through her that ended with a shudder escaping her lips.

“It’s real,” he whispered when he finally came up for air. “Of everything in the entire world, this is real.”

With his chin, he pushed her bra down just far enough to slide his tongue in around Rory’s nib, and his other hand slid down her body, under her jeans. “I’m not the only excited one,”

he said. She could hear the lust in his voice. He ran a finger along the entrance to her sex, gently pushing her panties just inside. She let out a throaty growl, and then moaned Breaker’s name when the bear slid a finger along the outside of her and danced a slow tango across her clit with a fingertip.

“Take ‘em off,” she finally managed to groan. “I want to... no, I need to feel you. I need you, Breaker.”


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He ground his teeth softly on her nipple and then slid his fingers along either side of Rory’s labia. Gently, so gently that it might have been a breeze blowing against her, he trailed them up both sides of her, and then back down. “If you need me half as much as I need you, then I know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Something, she wasn’t quite sure what, forced her to drag her fingernails down the big bear’s back, and when she did, he let out a long, harsh groan of pleasure. Then she lifted her head and tested him with her teeth.

The sound he made was somewhere between a gasp and a laugh, but she took the meaning and gave him a little more of a bite where his neck met his shoulder. Her sharpening teeth pricked his skin, and he let out a long, trailing “yes,” before sliding his middle finger underneath her cotton panties, and just past her entrance. He curled his finger, rotating slowly, and hit a place that Rory was almost sure no man on earth knew existed.

Her breath caught in her chest, hot and halting, and before she knew it, the whole world was spinning around her. Waves of flame followed by icy chill slid along her nerves, and the cords in her neck all went tight at once.

When she tried to say something, Breaker interrupted her with a kiss. He tasted her deeply, swirling his tongue against hers as Rory squeezed her legs together, forcing his finger slightly deeper. She let out a quailing cry that started with his name and ended with a hiss.

All of a sudden, the muscles inside her clenched like a fist, holding Breakers fingers hostage. “Oh my God,” she managed to hiss, “you’re making me...come...I...”

Another kiss silenced her again, and as the waves of her orgasm came across Rory’s chest, then slid around her stomach like warm sea water, she opened her eyes and saw him staring right into them. Just that second, she felt her nerves all explode at


once; her muscles went taut, and then relaxed as she exhaled a long-held breath.

The afterburn of her climax held on longer than any she remembered, and not once did his eyes leave her.

A final shudder wriggled through Rory, and when she felt like she could finally talk, she pulled her bear close. “Anything in that house?” she asked.

“I might’ve brought a few things.” He kissed her once, then pulled back just far enough to watch her face.

“I think I might want to see them,” Rory said with a smile she wasn’t sure Breaker could see, but she felt nonetheless. “I mean, if it’s no trouble.”

She yelped as he hoisted her effortlessly up in his arms. “Well, I went to all the trouble to bring the stuff out here,” he said.

“Seems kind of stupid not to at least get some use out of it, huh?”

“This feels,” Rory took a deep breath, “good,” she relaxed in his arms. “It feels...”

“Real?” he finished for her. “Yeah, I know what you mean. It feels like everything in my life has come to this.” He was still just holding her, staring into her eyes. It was a sort of strange place to have a heartfelt conversation, but what the hell, Rory thought, who ever needed normal?

“Do you think maybe there’s something more to all this than random luck?” she asked, lifting her head to peck a kiss on Breaker’s stubbly cheek. “Or do you think that’s all it is?”

He shrugged. It was a little amazing how high his gesture lifted Rory, but what really caught her attention was the way he stared straight into her eyes. The golden-yellow flecks she’d noticed earlier were burning brighter, almost like tiny explosions – tiny stars – in the depth of his eyes. “I think it’s better not to try and worry so much about the why and how of everything that happens. Fires... sure, that makes sense. But this is one kind of fire I’m not sure I want to figure out. I’m not sure I need to figure it out. All I know is that right now I’ve never been happier in my

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life, and I’m not about to science myself out of these feelings. I think we should just let our hearts go, let them feel whatever they want.”

A tear ran down each of Rory’s cheeks and slid around her face before soaking into the hair framing her eyes. “How the hell did I find you, Breaker? This is the most ridiculous, unbelievable, incredible thing that I can imagine. How the hell did I find you?”

the second time she asked it was almost like she was asking the night, and not the bear holding her against his chest.

“There’s magic,” he said, “and then there’s Eve.”

The two of them smiled into each other’s eyes for a long moment. “I think I’m ready to see the palace you’ve arranged for me,” Rory said, trying hard not to laugh.

“As you wish, princess, as you wish.”

The two of them laughing filled the forest as they walked into the house.
Whatever happens from here,
Rory thought,
at least we
have this. We’ll always have this.


“I can tell what you’re thinking,” Breaker said. “These are pretty low thread count sheets, right? But here’s a secret. The higher thread counts? Burn like hell. Just whoosh, up in a flash.”

“Really?” Rory asked, pulling her hair back into a high ponytail, and taking in the strangely non-charred burn house.

“No, but like I said, I don’t spend much money and by the time I decided I was actually going to go through with this, Walt’s department store was closed and I had to just get the blankets from my house. Hope it isn’t too scratchy.”

“I love them,” she said, pulling the fluffy, down-filled comforter up around her. Even though she was still wearing part of her clothes, the night’s chill made her glad for the blanket. “I love that it smells like you,” she paused for a moment. “I love you,” she said. “I think,” she added quickly.

Suddenly, Breaker became very serious. The joking way he’d talked about this old burn house being a vacation home for firefighters who needed to get away for a night melted almost immediately. On the stove behind him, the tea kettle he’d started began to whistle, but he paid no attention.

“Oh God,” Rory said, that old self-doubt surfacing again. “I did it. I went and did it. I just had to open my damn mouth and I—”

“I love you too,” Breaker finished for her. Rory’s cheeks burned, but nothing like the fire in her soul. “I have no idea what’s going on. I don’t know why my brain hasn’t made me turn and run like a lunatic, but... this is the first time I’ve ever been

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able to say that without the slightest question in my mind.

You’re... I don’t know,” he said. “Something I never thought I’d find. But now that I have? I’m not letting you go.”

Rory started laughing, throwing her head back in a way that made her look slightly batty. “If you think,” she said, “
’re the one who isn’t going anywhere, you got another thing comin’, buddy.”

“Well then tell you what,” Breaker said, sliding into the blankets, his body immediately warming hers, even though he hadn’t touched her yet – his skin was just
warm. “Sounds like we’ve got ourselves one hell of a deal, doesn’t it?”

“I wish you were naked,” he said with a growl. His first kiss was soft, the second one insistent, and the third hungry and deep.

It was a sort of passion, a desperate power, that Rory didn’t know if she’d even heard about in movies. It was just a pure sort of vulnerable need for her, that in that one instant, she knew without any question, that whatever was happening between them, it was

And for her? Right then? That’s all she needed in the world.

At least, that’s what Rory thought until her bear grabbed a handful of hair, forced her head back at an angle and enveloped her in a kiss. Her lips tingled with anticipation for him, and when he pushed his tongue inside, she could hardly think of anything else.

“Soon,” she whispered. “Whenever you want, just make me that way.”

The teapot on the stove began a soft, almost droning whistle, which Rory thought mirrored the way her own heat had begun bubbling up inside, and creeping out in wet heat from between her legs. She was still soaked from before, but the chill air had mostly cooled her dry. When Breaker’s hot, soft lips trailed down her chin to the hollow of her bared throat though, the sweet ache was back in an instant.



Breaker kissed her throat, sucking gently on the side of her neck and then let his lips slide down to her shoulder where he bit gently. “What did I ever do without you?” he asked. It seemed a little more rhetorical, but Rory couldn’t resist.

“Probably watched a lot of bad TV,” she whispered. “Or internet porn, depending on what you were needing.”

She laughed and Breaker smiled, which she could barely make out in the pool of silver, shimmering moonlight flooding through the burn house’s window and surrounding them on the pile of blankets and sheets. She took a deep breath, pulling her breath in through her nose and relishing Breaker’s hard, masculine scent, and drinking in the way his kisses were trickling, almost dripping, down her neck and finally between her breasts.

The soft cotton of her t-shirt brushed against Rory’s aching nipples, sending a trill of pleasure down her spine. Involuntarily, she closed her fingers on Breaker’s back, scrunching up his shirt.

“How are you doing this to me?” she asked. “It’s like you’ve opened up some... I don’t know, something inside me that I had no idea existed.”

“Oh, you mean like how you made my eyes turn yellow?” he asked, looking up from where he sucked. “And made hair come out of my neck? I think we might have some crazy things we’re doing to each other. I kinda like it.”

As if to punctuate what he liked, Breaker closed his mouth around Rory’s nipple, perfectly encircling her peak. Dragging his tongue around her, and warming her skin through her shirt with flicks of his tongue, he groaned as her nipple stiffened inside his mouth. With each circle of his tongue, each soft nip of his teeth, Breaker forced Rory to take quicker, hotter, shorter breaths.

She grabbed one of his hands, and led it down her body, between her legs. He unbuttoned her jeans, then cupped his fingers around her, moaning softly against her skin when he found her heat. The knuckles of his middle finger pulsed against her, and his palm ground hot and hard against her clit. The way

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he pressed, in slow, patient circles that pulsed against her, had Rory’s lungs burning with excitement.

He kissed her again, after licking all the way up to her chin.

He closed his mouth over hers just as Rory started to groan. She whispered his name and arched her back, pressing her hips against Breaker’s hand.

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