Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Bearing It All (Grizzly Affairs Book 1)
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Icy pain licked at her skin as her boots sunk into the icy snow with urgent steps. Puffs of mist hovered in front of her face as her breaths came out in pants. Gripping at the strong bark of a nearby tree, her fearful gaze darted around the dark forest.

Can’t stop...
She kept reminding herself as she pushed her burning legs to keep running. The deep snow and strong wind were not her best allies in her endeavor. The endless night would help conceal her presence, but not for long. She was being hunted.

Can’t stop...
She repeated, looking around fearful.

The winter wind slapped at her sweat slicked skin, causing her body to rack with shivers. She wouldn’t go back. She’d rather die first—but not until she couldn’t run anymore. Folding her arms around her shaking body, she bit her lip against the pain of her frozen skin and the burning along her ribs.

She could do this, she had to do this. Taking a deep breath, her feet began pushing through the snowy terrain once more. When her feet would sink down into the heavy snow with every step she took, it took every effort to lift it and began anew. The snow burned against her bare legs with every step. She would never survive in only the thin clothes she wore. Her only hope was to continue on until she found help. Determined to stay ahead of her captors she kept moving even as the pain in her skull intensified.

The wind began to pick up as more snow began whipping at her freezing face. Her golden hair whipped dangerously around her face, striking at her tender skin. Her numb fingers clawed at the ground as she pulled herself up the incline ahead of her. Just as she neared the top her feet gave away as her boots slid against a patch of ice. Crashing against the harsh ground, she felt her frozen form begun to slide downward. Her hand shot out, quickly gripping an ice encrusted root and using it she pulled herself up to level ground.

The sound of crunching snow and rough voices echoed a short distance below the incline. Glancing down she wasn’t surprised to see Malca’s soldiers hot on her tail. It didn’t matter. This time she wouldn’t be taken alive if she could prevent it. Tonight would be when she would taste the freedom she longed for.

“Come on out, little girl!” The tallest shouted his face lifting in a creepy smile as his eyes lift to her crouching form above.

Not staying to watch his and his pal’s pursuit of her, she dashed down the icy slope. Her tired, frozen feet stumbled and slid against the uneven ground; bring her crashing against the sharp ice and snow. Rushing to her feet, she spun in a rushed circle. Her eyes searched franticly for a direction to run in. In every direction was endless dark forest. She could end up running in circles for all she knew and then they’d catch her for sure. She refused to slink back to her cell like an obedient dog. But she couldn’t run any more at this point either.

Time was running out and there was nowhere for her to run with any hope of out distancing her hunters. Looking up at the towering trees above her, a plan formed in her mind. Rushing to the closest one she gripped a lower branch and began pulling herself up. Higher and higher she climbed until she was half way up and concealed by the snow covered branches.

“Look around, she couldn’t have gotten far.”

Brushing her long, pale hair away from her face, she waited, holding her breath as the grunting sounds of the two burly men drew near. Their footsteps paused below her before moving forward to search her out. They circled around her position in a wide circle and much to her delight, never once did they look up.

A moment later the shorter man paused beside her tree to sling his rifle over his shoulder as he reached for his flashlight. The click of the flash light made her heart jump, making her silently pray that they wouldn’t see her boot prints at the base of the tree. Luckily for her, he walked right though her boot prints without spying them.

“There are no tracks over here. The bitch must have gone this way.” He mumbled to his companion, pointing with his flashlight beyond his position. Her heart to seize with fear as the second man came to join the other, his head tilted toward the direction his partner pointed.  The taller one shined his flashlight in same direction without saying a word. Above them she gripped the rough trunk as she struggled to hold her shivering body still. Silently she willed them to move on, but neither of them made a move.

“Let’s split up.” The taller one decreed. “You go this way and I’ll double back and make sure she didn’t slip past us.” He said, indicating with his flashlight. The second man nodded in agreement before they both followed their decided paths.

The moment both of them were gone, she felt the adrenaline rush from her head, making her dizzy. She’d lost them, for now.  She waited for a few more moments before she began climbing back down. The second her feet touched solid ground she moved straight ahead, the one direction neither one had taken.

She didn’t know how much time had passed since she’d been moving in the same direction. It felt like hours and the cold was only making moving harder. Every step she took was slow and cautious as she feared her path would cross with her pursuers again. She was forced to stop as she came to the edge of a wide flowing brook. Looking around she saw there was no way around the—no doubt-- icy stream. Cursing her luck she stepped down into the gentle flowing current. The icy water soaked the legs of her pants and leaked into her boots. Reluctantly she moved across, cringing at the cold temperature of the water.

Reaching the other side she climbed out of the brook and onto more snowy ground. Her legs and feet felt like a block of ice was tethered to each one. Fighting to ignore the feeling she prayed that she’d put enough distance between herself and the two men. Wrapping her arms around herself she took in her surroundings. Still there was nothing but endless trees and snow with no sign of a road or house anywhere. A wave of hopelessness hit her despite her will to ignore it. She needed to find some type of shelter and get warm or she wouldn’t last in this element for long. Slowly walking along, she was just about to debate whether she should seek shelter high up in a tree again when her eyes noticed something. To her left, a short distance away was a cave that nature had carved out of the side of a rocky formation near the gentle brook. Moving closer she inspected the inside to be sure it was empty, a grateful smile graced her lips as she found it was.

The interior of the cave was covered in dry leaves and cold earth. The smell of soggy wood and dirt filled her senses. Bending down slightly she slowly entered the dark space. Inside the cave had to be no bigger than the length of her cell, but it would do for shelter this night. Except for the sound of flowing water nearby the woods around her was quiet. She could only hope the dark shelter would hide her presence from her pursuers for a few hours while she rested.

Lowering herself down to the ground, she quickly pulled her wet boots off. Turning them upside down she wasn’t surprised when a bit of water poured out of them. Not ready to put her feet back in them just yet she lowered herself onto her side as she faced to mouth of the cave. Her wound along her ribs burned with her movement causing her to wince.

Choosing to ignore the pain in her side, she drew her knees to her chest as she struggled to stay awake. She’d been running for so long, what harm was there in resting for a minute? As the thought drifted through her mind, her eyes drifted shut against her will. She could only hope that she’d survive to see the morning.


* ~ * ~ *

You’re mine…

Doyle grinned as his eyes followed the female he’d been tracking for the last half an hour. The predator had his prey. Slowly edging out from the cover of the trees, he moved closer. His heavy feet were silent against the sinking snow under his weight. If he moved too soon, she’d become aware of his presence and run away. But tonight was his night and tonight he would feast. 

Her feet froze in mid step, casting a look around the surrounding trees. She knew he was watching, yet she stayed. Waiting…waiting to see what he would do this night. Would he spare her like he'd done the last time their paths crossed? Or would he finally catch her? He enjoyed the uncontainable power that he felt when in his grizzly form. His immense form made him the perfect hunter. Every creature in his forest should respect and fear him.

All day, his human skin had burned, feeling too small for his immense muscular frame. His bear was wound so tight that he was snapping at everyone he’d come in contact with today. If he didn't get more of a handle on his bear, someone was going to get hurt. He never felt more alive than he was now as he stalked his prey. Hunting within his territory in his superior form was the only joy he seemed to feel lately.

There were times he regretted becoming Alpha over his region like his father before him. It was too much responsibility and too many people wanting him to fix their problems. It was much easier being the Alpha’s son than Alpha himself. Though grizzly bears didn't run in packs like wolves, His pack consisted of not just grizzly shifters but others as well. To keep order, there had always been an appointed a leader to govern over all the shifters in his territory. That meant more work for him and less time to let loose his animal. Tonight was the first time in weeks he was able to relax and he planned on enjoying it.

Unable to contain his animal urges any more, he watched as the doe lowered her head once again, searching once again for any vegetation that she could eat. Without wasting a second his bear charged, emitting a thunderous roar as his massive strength came down upon the helpless doe. Before she could even make the move to run, she was in his clutches.

Moments later; he couldn’t help feeling satisfaction as he stared down at the remainder of his kill. Scavengers of the forest would work to dispose of the rest of his kill. He was always careful not to leave half eaten deer’s lying around on his property. The last thing he wanted was the police thinking they had a vicious animal on the loose.

Lumbering away from the carcass, he slowly made his way to his cabin in the seclusion of the woods. These days this was as exciting as his life was. Hunting by night in his bear form and then returning to the solace of his cabin, deep in the woods of his pack’s territory. Barely noticing his surroundings as he trudged forward, he found himself nearly stumbling into a tree as a scent drifting on the wind quickly distracted him.

The scent was strong and addictive. Like the sweetest of berries being held out before him, tempting him for a taste. Never in a million years did he ever smell anything so delicious.  He felt a part of his inner animal reaching out, as though it were grasping for something. There was only one thing that could smell that good and draw his animal from its hidden depths.

Mate. His mate.

Turning in the direction of the coming wind, he charged forward. He took in more and more of the alluring scent with every heavy step. As he followed the scent trail, he focuses on the other scents that accompanied it. The bitter taste of fear and pain filled his senses. Shaking his massive brown head, his clawed feet dug deeper into the ground beneath them.

His bear bit back an angry rumble at the idea of someone hurting the one meant only for him. Was she injured? She wasn’t a shifter. Her scent would have told him otherwise. Did that mean she was human? No, the scent was too sweet smelling to be a human.

A million questions filtered through his head about his mate. He didn't question what he’d done in his life to deserve to find his mate so easily, but he planned to thank God for it as soon as he got his unseen mate home.

As the scent became stronger, his steps slowed as other scents became known as well. His wide snout cringed at the scents of humans. There were hunters in the forest. Could they be hunting his mate? He had no answers to his unending questions, but was relieved to know that scent trail of the human was leading far in the opposite direction.

Continuing on, Doyle slowed as he came to a shadowy cave carved into a rocky foundation. As he approached the entrance, he had no idea what he would find, but nothing prepared him for what he did find.

Entering the dark interior his sharp gaze fell on the huddled form of a young woman. Her knees were drawn up to her chest as her unprotected arms wrapped around her middle, hugging herself against the cold.  The side of her face was buried amongst the brittle dirt and leaves of the ground. She was built just like a woman should be. With soft curves meant to cradle her mate during a long night of loving and yet her limbs were shaped with feminine muscle. Her full lips and already pale skin had a blue tint to them from harsh cold temperatures. Her hair was the color of golden sunlight.

Her thin shirt molded her breast against the soft material as her nipples stood out from the temping mounds. He wanted to change to his human form so that he may cup each full mound and weigh them with each of his hands. A groan was rumbled in the back of his throat at the image he invoked.  He didn't know wither to drool or shake his head at the craziness of gazing upon his
mate. What type of man did it make him that he was tempted to touch an unconscious woman? More importantly, what type of woman went walking through the woods in winter with barely any clothes? Her shoes were no different, tossed to the side he could see they were worn and soaked.

He felt his curiosity perk up. Who was she? Why would she be in the middle of the Quebec forest of Canada without proper clothing? There were too many questions and with no supply of answers. Her huddled and shaking form called to his inner bear. If that wasn’t enough, his bear growled as he picked up the scent of blood. She was hurt.

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