Beautiful Oblivion (27 page)

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Authors: Addison Moore

BOOK: Beautiful Oblivion
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Reese pants heavily, clawing at my shoulder, writhing under my tongue as if the entire world were about to detonate with her.

“Ace.” She pulls out of my grasp, and I glance up at her with her lids partially closed, her lips parted just enough. “I want to do this with you.” She slips down next me, her hot breath searing over my chest.

I reach into my bag to pluck out a condom, but they’re all still safely sealed in the box. I had Gavin run into the general store this morning and buy a shitload of love gloves because I couldn’t figure out the math. He asked if I was stocking up for a sexual apocalypse, so I let him in on my weeklong love making plans with Reese. He said it sounded like heaven, and I assured him it would be. I would have bought them myself but the last thing I wanted to do was plunk them on the counter while Neva rang up the register.

“Can I see?” Reese gets up on one shoulder and watches as I roll it on. Her eyes drift up to mine as a wicked grin struggles to break free on my lips. This is it. The train has left the station—one last stop—Reese.

I dive down and land my lips over hers. Reese moans into my mouth—her legs already parting for me.

I’m going to love you Reese, I moan into the thought but I don’t say it. I already love her. I think it’s about damn time I admitted it to myself—and, if I get the balls, hopefully her.

Reese reaches down and guides me to her, a move I’m guessing she’s regretting since Gavin opted for the heavily lubed variety, which judging by how wet Reese is, we didn’t really need.

I run my cock over her warm slick nice and slow, teasing the both of us in the process.

Reese lets out a heated cry, and I’m about to lose it. I push in just enough and try to take it slow, but my dick is about to win this battle, and I hope to God I don’t hurt Reese in the process. I thrust in hard without meaning to then try to glide out slow as if that might make things better.

Fuck, she’s so tight.

“You okay?” I dive a kiss over her ear, and her breathing matches mine breath for heated breath. The way we’re panting you’d think we ran out of a burning building, but it’s the invisible flames that are making us breathless, years of pent up passion, on my part anyway.

“Ace,” she moans, pushing me in by the small of my back and I go with it, settling myself deep inside her. She clenches her body over my dick and I groan.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I thrust into her again and again and lose myself in the bliss that is making love to Reese Westfield.

The words I love you beg to stream from my lips, but I don’t give them. I don’t dare ruin the moment.

This is heaven. Right here with Reese—the two of us together.

I’d like to think it was meant to be like this.

It is.





Head Over Heels





A groan strains from my vocal cords as Ace pants over me, quick and so beautifully dirty. His lids are partially closed as he glances at me. His lips widen into the idea of a smile.

“Reese.” He lands his hot mouth over mine as he continues to thrust himself inside me.

My body trembles with pleasure. Every part of me feels far more alive than I ever have before. I can’t imagine sharing this with anyone else—I wouldn’t want to. I thought this would finally satisfy my ache for Ace, but it only makes me want him more. It feels so natural to want to say those magical words that can change everything. But we’re far from I love you. My vocal cords beg to whisper something just as meaningful, but I put a clamp over my throat and refuse my heart the privilege. I have a feeling there’s no quicker way to end our prospective weeklong party than for a sober confessional in the middle of outrageous sex.

Ace reaches down and touches me right where his mouth was moments before and all of my wanting, my aches—every desire I’ve ever had for him pushes from me in a spasm so explosively beautiful I want the moment to last forever.

Ace trembles over my body right along with me, and it feels as if we’re expending ourselves, breaking down our bodies in one glorious fit—wringing our pleasure out from the inside without another inch to offer.

He collapses over me, his skin dewy with sweat as we try to catch our breath.

“Reese.” He washes my face in kisses, pausing at my lips while a soft laugh bubbles from me. “You’re fucking amazing.” He dives his tongue into my mouth, and delivers an achingly sweet kiss that make me dizzy all over again.

amazing.” I peck a kiss over the tip of his nose and take him in with his dark hair, his five o’clock shadow prickling over his cheeks. “So when can we do it again?”

Ace gurgles out a laugh. He rolls next to me and scoops me into his arms until my bottom is tucked into his stomach.

“Let’s catch our breath,” he whispers, pressing his lips over my ear, making my back arch with pleasure.

His fingers lock over mine, and I nuzzle into him still high off the charge from our heated exchange.

“Was that good for you?” I glance back, turning slightly to see his gorgeous dimples siren on and off.

“Hell yes that was
. Did you like it?”

“Nope.” I peck his lips with a kiss and his features melt. “I

“Good.” A smile ticks on his lips. “You scared me for a second.”

“I want to do things you haven’t done before.” I stroke his rough cheek with the back of my hand like petting a cat. “Is that possible?”

Ace glances out of the tent for a moment as if he was considering this, and I give a dark laugh.

“I didn’t think so.” It kills me to think that Ace has been with other girls—that he will be again one day.

“You’ll make everything better—everything already feels new.” He melts a kiss off my lips. “Plus, I’ve never done it in a tent before.”

“How about at the falls?” I’ll die if he says yes. I want to be the only one to ever share this with Ace.

“Nope, never at or in the falls.”

“Good. I call the falls.”

“Oh, you do, huh?” He tweaks my ribs a second.

“So you’ve done everything.” I glance down a moment. “I feel like a newborn, like a kitten.”

“A kitten?” He drizzles his lips over my neck. “How about I give you a couple of balls to play with to keep you busy.” He growls into my ear.

“I bet you will.” I wrap my arms around him until we’re facing one another. “Do you feel different about me?” Crap. What the hell is he supposed to say? You had me at that last orgasm? “I mean”—I’m not entirely sure what it is I mean—“do you think we can still be friends without all the weirdness we’ve just created?” Nice. Equate making love to him as
. That’ll go over well.


“No, you’re still weird to me.” He bumps his nose to mine, and, strangely, he still very much feels like regular old Ace. “I thought maybe one good roll in the tent would cure it but, nope.”

“Be quiet.” I swat him over the shoulder. “You’re still you.”

“And, you’re still you. Only now I know what the inside of you feels like.”

“What does it feel like?” The smile glides off my face in hopes he’ll say something profound that I could squeeze the fantasy that he might love me out of.

“It feels like home.” His chest vibrates over mine when he says it, and I melt in a puddle of everything I wish we could be. “Like I was made to be there.” His dark eyes drift over mine as if he were sad to say it. “I think this summer fling was the most brilliant idea you’ve ever had.”

Summer fling. Brilliant or tragic—only fall will tell. Speaking of fall, it’s coming all too soon.

“Hey”—I tap his bare ass, and a smile spikes on his face—“you ready for round two?”



I’m not sure whose bright idea it was that we don’t bother with clothes as we streak over to the falls, but I can’t stop giggling as we climb down the boulders disguised as shadows in this post-midnight world.

Ace takes my hand and guides me carefully down the jagged embankment. It’s not until we land at the base do I notice the metallic square in his mouth.

“I see you’re making every effort to try to protect me. I bite the metallic wrapper from his mouth and snap it between my fingers. “You’re always one step ahead. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And, trust me, I’d rather not use it, but I doubt you want to carry my child so soon in life.”

,” I tug at his chin a moment. “I’d love to populate the world with a million baby boys that look just like you.”

“And what if they were girls?”

“They’d better have your dimples—and your navy eyes. I’d let them get away with murder.” A hard protrusion grazes against my thigh. “Let’s get in the water before you get arrested, wielding that snake around like a weapon.”

“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” He scoops me in his arms and walks us to the ledge of the granite base where I used to dive in as a child. Come to think of it, the last time I swam here was with my mother.

“Three,” he says, sailing us off into the air. Gravity wraps her arms around us and sinks us into the cold mouth of the water as it swallows us whole. I pop up for air with a scream locked in my throat.

“You!” I splash a wall of water in his face, but he turns and deflects my efforts. “I’m going to get you.”

“I’m going to

He pulls me in by way of my cheeks, landing his fire-hot mouth over mine. Ace pulls back a moment, washing his gaze over my features.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Reese.” It streams from him as if it were the greatest tragedy.

“Thank you,” I say it dull, unsure of what the right answer might be. All I know is, right about now, my insides are throbbing to have him again. I hold up the condom in my hand, still wrapped in its shiny packaging. “You think this works underwater?” Not that I’d care. I’d have his babies if he let me, starting tonight. I’m on an Ace Waterman high and both the future and my uterus be damned.

“It’d better.” He takes it from me and swims us over to the rocks while biting the wrapper open.

“Here, let me.” I take it from him and secure it over his tip, carefully pressing down until it covers him like a slimy water balloon. “It barely fits. I think next time you should opt for the next size up.”

“There is no size up.” He lands in the water next to me while floating us directly under the soft flowing falls. “Reese”—he runs his heated kisses all over my face—“I want you to remember this always.” He pulls me up until my legs are wrapped around his waist.

I touch my forehead to his. “I promise you that every day I live, I’ll replay our time here at the falls.”

The sky explodes in a lime green ball of powder, followed by a barrage of errant fireworks that light up the night like demonic stars.

“Since this is your first time, having a girl at the falls”—I say it playfully—“I want to make sure
remember it.” I bite down on a smile as I guide him in. “Don’t let me hurt you.”

His chest thumps. “What if I want you to hurt me?” His dimples go off. The moon shines over him like a blessing, and my stomach singes just looking at him.

“Ask and you shall receive.” I fan my nails over his back like wings, and he takes in a breath through his teeth.

“Oh my, God! Did I hurt you?” I spike up in the water, effectively evicting him from my body in the process. Not only am I a novice, trying to pull some serious sadistic moves, but I’m lucky I didn’t pluck his penis off in the process.

Ace pulls his lips into a line. “You’ll have to try harder. But, first, I want you to reach down, and put it back in.”

“Yes, sir,” I say never taking my eyes from his.

Ace flutters his lids as I gently sink myself over him.

“Nice.” He moves us closer to the falls stealing molten kisses off my lips as we cut through the water. His fingers tighten over my waist and he thrusts himself in and out. I ride over his hips while the water sprays over my shoulders like a baptismal rite. I arch my head into the violent stream as my body jostles in rhythm to his.

Ace and I are making new memories, making moments I’m hoping we’ll both never forget. And if he tries, I might just have to lure him right back to the falls and remind him of the magic we once had—that we can have, forever.

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